Chapter 226 Genichi's Gift

"It's amazing..."

In the twelfth division, Usir flipped through the documents, and said to Hitsugaya who had just finished checking on the chair

"I specifically checked the information of 'Priest Jiger', and only then did I know that the ghost hand can also hold alien souls, but this ability has never happened to the god of death. Your ghost hand has undergone a terrible mutation. "

Hitsugaya always thought that the Technology Development Bureau would be a very dark and terrifying place, but it was only this time that he discovered his mistake.

In this room, some of the science fiction novels in Jinglingting were turned into reality. Various smart devices that replaced the human brain and fully automatic inspection machines changed his impression of the [-]th squad very quickly.

At this moment, he was sitting on a chair with a cup of black tea on the table. After taking a sip, he said, "Could it be because the Quincy fought by manipulating the spirit particles from the outside world, so he has the ability to absorb the spirit body transformed from the spirit particles?" Ability, while Shinigami and Xu fight with their own spiritual energy to form a spiritual pressure, so the role of the ghost hand is more reflected in digging out their own power?"

The god of death uses the spiritual power released by his own soul, that is, uses the internal power to fight.

The Quincy gathers the aura that exists in the atmosphere, then packs it with its own spiritual energy, and presents it in the form of spiritual energy, that is, it uses external power to fight.

Therefore, the spiritual pressure of many Quincy masters is not high, but they have the combat power comparable to the high spiritual pressure of the Shinigami.

"It is indeed possible, but you have the ability to tap your own strength and contract external spirits at the same time. I really want to study your arm."

Seeing Usir's slightly fanatical expression, Hitsugaya felt a little nervous, and he hurriedly changed the subject, "This black tea is delicious, is it grown by the Technology Development Bureau?"

"This was sent by Captain Aizen." Ushir also took a sip, showing a comfortable expression
"Captain Aizen and vice-captain Sparrow seem to like London culture very much."

"...Indeed..." Hitsugaya used to serve as the third seat in the Fifth Division, so he knew some of Aizen's habits.

"In short, there is a high probability that there is nothing wrong with your body. Masaaki Matsushima's consciousness is too weak and it will not affect you, but if you fall into a situation weaker than him..."

"Maybe it will be overwhelmed by the guests..."


"Swallow solution · Dahonglian Binglun pill!"

After returning from the [-]th Division, he performed a swastika in the [-]th Division's training ground.

The twelve red lotus petals prove that he has not fully grasped the power of Hirinwan, but after the ghost hand absorbed Matsushima Masaaki, the ice produced by his Hirinwan also has some characteristics of the 'Eight Cold'.

However, it is impossible for him to do such an exaggerated thing as freezing one second into 250 billion seconds, but in the state of Swastika, it is enough to continuously release cold air to corrode the opponent's skin, bone marrow and thinking .

After a short practice, he returned to the captain's office.

"Ah? What are you doing?"

On his desk, he saw a note.

'At nine o'clock in the evening, please come to the roof of the practice field west of the team building! '

He didn't know why, and then # appeared on his forehead again, because there was no one in the position of the deputy captain, and the fish-fishing monster didn't know where to go.

"This guy……"

In the evening, the waning moon shone brightly in the sky, and Hitsugaya came to the designated place according to the instruction of the note, just in time to see his vice-captain Matsumoto Rangiku, Himori Momo and Aizen Soyousuke sitting peacefully on the roof with.

"He's here he's here!"

He heard Luanju's voice before he got close, and he said curiously
"Hey? Why are Chu Mori and Captain Aizen here?"

Because he used to be the third seat of Aizen's fifth team, even if he is now the captain, he is used to calling him Captain Aizen. In fact, this is also the standard name among captains.

"What did you call me here for?"

He sighed, and said troubledly
"Ah! Captain, today is your birthday, right?" Luanju said excitedly, "Ah, look."

Hitsugaya followed Luanju's eyes, only to see a huge bunch of fireworks rushing into the sky, and then exploded, forming a bright fireworks.

"The fireworks in winter are beautiful, right? If there is more snow, it will be really cool."

"...idiot." Hitsugaya blushed slightly, he turned his head and whispered, "Hirinmaru is not a tool for you to see snow."

"Congratulations, Hitsugaya." Aizen also congratulated Hitsugaya at this time

"For those of us who were born in Liuhun Street, it doesn't really matter if we don't have a birthday, right? Only the nobles care so much about the sense of ritual."

"Everyone is the same. No one remembers... when their birthday is."

"It doesn't really matter whether it's true or not." Aizen looked into the distance lightly, and said slowly

"Just 'knowing when my birthday is', this thing itself is already very happy."

The four sat on the roof, watching the fireworks...

Then it is also destined to fly into the sky like this firework, and then spread out in all directions...

Returning to the [-]th squad, thinking about what happened today, Hitsugaya was very emotional.

Officials with more than nine seats can have their own rooms in the team building. Most of them live here. You can live in a rental apartment in a collective house, but if you are the captain or vice-captain, you can be assigned to a single-family house that can be called a mansion.

Hitsugaya used to live in the team dormitory, so when he came, what he saw was still full of official duties. He sat on the captain's chair and started to be dazed. I picked up a small box, and there was a note hanging on the small box.

Who sent the gift?
There should not be many people in the Jingling Court who know their birthdays. Could it be A Sanjing and the others?
He took it over curiously, and when he saw the content on the note, his pupils were shocked!
'Happy birthday, and congratulations on becoming the captain, Xiaobai. '

Xiaobai, only one person can say this title!


He stood up in an instant, sensing the spiritual pressure around him, but he didn't find the familiar feeling from before.

The teacher is here?Why didn't he say hello to himself?

He sat down feeling lost, holding the small box in both hands, and then...

Open slowly.

It was exposed, releasing a blue brilliance——


ice crystals!

There is a blue scale frozen in the ice crystal, which makes this ice crystal exude unusual magic power, releasing a lot of cold air, making the surrounding ice cubes.

However, after Hitsugaya slowly took it out of the box, the chill disappeared again, as if everything before was just an illusion.

(End of this chapter)

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