Chapter 233
"What the hell is going on over there..."

Although it is not yet dawn at this moment, the city of Tokyo has already been illuminated by thousands of lights, comparable to daytime.

People came out of the warm quilts and rooms, gathered in twos and threes on the rooftops and on the street, and looked at the summit of Mount Untori from a distance.

The golden thunder dragon would fall from the sky every ten seconds, making a terrifying sound as if it was about to tear the sky apart, constantly bombarding the cocoon-shaped shell that appeared with the explosion.

But the night sky above the lightning was clear, with no dark clouds in sight.The successive thunderbolts did not seem like a good omen.

And this abnormal sky phenomenon has been repeated for almost an hour, and from time to time there is a green butterfly-like thing floating leisurely outside, and I don't know what it wants to do.

"Grandpa Yaxiao..."

In the mansion of the Purgatory family, Purgatory Senshouro nervously looked at the direction of Thunder Rising, clenched his fists, almost bleeding early.

His eyelids trembled with the sudden explosion of thunder, because he knew very well that the greater the movement over there, the more dangers those who fought the ghosts would encounter.

"Father, older brother, and Genichiro, are they still fighting?"

"Well, it seems that the battle is still very fierce. Using Ba Zhilei so frequently, he must have encountered a very difficult opponent."

Masataka Oniwa, who was strictly prohibited from participating in the war as a monarch by Genichiro, held his thick arms and glanced at the wall clock in the room. The faint worry in his eyes eased a little, but only slightly.

"The sun will rise in half an hour..."

As he said, he stretched out his big hand like a cattail fan and touched the head of Purgatory Qianshourou, "The more this is the case, the more you must believe that they will return safely. If you are really worried, go and prepare some of your brother and father's favorite food." Something. When you are ready, it must be over there, and they must be very hungry..."

"I-I know."

Purgatory Qianjurou's eyes lit up, and he immediately got up and went to the kitchen.

Prepare food for a person whose life or death is uncertain. Doesn't this mean that the person will return safely?
Even if it was just for a good omen, he decided to do it.

When the sound of his footsteps disappeared completely, the giant-like Ghost Court Yasaka, contrary to his normal positive and optimistic attitude, sighed deeply, and even clasped his hands nondescriptly.

"I remember that guy Daoxuan, every time he does it, he always does it in this posture, huh, don't worry about it!"

"In short, no matter what kind of Bodhisattva, Arhat, Sakura, and Dragon, I will definitely bless Genichiro and the others for their safe return..."

At the same time, the "Gladiator Arena" in Yunqu Mountain.

"Go away!"

Guiwu Tsujimu let out a miserable cry, looking at the gods who surrounded him again, his expression was extremely fierce.

In an instant, big mouths full of fangs grew on his chest and back, spewing out the purest energy and sweeping the surroundings, and the devastated ground became more than an inch shorter...

If it was the first time to see it, maybe everyone would be seriously injured and dying by this blow.

But after more than an hour of fighting, everyone was already familiar with this process, and each of them was dragged into the air by Robert's spider silk without any resistance, trying to avoid it and knock some tonics along the way.

Genichiro, on the other hand, would hold an umbrella at a close distance, and the moment Oni Wu Tsuji stopped roaring, he split the Phoenix Blue Umbrella into two pairs of fans, and slapped the sudden purple flame towards Oni Wu Tsuji's head.

"One by one, it's like cockroaches!"

He was extremely afraid of the purple flame, but his excellent physical fitness still let him dodge, a whip passed Genichiro's waist, and injected poisonous blood.But he also knows that this is useless, but as long as it can deform the opponent's movements, the goal has been achieved!
He stretched his hands forward, and his forearm immediately transformed into a bone sickle that was ejected, and the length of the sickle increased rapidly during the ejection process, as much as two or three meters——

Even with transparency, Genichiro couldn't have predicted this strange deformation.

Therefore, Guiwu Tsuji was pleasantly surprised to see that the scythe made of bones cut directly into Genichiro's shoulder, and then he would tear him in half.

But his smile lasted less than a second...

For some reason, the arm didn't feel like it had hit something, and the opponent didn't bleed.

Immediately afterwards, Genichiro who was "slashed" smiled mockingly at him, and the afterimage that turned into red disappeared.

"It's Ji Guoyuanyi's swordsmanship!"

Guiwu Tsuji's eyes suddenly enlarged, he remembered this move, called "Phantom Sunbow", which can create an illusion to divert attention.

"Then in this way—"

Based on past experience, Onimai Tsuji subconsciously turned to look up to his side, and his sharp palm pierced into the heart of Genichiro who suddenly appeared.

But his expression still didn't improve.

Although it feels good this time, it is not the texture of the heart as he imagined. It always feels a little...


Sure enough, Genichiro, who was pierced through the heart in mid-air, suddenly turned into a ball of burning feathers, and rushed towards Kiwu Tsuji Wumi, blocking his sight!
"Breath of the Source · Japanese Style · Phantom Fire Fog Crow."

This move is exactly the combination of Sun's Breath, Magic Sun Rainbow and Crow Feather Ninjutsu, forming multiple illusions to confuse the opponent!

Just when Oni Wu Tsuji's eyes were blocked by the flames, two more Genichiro appeared out of thin air, one behind the other, charging forward with swords, and they were extremely fast!


Gui Wu Tsuji has never seen such a difficult human being, and he can't tell the truth from the fake in a moment, so he can only separate his seventeen whip tubes, swinging and cutting them like a huge fan——

The two Genichiro didn't dodge and were hit directly, but one turned into an afterimage, and the other turned into a burning feather!

Fake!It's fake again!All tm are fake!

At this moment, Onimai Tsuji Mumi stretched out all the tentacles guarding his body - a blade suddenly fell from the sky!The target was the top of Onimai Tsuji's head, and bursts of circular wind pressure pressed heavily on his shoulders, making it difficult for him to turn around.

But to outsiders, a small red tornado centered on Onimai Tsuji is forming!

"Breath of the source·wind style·falling style ninja stab!"

Onimai Tsuji instinctively moved his head away, but Genichiro's sword still penetrated his torso from his collarbone, all the way down!
Gui Wu Tsuji Wu Mi also had a brain and a heart that he could not avoid, and was directly pierced by the sword blade, and then was torn apart by the entrained whirlwind!

"Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee down—"

The screams brought by the severe pain and the counterattack came out at the same time, only a muffled sound was heard, and Genichiro, who had just made a contribution, was thrown out like a cannonball, and was pulled into the air by the spider silk just before his face hit the ground.

Guiwu Tsuji was shocked and furious, and his sternum collapsed, and pieces of internal organs and blood spilled out of his mouth together.

But it wasn't the first time in an hour that he suffered such serious injuries.

He took out the gourd on his waist and drank it, while shaking his head at Kimai Tsuji, who was covered in cold sweat.He felt that this guy was like the modifier player the anchor said, with all 99 attribute points and poor combat awareness, he could only be slaughtered when it came to pvp.

He only needs to ensure that after each injury, Ghost Dance Tsuji is also unable to pursue because of the injury, and he can use medicine to recover.Not really hurt.

But he, Ghost Dance Tsuji, has no supplies to eat.Zhushi's poison is also working in secret...

If it drags on, it's terrifying that this guy can be completely dealt with before dawn.

You don't even need to turn on the ghost...

On the other hand, looking back at Gui Wu Tsuji Wu Mi, seeing the word "live" lit up on Genichiro's body, and the words "続治", "A Gong", and "Gang Gan" lit up one after another on the body of the others, it hurts. Yu, his brain is about to explode!
It's been over an hour!
It can be said that the two sides fought back and forth.

He lost two of his five brains, and four of his seven hearts were damaged, each of which was destroyed by that damn Weiming brat using various methods that even he found despicable—sneak attack, exchange of injuries for injuries, poison, Deceit and traps are simply omnipresent.

But these methods are obviously not on the table, but they are very effective for him!

Whenever Guiwu Tsuji felt that he "can do and kill", he fell into the opponent's trap again.

When he thought that such a person could use Ji Guoyuanyi's breathing method, he felt that this world was really magical.

But on the other hand, as the ghost king, he couldn't cause any substantial damage to the opponent!

He lost half of his important organs. Although the burden has been reduced and his recovery ability has been improved, the accuracy of distracted control of the whip tube to defend against the enemy has also dropped a lot. When he encounters a siege, although he will not suffer any injuries, he will always It is in a hurry and stretched.

Needless to say, Yiwozuo and the prostitute Taro, the beatings are useless, no matter how serious the injury is, they will get better after a short rest. I have lost control over them, and I can't tell them how to devour them directly or kill them instantly. Let them interfere with their vision and the like.

And Genichiro and those two pillars...

Even if they were able to injure them, the tired person who did not participate in the battle would quickly use the spider silk to move the wounded away, and then the rest of the people and ghosts would gather around to give the wounded time to detoxify and heal. A good guy.

Supplements such as pills and Crescent Moon Grass are so abundant at Genichiro's that they can't run out of them, not to mention that the monks of Xianfeng Temple can now mass-produce Buddha candy for sale to the outside world.

In particular, Yan Zhu lamented Yu Xingming, and after kneading the dried sugar, he really protected his body with Buddha's light, and became a veritable angry-eyed King Kong.

Looking at the ghosts and people who regrouped and surrounded themselves again in just half a minute...

Oni Wu Tsuji finally understood what kind of mood the Ghost Slayer Squad must have when faced with a recoverable evil spirit.

Just give them a little time to recover—

All the previous efforts were in vain.

Onimai Tsuji Mumi absorbed the destroyed internal organ fragments in his body, and his body shrank again. Now he looks like a fourteen or fifteen-year-old child.

Glancing at the top of the giant cocoon, and the sky outside the hole opened by lightning, he became more and more uneasy.

He had a hunch—

If I continue, I'm afraid I won't last until dawn, and I will be tortured to death slowly.

And for some reason, perhaps due to the loss of his heart and brain, he felt bouts of exhaustion for no reason, and it may also be related to his own "aging".

Under the weight of uneasiness, Onimai Tsuji's thoughts of revenge on these people in front of him gradually disappeared——

He contemplated running away.

So, just when everyone was going to repeat the old trick again and wear down a large part of his "blood volume" again, the shape of the muscles of Gui Wu Tsuji's feet suddenly changed, like a spring suppressing the limit, sending his body up He flew up to the sky and flew straight to Robert, who was constantly weaving nets to strengthen the giant cocoon and monitoring the battle situation!

Just get rid of him!
This blood ghost technique can be broken!

Guiwu Tsuji's plan is very simple, but he had confidence in his own strength before, and escaping was not the best choice, so it was not put on the charter.

But now it's different!

If it was someone else, they might still care about dignity and the like, but he didn't!

In a short while, he had already arrived in front of Robert, and the whip behind him stabbed forward like seventeen ready-to-fire spears. As long as a ghost was injected with more blood than he could bear, his body would collapse!

This is the idea of ​​Muma Onimiya Tsuji!

At this moment, a large western-style sword suddenly flew over, spinning and blocking Robert's body, temporarily blocking the sight of Oni Wu Tsuji!
But when he knocked the big sword away, there was a familiar zither sound in the air, and Robert disappeared, replaced by a ghost whose whole body was covered in armor!

And the ghost looked at him with a very vicious look, as if seeing an enemy with the hatred of killing his wife and seizing his son!
The killing intent in the other party's eyes was so strong that even Oni Wu Tsuji was startled.

It was Naruto, who switched the positions of the two ghosts!

"No one can hurt Robert!"

The monster was not afraid of the whips that could smash the ground into a big hole, and grabbed it with its hand!

What's strange is that the all-conquering whip tubes hit him, only making the sound of cracking steel, but it didn't shatter!Instead, the opponent took the opportunity to grab five of them! ,

What the hell is going on?

What kind of defense is this?

At this moment, Oni Wu Tsuji was as helpless and confused as a kindergarten girl whose braids were pulled by an urchin.

"Let go!"

However, his shout only got a heavy kick!

Robert's father's heavy body directly pressed on him, and the two ghosts fell to the ground together!

And in mid-air, the ferocious father of Robert tore off the whip tube of Oni Wu Tsuji, and then hit the opponent's head vigorously, and Oni Wu Tsuji had no intention of dealing with this guy at all——

Because he was falling in a straight line at this time, which meant that if those people had any powerful moves, he couldn't dodge them at all!

Sure enough, he just glanced away and saw Immortal Kawamiya's excited face, leaning down and ready to go...

Beimingyu Xingming swung the iron ball, his lips trembling with excitement.

As for Genichiro, he took out that dangerous white rag (sun talisman) again, his eyes shining.

Can't wait!

Onimai Tsuji in mid-air has made a decision!

Absolutely cannot be attacked again!

Otherwise, if more organs are destroyed by that weird lightning, he will definitely die.

After finishing speaking, he gritted his teeth tightly, and his body swelled rapidly, like an inflated balloon, and the memory of past humiliation came to mind again!
The last time he faced a swordsman with that kind of knives, he did just that - blew himself up to survive.As long as there is still a piece of minced meat that can survive, there is hope for him to survive.

And he thought about it again, last time Ji Guoyuan had only one person, but this time the opponent was someone with a ghost——

He felt like he wasn't ashamed anymore!
As a result, Wu Mi, who was still in mid-air, swelled more than five times in an instant, like a zeppelin airship that might explode at any time, and there was a mockery of several people on his bloated face——

However, the next moment, nothing happened!
His swollen body quickly deflated like a punctured tire!

Why, my self-explosion failed!
The answer is naturally Zhu Shi's poison.

It's a pity, it's too late to think about this now, because he didn't plan to fight at all before, and those whips were also in a state of not being on alert.The moment he was about to touch the ground, Genichiro had already held up the lightning like a thousand birds chirping, and came to his side, blasting that pure light to his head like a hammer of judgment.

As we all know, the damage of the thunder gun will be doubled in close combat.

As a result, Guiwu Tsuji's head and most of his body, including two hearts and a brain that hadn't escaped in time, were directly blown to pieces. Flesh and trembling body to express their dissatisfaction.

But who would have expected that it was his thought of escaping that put him to death.What a great irony.

His only remaining two brains and one heart drilled into his legs, and he manipulated the two broken legs to move pitifully with his toes, at a very slow speed.

Among them, the right leg was directly hit by Beimingyu Xingming, and then split vertically by the black wind blade of Undead River.

Since then, only one brain in the last left leg still exists!

As long as even this brain is destroyed, he will completely lose the possibility of surviving!
"Don't, don't come here! Don't come here!"

A mouth grew out of the calf of this left leg, and shouted loudly while watching the surrounding crowd, but accidentally fell into a pit when retreating, rolled twice, and could not stand up again.

"Let me go! Please let me go! I can do whatever you want!"

Even though everyone had already underestimated Onimai Tsuji's bottom line of self-esteem enough, they still didn't expect him to say such a thing.

Especially Immortal Kawashiya, there was no sense of victory on his face, only nausea and discomfort, feeling worthless for those dead predecessors.

"Go ahead!"

Lightning surged under Genichiro's feet, "Don't forget the lessons learned by Enichi Ji Kuni."

As he said that, Tie Liuyun rolled up a terrifying flame, and this man hit that poor left leg like a burning meteor.

"Help me! Who will help me!"

Ghost Dance Tsuji Mucan uttered a final howl.

But this time, he got a response.


The extremely strong cocoon suddenly broke through a huge opening, and a half-thick turquoise beam of light poured in from the opening crazily. Genichiro who struck back immediately!

Everyone quickly looked into the sky——

It was a handsome man with beautiful wings on his back, dreamy and elegant like an elf under the moon.

This person is the sun in the temple.

Xianichiro's eyes were serious, he had heard that this ghost had left Kimai Tsuji's lair an hour ago, but why did it appear at such a time.

And according to Zhu Shi, this ghost seems to be deliberately revealing information about Oni Wu Tsuji, and the motive is very suspicious.

He folded his wings and fell vertically, blocking the left leg of Onimai Tsuji Mumi, separating him from the crowd.

Just when Gui Wu Tsuji Wu Mi was a little moved, thinking that there was still one of his subordinates who was determined to give up on him, he heard Taiyang in the temple say to them very politely: "Please don't get me wrong. I want him to die too, so we don't have the essence. conflict."

"The only difference is that I must ensure that he dies under the first rays of sunlight in the morning."

(End of this chapter)

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