Chapter 150 The War Begins!
The establishment of the new Room 46 is not something that can be completed in a day or two. Now there is only Liang Yue alone, but there are not many things to deal with in the soul world.

In addition to the reconstruction of the Jinglingting, the only thing to do is to prepare to attack Ozma's place and join forces for this purpose.

"How does Alice's potion feel?" On the newly built Jinglingting Street, Wang Yue and Liang Yue looked at the new world, and the former asked casually

"It feels great. After drinking it, it seems to have gained a new life. It is simply a life-saving medicine!" Liang Yue sighed sincerely.

He looks completely fine now.

"It would be best if we can wait until the monk breaks through Ozma's power limit before attacking."

Wang Yue sighed at Liang Yue

Now among the crowd, he and the monk have been partners for the longest time, and they trust the latter's power very much. Although they lost to Ozma, none of them is Ozma's opponent now.

For the weak to fight against the strong, it is necessary to have a numerical advantage.

"I have some uneasiness in my heart." Liang Yue shook her head, "Ozma must know that we have eliminated his 'pretender' in the Jinglingting, but why has he stayed still?"

"Perhaps... he is already in action, maybe..."


"My... strength is draining..."

In the dark throne, Ozma sat alone in the eternal darkness. He stretched out his hands, feeling his current power.

The one who appeared in Jinglingting...

The Messenger of Light... Who the hell is he?

Of course Ozma can feel it. In fact, every pretender is a part of him, and the Jinglingting is a place specially taken care of by him, and there are the most pretenders.

So of course he saw the arrival of Michelle, and his power that seemed to be of the same origin as himself but completely different, screened out all the pretenders in an instant, and purified them.

Angel?savior?god? !

Ha ha ha ha! ! !

Ozma couldn't help but want to laugh, what angel?what god !
Everything is nothingness, it's all a disguise!
If there is a God, if there is a savior, where is he when he is in despair? !

Ozma is confident that with her current strength, even though she is much weaker than before, she can still suppress the Three Realms, but if Michelle comes to disrupt the situation, it will be hard to say...

He felt it from the depths of his soul, that vague connection was his blood contract, the contract he signed with the god of death, once his power was exhausted and his soul was ignited, then he would be killed by the god of death. devoured.

This is his destined final destination, but he is not afraid, nor has he thought of resisting, let alone regret it!

He suddenly frowned, why...

Why do I have to think of Death at this time?

Did he already feel in his heart that this moment is the final battle?


Ozma roars
"My revenge will not end until the world is annihilated!"

He sneered again and said, "Let's stop here for the boring drama of man's rebellion against God! I'm tired of watching you look hopeful!"

He opened his arms, and suddenly a large amount of darkness gathered, one passage after another opened in the world, hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of monsters came out of the passages!
Some of them are infected Daxu, some are infected Death, but at this moment they all exude abnormal spiritual pressure, even the weakest...

There is also a degree of hypocrisy!
"Swallow it, hatch it, and then give birth to the strongest fighter!"

Hundreds of thousands of demons began to bite each other. They crazily devoured each other. The number of the black army began to decrease rapidly. Ozma looked at the scene in front of him and felt happy from the bottom of his heart.

Afterwards, he shouted loudly, "If you can't even pass this level, you don't deserve to appear in front of me at all!"

The voice of the devil pierced through the limitations of the world, and shattered the barrier between space and space. The scene of the corpse soul world and the virtual circle was reflected in the sky, and in the corpse soul world and the virtual circle, they also saw the dark world in the sky.

That... the gigantic demon that chooses to devour people is roaring in the sky, and in front of him is the most real hell. Hundreds of thousands of demons will fuse with each other, and every time there is one less demon, a stronger demon will be born .

Originally at the level of Daxu, they can no longer rely on a large amount of devouring to evolve, because only by devouring Daxu of the same attribute as themselves can they have the ability to evolve.

Moreover, some voids have a natural upper limit, for example, a large number of voids are destined not to enter the realm of Valstord.

But at this moment, Ozma's power turned everything around, and under the infection of his demonic power, all the voids turned into the same attribute——


Moreover, the upper limit of the death penalty was broken because of Ozma's apostle power, which allowed them to devour each other wantonly and reach a higher level!

At this moment, this kind of evolution is happening in countless places, a large number of voids are transformed into spiritual power and merged into another void, in order to...

Form a real demon!
A dark world, an absolutely terrifying world!

The roar of the devil rang in my ears again, as if the devil in my heart was roaring, and the urge to kill rose in my heart, making people...


Wang Yue, who was talking to Liang Yue, couldn't help but click her tongue, "I've seen a scene similar to this one thousand years ago,'s so insignificant!"

The super daxu who attacked the soul world at the beginning, now "Ji Si Ji Ba" has the ability to incubate and increase value, and once led hundreds of thousands of daxu to attack the soul world, it was finally solved by Wang Yue and the monk lower realm that disaster.


This time, how can it be compared with Ji Jiba? !
"It really makes you... hit the mark..."

Wang Yue's pupils shrank

"Looks like there really isn't much time left."


It is still pouring in from the channel in a steady stream. It was only hundreds of thousands at the beginning, but how much is it now?

Don't know...

But what everyone knows is that if they are allowed to devour it endlessly, then...

Maybe face an army composed of Varstord!
Not one or two, nor ten or twenty, but possibly hundreds or thousands!

"All the gods of death who can participate in the battle in Jinglingting, all gather at the 'Place of Forgiveness'!"

At this moment, they also heard the voice of the vice-captain of Quebu's "Tian Ting Kong Luo" in their ears. Liang Yue and Wang Yue looked at each other, knowing...

The decisive battle is coming!
A torn black cavity appeared in the sky, and a large number of broken faces headed by Stark Yuanyi arrived. This was the first time that Reaper and Void gathered on such a large scale, but the ultimate goal was not for each other.

This will be……

Void and Reaper's war against demons!

(End of this chapter)

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