From the Void King to the Ghost Swordsman of the Light of the Beginning

Chapter 157: Battle of Ozma Phase 2 Rewards and Emerging Classes

Chapter 157 Rewards and Emerging Classes of the Second Phase of the Battle of Ozma
"'The Second Stage of the Battle of Ozma' Attack Reward——"

[Item: Eye of Darkness (to be activated)]

[Weapon: Demon Sword Apophis' scabbard (to be activated)]

[Special reward: Holy Grail of Venus (to be activated)]

[Scene: Birmark Empire Proving Ground (to be activated)]

[Note: The death of the apostle will produce a 'transfer' phenomenon, and the transferred power will form a 'crystal' in areas where spiritual power is dense in the world"

Looking at the prompt of the system, Kahn instantly shifted his consciousness to Yuan Yi who had returned to the Void Night Palace, which is the area with dense spiritual power in the Void Circle.

"Small colorless crystals..."

He looked at the large number of crystals formed in the void, and felt some inexplicable feelings, because at this moment a sentence suddenly came to his mind.

"Double knives are not colorless!"

In the world of DNF, this thing is used to use some powerful skills, but now he can use skills without being colorless, so what's the use of this thing?
Holding a small colorless crystal block in his hand, he tentatively released the Explosive Flame Wave Sword.

In an instant, a large amount of flames condensed out, almost half of the Void Night Palace was covered by flames!

He was surprised, this time the Explosive Flame Wave Sword is almost twice as powerful as before!
"Although it can't be related to the ability to release the skill, it has brought a huge increase in the release of the skill. This enough to change the entire Death God world!"

He looked at the small colorless crystal block that had turned into powder in his hand, and there was a subtle light in his eyes.

The death of an apostle will bring about a phenomenon of transfer. He didn't expect this kind of thing to actually happen in the world of the god of death. It seems that no matter which world he is in, the apostle is extremely important to the world.

"Perhaps compared to other rewards, this 'bet' is the most important."

The scabbard of the magic sword Apophis is indeed a good thing. After giving him to Liang Yue, it is enough to make his sword and scabbard truly complete and go further.

The Eye of Darkness is a magic item implanted in the male magician's body, and it is a kind of reverse transfer energy.It looks like a liquid, but it is not. It will change the color of the magic according to the character and magic attributes of the transplanted person.

The reason why the magician in DNF transplanted the eyes of darkness into the body is to make the magic power more extreme.

The part where the Eye of Darkness is transplanted also determines the energy it can exert, usually one eye, the back of the hand or the tongue.

There are also heart transplants for the ultimate pursuit, but the risk is extremely high, and the slightest mistake will result in loss of life.Generally, only crazy magicians will transplant the eyes of darkness to the heart.

The Eye of Darkness can burst out almost infinite magic power, so the transplanted person will have a very strong vitality, even if they are seriously injured, they can automatically recover.

But taking a devastating blow beyond the recovery range of the Dark Eye or taking damage while the Dark Eye is weakened will also kill the transplanted.

In short, it is a reserve device with almost unlimited energy. This thing is quite good, but it seems that no one needs him now.

Several avatars are already on the right track, there is no need to transplant the Eye of Darkness at all, let's talk about it when a new avatar is opened next.

(Holy Grail of Venus: A cup with powerful curse power, drinking the water in it will mutate into a Yaksha.)
This reward is almost the worst. It is a monster production machine, but it can be used for a small dungeon attack.

The Bilmark Empire Proving Ground is also very useful. There are not only powerful BOSS mechanical bulls, but also various devices used by the Empire for experiments. I hope that after the scene is realized, there will be these experimental devices. After all, technology is the first. productive forces.

This is absolutely feasible in the world of Shinigami. Aizen Soyousuke, Urahara Kisuke, and Nirvana Mayuri are all scientists, and their upper limit is also very high.

"Next... I seem to be inspired again..."

He looked at the empty void circle, and then put away all the small colorless crystals in the Void Night Palace.

this world……

How will it develop?
Really look forward to!


"Finally... it has the appearance of Jinglingting."

Standing outside Jinglingting, Liang Yue looked at the emerging metropolis and couldn't help sighing:
The new Jinglingting is no longer the architectural style of the Heian period in Japan as in the past, but high-rise buildings were raised at the request of Liang Yue, full of modern style.

Although in terms of the current era, it should be said that it is a futuristic style.

The reason why high-rise buildings are built is because Jinglingting is no longer exclusive to the god of death and nobles.

A large number of refugees in the top [-] districts of the Soul World have the qualifications to enter the Jinglingting, which makes the population of the Jinglingting increase hundreds or even thousands of times compared to the past.

The Jingling Court is no longer as sparsely populated as it used to be, and of course it is necessary to build high-rise buildings that make full use of the space.

In addition to architecture, although nobles still have a higher status and some privileges in terms of political status, they are not the same as before.

The most obvious point is that the Zanpakuto of all people who are not members of the Goutei Thirteenth Team is confiscated, and the nobles will never allow the Zanpakuto to be kept privately.

Of course, Liang Yue's amnesty as the Lingwang can be an exception.

In addition, some artifacts passed down from generation to generation by the family can also be preserved, such as the Yanluo Jingdian of the Tsunayashiro family, such as the Eight Mirror Swords of the Ise family...

And, with the first person to discover a small colorless crystal, a new class soon entered the stage of history.

Some of them are ordinary people and some are low-level nobles who have no ambitions. After discovering the small colorless crystals, they quickly understood their important role, and even scattered all their wealth to collect them.

In the end, they obtained a large number of small colorless crystals and became the most important merchants in the Jinglingting, because the colorless small crystals are so important to the improvement of combat power, and a small crystal needs a lot of money to be able to Change to.

So Liang Yue separated their class from the nobles in the past and called it the bourgeoisie.

After the bourgeoisie stepped onto the stage of history, it began to compete with the great nobles of the past. This is mainly reflected in the selection of Room 46. A large number of old nobles and emerging businessmen compete for a place.

The nobles in the past were already discredited in the "Dark Jihad" launched by Ozma, so even though they had the starting funds accumulated in the past, they gradually fell into a disadvantage in the competition with the merchants.

Although Liang Yue, who has great prestige, is a superior noble, she doesn't care much about the interests of the nobles. However, with the confrontation between the two major classes, the Jingling Court, which was finally rebuilt, has become unstable again.

So he proposed to turn Room 46 into two upper and lower members, and the House of Lords, which is controlled by nobles, is responsible for the judicial power.

The House of Commons is responsible for legislative power, financial power and administrative supervision. It has greater power than the House of Lords, but the House of Lords reserves the right to suspend vetoes and has the right to review bills passed by the House of Commons.

As for the five nobles, because of their past aloofness, each family has a fixed seat in the House of Lords. Once the five nobles gather together, the administrative agency that can be said to surpass Room 46 is also denied, and it is changed to the time when the five nobles gather. Has the power to forcibly dismiss everyone in Room 46 except the Speaker of the House of Lords.

 Thanks to my friend Yuanying Shutong for rewarding 5000 starting coins!
(End of this chapter)

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