Chapter 38 Choice
"There's no way out here."

Genichiro carefully checked the small ventilation room again.

He even had some doubts, this place was specially designed by that ghost, otherwise it would be too coincidental for it to appear.

The small "skylight" above their heads was at least five meters high from the ground, even if they reached there, Genichiro couldn't turn into a bug and get out from there.

"Don't say those frustrating words, kid named Wei."

Perhaps because of the gradual recovery of body functions, Immortal Kawa Minya's words became more direct and rude.

The previous politeness to the savior was also forgotten by him.

With a cold face, he helped his teammate Youping's body to the side of the narrow tunnel, and then pushed the latter out like a needle thread.

"Back to that hellish place."

"Uncle Undead Chuan, as long as he has the strength, he will never sit back and watch that ghost who dare not even show his face get complacent!"

He punched the wall hard.

At this time, the effects of the medicine on both of them had ended, and the green light had disappeared.

The manic breathing of Undead River is almost like the night wind in the desert whizzing through the ruined walls, which makes people shudder.

For a moment, Genichiro didn't know whether it was right or wrong to save this person.

Still, in a place like this, one more person is better than one less.

Kuro always told him that if he had to bear everything alone, under tremendous pressure, he would make irreversible decisions.

Although Genichiro is not used to relying on others, he is very clear about his own shortcomings.

Maybe there is a reason why God left this person here.

"It's poisonous outside, just wait a moment."

Genichiro walked over in the dark, with the sound of the opponent's breathing as a reference, it was not difficult, but every step he took was like approaching an angry bear.

"This is fire extinguishing powder, which can allow you to withstand high temperatures for a period of time without being ignited by ordinary flames."

He stuffed the fire extinguishing powder bag into Undead Chuan's left hand, and then stuffed a pill into the latter's right hand.

Genichiro obviously felt that when he touched this person's skin, he seemed to be very resistant, as if he didn't like to be in close contact with others.

"This is a pill, the kind that I just fed you, it can restore your health... physical strength."

Undead Chuan was silent for a while, as if he was thinking about how great it would be if he had this kind of supplies earlier.

In the darkness, it took a long time for Undead Chuan to ask: "How many of these things do you have?"

"There is only one pack of fire extinguishing powder."

Xianichiro felt a little regretful, he used up a pack in the hot spring yesterday in order to delay time, after all, he never thought that ghosts would use fire-related powers anyway.

"There are two more pills."

"Give it all to me!"

Undead Chuan spoke decisively and fiercely, without any intention of negotiating.

Genichiro's first reaction was that you actually want to save the things of your benefactor?

Even I, Sakuichiro, can't do this.


"I said give it all to me!"

Immortal Chuan accurately grabbed Genichiro's collar in the darkness, almost trying to lift the latter up in the air.

"You're just a little ghost, what's the use of going out, even if you find a way out and meet a ghost, you can only drag me down!"

"You wait here for me. Give me all the medicines. If I kill that ghost, I will naturally bring someone back to find you."

Immortal Chuan paused, "If I didn't come back, you don't need to suffer outside. Here is Youping's knife, you can..."

"... self-destruction."

Undead Chuan's voice was trembling with excitement, and it was stirring back and forth in the small space, "In short, if the worst happens, no matter how you die, it's better than being eaten by ghosts!"

"As for facing the ghost, I am enough alone."

"Instead of wasting that precious medicine by you, you might as well give it all to me."

Hearing this, Genichiro's kowtowing and combo punches, which had already started to gather strength, immediately relaxed.

He vaguely understood that this terrifying young man just didn't want him to die.

He thought that it would be ridiculous enough to have a butterfly in the world, that woman is so kind that people hate her, she is a mother-in-law, and she likes to talk about principles.

And although the guy in front of him was disliked at first glance, he couldn't be hated.

The members of these Ghost Killing Squads seem to be different in doing things, but there is not much difference in thinking.

It's just that he wants to make decisions for others too much, which is really hard for Genichiro to bear.

Xianichiro squeezed Undead Chuan's wrist, the strength of up to 10 points made Undead Chuan startled, subconsciously let go of his hand, Xianichiro also took this opportunity to break free, and immediately took a step back.

"I don't want to go out either, but that ghost and I already have a personal grudge."

The belt that Fera Ji gave him was the first gift Genichiro received after he came to this world, and it is now gone.

Besides, maybe for some special reason, the missing Murata was taken away by the ghost alone for dinner.

Although Genichiro wanted to use up to 11 reputation points immediately, he always felt that it would be a loss if he didn't see Murata's body.

Genichiro lowered his body and decided to go to the lava cave before the Immortal River.

"What's more, as the saying goes: there is glory in death, but there is no disgrace in life."

"It's more unacceptable to stay here and wait to die cowardly than to become a ghost's dinner."

"Thank you for thinking about me, but I would rather die without a whole body than hide here."

After finishing speaking, he didn't wait for Undead Chuan's reaction, and went through it on his own.

Immortal Chuan Miniya didn't expect this child to have such awareness, he froze in place for a while, and then immediately followed.

The two returned to the dark area of ​​the lava cave, and the disgusting sulfur smell and heat wave immediately hit, heralding a difficult road ahead.

They had a tacit understanding and didn't speak until they followed the red light to the place closest to the lava road.

It was also at this time that Bushichuan discovered that this unusual child was actually carrying a huge sword himself.

Under the red light, the Taidao showed a cold light, and it was by no means an ordinary knife at first glance.

However, this is not the time for gossip and curiosity.

This dark lava road has no end in sight, and neither Undead River nor Genichiro can be sure whether there is really a way out there.

Genichiro went to the place where he had cut the clothes before, and picked up the half of the trousers left there.

"I heard from Murata that the uniforms of your Demon Slayer Squad are specially made."

Genichiro broke the silence and crumpled his trousers.

Undead Chuan tugged at his collar, "I don't know much about this, but ordinary flames can't ignite the team uniform."


Genichiro threw his trousers far away, and threw them on the lava ground like festering wounds.

"Now is the time to test that out."

The ball of black cloth fell on the ground, and there was no reaction at first. Although Undead Chuan knew it was not the time, he was still proud of the uniform of the Ghost Killing Team.

However, before he could laugh, the black cloth suddenly and violently turned into a mass of red flames, and then became part of the lava ashes.


The two gasped for sulfur gas.

"If it's a human, if you force it to pass over it, it will be cooked in a few seconds."

Genichiro remained calm.

But Undead Chuan was not so calm.

"Damn! Damn! Damn!" He roared and smashed the rock pillar beside him.

After finally being saved, are you going to be stuck in this place again and unable to move an inch?

After being annoyed for a while, Undead Chuan suddenly asked: "If I use the fire extinguishing powder you gave me, can I wade over here?"

Genichiro pondered for a while: "If you can step on something, the fire extinguishing powder should be enough to resist the rising heat wave and set us on fire. But if you count on using your feet..."

He didn't finish his sentence, and Undead Chuan naturally understood what he meant.

He looked left and right, and suddenly pulled out the Sun Wheel Knife, and slashed down at the side of the stone pillar in front of him!

"Breath of the Wind · Two Types · Claws · Kohu Wind!"

Xianichiro was surprised to see that following Undead River's blow, four shallow and sharp sword auras appeared in the air out of thin air, and four deep wounds were severely scratched on the rock.

He knew that Undead River wanted to split the rock pillar in front of him into several sections, and then use them as stepping stones to cross the lava.

"Kehu style!"

"Kehu style!"

"Kohu wind!"

After four consecutive violent attacks, the half-meter-wide rock pillar beside the two finally turned into five flat stones.

Immortal Chuan coughed violently because he inhaled a large amount of sulfide gas.

"Is this the method of breathing?"

Xianichiro's eyes were all bright, he never expected that with the fragile Japanese sword of the Demon Slayer Squad, he could actually cut through rocks.

And even a second-level player can release sword energy?

(In this work, in order to maintain the balance of combat power, the special effect of the ghost killing breathing method is the real sword energy. Please refer to the preface for details.)
At this time, the Immortal River, which had resumed its breathing rhythm, had already flew several times in a row, kicking the rocks out, letting them fall in a line into the lava.

Five half-meter-wide rocks, each separated by a distance of almost a meter.

They also landed firmly on the lava, and have no intention of sinking for the time being.

"I'll go over and see how long this road is."

After Undead Chuan finished speaking, he took the fire extinguishing powder, stepped on the first stone lightly with his breathing method, and then did the same.

He looked across from the front stone for a while, and then returned to Genichiro's side again.

"How about it?"

He couldn't see that Bushichuan's face was a little gloomy, and the situation might be unsatisfactory.

"There are at least three more distances, and then there is a normal ground, and there is a cave leading to the inside, and then I can't see anything clearly."

Bushikawa's words made Genichiro's heart sink.

In other words, they also need at least 15 of these stone stepping stones!

Xianichiro looked around, and there was only that rock pillar nearby!

"This damn ghost!"

Undead Chuan obviously noticed this, and angrily yelled at the opposite side, "Are you so afraid of facing us?"

"We are using flesh and blood to deal with monsters like you! Don't you even dare to see each other? Only when we are all dead, do you dare to come over and eat me?"

However, after venting, Undead Chuan knew that as long as he couldn't get through here, let alone killing ghosts, even surviving would be a problem.

"Could it be that this ghost can only be handed over to that woman Hua Zhu?"

Unwillingly, he repeatedly withdrew his sword and drew his sword, obviously extremely irritable.

"We can't count on Miss Kanae."

"Why?" Fushikawa frowned, as if he didn't like what Genichiro said, "Although she is a woman, she is Zhu after all."

Genichiro replied with some concern, "She is too kind, and her heart is too soft. If she is deceived by that kid named Yamasuke, it is very likely that she will end up with us in the end."

"Since I'm missing, she's likely to come looking for me. If that brat tries his best, she's very likely to be caught."

Hearing this, Undead Chuan suddenly raised his head: "This is absolutely impossible. I will never let this happen."

【Why are you so excited? 】

[Wait, the "rough but gentle" guy who "would rather hurt himself than protect others" that Butterfly Kanae mentioned on the train...]

"You don't like eating peony cakes, do you?"

"Huh?" Undead Chuan wondered, "How do you know?"


The guess in my heart was confirmed, "Miss Kanae mentioned you on the train, it seems that you are very important to her."

"What are you talking about now!"

Undead Chuan looked a little embarrassed, "She is the doctor of the Ghost Killing Squad, and every team member is important to her."

"Anyway, is there any way to get out of here now! Whether it's that ghost or that vicious liar, I must chop them up!"

"There must never be another victim!"

"The solution is to have a..."

Genichiro made a solemn voice, and looked back pointingly.

Immortal Chuan followed Genichiro's eyes and saw that it was the corpse of the Demon Killer whose team uniform was stripped off by Genichiro.

"You, you mean..."

Genichiro nodded.

Of course what he meant was to step over the corpses of those ghost killers.

Although there are only ten corpses, but the corpses are longer than the stone, ten corpses are just enough.

But this is too cruel for Undead Chuan, who is also a member of the team.

Bushikawa stared at Genichiro with crazy eyes, as if the latter was the one with the abnormal brain.

"How can this work!"

There was seldom a trace of weakness in his tone.

I don't know if I hope that Genichiro will take back this idea, or if I don't want to think about this possibility.

"I know you can't take it."

Genichiro was also very annoyed, it would have been nice if he hadn't met this guy, he himself moved these corpses inside for his journey.

But he admired the guy in front of him inexplicably, even if he was asked to kill Undead Chuan, he didn't want to do it.

He must be persuaded to agree.

Otherwise, they can only do some things that cannot be explained to Undead River, and see if they can summon some villagers from Shuisheng Village to die.

After all, they are already dead.

However, that is the next step.

"The fire extinguishing powder is as effective as a pill, only for 5 minutes."

Xianichiro first pointed to the orange-red light on Immortal Chuan's body, and then pointed to the stones above the lava.

"And those rocks are sinking slowly, we don't have time to think about it."

Bushikawa knew that Xianichiro's words were true.

He had to make a decision.


Undead Chuan's scarred face revealed a sadness that had never been seen since he joined the Ghost Killing Squad.

"I don't even know their names!"

Genichiro also sighed.

He hadn't wanted to.

"What's the use of knowing their names if you can't even avenge them?"


The author's outline matched the ghost as early as three chapters ago.

But once I write in detail, I hope that I can write the characters' psychological changes reasonably, and the number of words will increase at once. I always feel that the overall rhythm is very procrastinated.

Alas, it is a free chapter anyway, this writing method may have something to do with the books I have read, you can just read it first, I will try to change this style, or I will update it twice a day when I have time.

(End of this chapter)

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