Chapter 291 The Three Hearts of Rotes
"What a chaotic Reiatsu..."

The black cavity appeared, and out of it came out the captain of the sixth division, Byakuya Kuchiki, the captain of the tenth division, Toshiro Hitsugaya, the captain of the eleventh division, Kenpachi Saraki, and the captain of the twelfth division, Ushir...

"Huh? Captain Hitsugaya, you're here too. Don't you need to defend yourself in this world?" Chadu said in surprise seeing Toshiro
"The space of the present world has been locked by Ushir. During this period of time, Aizen has no ability to launch the captain-level Daixu, so I will return to the soul world to wait for orders." Hitsugaya Toshiro explained, "This is the apostle Where is it?"

"We must make a quick decision." Liang Yue said without hesitation, "In order to prevent Aizen from raiding the Soul Realm, Captain Yamamoto will arrive when we meet the apostles, so..."

"What we have to do now is to clear up these miscellaneous fish and open the way to meet Rotes!"

After they arrived, what appeared in front of them was waves of monsters. They...

It's those big octopuses that turned into the priests of the 'gbl religion' before!
"Don't hesitate to use the 卍解 directly, and you don't need to worry about the consumption of the spiritual pressure. Captain Unohana is here."

Liang Yue directly gave the order, and after he finished speaking, four illusory swords appeared around him, following his order, the four swords flew out directly, in the form of flying swords Stabbed into a school of octopuses!

"Scatter it, Qianben Sakura Jingyan."

"Sit upright in the frosty sky, Dahonglian Binglunwan!"

Byakuya Kuchiki and Toshirō Hitsugaya directly used the swastika, while Kenpachi Saraki rushed directly into the wave of monsters. Ushirl followed Icarus. As the attack began, Icarus The wings behind him turned into wings of light, and every feather turned into a terrifying arrow of spiritual particles and shot out.

Chadu Yasutora and Ishida Uryu also participated in the process of clearing out the creeps. Together, they quickly cleared up the octopus tide this time.

And when they entered the city, they only saw that the city was full of corpses, some of them were humans and some were octopuses, but at this moment all of them died in miserable conditions, some were nailed to the ground, some were hung on the city wall, blood The entire city was dyed red, and the originally magnificent temple was contaminated with the breath of hell, becoming evil and terrifying.

The line of sight spreads outward from the city gate, spreading to a higher place, and the horror also permeates, and the whole city becomes a dead city at this moment!

Who on earth... did such a terrible thing? !
"Is this... made by Kurosaki?"

Seeing this scene, Hitsugaya Toshiro couldn't help but widen his eyes, he looked at this piece of purgatory on earth in disbelief...

"Impossible, Kurosaki would never do such a thing." Chadu directly denied this statement, and the next moment Liang Yue looked up at the highest point of the city.

Everyone followed Liang Yue's line of sight, and saw a woman sitting on the edge of the highest point. She seemed to be looking down at her masterpiece, looking at this scene of purgatory, but she seemed to be completely indifferent and supercilious.

"That is……"

The moment he saw her, Bai Zai couldn't help but his pupils trembled, of course he recognized this woman!
The mysterious woman who once appeared in this world and blocked him from making up for Ichigo!

Liang Yue said that name. They had never seen this person except Bai Zai, but they had definitely heard of him!
"You guys are a little late."

Suddenly, I don’t know how Yun Mi came down, but she suddenly came before everyone’s eyes. There was still a little blood on her face, but it was obviously not her own, and she said indifferently, “Rotes just To wake up."

"Where's Kurosaki?!" Seeing that it was Yun Mi, Ishida Uryu didn't want to care about any apostles, he was more concerned about where Ichigo went.

"Apostle Rotus is an octopus. He has three hearts, which are in the 'Purgatory', 'First Spine' and 'Second Spine' of the Skyveil Behemoth. Now He with the first and second spine is already on the well Orihime recovered under the ability, but because the most critical "body heart" in "Purgatory" has not yet recovered, so she is still weak, and Ichigo is going to "Purgatory"."

Yun Mi didn't talk nonsense, and said directly, "However, just destroying one heart is not enough. You must destroy all three hearts of Rotes in a short period of time to defeat him. Ichigo went to 'Purgatory', then You should go to the 'first spine' and the 'second spine'!"

"...What the hell are you..." Hitsugaya just wanted to ask this question, but Yun Mi directly said in a cold voice, "Is it really good? Now Kurosaki Ichigo is working hard to prepare to defeat Rotes, and you But you want to waste time listening to my identity?"

"It doesn't matter who I am. The important thing is that we have a common enemy now. I can tell you the topographic distribution map of the Skyveil Behemoth, and I can tell you the status of Rotes. These things will take a lot of time, even So, do you want to ask me who I am?"

Hearing what Yun Mi said one after another, Hitsugaya choked suddenly, and seeing his subordinates like this, Liang Yue could only stand up and say, "You are right, no matter who you are, but since Ichigo chooses to believe you , we will not pursue it any further, we trust Ichigo's judgment."

"Then go ahead, you're right, we don't have time to delay this any longer."

After Liang Yue finished speaking, Yun Mi said, "Going north from now on, there is a temple. If you want to go to the 'First Spine' and 'Second Spine', you must store the 'Hyasis' in it." The prophecy book found that before the destruction of the 'gbl religion', Bishop Hyasis successfully foresaw the weakness and plan of Lotes, but unfortunately I only heard part of what he said, which is what I just said."

"So, if you want to defeat Lotes, you must know more about him, otherwise you should know how difficult it is to defeat an apostle, right?"

Her last words were addressed to Liang Yue. Among these people, only Liang Yue and Mao Zhihua had experience in fighting the apostles.

"Well, if it records the information of Roters, then it is indeed worth our precious time to invest in it."

Liang Yue nodded and said, "What about you?"

"As you can see..." Yun Mi said softly, "I..."

"Need a break."


"What a strange creature..."

At this moment, in Purgatory, all the Yakshas fell to the ground, and Kurosaki Ichigo, who had done all of this, silently lifted the apostolic status, and then let out a few breaths.

Being an apostle is his strongest state, and he still can't maintain it for a long time, and maintaining it for such a short time has already brought him huge consumption, and he can be sure that it is definitely not just these Yakshas.

In front of him is a huge hollow cuboid, like a passage leading to another direction. Ichigo can feel it in the apostolic state, and there are more powerful monsters inside!

"If this is the place where 'gbl' teaches to detain criminals, then the deeper the criminals, the stronger and more terrifying they should be. This just an appetizer."

Thinking in his heart, Ichigo walked in without fear, and what he saw the next moment was a completely different Yasha from before.

The yakshas in the first room were all brown, but at this moment this yaksha is black, and the reiatsu on his body is even higher than the yaksha in the previous room!
If it was said that it was from the third seat to the vice-captain class before, then this room is...

Vice-captain to captain ranks!

It's just that the changes brought about by Reiatsu didn't seem to make them gain sanity, and they were still dominated by wildness like the most ferocious beasts. When they saw Ichigo, the berserk factor in their bodies was unreservedly stimulated come out!

"The crescent moon rushes into the sky!"

Ichigo strikes first, at this time he did not enter the state of apostle, but only fought in a virtual state. Under the virtual state, his spiritual pressure was concentrated on the sword, forming a real crescent sky.

Originally, the black crescent in the swastika state was released imitating Xubai, so it is the real crescent sky in the virtual state. Under his knife, the huge black crescent was released, directly killing people along the way. A huge depression was plowed out of the ground!

And the black yaksha in front of him was killed in an instant, and the impact still went unabated towards the second one, and the second yaksha roared again, and it turned out to be the same, resisting it with both hands This black crescent!
The momentary exposure, amidst the huge torrent of spiritual pressure, the black yaksha rushed out, and there were also surrounding black yakshas. Although the number was far less than that of the first room, there were only about ten, but their quality was far more than that of the first room. !

Seeing this scene, Ichigo dodged immediately, but Yasha's speed was not too slow. After a pounce failed, he followed closely behind. Ichigo frowned slightly, and he swung his knife again, and slashed at Yasha's abdomen. , but Kurosaki Ichigo's pupils trembled.

Because that Yasha's skin was so hard that it was terrifying, his knife was enough to break a captain's defense, but the slash on Yasha's body didn't even break the skin!
The broken steel skin is nothing more than that!

No, under the spiritual pressure of the same level, the hardened skin is probably stronger than the steel skin, even if it is not much worse than my own dragon scales.

Ichigo frowned slightly, he was very curious about how these monsters were born, logically speaking, isn't the family of Rotes an octopus?Why does this kind of yaksha evil spirit appear?

Ichigo was knocked down by a Yaksha with a heavy punch, and hit the ground, forming a big pit immediately.

However, the Yashas chased after him, as if they wanted to take advantage of this blow to completely crush Ichigo, but just when they were about to fall into the deep pit, a violent Reiatsu burst out of it!

"Sorry, I don't have time to drag you down any longer."

Released the spiritual pressure that seemed to shake the world, Ichigo entered the dragon man mode, he swung the knife at will, and immediately formed a violent hurricane of more than ten levels!

The terrifying hurricane directly swept the Yashas into it, and then swept them away from Ichigo!
As soon as they landed, a huge false flash formed on Ichigo's dragon horn, and the false flash gradually became solid, and even turned black. That was...

Wang Xu's flash!
The huge Wang Xushan directly swallowed a Yasha that just fell, and then Ichigo's figure appeared behind another Yasha, and Ichigo swung his knife upwards, directly chopping off the Yasha's arm !
In the return state, Ichigo is extremely easy to be dominated by Xu's primitive desire. At this time, his fighting method is the bloodiest. His current state is stronger than his bull-headed form in the original work, and he can deal with ordinary captains. It's easy to say, these ferocious Yaksha kings are of course powerful, but they are nothing in front of him in this state.

It's just that there are so many of them, even if they are only wild, and they don't know how to cooperate, they only know how to attack roughly, which still makes Ichigo useless.

After finishing all the Yasha kings and Ichigo released Guiren, he let out a sigh of relief, with a tiredness that couldn't be concealed on his face.

After traveling for a long time, using the apostle to break the formation and kill the enemy, and then use the returning sword to fight, this kind of consumption finally made Ichigo a little bit stretched.

And just when he wanted to rest for a while and was about to recover his strength, suddenly something fell from the sky in front of him.

The world is too dark, Ichigo can't see clearly, but he can vaguely see a little bit, that's also...

A giant Yaksha!

"No...wrong!" Moreover, he was able to speak!

That Yasha spoke very slowly, as if he was struggling to speak, "That's... that's it!"

A yaksha jumped out of the pit. The speed, strength, and spiritual pressure of that yaksha were different from all the previous yakshas, ​​not at the same level at all!
At this moment, Ichigo had already undone the Returning Edge, and even undone the Void, and only remained in the state of Swastika. In this case, he didn't even react, and he only saw the huge monster stretching out its palm, and that palm was Comparable to Ichigo's whole body, and then quickly photographed it!

Ichigo was directly pressed down by the huge palm, and then was pressed hard to the ground, and a huge deep hole was directly blasted on the ground with a bang.

However, just as the monster was about to punch again, an invisible blade slashed across, and in an instant his arm was directly cut off by the sharp sword!
"Are you the boss here?"

Ichigo actually entered the state of apostle!
Even though he was a little tired, Ichigo had already made a judgment when he saw this Yaksha. There are only two possibilities to defeat it, one is to fight for a long time in the state of returning to the blade, and the other is to enter the apostle State of transformation!
And he chose the latter without hesitation!
"The crescent moon rushes into the sky!"

And it's not just Yueya Tianchong, when he swung the knife, Wang Xu's flashes also formed on his dragon horns, this is...

The Crescent Sky Chong mixed with Wang Xu's flash!

The terrifying blow symbolized Kurosaki Ichigo's current full strength!

Under such power, the Yaksha was devoured without any power to fight back!

(End of this chapter)

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