Sauichiro: rebuilding Ashina from the obliteration of the pillar

Chapter 70 Statement from Metropolitan Police Department

Chapter 70 Statement from Metropolitan Police Department
Weiming's Luminous Dessert shop occupies a very large area, the size of eight ordinary gnomes. Even if you keep walking, it takes half a minute to walk through the backyard.

The courtyard landscape that was originally used for guests to play with girls was demolished, and the rockery was also pulled down, turning into a huge square pond, in which there are always big red carps poking their heads, shining like noble gems under the setting sun .

The magical treasure carp, which is the size of a half-man, made Die Ren firmly believe in the stereotype that "everything should be big in Wei Ming".

When passing by the arch bridge above the pond, Genichiro keenly summoned the attribute panel and found that his luck had actually improved a little.

[Being near the treasure carp can indeed increase luck. 】

[Grandpa was able to develop two postures of ascending carp and descending carp when admiring treasure carp, maybe this is also the reason. 】

In addition, when Xianichiro opened his spiritual vision, he also keenly noticed that the maple trees and winter cherry trees planted on the bank of the pond had a white mist coiled and nourished on them, which was obviously also touched by the light of the precious carp.

However, those "thunder dogs" that could survive in the water did not know where Saose Shinichi put them, and he did not see any of them.

Following the footsteps of "DuangDuangDuang" intentionally made by Xiaotaro, those precious carp were frightened and fled in all directions immediately, piercing directly into the stones on the bank and disappearing without a trace. The magical drama of turning fish into life.Seeing this scene, Kotaro laughed out loud. Obviously, he often does this and enjoys it.

As a result, the luck bonus on Xianichiro disappeared.

[It turns out that this fish can really pass through walls. 】

Genichiro and Butterfly Shinobu were equally surprised when they discovered this.

He looked at Butterfly Ren'an who was full of doubts and said, "There will be no one here in a while, and they will come back. You can come back if you want to see it."

He knows Butterfly Ninja is a goldfish lover.

Only when watching the goldfish swim freely in the water, Die Die's violent temper can be stabilized. This should be related to her experience when she learned to breathe water.

Looking at the crystal-clear pond, Die Die nodded dully, feeling that nothing would surprise her today.

A giant of more than two meters, a beautiful woman with snake eyes, and this kind of giant carp that can pass through walls.

She is a little bit convinced now that maybe Wei Ming really has a big white snake wrapped around a mountain for rest.

[It seems that the next lottery draw will have to bring Murata to this place, so the effect should be better. 】

[I don't know how much luck that guy can add to me, at least 5 points. 】

Genichiro thought to himself.

When the three of them came to the door of the main hall, before they saw anyone, they heard a burst of high-spirited talk from inside.

"The queen of the United Kingdom is like a shareholder who has been robbed of her shares. She has the title of honorary director. She can't be blamed for any problems in the country, and the credit is the same; the president of the United States is like you invited from outside. After experiencing the treasurer, all grievances have to be endured by oneself; only the emperor of Japan is like a major shareholder who also serves as the chairman of the board. If he makes any mistakes, he will push them to the cabinet. At worst, the government will change; but if there is any credit, he will take it all In the body, deify oneself to be worshiped by all peoples, and take the will of one person as the will of the whole nation."

The voice was impassioned, and it sounded like a child who hadn't fully changed his voice.

What he said, although clichéd in universities outside, is very fresh to people who don't care about current affairs.

After all, how many people dare to say that the emperor is wrong.

"Nowadays, the cabinet is in power in turn by the feudal lords. 40.00% of the five's annual financial expenditure is used to supplement the armaments, and the army is firmly in their hands. Emperor Meiji was in power, and there were still people who could suppress them. But after his death, this deified The combination of the emperor and the foolish and loyal army may cause an irreparable disaster to Japan and the whole world..."

【Didn't Kuro be in English class? 】

[Why are you talking about politics? 】

Genichiro didn't feel anything when he heard the words inside, and pushed open the paper door with a click.

On the low couch in the middle of the room, Kuro was sitting next to a handsome young man with a long face. The table was piled with newspapers written in foreign languages, and the top one was a copy of The Times.

The moment he saw Genichiro, Kuro immediately stood up and said, "Brother Genichiro..."

His eyes swept over Genichiro's left hand, revealing a trace of deep nostalgia, which then turned into joy.

"It's good to see for yourself that you're okay," he said sincerely.

The young man behind Jiulang also stood up, carefully sizing up the few people who came in, without speaking, his gaze paused on Butterfly Ninja for a while.

And Butterfly Shinobu put all her attention on Kuro, and when she estimated Kuro's height, she let out a sigh of relief.

"Finally something normal."

"This kid looks quite cute, not as serious as Genichiro, but there is always a kind of inexplicable..."

"The feeling of being unattainable?"

Faintly, Die Die could feel that the child's temperament was a bit like the protagonist she had met with once, making people want to get closer, but not consciously ashamed.

The sincerity in Kuro's words made Genichiro very happy.

"There was a little accident, but it's not life-threatening."

He put his left hand on Jiulang's shoulder, and winked behind him: "Besides, shouldn't you call me brother? It's too formal to call me elder brother."

Kuro immediately saw Butterfly Shinobu standing behind Kotaro, and then realized that there were outsiders there, but the sense of presence in space was a little lacking.

"Sorry, I was rude, this..."

"This is Ms. Butterfly Ninja. Regardless of her young age, she is a very good doctor. My surgery was also done by her and her sister."

"I can't thank you enough."

Kuro bowed to Butterfly Ninja, and Butterfly Ninja quickly returned the gift. The maturity and etiquette of the other party almost made her forget the other party's age.

Then Xianichiro introduced to Butterfly Ninja: "This is my younger brother Hirata Kuro, following his adoptive parents' surname. This year is ten... well, this year is eight years old. He likes to read books, but he has some common hobbies with Ms. Shinobi."

In fact, Kuro is already 11 years old.It's just that he didn't eat meat before, so he looks shorter.

But since Genichiro had told Murata his age in prison, now Kuro had no choice but to condescend to reduce his age.

Kuro: "..."

Jiulang didn't know what lies his elder brother was telling, but he had no intention of exposing it, so he could only cooperate with aggrieved.

After greeting Butterfly Shinobi, he introduced the young man behind him to Genichiro: "This is Mr. Akutagawa Ryunosuke, a foreign language teacher invited by Mr. Anayama for me. He is proficient in Chinese, German and English, and is very knowledgeable. "

"Kurang is really absurd. I'm just a middle school student, and I can barely learn some foreign languages ​​by myself, but my level is only enough to read some news, and my proficiency is far from being considered."

This Mr. Akutagawa looked only eighteen or nineteen years old, but he spoke very modestly, and he was well-mannered, not like a child from an ordinary family.

Seeing that he was so young, Genichiro asked, "How did Mr. Akutagawa meet Anayama?"

Kuro's expression was immediately awkward, and just as he was about to say something, Ryunosuke Akutagawa spoke first.

"There's nothing to say."

He smiled, "My biological father is a milk businessman. His company now provides fresh milk for the entire Yoshiwara. Mr. Anayama has also given a lot of ideas. My father heard that Kuro is very interested in foreign languages. It just so happened that I Recently, I didn’t want to go to school, so I introduced me to Mr. Anayama.”

As he spoke, he looked at Kuro with some admiration.

"However, I didn't expect that Jiulang was actually a rare foreign language genius. It took him three days to memorize words and grammar that ordinary people would need to master. To be honest, I'm afraid that in a few days, I will also be able to remember the grammar." You can't teach him anything."

"You're welcome."

Kuro said modestly.

"Okay, since it's a day to reunite with my family, I won't bother you all. It just so happens that I still have something to ask a senior."

He also saw that a few people seemed to have something to talk about, and after bowing, he planned to leave, but when he passed by Butterfly Ninja, he suddenly stopped.

"Miss, although it is a bit presumptuous, since yesterday, the police have been arresting people wearing black uniforms and carrying knives. If you don't want to be misunderstood, you'd better change your clothes before going out."

After saying that, he bowed and left without waiting for Die Die to bear to reply.

"Kotaro, go see Mr. Akutagawa off."

"it is good."

Kotaro put the food box on the table and immediately followed him out. After a while, the two laughed outside. It seems that Mr. Akutagawa is very suitable for coaxing children.

After the two walked away, Butterfly Ninja recovered from the previous sluggishness.

"What does he mean by that?"

Butterfly endured and repeated: "Wearing a black uniform...a person carrying a samurai sword, isn't that..."

No matter how you describe it, it sounds like Ghost Killing Squad.

"Miss Butterfly Ninja is a member of the Demon Slayer Squad."

Kuro knows a lot, "Last night at Rashomon, Mr. Anayama saw two men in black were taken away by the police because they were carrying knives, and one of them was wounded in the leg by a bullet. He was arrested At that time, one of them said that there were ghosts entrenched in the wandering girl's house over there, and it should be the members of the Ghost Killing Squad."

Butterfly Shinobu's complexion immediately became ugly.

"They, they are too careless! How can they cause such trouble to the lord at this time!"

Now that the headquarters of the ghost killing team is "haunted", the three pillars can't solve it together, and the protagonist's body is so weak, there are too many things to worry about.

Speaking of this, Butterfly Ninja was still a little angry. Obviously, he regarded the two team members as rookies who acted recklessly and caused panic among the residents and were arrested.

However, Jiulang shook his head: "It's not as simple as being careless. What happened yesterday is probably not accidental."

Genichiro asked suspiciously, "Why do you say that?"

[Could the police still target the Ghost Killing Squad? 】

"There is a notice issued by the police in the morning. Every store has a police notice, and it has been repeatedly emphasized."

Kuro pulled out a piece of paper from the bottom of a pile of foreign language newspapers.

Xianichiro took the note, glanced at it, and read aloud:
"Here is a non-governmental illegal violent organization that deceives ignorant people on the grounds of ghosts and ghosts. They often break into houses, extort money, and harm good civilians. Their actions have seriously endangered public safety and social stability. It is reported that all members of the organization wear standard black Casual clothes, with the white Chinese character 'Mie' written on the back, usually carrying a disguised knife when walking, and often pretending to be a policeman to contact people to inquire about information. I am now urging all citizens to call the police immediately if they see a suspicious person who meets the above characteristics. Anyone who is found to have voluntarily harbored, sheltered, or cooperated with this organization will be fined 20 yen immediately and detained for more than 15 days. Please do not mistake yourself for the grace of the upper body, and strictly abide by the laws of the empire."

"In addition, if any member of the organization repents and voluntarily surrenders to the police and provides information, he will be given preferential treatment as appropriate and given a lighter sentence. If there is no serious crime, a cash reward will also be given."

"Meiji 42, November 29th."

"Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department Warning Director Statement."

As soon as Xianichiro finished reading, Butterfly Shinobu suddenly snatched the note.

"It's impossible! It's impossible!"

Her slender arms trembled, and her eyes flicked over each word, hoping that she had heard it wrong, or that Genichiro had mispronounced it.

However, if the black and white words are put there, naturally there will be no problem. There is even an official seal of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department under the date as evidence.

After she read it a full three times, white air flowed from her mouth and nose, the veins on her forehead immediately popped up uncontrollably, the skin on her face was dyed red with anger, and the hair at the end of purple was windless, obviously she was extremely angry!
"They, how could they do this!"


She obviously didn't do anything, but the paper in her hand was torn apart by the invisible air current, "How could they do this!"

Then, as if she had been deprived of all her strength, she slumped and knelt on the ground, tears streaming out of her eyes.

"We, we just want to help those people..."

Butterfly said with a hoarse voice: "Why do they have to stop such a good thing that benefits the people, obviously the lord has given them so much money..."

"What do they want?"

【yes. 】

Genichiro stared at the statement split in two on the ground, somewhat puzzled by what the police did.

[It's impossible for them not to know about the existence of ghosts. What exactly are they trying to do by initiating such a ban on the ghost killing team? 】

【The most important thing is】 He frowned tightly,【Is it a human or a ghost who issued such an order? 】

He also needs to kill a lot of ghosts to get skill points.

If he has attracted the attention of the government because he did something similar to the Ghost Killing Squad...

With the power of modern weapons, it would be useless even if he could summon a hundred grandpas at once, it would be better than a group of leaderless people.

When Genichiro came back to his senses, he found that Kuro had already knelt beside Butterfly Shinobu, and Butterfly Shinobu's state was a little calmer.

【I have to think of a way, first to clarify the matter, and then to solve the police matter...】

[Alternatively, the police, just let us do it. 】

(End of this chapter)

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