Chapter 6 Lottery and Mibu Balloons

Having co-existed with the "Soul Series" game anchor for several years (although he was only awakened when the other party was playing games), Genichiro is quite familiar with the word system.

"Ah! Why was my old ass killed by Guda? The system is malfunctioning!"

"Hey! Why can't I catch the hook on the cliff, which made me jump down again! The system must be malfunctioning!"

"Ah! It's the next move but there's a thrust? There must be something wrong with the system!"

In short, all failures are the fault of the system in the anchor's mouth.

But in the game world, the system seems to be something that maintains its rationality.

It is similar to the God that the Japanese talk about.

So Xianichiro didn't have any doubts about the "system" at all. After all, in his mind, it must be some kind of mysterious means to bring him back from the dead, and he didn't find it strange that there was such a thing as a system.

Having said that, the voice that suddenly appeared in his head apparently reawakened hope for Genichiro, who was almost desperate to the point of self-destruction.He had to see what he had to do to pull Wei Ming back from the underworld!

But Xianichiro didn't sink into his mind to check the details in a hurry, but stood up and walked towards the skinny man who was timid but full of resentment.

"You...what are you going to do?"

Several people saw Xianichiro's crazy appearance just now.

When the thin man saw him walking towards him, he was really worried that he would be persecuted again.

Just based on Xianichiro's sudden sneak attack before, the thin man knew that this kid was cruel and merciless, maybe he was a desperado trying to survive in the market, and he was different from a gangster like him who relied on the backing of foreigners to bully and bully honest people.The other party has no parental education, and dared to take a knife to the street to attack the police, even if he was killed on impulse, it is not impossible.

So should he pretend to be a grandson or pretend to be a grandson, and when he gets out of here, he can continue to be a grandpa.

"Go back to where you were before."

Genichiro still spoke sarcastically, and only spoke imperative sentences, not even bothering to say a word of please.

Although the thin man didn't understand why, he had to obey obediently.

But this time he didn't dare to lie down comfortably, he just sat on the outermost edge of the bench tremblingly, his eyes secretly watching Genichiro's every move, for fear that the other party would make excuses to embarrass him.

He's totally overthinking it.

Genichiro just sat next to the dwarf, frightened the latter quickly moved to the side.

The reason why he wanted the thin man to return to his original position was only because he was worried that the police would come in suddenly, and he would interrupt his research on this "soul player system" based on the changes in the positions of the people in the detention room.

[Open the system. 】

Genichiro closed his eyes and muttered silently, and sure enough, the square called the "monitor" by the anchor appeared in his mind again.

On the familiar PS4 desktop, there are six icons.

These six icons are familiar to Genichiro, namely "Sekiro", "Dark Soul 1", "Dark Soul 3", "Devil's Soul", "Blood Curse" and "The Ring of the Ancients". It is the "Soul Series", which is said to be the work of the same person and is widely sought after by players.

But for Genichiro, these six icons represent six worlds or countries that are about to enter a desperate situation just like Wei Ming.

Recalling those worlds that were like ruins and lost hope, Genichiro felt a little desolate in his heart.

【Can I really rebuild Wei Ming? 】

After taking a deep breath, Genichiro finally clicked on "Sekiro".

In an instant, a lot of information quickly entered Xianichiro's mind, and he quickly understood the usage of this "soul player system - Sekiro mod".

First of all, it is the most familiar character panel, which enables him to understand his current basic situation as soon as possible.


Host: Baru Ashina Genichiro

Age: 9
Genre moves: Bow and Arrow · Leaping Dance String Strike · Four Links (Limited to the current physical condition, unable to complete the action); Balu · Profound Truth · Flying Floating Boat (limited); Balu · Secret Biography · Flying through the Whirlpool Cloud (limited); Swordsmanship ·Ba Zhilei; Baliu·Secret·Sakura Dance (limited)

Ninja Taijutsu: None

Ninjutsu Ninjutsu: None
Permanent effects: Wei Mingliu·Torso Breath·Yang

Bound Items [can be summoned or recalled at any time]: Diamond Iron Lightning Summoning Knife; Diamond Iron Divine Arm Bow

Reputation: 500 (initial)
Beads: 0 (40 beads have been scattered all over Japan, please collect them yourself)
Attack Power: Level 1 (can be improved by consuming combat memory)

Through the basic panel attributes, Genichiro finally understands that the reason why his body is so short and fragile is because he has returned to the age when he was adopted by Wei Mingyixin - nine years old.At that time, he was still wandering the streets all day long, relying on stealing to obtain food for survival. It was not until the bloody revenge was completed that Genichiro began to receive the training of Yixin.

No wonder Genichiro always felt so familiar with the tattered "wide-leg trousers" on his body.

It turned out to be a fig leaf for his troubled times.

Thinking of this, Genichiro's eyes were filled with rare tenderness.

As for the problem that most of the genre moves cannot be used, Genichiro is not surprised.With his current physical condition, it would be difficult for him to complete fifty Suzhens with an ordinary knife, let alone the Ba Zhiliu with his gorgeous body skills.

Baliu's Flying Floating Boat, Flying Whirlpool Cloud, and Sakura Dance are quite different from Yixin's kendo.Wei Ming Yixin doesn't care about the shape of the sword at all, but on the basis of solid kendo, he pays attention to finding the right timing and weakness in actual combat, and uses the most restrained style of play to kill the opponent. The difficulty lies in accumulating combat experience, summarizing skills and personal swordsmanship savvy.

And Baliu swordsmanship itself is a sword dance created by Ba to make the former god son Zhang happy. It has complicated sword moves and extremely difficult gorgeous movements, so it requires extremely high physical fitness.Of Wei Ming's younger generation (if you don't count wolves), only Genichiro can meet the learning standards.

Genichiro was tall and tall since he was a child, and his strength is often enough to easily defeat the enemy, so he never worked hard to replay the battle or ponder his skills for victory like Yixin.Rather than looking for weaknesses to defeat the enemy, Genichiro prefers to rely on his physical advantage to launch continuous attacks on the enemy, and quickly knock down the enemy through dual psychological and physical oppression.

It is also for this reason that Wei Mingyixin's grandson did not learn Wei Mingliu's swordsmanship.

But Xianichiro is not completely a heretic, after all Wei Mingliu doesn't have too many rules, what suits him is the best.At least spiritually, Genichiro still sticks to Wei Ming's principle of being desperate for victory.

As for the lingering effect of the torso breath Yang, it is the breathing method Wei Mingyixin taught him since he was a child, which can restore his energy in a very short period of time, and strengthen his ability to control his body and his ability to tolerate pain.Genichiro was able to hold a 4.5 kg Nodachi on the street (the density of diamond iron is much higher than that of iron) and accurately stab the foot of the policeman.

And those two bound items were a birthday present from Wei Mingxin to Genichiro when he was 19 years old.

Compared with ordinary materials, diamond iron is a unique local resource in Weiming. It is influenced by history and gods and contains karma, and it is easier to attract the attention of gods.With weapons made of diamond iron, Xian Yilang can easily use this to attract Thunderbolt and Thunder.

But in this way, Xianichiro finally understood why he was able to sense the position of King Kong Iron Summoning Thunder.

This is entirely a systematic arrangement.

If he wanted, he could let Tie Zhaolei return to his hands now.

But Xianichiro thinks about it or forget it, after all, 4.5 kg is more like a burden to him with a small body.

If you don't need something good, it's better not to have it.

After getting to know his basic information, Genichiro looked at the most important column of values ​​in the panel, which is "Reputation".

According to the information that just flooded into my mind, prestige is the key to revive Wei Ming.

Relying on reputation points, Genichiro can draw a lottery.

There are two types of draws: low-level and high-level.

Consuming 100 reputation points, you can conduct a low-level lottery draw, and if you draw ten consecutive low-level lottery draws, you can get a lucky draw chance.

If you choose the low-level lottery draw, then Genichiro has a 60% chance of getting a "Balloon for Mibu", a 30% chance of getting a Balloon for Mibu, and a 9.9% chance of getting a Balloon for Mibu And a 0.1% chance to draw the "Spiritual Mibu Balloon".

Among them, recruiting Mibu Balloons can extract items in the world of "Sekiro".

Lucky Mibu Balloons can get an undetermined amount of Yen.

The Mibu balloon can bring the characters in "Sekiro" back to the present world.

The Summoning Mibu Balloon is the most special, it can summon one of the other five items in the game, so the winning rate is only a pitiful one-thousandth, and the quality cannot be guaranteed, for example, it is possible to draw a giant's shit.

[Is this really possible? 】

Xianichiro is a person who has never had any gambling experience, and has no idea about things like lottery draws, but when he saw that Wei Mingzhong could be resurrected through this method, he felt that he had the goal of living again in an instant !
That is to accumulate prestige points, revive Wei Ming, and then rebuild Wei Ming.

Then, even if he was an existence of nothingness, he will become real!
Finally, Genichiro turned his attention to the advanced draw.

The price of the high-level lottery draw is a thousand times that of the low-level lottery draw, and a full 100000 reputation points are required for one time.

There is only one kind of prize in the premium lottery, and that is "Colorful Mibu Balloons".Compared with low-level lottery draws, its prize pool is one grade higher than low-level lottery draws. Although only items or characters can be drawn, if items are drawn, they must be important props or special props; figure.

[In other words, 1000 lottery draws with unstable results and 1 lottery draw with relatively stable results? 】

【Choose between risks and opportunities! 】

Genichiro is not interested in the items drawn, but the characters are the most important existence to him.

After all, it is impossible to rely on Wei Ming alone if he wants to rebuild Wei Ming in this strange world.

After understanding the most critical part of the system, Genichiro saw his remaining 500 reputation points and took a deep breath.

[Five low-level lottery draws! 】

Genichiro said silently in his heart.

[Drip... the lottery draw is in progress]

[The lottery draw has been completed. 】

[Congratulations to the host for harvesting the recruiting Mibu balloon*3; the recruiting Mibu balloon*1; the recruiting Mibu balloon*1]

[Would you like to pop the Mibu balloon to see the specific prizes? 】

At this moment, Xianichiro's thoughts were all on the "Paper Man Mibu Balloon", and he quickly said silently: "Pierce! Pierce!"

[Grandpa, Kuro, can I see you again? 】

In an instant, amidst the turbulent mood, Xianichiro also thought of the beautiful figure who was quietly watching from the side when he practiced his sword in the clouds and mist.

【And Yongzhen... Seeing me now, she will definitely laugh out loud. 】

Xianichiro actually laughed when he thought of this, and the people outside quickly moved away from him.

This kid really has a brain problem!
They thought so.

However, Genichiro's smile soon stopped.

Because the specific content of the prize did not satisfy him.

[Acquired items ashes group*1, bite object*1, pottery piece*1]

【Get 20000 yen】

【Acquired Character · Anayama】

Genichiro frowned, not to mention whether the ashes and pottery pieces are useful, he can pick them up by himself in this new world, so it can be seen that it is no different from not winning the lottery.The specific instructions for the so-called biting objects are also quite different from those in the game.

[Bite: If the host or a creature with undead power eats it, it can suspend death for up to 6 hours in a conscious state.During this period, the host's body will take on the characteristics of the deceased.If it is eaten by others, it will die immediately. 】

In short, it is the poison used by Ashina Yoshitaka to commit suicide, and it can be used to play dead for Genichiro.

As for the yen, he has no concept at all, so he just ignores it.

But the character he drew made him the most dissatisfied.

【Hawker Cave Mountain】

Not even a famous Wei soldier!

Even the old lady Ajijia who kowtowed to Xianfeng Temple on the bridge was a famous person after all, and he could feel a little familiar with her.

This so-called Anayama is the peddler near the first red ghost on the Hukou Stairway in Weiming.

When Hirata's house was attacked by bandits, Anayama also planned to take advantage of the fire. In order to lure the wolf away, he also told the latter that there seemed to be treasure hidden on the triple tower (that is, the prosthetic ninja tool-fog crow feather).

And three years later, Xueshan transformed himself into a dead body dealer who made money in the war. Whether it was Weiming soldiers or Neifu soldiers, they were all within his search range.

Although he did not forget to collect the corpses when he touched them, but from the standpoint of Genichiro, Anayama is also one of the murderers of the Hirata family tragedy, and he is more enemies than friends.

【Even if such a person revives him, will he listen to me or not...】

[If such a person can be drawn out, then Guyingzhong and Chibei should also be possible! 】

[But doesn't this mean that there is no smoking? 】

[The low-level lottery draw is really disappointing! 】

If you draw the enemy, isn't it self-inflicted?

However, at this moment, the system finally answered Genichiro's doubts.

[The characters obtained by lottery from the system can be endowed with different degrees of free will by the host]

[No free will: The character retains the fighting instinct and completely obeys your orders. The host can even replace his consciousness and manipulate his body. 】

[Medium free will: The character maintains a high degree of loyalty to the host and obeys the host's orders, but the execution method is self-imposed.If the host's request violates the other party's principles, the character will also advise the host based on his own wisdom, but he will never betray or violate the host's instructions.In other respects, the characteristics of this character are completely consistent with the person himself. 】

[Complete free will: Literally, the character has complete self-awareness, and the host cannot force the other party to execute orders. 】

Genichiro just nodded his head, which seemed much more reasonable.

If the opponent's loyalty cannot be guaranteed, if Kuro's ninja is drawn, wouldn't there be another defeat at Luweiyuan?

But if the other party is completely loyal, if the grandfather is drawn, wouldn't it be a great unfilial and ungrateful.

[It seems that this hole mountain can allow him to maintain a general free will. 】

[But this person has no ability... Even if he is resurrected, what's the use? 】

[Speaking of which, the low-level lottery draw doesn't satisfy me. I still have to accumulate 100000 reputation points and try the high-level lottery draw to revive those Weiming people I'm familiar with more quickly. 】

[The question now is, how do I get this reputation point? 】

Genichiro looked at the big "0" and fell into thought.

I also completely forgot the biggest gain of this lottery, which is 20000 yen.

at that age.

The value of one yen is equivalent to 0.75g of gold.

(End of this chapter)

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