Chapter 286 Isadora
"In addition to us, there is also a tree spirit family. They are ancient magical creatures that lived on the giant beasts of the sky before the arrival of humans, and they love peace. After knowing our arrival, instead of causing war because of the territory, they even voluntarily withdrew. When I arrived at the site that was most suitable for me, I lived in seclusion."

Ophelia explained, "Although this is the case, people from the outside world cannot enter the Dryad Forest without a pass issued by the leader."

"...That's it." Received the favor of the 'gbl' teaching, although Ichigo was anxious, he didn't want to break their rules just like this, otherwise he might violate some taboo, and it would be bad if he broke the relationship with others.

Therefore, even if he is extremely worried about Orihime and Yeichi, he can only ask Ophelia, and Ophelia is also very easy to say, "I will tell this matter to Uncle Marcel and the teacher, they should Get a pass for you, but it may take a day."

"Thank you so much, Ophelia!" Ichigo thanked him very much. It is really a kind of luck to meet a kind person like Ophelia in an unknown place.

Ophelia smiled sincerely, her eyes narrowed like crescent moons, "It's nothing, we are actually very interested in the outside world, if you can find a companion, then tell us about it." Talking about new things from the outside world is considered a reward!"

"Okay! I'm going to see the teacher right now!"

After finishing speaking, she said to Ichigo one last time, "If you have no place to live, you can come to my house, or you can go to Isadora's library. Isadora must also want to know what the outside world is like. How was it."

"I... I'll take a stroll here first." Hearing Ophelia's invitation, Yihu blushed, and then quickly declined, "I'm also very interested in your 'gbl religion'."

After Ophelia left, Ichigo looked at her back and once again lamented his luck. Then at this moment, he suddenly thought of the figure in the purple robe...


Ichigo frowned, he walked casually on the street, still thinking about that feeling in his heart...

That Isadora...

Where did I feel a familiar feeling?
He rubbed his chin, and decided to listen to what Ophelia said, and go to Isadora's library to have a look. Not to mention the woman Isadora, he is also very fond of some books in the library taught by 'gbl' interested.


He can find some traces of the apostles here, Rotes...

Ophelia said that she seemed to have seen this name before... so could it be in the library?

The people of the Sky Veil Behemoth were hospitable, so Ichigo wandered around casually, and then found out the direction of the library, and he came to this library.

The library is huge, almost half the size of an empty high school, but this is a sect that pursues truth and knowledge after all, so it is normal to have more books.

After he walked in, he happened to see Isadora who seemed to be inserting books on the first floor. Isadora was still wearing the purple robe of the gods. On the entire sky-veiled giant beast, this style of dressing seemed to be is unique.


Isadora noticed Kurosaki Ichigo approaching, she was stunned, and then asked, "Have you found your companion?"

"No..." Ichigo shook his head, "But Ophelia and Uncle Marcel said they would try their best to help me."

"There's nothing Uncle Marcel can't do here, you can rest assured."

"Thank you..." Ichigo looked at Isadora carefully, trying to find out what made her feel familiar, but the next moment he realized that this seemed very rude, so he hurriedly said, "Sorry, sorry! I didn't mean to Yes, I just feel that I seem to have seen Miss Isadura from somewhere else?"

"Have you seen me?" Isadora raised her eyebrows and said in surprise, "I'm sorry, but I have never seen a Skyveil Beast in hundreds of years."

"...Maybe I misremembered, I'm very sorry."

Actually...haven't seen...

Ichigo didn't think Isadora looked familiar, but her... aura?
It sounds a bit like an idiot, but that's how he feels that he has definitely seen some kind of power in Isadora.

"By the way, what are you doing in the library?" In order to ease the embarrassment, Isadora hastily changed the subject.

"Oh, by the way, I want to ask Miss Isadora...have you ever heard of the name Rotes?"

Hearing that he asked Roots, Isadora seemed even more surprised, and she replied straightforwardly, "Rotes is a huge monster from the planet Solaris, and it is the master of that planet. According to legend, Solaris It is a planet covered by oceans, and Lotos rules over all the oceans."

This statement surprised Ichigo, because in his understanding, the apostles were creatures from the Demon Realm. Although he knew that they were selected from various planets to enter the Demon Realm, he didn't know much about the world they originally lived in.

"I heard..." Ichigo said after thinking for a while, "Rotes went to the Demon Realm later?"

"Do outsiders know about the Demon Realm?" Isadura nodded somewhat unexpectedly, "That's right, the Demon Realm once attached to Solaris when it was floating in the universe, and Rotes was there That's when I got into it."

That seems to be the apostle he knew, Ichigo thought so, and then asked Isadora about the place of the Lotes classics, and prepared to see the records about it with his own eyes.

Isadura also guided him there, it was a very thin tome.

"There are not many records about the apostles, even our 'gbl sect'. The sea of ​​sky is a kind of separation between the demon world and your three worlds after it attached to the earth. We live in it, but we only know a little about the demon world."

"Thank you very much." Ichigo took the book, thanked him and chatted with Isadora before leaving. He found that there was a rest area in the library, and there were many other people besides him. 'gbl teach' people to read books inside.

He found a seat and read it. The book said that Rotes is the apostle of water. Because he is a marine creature, he is afraid of sunlight and dehydration. His body is a huge octopus-like creature with powerful mental control ability.

From this point of view, it should be Zhi Ji and Ye Yi controlled by it...

Ichigo looked at the book and thought about it. After reading it, he put the book back and prepared to spend the night in the library, but in the middle of the night...

Ophelia found him again.

(End of this chapter)

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