Chapter 230

In the study room, Ghost Dance Tsuji Wucan is walking towards Zhushi step by step.The light of hope in the latter's eyes became more and more suppressed.

As long as Kimai Tsuji wants to absorb her, there must be physical contact——

But whether he used his arm to turn into a giant snake to devour her from a few meters away, or used his body to absorb her directly, there was a huge gap between the two.

The closer Gui Wu Tsuji Mucanna was to Zhu Shi, the less chance he would escape.

So Zhu Shi put on a dejected look, didn't mean to speak, and just waited for Gui Wu Tsuji to come over to show off his power after his swelling.

"Are you scared and stupid? Or have you been so angry that you can't speak because I took away the hard-earned gains?"

Oni Wu Tsuji stopped about one meter in front of Zhu Shi, and his body bones changed rapidly, gradually transforming himself into a seemingly gentle man.

And this is exactly what he looked like when he pretended to be a doctor and treated the terminally ill Zhu Shi.

That was the time when he tricked Zhu Shi into kneeling down and begging to drink the ghost king's blood.A few days later, Zhu Shi, who became mad because of turning into a ghost, killed her husband and child...

Seeing this scene now, Zhu Shi's purple dreamy eyes suddenly gave birth to a pair of vertical pupils, and the cracks similar to Guiwu Tsuji's were instantly filled with bloodshot eyeballs.

All the painful memories buried deep in my heart seemed to be pierced by a sharp fishhook, abruptly turned out of the bottomless heart lake, and the calm water began to boil, as if born from ancient times The hatred gradually spread.

Zhu Shi gritted his teeth and said, "You lied to me——"

Her voice was like rocks in hell squeezing each other, wishing to crush the person in front of her into powder.

"You really know how to beat back."

Wucan smiled and asked, "You want to survive, don't I satisfy you?"

"But you didn't tell me that blood will turn me into a monster!" Zhu Shi roared angrily, "I just want to watch the child grow up, but you made me kill him!"

"You are a doctor, don't you know that medicine will have side effects? I just didn't tell you what will happen..."

Seeing the tears and uncontrollable anger in Zhu Shi's eyes, Oni Wu Tsuji felt a strong pleasure.

For more than 400 years, the shame and anguish that I didn't even want to recall, finally vented in this woman's cry.

"But to be honest, it wasn't because of how good your medical skills were that turned you into a ghost in the first place.

In order to make Zhu Shi even more desperate, Gui Wu Tsuji took two steps forward, put his mouth directly next to Zhu Shi's ear and said softly: "I just want to see, wait for you, as a mother, to express your deep love one bite at a time. What kind of expression will your child have after waking up after eating it?

"As long as you think about these four or five hundred years, you haven't been able to forgive yourself, and you have to live as a ghost to experience the guilt and pain of being a human being..."

He pulled his head back, and from a distance of five centimeters, he stared playfully at Zhu Shi's eyes that were very similar to his own, full of tyrannical emotions.

"I just wanted to laugh out loud."

As he spoke, he stretched out a finger and cut open the blood vessels in Zhu Shi's neck with his sharp nails, carefully distinguishing the difference between this smell and his own blood.

In his mind, the blue Bana flower that Zhu Shi took could make ghosts overcome sunlight, and it would probably be directly reflected in blood components.However, what puzzled him was that Zhu Shi's blood was not as intoxicating as imagined.

On the contrary, the blood had a vague sense of ominousness, like some kind of potential evil disease - only those humans suffering from infectious diseases would give him this feeling.

Although it is okay for him to eat it as a ghost, Wu Mi has always stayed away from unclean food.

But having said that, maybe this is the smell of blue Bianhua, after all, it is a kind of flower that blooms on the grave, so it is normal to smell bad.

The sun in the temple at the side saw this scene, and immediately understood Wu Mi's concerns, so he said: "I have tried the vampire technique just now, and she is indeed immune to sunlight, and there is not even a little erythema on the surface of the skin."

"Is that so..."

Hearing the assurance from the sun in the temple, the last worry about stopping Oni Wu Tsuji Wumi from proceeding to the next step was also dispelled.

"I'm really curious. If Ji Guoyuan knew that it was the ghost he let go on purpose that made me completely transform into a living god without weaknesses, what kind of expression would he have?"

Guiwu Tsuji Wucan lightly stroked the hair on both sides of Zhushi with both hands, but if you observe carefully, you will find that Zhushi's hair has begun to blend into his skin and flesh and blood.

Before you know it, the absorption has already begun.

"Not to mention after absorbing you, even the me now is far better than before."

"Even if it's a knife that's as red as a branding iron, don't try to do anything to me..."

Oni Wu Tsuji said more and more proudly, "When you are solved, what ghost killing team, what Wei Ming, what ghost hunting investigation team... I want to turn them all into ghosts, let them experience what you have experienced Experience, eat your companions and comrades in arms, and see how many people like you are willing to remember everything."

"Then try it."

Zhu Shi said suddenly.


Oni Wu Tsuji Wumi exerted a little force and poked his finger into Zhu Shi's head, intending to absorb Zhu Shi's memory first.

He raised the corner of his mouth in disdain, "Could it be that there is a second ending waiting for them?"

"There is only one ending."

Suddenly, Zhu Shi laughed ferociously, and the malice in that smile was as piercing as the cold wind in Antarctica.

"This ending has already been written since you rashly put your hand in!"

The moment her words fell, a pale blue light suddenly appeared in her eyes!
Guiwu Tsuji Wucan immediately sensed that something was wrong.

Although he didn't know what conspiracy and tricks this woman was up to, his survival instinct told him that he must quickly get his hands out of Zhu Shi's head!
However, he failed to do it!
Instead, some kind of power in my body is constantly rushing towards the opponent along the blood vessels in my arm!

The sun in the temple could see more clearly—the moment Zhu Shi's eyes lit up, the word "Nian Ji" appeared in light blue on the surface of Guiwu Tsuji's body!
If the wolf is here, he will understand what exactly happened to Gui Wu Tsuji Wumi——

His life essence, that is, life span, is being crazily absorbed by Zhu Shi!

It's like when a wolf enters Yuanzhi Palace for the first time and meets those nobles playing the flute.

It turned out that after being absorbed by Zhushi, the blue Bianhua that survived the cultivation of fat wax tumors also endowed the nobles of Zhushi Yuanzhi Palace with the ability to steal other people's lives—and in essence, this is Yinglong's The ability is more insidious and subtle than Oni Wu Tsuji's cannibalism.

The nobles of the Yuanzhi Palace can turn a man in his prime into a shambling white-haired old man in just two seconds just by looking at him.

Then, Gui Wu Tsuji is now in contact with Zhu Shi at a negative distance, and his lifespan is desperately passing by at a speed of 600 years per second!
Seeing this change, the sun in the temple on the side immediately mobilized the moonlight collected in his body to attack Zhushi——

But the latter is even immune to the sun, so naturally he doesn't care about it, he just tries his best to grab the life essence of Oni Wu Tsuji!

Take life!Just like what Onimai Tsuji Mucan usually does to humans!

For the first time after becoming a ghost, Oni Wu Tsuji felt the weakness brought about by the passage of time—even the mimesis could not continue, the hair gradually became pale, and sharp mouthparts grew from the joints of the body.

Gui Wu Tsuji Wu Mi, revealing his own appearance.

But because the strength of his whole body was rushing towards Zhushi like a torrent, no matter how he struggled, he couldn't escape.

"Let go! Let go of me! Let go of me!!!"

Oni Wu Tsuji was wailing hysterically, no longer in the mood of posturing in the past, the sound of fear finally aroused the idea of ​​Yu Sui and his son who were guarding the gate downstairs.

And Zhu Shi also felt some pain in his head, he should have absorbed the opponent's vitality to the limit.

On the other hand, Gui Wu Tsuji Wu Mi, in just a dozen seconds, even faint wrinkles appeared on the corners of his mouth!

He actually became old!

But this is the limit of weakness that Zhu Shi can make Oni Wu Tsuji reach!

At the same time that Zhu Shi stopped absorbing his life span, he yelled out a name that Kiwu Tsuji couldn't believe!

"Naruto girl!"

In extreme panic, Onimai Tsuji opened his eyes wide in disbelief.

Naruto, isn't she dead?
Obviously, her memories before she died have all come back!
There's no way she's still alive!

In a panic, Oni Wu Tsuji finally pulled out his hands from Zhu Shi's skull, and wanted to get out of place immediately.

But his reaction speed is far from usual.

The familiar sound of the piano sounded immediately.


Before Gui Wu Tsuji could move, the scenery in front of him changed—the familiar infinite city disappeared in a flash, and he saw Naruto holding a pipa, smiling at him like a blessing—but the next second , his body fell from mid-air again, hitting a snow-covered hillside!

This is where?

Guiwu Tsuji's brain was running fast, but the night weather still gave him a sense of security!

He thought that Naruto would throw him into the mouth of Mount Aso!As a result, he was just thrown on an ordinary mountain?

With no time to think about why Naruto was still alive, Oni Wu Tsuji felt a little lucky, and didn't even have time to wonder if he had fallen into a trap.

So, the moment he fell to the ground.


After a terrifying loud noise, the entire mountain was surrounded by terrifying waves of flames, and the terrifying explosion sound spread out, waking up even the sleeping people in Tokyo.Everyone looked in the direction of Mount Kuntori (the mountain where Tanjiro's family is located) in the distance in horror, thinking it was another Momoyama incident.

They didn't know that, in order to give Gui Wu Tsuji a bad start, Genichiro relied on the storage ability of the shadow to loot half of the Toyo powder magazine, which was enough to blow up the entire mountain.

However, excluding these uninformed people, Ghost Dance Tsuji Wumi, who was already bloody and had been pierced by countless sun disk iron pieces, was also at a loss!
He looked at the gunpowder smoke around him in a daze, his heart was cold, and he didn't know what was going on!

An explosion of this scale was clearly designed!is a trap!
Zhu Shi, what exactly does she want to do?
Was she really being hunted down by the Ghost Slayer Squad and Wei Ming?
Where did she get so many Japanese irons?

Oni Wu Tsuji's mind was in a mess, but he was deprived of a lot of life essence by Zhu Shi, and his recovery ability was far worse than before.Even though the ordinary sun iron can't cause any special damage to him, his recovery speed is still only half of the usual!
But at this moment, amidst the smoke that obscured his sight, there was a sudden burst of violent wind.

Oni Wu Tsuji was suddenly alert and looked towards the source of the sound.

A meteor hammer covered with iron thorns was already facing his face!

But this is not the scariest...

What really frightened Onimai Tsuji was the crimson color of the meteor hammer.

The He knife is probably the only weapon that can work against him at present!
Moreover, the owner of this iron ball, which he had seen in the memories of some ghosts before they died, was definitely the rock pillar of the ghost killing team!That man was blind, and he was perfect for this smoky battlefield.

Ghost Killing Squad!Ghost Killing Squad!
That traitor in Zhu Shi actually joined forces with the Ghost Killing Squad!
Guiwu Tsuji gritted his teeth tightly, and before he had time to think, he stopped recovering from his injuries, and at the same time, four whip tubes emerged from his back to meet them like lightning, deflecting the direction of the iron ball head-on, and escaped being caught What happened to the choppy head.

However, to his relief, those whips were not directly ignited when facing He Dao like they were facing Ji Guoyuanyi, but there were some scorched marks.

This shows that at least his year of sunshine adaptation training has been effective!

However, before he had time to be happy, another whirlwind blew beside him.A somewhat familiar face appeared in front of Oni Wu Tsuji.

"It's you?"

Oni Wu Tsuji Wuyou immediately recognized the person who came, it was Immortal Kawa Minya who had a relationship with him once.

One of the last strings, Guhuo Bird, died. He went to the scene and tried to turn Undead River into a ghost, but he was insulted in person and escaped.

Apart from Zhushi and Ji Guoyuanyi, Immortal Kawa Miniya is the human being with the deepest memory of Oni Wu Tsuji.

When the Slaughter Metropolitan Police Department attempted to blame the Demon Slayer Squad before, he pretended to be Immortal Kawasami.

"Last time, there was a wounded person by my side. Please spare your life. I won't let you go this time!"

Undead Chuan leaned down while talking big words, and then instantly raised a half-meter-wide blue-black slash, but the blade was as red as the iron ball before!

"Breath of the Wind · Six Shapes · Black Wind and Misty Smoke!"

Guiwu Tsuji Wucan wanted to raise his head to dodge, but saw another giant ax flying in the direction of the meteor hammer just now!
Also red! ! !

"Damn it, damn it!"

Now it was too late to urge a limb to fight back, so Guiwu Tsuji Wuchan had no choice but to take Undead Chuan's slash, and at the cost of having his chin cut off, he kicked Undead Chuan's sword and retreated desperately.

He couldn't see the people in the smoke, and the strong smell left by the explosion also reduced his perception ability to the spot. Therefore, after leaving the battle, he didn't have the slightest intention of staying behind to fight, but dragged his body that had not fully recovered to desperately flee!

Because he wasn't sure if he, who was at least a few thousand years older, could fight many swordsmen with He knives!
You know, the Ashina Genichiro whose blade color is closest to Ji Kuni Yuanichi has not appeared yet...

(End of this chapter)

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