Sauichiro: rebuilding Ashina from the obliteration of the pillar

Chapter 23 The first guest is actually a ghost

Chapter 23 The first guest is actually a ghost

"I understand that keeping the chickens here will scare the guests, but why send them to the zoo?"

Genichiro asked.

He has been cramming modern nouns for the past few days, and he only has the most basic understanding of the meaning of words in the zoo. He knows that some rare animals will be exhibited there, but he doesn't quite understand the meaning of Anayama's intention to do so.

Are Weiming's chickens rare?

Anayama let out a smirk.

"Master Xianichiro has been staying in Weiming, and has never seen chickens from other places. The crowing roosters raised in ordinary people's homes are at most higher than my knees."

"So, Wei Ming's chicken is very special?"

Genichiro raised his eyebrows, perhaps because he has a child's body and his brain is not very mature.When it comes to Wei Ming's uniqueness, he can't help but feel proud.

Very childish, but also very easy to please.

Masayuki Oribe on the side nodded, agreeing with Anayama's statement.

"That's true. When attacking Hirata's house, one of my companions was accidentally injured by a free-range chicken in the yard, and his combat ability was damaged. Just as the adults sent him to stay and rest at the three-storied tower, but later Never seen again."

【That's because his body was thrown into the river by wolves. 】

Genichiro complained in his heart.

[However, since the sneak attack hurt Gu Yingzhong, it seems that the teacher's move of placing chickens around Wei Ming was indeed a very clever move. 】

He couldn't help but think of the game where musketeers and archers can be dealt with with two shuriken shots, but chickens need three to four shots.

People are really inferior to chickens!
However, when he heard Oribe Masayuki mentioning the Hirata family, Genichiro subconsciously looked back at Kuro, and found that although he was sad, he still restrained himself as always, but tried his best not to look in the direction of Oribe Masayuki.

Masahiro Guyingzhong Oribe also realized this, and immediately kept silent.

Anayama indicated the height of the chicken with his hands, and added: " was the first time I saw a chicken that was about the size of a human. .”

"So, if we want to send those three chickens to the zoo, many people will definitely come to visit! At that time, I will say that they are our Weiming's unique breed, and the name will be called Weiming Chicken!"

"Master Genichiro, what do you think of this method?"

Anayama asked excitedly, obviously thinking that his idea was great.

Just as Genichiro was still unable to make a decision and was hesitating, Shinichi Sase, who was at the side, suddenly spoke.

"Master Xianichiro, I don't think it's enough to send these three chickens to the zoo. If you want to take this opportunity to make Wei Ming famous, you can make a fuss from other places."

"Oh?" Genichiro became interested.

"Tell me in detail."

Genichiro felt that this black-clothed hawk was really a talent buried by Wei Ming. In less than ten days, he had already understood almost all Japanese history after the Warring States Period. He even learned simple foreign languages ​​and made friends with foreigners. friend.

At a time when talents are scarce, he is a person who can serve as a think tank.

"You may know that a major event has happened internationally recently."

"The newspaper headline the day before yesterday said that the great hero of the Japanese Restoration, former Prime Minister Ito Hirobumi, was assassinated by a North Korean killer while negotiating with the Russians about North Korea."

The rest of the people looked at each other, Oribe Masayuki said directly: "It's such a big deal, everyone knows, but what does it have to do with chickens?"

"Of course there is."

Sase Shin smiled.

"Because of this incident, tens of thousands of people gathered in the park in Tokyo in the past two days, demanding that the cabinet government dispose of or expel all the Russians and Koreans who stayed in Japan. It can be said that the Japanese are currently hostile to foreign countries. , just like we did to the Inner Palace back then."

Oribe Masayuki snorted coldly and didn't speak.

"When I passed the Ueno Zoo before, I heard many people suggest that even if foreigners cannot be dealt with, at least all animals from Russia and North Korea should be executed to express their anger."

Genichiro shook his head speechlessly.

"It's just a joke to vent your anger in vain."

"But anger can be exploited by us."

Sase Nobuichi pointed to the black chicken drinking water in the distance.

"Although it is ridiculous for people to kill animals, if our Weiming chickens do it, it will turn from a joke to an anecdote."

Xianichiro's eyes lit up, "Continue talking."

"Today Japan is desperate to prove that it can stand shoulder to shoulder with the great powers, it is impatient to find a place at home that can match foreigners."

"This is true in all aspects of religion, art, and even history, and they have made achievements. But in terms of animals, Japan has nothing comparable to large animals such as polar bears and ostriches. At most, we can only find some rare birds. .”

"But if our chickens can kill a few wild beasts from the West in public under the right circumstances, then the Japanese officials and the public will hold on to it like a drowning man grasping straw on the water, because This just proves that Japan is also comparable to Westerners in this respect."

"And we just need to make an accident, let those beasts lose control, shoot at the tourists, and then let the Weiming Chicken appear on the stage to solve the matter smoothly."

"At that time, various newspapers will definitely rush to report on the Weiming chicken, and it may spread to foreign countries. The reputation you want, Mr. Genichiro, will naturally be within your grasp."

After Sasase Shinichi finished speaking, there was a sudden silence on the bridge.

Jiulang lowered his head, probably calculating how many people might be killed if the beast was released as planned.

Genichiro carefully considered the feasibility.

After a long time, Xueshan suddenly exclaimed loudly: "It's amazing! It's a brilliant idea!"

"A good idea." Oribe Masayuki commented lightly, but he didn't expect that he was not as wise as a country ninja.

"There are not as many poor monks as there are benefactors." Dao Shen of Xianfeng Temple clapped his hands together and praised.

Seeing that everyone basically agreed, Xianichiro agreed: "Okay, since you already have a detailed plan, let's do as you said. Is there anything else I need to do?"

"To complete this plan, the subordinates need to borrow Senichiro-sama's whistle and Oribe Masayuki."

The finger whistle is the unique ninja tool of the crying ghost, the buddha carving master's young partner. Blowing the whistle can cause animals to go crazy and attack each other regardless of enemy or friend.

Before that, Genichiro didn't know what the whistle was for, after all he didn't have a prosthetic hand.

But now it seems that this thing has miraculous effects in unexpected places!As long as the ninja undid the cage of the zoo and blew the whistle, the scene would be very chaotic.

Genichiro took out the whistle from his belt and handed it to Sase Shinichi, "Then what do you need Oribe for?"

Nobuichi Zuase showed a triumphant smile: "I know Gu Yingzhong can train ninja dogs, but I don't know if they can train ninja chickens."

Oribe Masayuki rolled his eyes at him: "I can try."

"Okay, I'll leave this matter to you guys. Anayama is in charge of contacting the people in the zoo to let the three chickens enter the exhibition area as soon as possible; the two of you are in charge of releasing the animals. We are safe here, with Master Dao Shen One person is enough."

Dao Shen also put his hands together and nodded, he can still do ordinary security work, the biggest threat here in Yoshihara is hooligans and the like, they can be beaten to see the Buddha with one punch.

After Xianichiro made the arrangements, he remembered what Kuro had said to him before, and quickly added: "Remember to control the situation, it is best not to die, understand?"



Noon the next day.

Ashina's Luminous Dim Sum shop officially opened.

Since Anayama and the two ninjas were absent, there were only three people in the store, and the two people hired by Anayama before went to support Anayama.

But maybe they were unlucky. It had been almost two or three hours since the door was opened, but no one had come to the door.

This may have something to do with Yoshihara being more lively at night.

In the end, there was still no one to wait for, so there was only Jiulang behind the counter in the facade room, developing dim sum with five-color rice.

As for Xianichiro, he and Dao Shen learned the kowtowing combo boxing of Xianfeng Temple in the open space of the pond in the backyard.

Practicing boxing in Xianfeng Temple is like reciting Buddha's name in the Pure Land School and reciting mantras in the Tantric School for the purpose of accumulating merit.In other words, using or practicing Xianfeng Temple Boxing is also a kind of Buddhist deed.

It's just that as the Xianfeng Temple collectively began to study immortality, this Buddhist work was delayed, so that in the huge Xianfeng Temple, even a monk who could meet the feet of Xianfeng could not be found.

But fortunately, as far as boxing is concerned, as a boxer, Dao Shen is quite proficient.

"When practicing boxing, you should visualize that the Buddha's enemy is right in front of you. Every punch, palm and elbow is to subdue his heart, not because he wants to hurt others."

After Dao Shen finished speaking, he put on a calm look, as if he was going to stand still.

However, in the next second, his body was pushed forward like a landslide, and the air was rippling because of this sudden attack.

Genichiro could almost imagine the enemy being hit in the heart by this elbow.

However, this elbow was just the beginning. Dao Shen then changed hands to catch up with a pushing palm, and slapped the previous elbow hard again with the firm heel of his palm, and finally used the powerful iron mountain to complete a three-stroke Duan kowtows to Combo Fist · Fumo.

It seems complicated, but when it is used, it is just three muffled bangs next to each other.

Genichiro knew that although this move in the game did no harm and could only slightly increase the torso bar, if an ordinary person was hit three times in a row, the sternum would have pierced the heart and died suddenly.

You said that such a ruthless boxing technique is just to "tune his heart"?
[This group of monks is really black from hands to hearts. 】

Genichiro had a cold face on the surface, but an unknown mode of making complaints started in his heart.

To be honest, these three movements are not difficult in themselves. For Genichiro who can master Balu's complex swordsmanship, it is not difficult at all to just reproduce the movements themselves.

The difficulty lies in Xianfeng Temple's unique way of exerting force and physical fitness.Even an adult Genichiro couldn't achieve the same effect with the same movements.

Back then, it was not that Wei Ming Yixin did not learn from Xianfeng Temple, but he just developed a special grappling technique with this method of exerting force.After all, the palms and arms of ordinary people cannot withstand such continuous exertion.

To temper one's hands and feet to the level of steel, to be able to match the blade, this is the strength of Xianfeng Temple Boxing.

Wei Ming used knives mostly, and it was impossible to damage the sensitivity of his palms just to practice boxing.

As for Gu Yingzhong, it was also because they needed to use knives, so they only learned the kicks of Xianfeng Temple.Among them, the most powerful legs are called Taisaozu and Gunzu, which means, "you can use your legs as Taisao and spears."

"Master Xianichiro, don't worry. If you want your hands and feet to be as hard as iron, you must go through years of training and use Buddhist secret techniques to make it happen."

"What you need most right now is to strengthen your body and stimulate your body's potential. Just make some sandbag rakes and do some hitting training. My boxing at Xianfeng Temple can accumulate merit, and merit will naturally nourish people body of."

Genichiro nodded suspiciously.

[According to this statement, as long as I keep practicing kowtow combo boxing, my body will naturally become stronger? 】

[Forget it, try it and you will know. 】

Ever since, Genichiro started training in the yard facing the air, while Monk Dao Shen silently returned to the front shop and started making desserts with Kuro.

Finally, I was lucky enough to meet the legendary Son of God, but I didn't expect such a scene.But unexpectedly, Jiulang was familiar with the scriptures, and was quite familiar with Zen koans.Although Dao Shen is a monk of Tantric Buddhism, the two chatted happily.

Gradually, when the evening came, the sky had turned dark blue, the sun could no longer shine inside Yoshihara, and there were more men coming and going outside the door, and the laughter of men and women could be heard everywhere.

However, there was not a single customer who entered the dim sum shop.

Kuro looked at more than 200 dim sums of various kinds in front of him, and felt a little frustrated.

Although there are five-color rice, the dim sum is almost free, and Genichiro is also rich, so he doesn't care if he can't sell it.

But it's a pity that no one eats the things that are made.

But if you think about it carefully, who came to a place like Yoshiwara to eat?
However, at this moment, a pair of tall clogs stepped into the threshold.

Jiulang looked intently, and it turned out to be a pale and beautiful woman who walked into the shop with two little girls accompanying her.

Although the woman's face was covered by white powder, just looking at the shape of the facial features was enough to make some shy men dizzy.Her dress is between contemporary and ancient Japanese women, with three rows of symmetrical buns tied behind her hair, which looks quite dignified and somewhat unattainable.

But looking at her features and eyes, there is a kind of condescending provocation and seduction, which seems to imply that men, with her, everything is possible, but they will definitely pay a high price.

Kuro was still young, so he couldn't feel anything.But the monk Dao Shen, who once devoted himself to the study of immortality, also took a look at her and lowered his head, chanting the name of Avalokitesvara in a low voice.

After all, there is a saying in the general sect that if you often recite and respect Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, you will be free from desire.

"Miss Fern Ji."

Just when the beauty was about to speak, the little girl next to her suddenly pointed to the shiny peony cake on the counter and said, "Look, that cake really shines!"

Then, Xian Yilang, who was boxing in the yard, suddenly received a message.

[The prestige value from the sixth chapter of the first string - Fallen Princess is increased by 500]


(End of this chapter)

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