Chapter 274 The Battle Is Over, Masked Legion (200 Monthly Ticket Plus Changes)


With a bang, Grimmjow pushed Kurosaki Ichigo into the wall, but he retreated instead of pursuing the victory.

He didn't believe that Kurosaki Ichigo would have such a little ability, the one just now was just to show him some color, so that he could use his full strength in the next step.

"The crescent moon rushes into the sky!"

With a bang, Ichigo rushed out of the hole with a mask, and the black crescent moon was attached to the knife, and he slashed out directly, turning into a violent torrent of Reiatsu.

"That's the way it looks!"

Grimmjow said excitedly, he leaped into the sky at once, the black crescent swept across his body, instantly destroying a large area of ​​open space, seeing the terrifying power, he finally recognized Kurosaki Ichigo .

But at the next moment, the same huge Reiatsu accumulated behind him again, his eyes shook, and then he turned around, only to see Ichigo appearing there at some point, holding up the sky lock The month is about to come down.

Grimmjow spread his arms out and stood in front of him, and he only had time to do so.

boom! !

The two spiritual pressures collided in the sky, and human beings couldn't see what happened at all. They could only panic in the constant vibrations, and could only hope that the end would not come.

But their prayers were effective, because when the vibration became stronger and stronger, it stopped abruptly, as if someone forcibly pressed the pause button.

"It seems that Mr. Urahara has prepared a defensive measure..."

And in the center of the shock, Ichigo said lightly, "This way you can fight with peace of mind, right? You can't..."

He looked at Grimmjow, who had fallen to the ground and kicked up a lot of dust, removed his mask, and said in a cold voice
"You can't do it anymore?"

"Wang Xu's flash!"

What answered him was a false flash that could completely distort the space. Kurosaki Ichigo just tilted his head slightly, and the laser light passed close to his head immediately, and continued to extend upwards, even shooting out of the atmosphere !
"No?" Grimmjow shook the smoke away, he looked at Kurosaki Ichigo looking down from the sky, his indifferent gaze hurt his heart, he sneered

"Where did you find out..."

He finally broke out with all his strength, and huge blades of light spread out from his hands, forming a pair of huge sharp claws.

This is his strongest skill, the Leopard King's Claw!

"I can't do it?!"

The sound barrier was broken in an instant, and the forward speed was just so terrifying. Grimmjow exploded huge sparks behind him like a supersonic fighter jet, while he himself was on a rampage, and the Leopard King's Claw wiped out all the space along the way. He rushed towards Kurosaki Ichigo as if he was about to cut it.

"The crescent moon rushes into the sky!"

Ichigo put on the mask again, and the evil Reiatsu burst out, all concentrated on the sword and turned into a thick black crescent. He cut down from the sky, like a black pop falling to the ground.

The blue and black collided one after another, and the huge spiritual pressure escaped, forming a large wave of ripples. If there were ordinary spirits around them, they would probably be crushed directly by the spiritual pressure.

With a bang, they exploded and collided, and then separated, and then collided again!

In the collisions again and again, the two were evenly matched, whether it was the confrontation between the skills Leopard King's Claw and Crescent Sky Chong, or the basic physical skills and slashing skills.

But compared to Grimmjow, Kurosaki Ichigo couldn't maintain the blurred state for a long time at all, and the time he could maintain the blurred state was only seven seconds at most.

It's just that Ichigo found a better way in the battle, that is, to blur only at the moment of the battle, and forcibly cancel it at other times. Although doing so will cause a lot of physical energy consumption, the time to maintain the mask may be shorter. lowered again.

However, because it is only blurred at the moment of fighting, the blurred battle time seems to be longer.

"It looks like you're dying!"

Grimmjow laughed again and clawed out again. The sharp claws pierced Ichigo's brain. Ichigo dodged it, and then he was kicked on the right arm by the former and flew out.

"Don't you have further blurring? Why don't you come out?!"

The battle scene between Ulquiorra and Kurosaki Ichigo has been seen by all of them. At that time, Kurosaki Ichigo's whole person became a ghost. How is it like now, with only a mere mask?
"..." Ichigo gritted his teeth, the urge to kill kept coming from his heart, as if something was about to break free in his mind, he knew that if he continued to blur, he might fall into a runaway state.

But if you don't blur it, you can't beat Grimmjow at all, even though this guy has been fighting for quite a long time...

The moment Ichigo was distracted, Grimmjow seized this opportunity and attacked again. Ichigo hurriedly calmed down and wanted to blur, but the next second when Hollow's mask appeared, it was as if someone came from his heart. A devil was released, and the mask on his face was instantly shattered.

"It seems that you really can't do it!" Seeing that the mask on Ichigo's face was shattered, Grimmjow didn't hold back. To him, Kurosaki Ichigo was no longer a threat, which proved the two of them. The battle was won by him.

And now, it's time for him to get the spoils!

Ichigo swung the saber with all his strength, but he didn't need to blur it, just in the state of Swastika, he was not Grimmjow's opponent at all, and was directly pierced through his body by his claws.

Fortunately, he dodged at the critical moment, otherwise the blow would directly take out his heart.

"You won't have such good luck next time!"

However, as soon as he dodged the first blow, the second blow came immediately. Ichigo gritted his teeth, resisting the headache and impulse, and forcibly blurred again!
However, the same as before, the mask shattered the moment it appeared!
Can't you...?
Even if it cannot be blurred, Ichigo will not give up, even if he is only in the state of 卍解, he will still resist, even if there is a gap in power between the two sides...

It's very different...

"It's almost enough..."

However, suddenly, behind Grimmjow, a man suddenly appeared from his back, and he went up and stabbed Grimmjow's chest with a knife.

? ! ! !

Grimmjow was taken aback. He turned his head, but only saw a man wearing a bamboo hat, a flowered robe, and a hairpin.

"Oh, it's not dead..."

Seeing that Grimmjow's wound was recovering, the man let out a voice of headache, "The super-speed regeneration ability that was obviously lost has reappeared after the second stage of returning to the blade. This is really troublesome."

Although he talked about trouble, there was no fear on the man's face. He said to Grimmjow nonchalantly, "Can you give this little brother to me? I want him... Something."

"Huh? If you think about it carefully, you know it's impossible!" Grimmjow's wild laughter answered him, and he swung his sharp claws at the man who appeared in his shadow, but the man saw his impact, Just smiled.


next moment……

A virtual mask also appeared on his face!

what! ?

Not only Grimmjow, but even Ichigo were shocked, they didn't expect such a master to disrupt the situation, and it was a...

A master who can blur!

"Ghost White!"

Facing the rushing Grimmjow, the man said softly, he chose the most white color on Grimmjow's body, which belongs to the type of attack that can be easily hit, but not particularly powerful.


It's not a joke!

His speed was even faster than Grimmjow's, and he was able to counterattack against his thrusts within such a short distance. The two figures crossed each other, and the next moment a claw mark appeared on the man's face, and Grimmjow A wound that was neither deep nor shallow appeared on Li Mujo's arm!

Although the wound wasn't too deep, the most horrifying 'Fantasy Bone' rule-type attack had already taken effect. Grimmjow found that this should be a normal injury, but it made him feel like he couldn't lift his hands at this moment. a feeling of.

"It seems that the outcome has been decided, if we leave now..."

The man pressed the brim of his hat and said softly, "I won't stop you."

"... Huh?!" Grimmjow was angry, and he said loudly, "You guys... mere death gods, mere human beings, and you... why does everyone think 'the victory has been drawn'?!"

He roared and wanted to rush over, but...

"Enough Grimmjow Jakajack..." Someone grabbed the hand he was about to stab!
"Dongxian... want it!"

Grimmjow looked at the man who suddenly appeared beside him, gritted his teeth and said his name, that's right, it was Kaname Tosen, the captain of the [-]th Division who betrayed Soul World along with Aizen!
His appearance shocked the man, Kurosaki Ichigo, and even Grimmjow.

"Your mission has failed. Do you think you can kill Kurosaki Ichigo in front of him?"

Dong Xian wanted to take a look at the man who was still wearing a mask, and said to Grimmjow calmly, "Master Aizen... I want you to go back."

"..." Grimmjow was of course unwilling to leave like this, but at this moment, Dongxian Kao even moved Aizen out, and he had no way to refuse.

So he shook his hand and broke free from Tōsen Kaname's restraint, then turned around, took two steps, and directly opened the black cavity.

But before going in, he suddenly turned his head, those beast eyes stared at Kurosaki Ichigo, and said to him coldly
"Boy, next time we won't be so lucky."

Then, walked into the black cavity and disappeared.

After only Tosen Kaname, Kurosaki Ichigo and the masked man were left, the latter also removed the mask on his face, and looked at Tosen Kaname with his original appearance.

The cynical face when he first appeared on the stage was unprecedentedly serious at this moment. He looked at Tōsen Kaname and said slowly
"Really... Can you imagine this scene when we meet again in a hundred years? Dongxian..."

"Captain? I don't know if you feel ironic when you hear the word 'captain'?"

"...There is nothing unimaginable." Dongxian said to him, "All of this has long existed in the eyes of Lord Aizen, including your appearance today... Jingle."

That's right, the man is of course Jingle Shunsui!
"Aizan..." Jingle Chunshui said with a little nostalgia, "Really, thinking about it now, I still miss that time..."

"I want to come..." He looked at Dongxian Yao and said in a deep voice, "We should meet soon, right?"

"... soon." Dong Xian wanted to respond flatly, and then there was a dark voice behind him, and Chun Shui didn't stop him, because he knew it would be useless to stop him.

Dongsen slowly disappeared into the black cavity, so there were only two people left here, Kyoraku Harusui and Kurosaki Ichigo.

"...You are the leader of the Beijing Band that Uncle Liang Yue keeps mentioning..."

Listening to the conversation between the two, Ichigo already understood his identity. Thinking of Liang Yue's words before, he said slowly to Jingle
"Has the teacher always mentioned me to you?" Jing Le patted his head and smiled embarrassedly. "Unfortunately, I haven't met the teacher yet."

"What the hell are you giggling about?"

Smiling and laughing, someone poured cold water behind him, "Don't forget, everyone is still waiting..."

A woman appeared behind him. She was wearing a JK uniform and wearing glasses and said, "Where is the arrival of Kurosaki Ichigo?"

"Huh? Me?" Ichigo's heart moved, he seemed to understand something, and Chun Shui confirmed his guess the next moment.

Jingle said seriously, "Lisa is right, Kurosaki Ichigo...I heard about you from Urahara."

"Don't you want to master the virtualization? Come on, we will let you... fully master this power!"


"Is this really good?"

At the same time, in the Urahara store, Hirako Mako stood opposite Urahara and said
"Let Ichigo dig deeper into Hollow's power and even..."

He looked at Kisuke Urahara seriously
"Apostle's power?"

At this moment, the outside battle is over, and the Reiatsu is starting to calm down everywhere, and Kisuke Urahara is also freed from the busy work of maintaining Karakura Town...

"This is something Kurosaki will have to face sooner or later..." he said slowly, "also..."

"A request from Kurosaki's own will."

"..." Mako Hirako was speechless for a moment, and after a while he said again, "Do you know what the consequences of losing control are?"

Before Urahara Kisuke could answer, he shrugged his shoulders, asked himself and answered, "I must know, after all, you are Urahara Kisuke."

"..." Hearing what Hirako said, Urahara Kisuke smiled wryly, "Aizen's ten blades are almost finished, you should feel it? The power released by that broken face?"

"It's very strong." Pingzi commented
"I can't confirm his status in Aizen's Face-Shattering Legion at all. I can only understand it as a moderate level, so let me just say it..."

Kisuke Urahara took a deep breath and said in a deep voice
"If there are more than ten people in Aizen's army that uses him as a medium-level fluctuation..."

"Then Aizen is enough to destroy Soul Soul Realm!"

(End of this chapter)

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