Chapter 218 The Devourer of the Gods——

"Xianichiro, wake up..."


Genichiro, who was trapped in a magma hell and dodged around, suddenly felt his shoulders being shaken violently——

Then, under his body, a buoyant force suddenly appeared, leading him all the way up—passing through the layers of barriers attached to unconsciousness, subconsciousness, and memory, and finally opened his eyes in reality.

And the first thing he saw was the flustered faces of Kamado Tanjirou and Takeo.

Especially the former, not to mention the dusty clothes on his body, there is even a deep purple bruise on his neck, which should be a small pinch mark on the palm of his hand.

Seeing that Genichiro woke up smoothly, the two brothers suddenly turned their worries into joy: "You woke up! It's great."

"……Did something happen?"

Pressing his aching head, Genichiro straightened up, feeling a little hot at the tips of his fingers touching his forehead.

Overnight, Genichiro has stabilized his body temperature to 39 degrees.It probably won't go any lower.Only in this way can He Dao be turned on at any time, otherwise it will take a while to prepare every time, which will affect the battle too much.

At this moment, although he can't say that he is very uncomfortable, he is still somewhat uncomfortable.

"Huh?" Feeling the bright moonlight behind him, Genichiro realized that he was not in the house, and hurriedly asked, "Why am I here?"

"In short, when you were unconscious, Genichiro, a ghost attacked us."

Tanjiro tried his best to describe the most important thing in simple language, "Miss Shinobu saved everyone, but..."


Hearing this word, Genichiro immediately stood up.

At this time, he saw the huge half-dead flesh spider in the open space, half of its body had obvious signs of corruption, and it emitted a stench as if it had been splashed with sulfuric acid.

But only the piercing face on the side of the body is still fighting against the toxin.

And among the dozens of eyes on the ugly face of the spider, Genichiro saw the two largest of them, with the words "Shangxian" and "四" written on them respectively.

Winding Four?

what happened?

Genichiro was a little confused.

"If there is a winding ghost coming, how can I not feel threatened?"

"Besides, since the ghost has been dealt with to this extent, why not kill it directly?"

He was puzzled.

"This ghost's blood ghost technique is to make people dream, except for Miss Shinobu and me, everyone was brought into a nightmare.

"It wasn't until Miss Ninja severely injured the ghost that Mom, Dad and Nezuko woke up from the blood ghost technique. You, Genichiro, were the last to wake up because of your body."

Tanjiro explained, "It should be because of the high fever."

"Yeah, I still remember that in the dream, Brother Genichiro has been protecting us from the monster that grandma turned into. It's really a terrible dream."

Takeo said, "But in the end you fell into the lava and stopped talking, and the rest of us were woken up."

Genichiro thought for a while, and felt that he had some impressions of what Takeo said. Although he couldn't remember clearly, his body still felt scared.

No matter what he experienced in the dream, it was definitely a very scary scene.

"How about the others?"

Xianichiro asked, "What about your parents, and Butterfly Shinobu? Was she injured?"

This should be the first time Butterfly Ninja has dealt with Shangxian Ghost independently, right?
"Miss Kanae told mom and Nezuko to go back to the room first."

Tanjiro suddenly lowered his head and pointed to the direction of the woods, "Father went there with the members of the Demon Slayer Squad. Shinobu-san is in very bad condition..."

As soon as he heard "the situation is not good" and that Kanae has also arrived here, Genichiro stopped asking and led the two of them towards that direction.

When passing by the body of the flesh spider, Tanjiro saw a blue Japanese sword pierced in the heart of the ghost, with the word "evil ghost killing" engraved on the top of the knife.

It was the knife of the water column, which made this weak ghost completely immobile, which should be a precautionary measure.

"Is Tomioka Yoshiyuki here too?"

However, Genichiro was still a little worried.Although it is not clear why they did not kill, there must be a reason for it.But just to be on the safe side, Genichiro still pulled out the Sun Spear from the shadow, and then his body rose into the air, from top to bottom, and slammed the spear head into the huge Oni's body, completely nailing it here.

To Genichiro's surprise, the scream that followed his blow did not come from the ghost itself, but from the direction Tanjiro was pointing earlier.

Also, that voice sounded familiar.

"Is it Butterfly Ninja?!"

Genichiro frowned, and disappeared on the spot with a bang, the resulting air wave almost overturned Tanjiro and Takeo.

After stabilizing their bodies, they looked at each other and hurriedly chased in that direction.

Xianichiro moved quickly, and soon came to the source of the sound - a mahogany forest surrounded by shimen ropes, which should be the place where the Zaomen family worshiped the Vulcan.

At this moment, Sakonji Ryotaki, Kanae Butterfly, and Tanjuro Kamado, all wearing Tengu masks, stared helplessly at Shinobi who was tied to the tree.

"What are you doing?"

Genichiro didn't understand, just passed out once, what happened here?
Why did Butterfly Ninja make such a shrill scream when attacking the ghost's body?

Why did these few people tie up Butterfly Ninja who saved everyone's life.

But when he approached, the butterfly on the tree suddenly opened a pair of red eyes, wrinkled its nose and snarled at him like a beast.

"How is this going?"

He came to Butterfly Kanae, and felt a strong hostility from Butterfly Shinobu's expression, and the other party was obviously in a state of madness with red eyes.

But the problem is, Genichiro remembers very clearly that none of the medicines he provided to the Ghost Killing Team can make people get red-eyed Chi Chengzhu.

After all, not everyone has the stamina to maintain self-awareness under the influence of Chi Chengzhu or Chang Ruo slag.

"Senichiro, you're awake."

Kanae didn't smile this time, but had a serious face.

"It's not clear exactly what's going on. It's just that when we got here, we saw Xiao Ren, she almost strangled the child to death..."

Genichiro opened his eyes wide: "What?!"

So that's how the mark on Tanjiro's neck came about.

"We stepped forward to stop it, but Shinobu didn't seem to know us, and just kept attacking madly."

Kanae paused, her eyes gradually turned red, "In the end, Mr. Rinaki had to use violence to subdue her."

"We don't know what happened to Shinobu...she didn't become a ghost, and the wisteria flower didn't work on her either."

"Originally, we thought it was the ghost's blood ghost technique and wanted to kill it, but just after cutting it up, it was Xiaoren who screamed, as if she was the one who was injured."

"Later Tanjiro told us that it was the human face on the side of the ghost's body that spit out a black mass and got into Shinobu's head..."

Having said that, Kanae's voice trembled for me, "We really don't know what to do."

"It wasn't until Tanjuro-san asked us to bring her here that Shinobu calmed down a little."

At this time, Tanjuro explained in a timely manner: "This is the place where the ancestors of the Zaomen family worshiped Kagutsuchi, the god of fire, and it has the effect of warding off evil spirits."

"I see."

Genichiro nodded, then fell into deep thought.

It was Butterfly Ninja who cried out for the pain when he chopped that ghost.

Coupled with the saying that "a black thing got into Butterfly Ninja's mind"...

Why is it a bit like the "evil possession" in folklore?
"let me see."

Genichiro entered a transparent state and scanned Butterfly Shinobu's brain with his eyes, but he didn't see anything "black".Lacking a basic understanding of brain science, he doesn't know what the different regions mean. He only knows that the brainstem of Butterfly Ninja is far more active than other places.

It seems that there is only one way to observe.

"Spirit Vision..."

However, at the moment when he opened his third eye, Genichiro's expression suddenly became solemn.

Through his spiritual vision, he could clearly see that Butterfly Shinobi's brain was actually covered by a thin layer of black mist.

And the way the black mist shrouded it was so familiar no matter how you looked at it... It was like some kind of buff.

Coupled with that prominent red eye feature——

He couldn't help but have some bad associations.

"Senichiro, what's wrong?"

The three of them found that his reaction was wrong, and immediately asked worriedly, for fear that there might be some problems.

"That dark thing..."

Xianichiro asked word by word, "How much do you know?"

"We have looked for it, although we didn't find it in the ghost's body, but..."

Sakaki Taki and Butterfly Kanae looked at each other for the first time, "We found something that might be similar on the body of this ghost's previous victim before."

"The previous victim?"

"Yes, a firework merchant named Kasa and Goro."

Butterfly Kanae said as she took out a vial filled with black slime from her pocket.

"He came here yesterday and took away a blue Bana flower, which should be the reason why the ghost came here. He killed several people last night, but he can still communicate, but Xiaoren's state..."

"give me."

Genichiro held the vial in his hand with a somewhat impatient expression, and shook it vigorously, and found that the liquid was very viscous, and hardly shook along with the bottle.

"But don't be the one I thought of."

He walked to a place in the woods where the moonlight could shine, and took out a bottle of foreign liquor prepared for Masako Guiting from the shadow.

"Xianichiro, what are you..." The three of them were very strange, not knowing exactly what Xianichiro was going to do.

Then they saw that Genichiro cut off the neck of the glass wine bottle with his fingers, and then connected the mouth of the vial to the opening of the wine bottle, carefully dripping a drop of black liquid into it.

Unlike ink, this black liquid didn't smudge and mix with water!

Instead... it sank directly!
This is a substance that does not dissolve in water!

"..." Butterfly Kanae noticed that a dense layer of goose bumps suddenly appeared on Genichiro's bare arms.

Genichiro... is he afraid?

However, Genichiro didn't say a word at this time, his jaw was tense, and he continued to pour all the smelly liquid into the wine.

The black sediment began to gather as if consciously——

In the end, the shape of... an unformed human being was formed! Like an embryo that is bent but not yet curled up.

Tanjiro, who had just arrived with Takeo, and Ryodaki Sakonji, who had an equally keen sense of smell, both experienced a horror so thick that even they could empathize with it.And the source of this fear was none other than Genichiro, who was squatting on the ground with a small bottle in his hand and his body was chilling.

How could it be such a thing?

Genichiro's eyes were full of disbelief.

He was all too familiar with this humanoid substance that sank at the bottom of the wine bottle.

That is the oath item of the deep sage Eldridge in "Dark Soul 3", the deposit of the human heart.

【No matter how deep things are, they will pale in comparison.Legend has it that one day, it will become the shackles of the whole world. 】

This is the description of the sediment of the human heart, and an essential part of the abyss, which is darker than the abyss.The abyss just makes people yearn for the soul, but the deepness makes people yearn for the flesh and blood of others...

The so-called precipitation is the materialization of the darkest and deepest desires in the human heart—survival, eating, competition, and possession.It can infinitely magnify people's instincts, deprive them of all acquired morality and upbringing, and only serve their own survival desires.

It was a kind of thing that corrupted Eldridge, the sage of Baijiao, into a terrifying thing that relied on cannibalism to obtain the qualification to survive in the last days!
Eldridge eats the living, grows from the desperation of food, and finally evolves into a devourer of gods - the shadow sun Gwyndolin with the power of moonlight.

In order to survive, as a salary king, he can do any kind of evil deeds that are not accepted by the world.

At this moment, Genichiro finally understood Bianwaka Miko's words.

"The power of Muma Onimiya Tsuji does not come from this world itself."

"He is not your real enemy."

These two sentences sounded a little cloudy before, but now, everything is explained.

On the one hand, Muma Tsuji and Eldridge are also cannibals.

It is also for the simple reason of survival that it will do whatever it takes.They also have the ability to corrupt others.

On the other hand, Gwendolin, the god of the dark moon who was eaten by Eldridge, had his subordinates named "Sword of the Dark Moon", and Guiwu Tsuji often compared himself to God, and the most important subordinates were named "Sword of the Dark Moon". "Crescent" to name.

Suddenly, it all made sense.

A wry smile appeared on Genichiro's face.

So, is this the real purpose of sending me to this world?Let a person who does not belong to this world destroy another thing that does not belong to this world?

"Senichiro, you..."

Butterfly Chana Hui saw that his mood was not stable, and asked with concern, "What's wrong with you? Ah, why are you so hot..."

"Let's not talk about this..."

Genichiro stood up and took a long breath to calm down.

"This black thing must be destroyed. It is dangerous."

He didn't explain much and couldn't explain it.

"However, we tried it with wisteria flowers, and the sun wheel knife didn't respond to this thing, so I don't think it's just a product of blood ghost art."

Butterfly Chanel paused, "It's like a substance that was born from the human body."

"...Ha," Genichiro sighed, "Suddenly remembered the book that Kuro read before, and there was a sentence in it."

"It's not that the darkness cannot be dispelled, but that the sunlight is not dazzling enough."

As he said that, he took out the Vajra Iron Flowing Cloud, and according to the feeling last night, poured the energy generated by the sun's breath directly into the knife through the veins in his arm.

Tie Liuyun's original dark golden blade turned red inch by inch.

When the blazing blade full of sunlight came into contact with the human-shaped sediment at the bottom of the wine bottle, the latter struggled immediately, and then turned into ashes in the burning wine.

"He Knife?!" Rinaki Sakonji and Butterfly Kanae didn't know about Genichiro's progress yesterday, and there was a look of hope in their eyes.

Since He Dao can destroy the black substance, then Xiaoren...

"Now is not the time to be excited."

Genichiro looked at Butterfly Shinobu, who was tied to the tree with red eyes, "I must let her regain some sanity first, and force that thing out!"

As he spoke, he put the second joint of the ring finger of his prosthetic hand into his mouth.

That is the prosthetic ninja tool that has been upgraded to the top-crybaby's finger whistle.

As a melodious and ethereal whistle sounded in the forest, the butterfly struggled like crazy, shaking its head desperately, its red eyes dragging the frantic light!

The second whistle sounded, and she let out a beast-like roar from her throat, and then repeatedly hit the tree trunk with the back of her head.

"Don't let her keep bumping!"

After Genichiro finished speaking, he blew his whistle for the third time, but even the combination of Ryodaki Sakonji and Butterfly Kanae couldn't stop Butterfly Ren.

At this moment, Tanjiro gritted his teeth, and suddenly took two steps towards the run-up and took off suddenly. When his body fell, a head hammer hit Butterfly Shinobu on the head.

"Miss Shinobi, wake up!"


At the same time Tanjirou fell to the ground, Butterfly Shinobu also calmed down and closed his eyes, Ryodaki Sakinji and Butterfly Kanae took two steps back at the same time, only to see——

A strand of blood slipped from Butterfly Shinobi's hair.

But he didn't have to worry about it before, Die Die's eyes opened again, and the red light inside faded a lot...

Seeing Butterfly Kanae in front of her, Butterfly Shinobu burst into tears.

"elder sister--

"My head—it really hurts!"

(End of this chapter)

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