Three Kingdoms: A marriage certificate, the father-in-law is actually Lu Bu

Chapter 66 Zhuge Liang's First Proposal!Lu Xun emerges!

Chapter 66 Zhuge Liang's First Proposal!Lu Xun emerges!
The soldiers retreated after reporting.

After hearing this, Chuck, who was in the main position, learned that Liu Biao and Sun Ce, the pair of enemies, were here together, and he was immediately happy on his face.


"I haven't looked for them yet, but the two of them came here by coincidence!"


"In your opinion, how should I deal with it? I had a fight with them..."

"Or send someone to reason with them?"

Chuck did not express his opinion, but looked at the many civil servants and generals present.

Faced with Chuck's inquiry, Lu Bu, who was determined to retreat to the second line, did not make a sound.

He didn't make a sound, and the rest of the generals would not express their thoughts rashly.

Even Wei Yan, who was eager to try and express himself, suppressed the restlessness in his heart at this moment.

Wenmou here.

When Chen Gong heard what Chuck said, he was not in a hurry to make suggestions.

How can he, who is old and mature, fail to guess Chuck's thoughts when he asked these words.

Although Chuck is asking everyone in name, in fact, it is basically to give the people he recruited a chance to perform.

Chen Gong, whose status as a counselor was as stable as Mount Tai, naturally would not take the initiative to compete with these juniors who were younger than him at this time, it would appear that Chen Gong was suspected of competing for merit.

Chen Gong did not argue.

Liu Ye, Bu Zhi, Yan Yan, Gu Yong, and Wei Jing, who were "invited" by Gao Shun and others, and who met Chuck for the first time, would not fight.

Especially Gu Yong among them.

Before he knew the news of the whereabouts of the teacher's daughter, it was difficult for him to return to Chuck.

The younger Lu Xun glanced at Jiang Gan who was sitting beside him, and only then did he realize...

Everyone's eyes fell on Zhuge Liang and Xu Shu who were behind Chen Gong intentionally or unintentionally.

"It's not just Xun who has this idea!"

Lu Xun thought secretly.

Silently sat up straight, waiting to listen to other people's high-level remarks.

Zhuge Liang and Xu Shu noticed the scrutinizing gazes of many scribes behind them, and the moment their eyes met, Xu Shu smiled slightly, but he had no idea of ​​getting ahead.

As Zhuge Liang's friend, Xu Shu didn't mind giving him the opportunity to perform this time.

"Return to the lord!"

Zhuge Liang, who was sitting on his seat, stood up.

With a confident expression, he first looked around the audience, and then said to Chuck on the main seat: "In my bright opinion..."

"I'm going to have a fight with Liu and Sun, and I also want to sit down and have a peaceful talk with them."

Fight and talk?

Or with both parties?
When Zhuge Liang said these words, many people present were shocked.

among them.

Including Zhang Liao, Zang Ba and other generals.

They are confident that with the soldiers and horses in Yiyang City, they can crush Sun and Liu with a strong force.

But the truth is.

It's a happy thing to do.

But a little carelessness will cause the hostility of Sun and Liu. Targeting them together can be said to be harmful but not beneficial.

In their view, the best coping strategy should be to make good friends with both parties, and not to make evil if they can avoid it.

They are just passing through Jingzhou, and they are not here to occupy it.

In essence, there is not much conflict with the two parties.

Even if the two parties fail to make friends, it should be the one who makes good friends, and it should be aimed at one party.


Chuck's heart was a little moved by Zhuge Liang's strategy, and he faintly guessed what Zhuge Liang thought, raised his hand and said, "Kong Ming, let's try it out!"

"Thank you, my lord!"

Standing up, Zhuge Liang stepped out of his seat and came to the center of the hall.

"My lord, my lord, and all of you!"

"The reason why Liang suggested that the lord should first have a fight with Sun and Liu before negotiating is very simple."

When Zhuge Liang made his first suggestion, he didn't show any nervousness, just listened to him talking and laughing and saying: "Show the enemy to be strong, let the other party beg me to negotiate, instead of me begging the other party!"

"When Cailiang entered the city, he noticed that there was no blood under Yiyang City."

"I think it should be because Sun and Liu have not found out the strength of our army and are afraid. It is also possible..."

Zhuge Liang looked at Chen Gong, who was on the first left, and said with a smile: "Mr. Gongtai was told by the lord when the lord and the lord were looking for Liang and his party, that he should not take the initiative to turn against the two parties."

Regarding Zhuge Liang's analysis, Chen Gong nodded appreciatively and did not deny Zhuge Liang's remarks.

Just like what Zhuge Liang said.

Although the lord Chuck told him before leaving that Chen Gong would chop off those hands that dared to reach out to Yi Yang, but...

However, both Sun and Liu maintained restraint after all, and did not make any provocations.

In this case, Chen Gong naturally wouldn't provoke them for nothing.

Seeing this, Zhuge Liang continued: "When Liang was farming in Nanyang, one day, he suddenly learned from a hunting hunter that a tiger had come to Xishan!"

"For three days in a row, the hunters were afraid of the might of the tiger and did not dare to enter the mountain to hunt. However, when the hunters learned from the woodcutters in the southern mountain that the tigers in the western mountain were originally entrenched in the southern mountain..."

"On the fourth day, Liang saw the hunters happily carrying a tiger that had been dead for a long time under the watchful eyes of the common people."

"At first, Liang was very puzzled..."

"Why is there such a big difference in the performance of Orions before and after just one day later."

"So, Liang stopped those hunters and asked them. You may guess what they said?"

In response to Zhuge Liang's question, Hou Cheng, who was sitting in the ranks of generals on the right, laughed and said, "Sir, you can't help me wait. The reason why the tiger was killed is nothing more than Renduoer."

Hou Cheng's answer made Zhuge Liang shake his head for a while. He turned to Hou Cheng and said: "General, there are only three or five hunters in Xishan, and the number of tigers hunting has not changed much before and after."

"No change?" Hou Cheng's tone was surprised.

When he saw that Zhuge Liang didn't seem to be fooling him, Hou Cheng, who couldn't figure out the correct answer, stopped talking and was ready to listen to other people's opinions.

"Are there any sharpshooters among the hunters? Or maybe they accidentally hit the tiger's vitals!"

After Hou Cheng, Wei Xu uttered his guess.

"There has never been a sharpshooter!" Zhuge Liang said.

"At least when Liang saw the dead tiger's body, it was bloody all over. It must have been surrounded and killed by hunters, and it bled so much that it was severely wounded to death."

Zhuge Liang also denied Wei Xu's guess.

This time.

After successive denials, Cheng Lian, Song Xian, Zang Ba and others who originally wanted to speak out stopped thinking about speaking out.

Wei Yan bowed his head in thought, just when he thought of the answer and was about to speak...

In the lobby, there was already a voice that sounded one step ahead of him.

"One mountain cannot accommodate two tigers!"

"The Xishan tiger must have been expelled by the Nanshan tiger!"

"Therefore, when the hunters first learned of the presence of tigers, they would instinctively be afraid, but when they learned that tigers were alien beasts..."

"People, without the awe of tigers, will naturally become more terrifying than tigers!"

"So, the tiger man died before he could eat one!"

Lu Xun opened his mouth and looked at Zhuge Liang with burning eyes.

"Not bad!"

Zhuge Liang looked at Lu Xun who was speaking in surprise. He didn't expect that someone could guess the correct answer so quickly.

After he glanced at Lu Xun admiringly, he turned to Chuck and said, "My lord, today's Yiyang City is like the tiger that just arrived!"

"After these days of peace, Jiangdong Sun Ce and Jingzhou Liu Biao may have lost their respect for us!"


At the end of Zhuge Liang's speech, he looked at Chuck with a smile.

The others present were thinking about the meaning of Zhuge Liang's words.

Suddenly, they suddenly realized:
Zhuge Liang told the story of a tiger in the Western Mountains.

secretly said,
Why not the current Bingzhou Army.

The soldiers of the Bingzhou Army who came from Xuzhou looked exactly like the fierce tiger that left Nanshan and was finally killed by the Xishan Orion!

If the Xishan tiger from outside preys on three or two hunters at the beginning, even if other people know that the tiger is from outside, will they still have the courage to hunt and kill it?

Under the greed for life and fear of death, some people dare not provoke the evil tiger!

such as……

Liu Biao, the shepherd of Jingzhou right now! ! !

Sun Ce has the heart to tear up the tiger and fight the Bingzhou army...

Liu Biao may not have.

 Haha, I went to the Spring Festival Gala! ! !
  Happy New Year everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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