Chapter 57 The Challenge of Butterfly Ninja
Genichiro opened his eyes again, it was already the evening of the next day.

The red sunset reflected on the paper door outside the room, dyeing the whole room like a stove, very dazzling.

Coupled with the fact that the anesthetic effect of last night's operation had not completely faded away, Genichiro felt dizzy for a while, and for a moment he forgot where he was.

It wasn't until he took out a pack of antidote powder and took it that Genichiro remembered his situation, and raised his left hand subconsciously.

The off-white ninja prosthetic hand was carefully adjusted and installed by Sister Butterfly, and it was connected to his elbow without any hindrance.

Although there is no sense of reality, his fingers can move flexibly according to his thoughts, and it is even easier to turn his wrist.

Moreover, the two sisters should have given him pills after the operation, and the wound healed completely without feeling any pain.

【I thought they would be reluctant...】

Pills are ordinary things to Genichiro, but they are extremely precious to Butterfly Sisters.

His surgery wound is not big.Honestly, if he was Butterfly Kanae, he would leave the pills for the rest of the team.

But the other party still gave him a pill that could heal quickly, probably because he didn't want to see him wake up in unbearable pain.

[Sure enough, even though I don't like that woman, I really can't hate her. 】

[And this hand, except for the lack of touch, seems to be no different from the original hand, and even has more uses. 】

While Xianichiro was thinking this way, he stretched out his left arm forward, and the hook and lock burst out like a long snake that had been dormant for a long time and flew a distance of more than three meters, and then flexibly wrapped around the vase in the ward.

Then, the axle inside the ninja prosthetic hand began to rotate, and the hook rope began to shrink rapidly.

Because the vase weighed much less than Genichiro, it was dragged by the hook lock forcefully, and he firmly grasped it with his ninja hand.

[At the critical moment, you can even use the hook rope to seize the enemy's weapon. 】

[However, if the hook hits a heavier target than me, it should take me there. 】

Genichiro has long known the principle that wolves can fly over eaves and walls. Now that he has experienced it for himself, he seems to have got some interesting toy, and he is eager to try it for a while.

After all, no matter what age men are, most of them have no resistance to toys.

Thinking of this, he opened the door of the ward in his hospital gown and walked straight out.

Butterfly House is located on the Takino River in the outskirts of Tokyo. It belongs to the alternating urban and rural areas. The terrain is low and the climate is quite warm in winter. Even the water in the pond in the yard does not freeze.

After Genichiro went out, the first thing he saw was a little girl with dull eyes squatting by the pool, endlessly feeding the goldfish in the water.

Even if the fish in the pond turned their heads away and stopped eating, she continued to move mechanically.

Her purple eyes, similar to those of the Butterfly Sisters, were a little dull, and she didn't know where she was looking.

After watching it for a long time, a kind of pity came to my heart.

This made Genichiro, who regarded himself as hard-hearted, a little flustered.

[It's just my illusion, or the fish in it made her fat, and it always feels much bigger than ordinary goldfish. 】

Genichiro left the corner silently without disturbing the other party.

After coming to the Butterfly House last night, he met several children who were nurses in the Butterfly House, and this child named Chanahu was among them, and he was the most special.

According to Huazhu, the child was bought from traffickers earlier this year.

It's just that she has been stimulated in the past, and she can hardly communicate with others. At present, Sister Butterfly doesn't even know her last name.

Therefore, Huazhu could only use her own name (Kanahui), and gave her a sister name, called Chanahu.

Obviously, it means treating this picked child as a family member.

[It seems that even if the world is peaceful, there is no shortage of poor people. 】

[There is a heterogeneous existence like Butterfly Chanae, they can have a belonging. 】

He sighed in his heart, and felt lucky for the first time because of the kindness of others.

If all the children who lost their homes could meet someone like Kanae during the war in Weiming, maybe the fate of him, the wolf, and even Yongzhen would be different.

I just don't know if it's better or worse.

After Genichiro got out of Kanahu's sight, he couldn't wait to launch the hook rope towards the high place, his body flew out of the air like a thrown ball, and then landed firmly on the courtyard wall.

[Is this what it feels like to fly? 】

[Is not touching the ground so exciting? 】

Taking advantage of the freshness, Genichiro used the hook lock of his ninja prosthetic hand to fly around the eaves and walls in the ward area, and in less than half a minute, he completed the distance that would take 3 minutes on foot.

Immediately afterwards, he left the ward area where the wounded of the Ghost Slayer Squad gathered, and flew to the roof of the residential area where Huazhu and the others were received yesterday.

Facing the fiery red sunset, Genichiro showed a big smile, not a little stiff like before, and even the gloom accumulated over the years was slowly driven out by the sun.

He looked around under the roof and saw that there was no one around. He even imitated Solal, raising his arms high and making a gesture of "praising the sun".

After playing for a while, he felt the childishness that he had not seen for a long time, which made him feel that there is nothing wrong with being a child for the first time.

However, Genichiro wasn't sure if he laughed because he met a group of people who were so pure that he didn't need to guard against, or because he gained stronger support, or if he was just having fun.

After standing on the roof for a while, Genichiro felt more peaceful, so he opened his spiritual vision.

Although the word "vision" is included, it enhances all intuition, not just the eyes.

But within a second or two, there was a burst of wind-breaking sound when a weapon was swung in his ear.

He jumped forward along the place where the sound came from, passed the kitchen and storage room, and came to the core area of ​​Butterfly House, which was the private house where the two sisters lived.

And Butterfly Kanae's sister Butterfly Shinobi seems to be practicing swordsmanship in the courtyard. Judging from her breathing, it should have been going on for a while.

[Are you actually practicing swords in the afternoon?Really desperate...]

[When I was 15 years old, I'm afraid I wasn't as hardworking as her. 】

Genichiro sat quietly on the eaves, watching her movements intently.

Butterfly will be 15 years old after New Year's Eve, but her current height is only a little over 1.4 meters. It is estimated that she will be [-] centimeters taller when she becomes an adult. It is impossible to be taller.

To be honest, this is indeed the standard height of Japanese girls on the outside.

But compared with the style, it seems to be more than 01:30 points worse.

Looking at her thin and small appearance, she probably weighs less than [-] kilograms.

However, a person's strength is determined by his body shape.With a small frame and light weight, it is difficult to satisfy the muscle mass.

In this way, Genichiro finally understood why Butterfly Kanae said on the train that she wanted her sister to concentrate on medical skills instead of continuing to kill ghosts.

It was really hard to imagine how such a body would cut off the ghost's head.

Butterfly Ninja in the courtyard, holding a small Taidao about the size of Wedge Maru, is doing imaginary chopping training.

[Even the sun wheel knives are specially made for children. 】

Genichiro thought silently.

(Butterfly Kanae is still not dead at this time, she should not have enough motivation and ideas to develop her own breathing method and use the special sun wheel knife.)
Judging from the direction in which she swung her knife, her imaginary enemy should be much higher than her.

However, due to the short blade of Xiaotai and her short height, Die Ninja had to jump up in advance every time she slashed at the imaginary enemy's neck.

But in this way, there is no support under the feet, the power cannot be transmitted, and the knife that is cut out has no strength in mid-air.

After all, she doesn't know the unique swordsmanship of Yuanzhi Palace.

But if she spins in mid-air to borrow strength, her physical strength will be consumed even more, and she will have to rest for three or four seconds after only swinging one or two knives, which is obviously impossible to use in actual combat.

So not only Genichiro, who was watching from the roof, gradually frowned, but even Butterfly Shinobu himself became more and more deviant.

In the end, she was very much like Genichiro who couldn't learn how to chop with one word at the beginning, holding a small sword and slashing at the air, until she was exhausted, and then knelt on the ground and gasped violently.

She even forgot to maintain the breathing method, obviously her mood was extremely bad.

The anger in her eyes, born of dissatisfaction with herself, burned even more violently, making Genichiro feel a little terrified when he saw it.

It seems that the two sisters still have fundamental differences in character.

However, as Genichiro's mood changed, when his body moved slightly, there was a faint sound.

Butterfly was practicing sword just now, and only the wind of the sword could be heard in her ears; but now that she had stopped, the movement on the eaves immediately caught her attention.

As soon as she raised her eyes, she saw Genichiro sitting on the eaves.

The two looked at each other in embarrassment for a while, Die Ren lowered his eyes and wiped the fine sweat from his forehead with his cuff, actually hiding the panic in his expression.

Damn it, he must have seen the gaffe just now!
Especially thinking that Bushichuan said yesterday that his swordsmanship is better than hers, Die Ninja was even more unhappy.

"Although I don't know which country you are the prince or heir or something."

When she raised her head again, her brows were already frowned as usual, and her tone was very aggressive when she spoke, "But it's not a good habit to be a gentleman on the beam when you're a guest at someone's house for the first time."

She, the gentleman on the beam, refers to the most superficial meaning.

"Sorry, I took the liberty."

Hearing this, Genichiro easily jumped off the roof.

Because he used the ninja's receiving posture learned from the wolf's memory, he stood up again almost without a pause when he landed, which made Butterfly Shinobi startled when he saw this scene.

In my heart, I believed what Bushichuan said about Genichiro helping to kill Xia Xiangui.

However, when she thought of the other party's age, she felt a little more annoyed.

She was not annoyed at the other party why Xiao Xiaonian was so powerful.

Still annoyed at myself for being so weak.

"Since you can go to the house to expose the tiles," Die Die reluctantly put the small Taidao back into the scabbard, pouted and asked concerned words: "The place where the surgery has been done, there should be no problem, right?"

"The two are very skilled in medicine, and there is no foreign body sensation at the interface."

Genichiro stretched out his prosthetic hand, making his knuckles undulate flexibly like waves, "This prosthetic hand is just like my original arm, it can be easily moved."

"Please let me take a closer look." Butterfly Shinobi made a request.


Butterfly, who couldn't hold back her curiosity, took two steps forward, raised Genichiro's ninja prosthetic hand and inspected it carefully. She really didn't understand how a dead thing was seamlessly connected with the body.

She saw it clearly when it was installed yesterday, the ninja prosthetic hand is simply connected to the bones, without any relationship between muscle tissue and nerve tissue.

But Xianichiro is able to manipulate freely, and she can only attribute this to matters related to gods, gods and ghosts.

Anyway, compared to her knowledgeable elder sister, she is more able to accept such hidden things.

"You have to thank my sister a lot."

Butterfly reluctantly put down his prosthetic hand, looked at Genichiro who was about the same height as her, or even shorter, suddenly pinched his waist with one hand, showing the air of a big sister.

"Because of the anesthetic, when you were still sleeping, my elder sister took that beggar... and Immortal Kawasami and left. So, I will take care of you these few days, you have to be obedient, otherwise The nurses at Butterfly House will be troubled."

Genichiro knew that the so-called nurse in Butterfly House, besides the silly kid named Kanaihu, had three younger children, each of whom looked younger than 10 years old.

As expected, they should all be orphans whose family members died tragically, but survived from the mouth of ghosts.

I don't know whether it's a delusion or something, but Genichiro always feels that the three little girls seem to look the same except for their hairstyle.

Thinking of the Ghost Slayer Squad actually entrusting the seriously wounded to such a child to take care of, Genichiro could also sense the lack of personnel in this organization.

"I'm getting better."

Genichiro knew that there were still many injured patients in the ward area, and he didn't want to divide the hearts of those children, "You don't have to worry about me, just take care of the patients with all your strength. I'll be here, and wait for Miss Kanae and Bushikawa to come back and discuss something After that, we will head home.”

"Miss Kanae?"

After listening to Xianichiro's words, Butterfly Shinobu frowned even more, "Although you are very tall, I heard that you are only 9 years old this year. How can you call me that?"

She looked like she wanted to discipline a child.

After all, those three little ones should all be her little followers, so it's not surprising that they have such an interest.

Xianichiro showed half-moon eyes, "Then what do you want me to call? I'm not a member of your Demon Slayer Squad, and I don't think she likes the title of Master Hua Zhu very much."

"Then call her Kanae-san."

Butterfly Ninja's deep purple eyes turned, "And me, you are not allowed to call me Miss Ninja, you have to call me Sister Ninja, do you understand?"

Genichiro showed the expression of an old man on the subway, his dislike was beyond words.

"you are not willing?"

Butterfly Shinobu seemed to get angry easily compared to Kanae, and raised his eyebrows again after he couldn't say a few words.

"I do not want."

Genichiro shook his head firmly.

[It's too shameful to call a little ghost sister or something. 】

Butterfly stayed silent for a while, his face became cloudy and uncertain.

"Could it be that you just saw that I made some mistakes in practice, so you underestimated me?"

[It seems that she is a little sensitive to this issue. 】

Xianichiro shook his head quite sincerely, "There is absolutely no such thing. With Miss Shinobi's age and physical condition, it is already very good to be able to practice swordsmanship to this level."

Where did he think that saying this at his age would only make Butterfly Ren even more unhappy.

"With my age and physical condition?"

Butterfly endured the veins on his head, "You still say you didn't underestimate me?"

With that said, she walked to the wall and picked up two wooden swords.

"Since you took the pill, your body has almost recovered!"

She solemnly handed one of the wooden swords to Xianichiro, "If that's the case, then let me see why you can help that white-haired monster kill a Xiaxian!"

(End of this chapter)

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