Chapter 95 Cause and Effect
Oni Wu Tsuji Mumi used the remaining strength of Guhuo Niao near the wound of Kakino Kuang, tearing apart the latter's abdominal muscles that were about to heal, like tearing apart a torn towel.

Fine red blood droplets splashed all over Undead Kawasami's body, the scalding human and the rotten smell of ghosts entangled and fought with each other in his nasal cavity and mouth, forcing his brain to stop suddenly and become blank, There was panic and disbelief in his eyes.

why... when... how...

Thousands of voices humming simultaneously, almost burning his brain.

However, Kakino Kusakami, who was surrounded by unprecedented pain, used his last bit of strength to grab Undead Chuan's sleeve fiercely before he passed out. His bloody mouth pulled out a shape that could hardly be maintained, and uttered a few syllables.


After speaking, his body seemed to be deprived of all vitality, and his neck was spread to one side, but the green light spots brought by the pills have not stopped working.

But anyone who looks at it knows it.

He can't last long.

What I saw before my eyes and what I heard with my ears seemed to be awakened by a thunderbolt that had fallen into astonishment.

With a dull face, he pushed away the sleeping body of his friend and senior brother, and then slowly turned around while holding the spare sun wheel knife at his waist.

He wouldn't run away, didn't intend to run away, and didn't think he could.

How can this kind of ghost be an easy character to deal with such a large wound out of thin air.

"Are you the new pillar of the Demon Slayer Squad?"

Onimai Tsuji raised his chin arrogantly.

"Sure enough, your appearance is more to my appetite. Although your strength is not much different, but the guy lying there, just seeing his smile makes me feel uncomfortable."

"I wanted to watch him die in agony, but I was disappointed that he passed out so easily."

"I don't know what method you used to help him save his life from Gu Huo Niao, but this speed of recovery is far inferior to the speed of his wound deterioration."

"In a few more hours, all his internal organs will completely rot."

"But before that, let's talk. After all, I have no ill intentions towards you."

Oni Wu Tsuji's words failed to anger Immortal Kawa Minya.

Immortal Chuan unexpectedly calmed down unexpectedly, moved slowly, and used his body to block the still-breathing friend behind him, blocking Onimai Tsuji's sight.

The matter of being mad and giving the enemy a chance, I have already experienced it when I dealt with one of the bottom strings, and he will not make the same mistake again.

Facing this kind of enemy, he needs a calm enough self.

It can also be regarded as what I learned from Genichiro when I fought against the fourth of the last string.

"who are you?"

He spoke hoarsely, and a pair of eyes more ferocious than ghosts scanned the beautiful skin back and forth, but there was only strong vigilance and exploration in his eyes, in an attempt to find some useful clues.

Undead Kawa Minya has many doubts in his heart.

How did this ghost know that our strengths are not much different, and when did it see Kuang Jin's smile?
Could it be that when we fought against one of the lower strings, this guy was watching nearby?That being the case, why didn't she save that guy?

Seeing how confident she looks, could it be that she is winding up?But it looks like a human being...

Besides, if it is winding, why are there no numbers in the eyes?

Can easily hurt Kuang Jin from four or five meters away, at least the top three in the winding.

But no matter what he speculates, there is no information that can be determined after all.

Fortunately, Ghost Dance Tsuji Wumi didn't confuse him for too long.

"Who are you asking me?"

Oni Wu Tsuji started to walk forward, the pupil in the middle of the red eyes suddenly became slender and sharp, and her temperament immediately changed from an ordinary human woman with a good face to a top predator that was even more terrifying and vicious than a lion and a tiger.

Following this subtle change, the air in the entire room went crazy and began to flee crazily, causing waves of strange whistling sounds, while Immortal Kawa Minya stood still, letting the opponent lean closer and closer closer.

"I am the supreme being who can free you from all pain immediately."

"I am the supreme gift that can make you tens of times stronger immediately."

"I am the most perfect creature in this land, and in the whole world."

This sentence has already revealed her identity.

Speaking of which, there was only less than two meters between Oni Wu Tsuji and Immortal Kawa Miniya.

The corner of her mouth raised a thrilling arc, and she stretched out a hand diagonally downward, like a queen in a western oil painting who bestows the title of warrior with a sword. Cruel and evil.

"Follow me, become a ghost, become the top predator in nature, and become the top of the food chain."

"At that time, you will find that everything that is causing you pain is insignificant. Soon, you will forget all the suffering of being a human being. The sense of guilt of human beings will no longer be able to restrain you in the slightest. "

From Gu Huo Niao's memory, Wu Mi knew a lot of information about Immortal Kawasami. For example, he once blew himself up in battle, saying that he killed his mother with his own hands.

And the set of words that Guiwu Tsuji Wucan is currently using has worked for many humans who have similar experiences.

For those who desire power, such as Yiwozuo, the third of the winding strings, they promise power.

Appreciate those who are eager to recognize, such as the five jade pots of Shangxian.

For those who want to escape from pain, such as the undead Kawa Minya in front of them, it provides a way to escape.

After all, the sense of morality and guilt is one of the roots of human suffering.

In Guiwu Tsuji Wuyou's mind, that's what human nature is all about. Give them something that is paradoxical to what they want, and they will beg to become ghosts.

Especially the guy in front of him who seems to be alive, but in fact has never been alive.

Who wants to carry on living with hatred and guilt if there is another, easier way of being?
Sure enough, as she expected, Undead Chuan's eyes were numb, and his knees slowly bent.

Onimai Tsuji's smile was even worse.Compared with the way ghosts have to bow their knees when facing her, she prefers humans to kneel down and pray to her, even more so from the ghost killing team.

However, Immortal Kawa Minya's lowered posture soon stopped.

Heavy breathing sounded suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, a blue-black wind blade burst out violently from top to bottom, and the wearer, Immortal Kawa Miniya, threw all his strength towards Onimai Tsuji's neck!

This move is exactly the sixth type with the strongest slashing power in Breath of the Wind, Heifeng Lanyan!
It is also the sword shape of the huge snake head that cut off the fourth string before Undead River.

In his mind, even such a thick snake head could be cut off with a single blow, even if Oni Wu Tsuji Wumi in front of him was the king of ghosts, so defenseless, he would never be safe and sound.

After all, his Immortal Chuan is Zhu!
One of the strongest combat powers of the Ghost Killing Squad!

"I've been waiting for this day for too long!"

Seeing that the scene he had fantasized about countless times was about to happen, Undead River let out a ferocious roar, and the speed of the blade rose to a higher level, even the air was ignited by the strength of this blow, and even let out a roar A hint of burnt smell.

Unfortunately, in Onimai Tsuji's eyes, this blow was as slow as a fallen leaf circling in the autumn wind.

She stretched out her flawless white jade palm, facing the edge of the blade, and held the Sun Wheel Knife in her hand.

The blade was stuck tightly by the slender fingers, and it could no longer save half a point.

And the blue-black wind blade that hit her turned into invisible before it touched the corner of her clothes, and couldn't even tear a gap. Only some residual air flow managed to make the end of the white coat shake silently.

"It seems that you are also the kind of person who can't speak well."

Oni Wu Tsuji's forehead was throbbing with blue veins, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he crushed the blade in his hand with a click, just like ordinary people crushing peanut shells.

Undead Chuan stopped breathing, and looked at the other party's intact palm in disbelief, not to mention wounds, not even a scratch.

His all-out blow couldn't even pierce Onimai Tsuji's skin.

Is this... the power of the ancestor of ghosts?
With such a terrifying defensive ability, is there really any human being her opponent?

"Looking at the look in your eyes, you don't naively think that you can do something to me as soon as you step on the threshold of the pillar?"

Ghost Mai Tsuji sneered ruthlessly, "Compared to the real monsters I have encountered, you swordsmen are really inferior to each other."

"When will you find out?"

"Compared to me, all living things in the world are nothing but ants!"

After finishing speaking, Onimai Tsuji's whole body's aura rose steadily, Peng Bai's pressure continued to spread around her, and the undead Kawa Miniya who bore the brunt even couldn't open his eyes.

Standing in front of Oni Wu Tsuji, he felt like a small fishing boat parked in front of a pitch-black iron-clad warship, who would be crushed to pieces in the next moment, even without the opponent needing to do it deliberately.

No matter how frantically he rowed the oars, he couldn't avoid the huge shadow that was coming.

There is only one dead end.

With one person and one ghost so close, Immortal Kawasami could even smell the smell of the other party's body like a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

The smell spread along his body to every part of his body, like attacking a city, acting recklessly.

The muscles in his body screamed terribly at the same time, even the bones rattled, and the blood turned into solid ice under the helpless fear.

"Did you find yourself unable to move?"

Guiwu Tsuji Wuyou casually knocked out the broken knife in Bushikawa's hand, and gently stroked the scar on his face with his right index finger, as if feeling the texture of a piece of furniture.

"Did you know? When human beings face any other creature, they will subconsciously choose to resist or flee."

"But only when you face me, you will be like you now, unable to do anything, let me manipulate like fish on a chopping board."

"You have to remember, I am the earthquake flood, I am the erupting volcano, I am the tsunami that can overturn the entire Japan, I am the truth, I am the only one, and I am the god living in the world."

Her nails suddenly grew longer, and a drop of magnificent blood quietly seeped out from between her fingers.

"So, when the gods want to give you something, you have to take it if you don't want it."

Under Undead Chuan's vibrating sight, the finger moved down slowly, and soon there was a sharp object scratching the skin on his neck.

But it hasn't been poked yet.

At this critical juncture, Undead Kawa Minami anxiously urged himself: "Move! Quickly! Undead!"

"You must not become a ghost!"

However, as if the connection between his mind and body had been severed, the command was useless.

Oni Wu Tsuji Mumi began to exert strength on his fingertips, and his cold voice echoed in Undead River's ears.

"As your punishment for resisting me, when you become the ghost's first food, that is the guy lying on the ground, and then become the new leader, do things for me honestly."

The next moment, his fingertips pierced Undead Chuan's skin.

The blood, which is much higher than the human body temperature, will immediately take the opportunity to pour in.

At the same time, countless voices suddenly appeared in Undead Chuan's mind, and faces he had experienced in the past appeared in front of him, as if reminding him that when he turned into a ghost, these memories would soon disappear.

It was after my mother was beaten by my father, she made peony cakes for him in tears.

"Mom doesn't need your protection, but you must take good care of your younger siblings, Shinya."

That was when she was resting in Butterfly House, Butterfly Kanae held his hand with tears in her eyes.

"Don't be so brave anymore, don't hurt your body for killing ghosts anymore."

It was the first time that he used Breath of Wind to overload and lie on the bed, and was hit on the head with a stick by the master.

"You idiot, that's not how the breath of the wind is used! Remember it well!"

Not long ago, when he came out of Wisteria Hana's house, his younger brother Xuanya brought a gift made by himself and wanted to beg his forgiveness.

"I want to join the ghost killing team too! I can't let my brother do such a dangerous thing alone."

It was before the departure this time that Kano Kusakami punched him hard on the back.

"If I become a pillar too, you have to pay me to eat beef hot pot once!"

That was before he parted with Ichiro last time, and the latter handed him a green seed.

"During the Chinese New Year, you have to follow that woman closely. Don't let her die for such a kind guy. Even I will be sorry."

At this moment, all the warmth he could recall quickly gathered in his heart, like a sun rising in his heart, pumping hot blood to his limbs and bones.

"There's that overly kind woman waiting for me to save!"

"I haven't had time to repay the favor of that brat named Wei!"

"A world without ghosts that allows Xuan Mi to live with peace of mind, I haven't been able to realize it yet!"

"That idiot Kuang Jin has been arguing to find a girlfriend to marry, and I didn't check for him!"

Suddenly, the frozen body was completely melted by the warmth from the memory.

Engraved deep in my memory, the breath of wind that has long been an instinct has never been so smooth at this moment.

Three light blue wind blades flew out of his fingertips out of thin air without the sun blade, and at the critical moment, they scraped away the skin that was punctured by Kiwu Tsujimu, and wiped out the whole infected area. The flesh and blood were pulled out and fell on the ground in the distance.

(Note: It is a setting in the original book that Feng Zhu can use the wind blade with his bare hands. The author just advanced it.)
Immediately, he sneered viciously at Ghost Mai Tsuji.

"You spreading disease-spreading garbage!"

"I don't want to become something disgusting like a ghost."

Then, at the moment when Oni Wu Tsuji's eyes showed astonishment, Fushikawa took out the ringing bell that Genichiro gave him last time from his mouth, held it in his hand and crushed it directly.

The invisible blade made of sound waves penetrated through Onimai Tsuji's head, and launched an unprecedented violent attack on his brain.

Even the ancestor of ghosts with seven brains could not help but be distracted for a moment by an attack method he had never seen before.

When he recovered from the severe headache, Immortal Kawasami had already smashed through the paper door with Kakino Kurosaki in his arms, and came to another room.

"You bloody maggot!"

The furious Wuyou stretched out his right hand suddenly, and turned into a cylindrical giant worm made of bones and flesh out of thin air, and rushed towards the undead Kawasami at a speed faster than a train.

However, the latter just staggered away as if he felt something, only Kakino Kusakami, who was in his arms, was accidentally rubbed against his legs.

"Ghost Dance Tsuji Wumi, next time we meet, I will definitely cut off your head myself!"

After saying this, Immortal Kawa Miniya knocked down the door of this mansion, and flew away in the midday sun.

Only Guiwu Tsuji Wuyou was left alone, screaming and screaming on the spot.

 Hey, who is the main character?

(End of this chapter)

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