From the Void King to the Ghost Swordsman of the Light of the Beginning

Chapter 307 Rotes' Battle Rewards and Hyperspace Vortex!

Chapter 307 Rotes' Battle Rewards and Hyperspace Vortex!

This question is also puzzling to Roters.

When Rotes questioned Kurosaki Ichigo, that voice actually appeared in everyone's heart, so Urahara Kisuke and Aizen Soyousuke had some understanding.

Rotes was puzzled that the so-called 'Luke' was clearly on the death list, but he didn't want to help them resist together, but actively promoted the development of the prophecy.

"Anyway... take Miss Yeyi and the teacher back."

Urahara Kisuke couldn't figure it out, maybe there was a deeper reason for this, but it was beyond their knowledge.

So he simply gave up thinking first, after all, Luke is a hidden threat no matter what, and now the biggest threat on the surface has changed from Rotes to Aizen, Bengyu's complete awakening, and one more fusion With the power of the apostle, Aizen should soon reach his goal.

By the time……

It is bound to be another battle of this level, even...

Even higher than the battle just now!
The anxiety in his heart could not be alleviated in the slightest, he raised his head, looked at the giant beast of the sky that had successfully disappeared above the sky, and said softly
"How long can this world...can last?"


"'Apostle Lotos' attack reward——"

[Scene: War of Time and Space (Vortex) (Inactive)]

[Item: Primordial Light Fragment (to be activated) (Note: Please use with caution)]

[Weapon: King's Sorrow (not activated)]

[Special Reward: Demon Fragment (Not Activated)]

[Note: If the war of time and space is fused with the fragments of the light of the beginning, it will become a time and space vortex. This scene is extremely dangerous, please use it with caution! 】

In the Tower of Despair, Kahn was slightly moved. He didn't expect that such a thing would be offered as a reward for opening a tough attack this time...

Wang Zhiming is just a lightsaber. For him now, it is nothing more than adding a little combat power to Liang Yue or Yun Mi. For people of their level, the effect is not so obvious.

The same is true for the fragments of the demon world, which are not very useful. At most, they can allow him to perfect the worldview he said and create a real demon world. This fragment has already been used in the last battle against the soul world.

These two rewards seem very ordinary, and they are not worthy of Roters' battle this time, but...

The first two rewards are the most important!
Needless to say, there is still a fragment in his hand now, but he has never dared to use it, because even the system reminds him to use it with caution, so he will not be bored, and he used such a precious fragment before he grew up. s things.

And now there is another one, the more the better, he doesn't think it's too much.

He originally wanted to integrate the fragments of the light of the beginning with the collapsed jade, and then create a super collapsed jade that can be sublimated into a 'great will', but now it seems that the system has given him another suggestion.

The battle of time and space and the vortex of time and space!
The battle of time and space is the battle of cosmic demons attacking Arad, and the final boss is cosmic demon Rosh. It sounds like cosmic demons are incomparable to the great will or the darkness of the beginning, but...

This Rosh is actually transformed by the negativity of Ka Luosuo, the light of the beginning. His personality is the same as that of the apostle transformed by the thirteen gods. Moreover, in the DNF, this cosmic demon has attacked the demon world on a large scale. Arad was chosen after the apostles fought back.

This Roche has the power to control the planets in the universe. It is extremely powerful, definitely not inferior to the apostle in his heyday, but now he actually appeared in the Luo Tesi attack reward?
However, according to the prompt of the system, Kahn knew what was going on...

The so-called war of time and space, in fact, there is no Rosh, this is also in line with the background of DNF, in the original background, the war of time and space was just a forward to deal with the cosmic demon, and in the end it was just to defeat the small boss Super Alloy Demon.

In fact, the same is true for the time-space vortex, but it has changed here...

As long as he is determined to abandon a fragment of the light of the beginning, then...

He can sublimate the battle of time and space into the vortex of time and space, and the light and dark demon after the super alloy demon, and even the cosmic demon Rosh can be manifested!

On the system panel, however, the hyperspace vortex is marked as 'extremely dangerous'...

Even for the fragments of the light of the beginning, there is no such reminder, especially the following 'Please use with caution! ', actually with '! '...

Kahn deeply understands that if the battle of time and space is sublimated into a hyperspace vortex, then Rosh's power will be manifested without reservation, and Kahn's current strength cannot suppress Rosh.

By the time……

Rosh, who possesses the power of Karoso, the light of the beginning, might not even be controlled or restricted by Kahn at all!

In the end, should he choose a 'hyperdimensional war' that belongs to him but is weak, or choose a 'hyperdimensional vortex' that is so powerful that the Three Realms can't handle it now but is not under his control?
Kahn fell silent, he was thinking, he was thinking, thinking about gains and losses...


I don't know how long it took before Kahn finally opened his eyes. At this moment, it seemed as if light and darkness exploded in his eyes, and they turned into three pupils in an instant...

"This kind of choice... I wouldn't have been able to choose the weak..."

Kahn said softly
He has never been a person who is afraid of challenges, otherwise he would not have cultivated so many 'enemies', and he would have cultivated Yuhabach to devour the King of Souls.

And now, of course he will make his own choice...

"Integration... super space-time vortex!"

After finishing speaking, another mass of darkness appeared in his hand, it was just a black nightmare!
This black nightmare became more and more distorted in his hands, and finally exploded suddenly and turned into a black vortex...

The vortex is unusually deep, and it doesn't know where it leads.

"But...not merging in this world..."

Kahn put the scene of the battle of the hyperspace vortex into...

In the different dimension that he has mastered now!
That is, a world that develops according to the normal timeline, without his intervention...

There, Kurosaki Ichigo just came here and killed Rotes...

But now, he wants to use an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, and throw this guy Rosh outside the earth of that dimension.

"Let that world do its best to deal with Rosh first, and then turn you into my power after I finish solving this world."

After doing all this, Kahn sneered, and then closed the vortex channel.

And beyond the earth in that dimension, even on the moon...

The space with a radius of [-] miles was suddenly filled with dense cracks, and then...

The most central space was torn apart suddenly, as if the huge cosmic space suddenly opened an eye, and that eye was deep red...

In the shattered space, a legion like locusts suddenly surged out. They appeared densely and then landed on the moon...

Finally, a humanoid monster with a bright head and a red cloak behind it appeared in the very center of the crack. The moment he appeared, it seemed that a terrifying force floated up in the universe.

Strange rays of light emanated from that distorted space, converging around him, as if forming four elemental planets...

The moment he appeared, he set his sights on that blue planet.

There was a strange light in Rosh's eyes, and he was thinking about his 'past'...

He was defeated by the apostle and could only come to another dimension, then...

"It seems that there is no 'Apostle' in this world..."

He glanced at the entire earth, as if the three realms and six realms had been included in his eyes.


he ordered softly
"Let's conquer this tiny planet first, and then... use this as a journey to reorganize the attack on the Demon Realm."

The moment his voice fell, the demon legion below suddenly began to drop a strange 'pillar' down. The pillar fell extremely fast, as if it was on the moon one second, and it had already reached the earth in the next instant!

Then, they planted the pillar on top of the moon...

This is a super-space-time conversion instrument. Through this 'pillar', they can switch positions instantly, and launch an attack from the moon to the earth.

And in this dimension of Earth...

In the world of souls, Kurosaki Ichigo came here from reality and told what happened before in the captain meeting.

"So, you also went to that world, and met the 'Apostle' that Rukia had heard about before?"

In addition to the thirteen captains, there is also the vice-captain. After listening to his words, the vice-captain of the [-]th team, Asai Renji, said in surprise, "How is it? Is the apostle powerful?!"

"..." Kurosaki Ichigo touched his chin and thought, "It's amazing. The old man and Byakuya of that world have already fallen to the ground, but they seem to have succeeded in both defeating the apostle. Anyway, I'm going when……"

"That guy is about to die, so I can't judge accurately. After all, I don't know what happened before, but just based on this record..."

"He is strong!"

"Old Man Shan..." After hearing this, Chun Shui's face became serious. He didn't think that there were two worlds, so Old Man Shan in that world was not as strong as Captain Yamamoto in his world.

If it is said that old man Shan led the thirteen teams and lost to the opponent, then it is indeed difficult to deal with.

"It's so boring, why didn't I go to that world?" Saraki Kenpachi said angrily, "The world you are talking about doesn't exist at all, does it?"

"Are you doubting my technology?" And beside him, Nirvana Yuri said directly, "I have studied that crystal, and I can be sure that it is a kind of space transfer energy, so barbarians don't want it." Opening your mouth on such an occasion really exposes your ignorance."

He spoke mercilessly, but of course Kenpachi would not just be so indifferent. He glanced at Nirvana Yuri, and said, "Isn't your technique questionable everywhere? Speaking of which, when you were fighting in the Lingwang Palace, you The knife that attacked me has not been settled for you yet."

"Huh? Get it right?" Nirvana sneered as if hearing some joke, "Did someone not understand the situation? You can't deal with the other party with a savage like you, right?"

"Not only is he not grateful to his savior, but he still looks proud. What's the matter? You really deserve to be a barbarian."

The smell of gunpowder between the two of them suddenly made the meeting dangerous. Hitsugaya Toshiro couldn't help but patted his head. He knew that these two people would quarrel, and the others turned a blind eye and ignored the two of them.

"But there are no apostles in our world, right?" Seeing that Captain Saraki and Captain Mayuri Mayu were about to fight, Kuchiki Rukia quickly changed the subject and said, "Although it's bad to say that, it's not a... "

Before she finished speaking, her eyes suddenly widened!
Not only him, but everyone in the meeting room is like this!

They all opened their eyes, and then looked in the direction of Xiliuhun Street in disbelief!
There, suddenly there was an extremely huge force, and a pressure that seemed to be falling from a meteorite...


It is continuous shaking...

boom boom boom boom...

It was as if meteorites were falling one after another, with loud noises, roars and vibrations, and the next moment, chaotic and evil spiritual pressures came out.


Before they realized what was going on, Zaragi Kenpachi grinned, then rushed out with a big laugh, and went straight to the direction of Xiliuhun Street!


Seeing him rushing out of the room, Kurosaki Ichigo hurriedly shouted, but by this time Saraki had already gone away.


The rest of the people couldn't help but let out a low growl, and then they all moved out, running towards the direction of Xiliuhun Street!

"Is it the aftermath of Juhabach's power?"

On the way to run, Broken Bee gritted his teeth and said, "Didn't you clean it up?"

"Do not……"

Feeling the chaotic power, Ichigo said in a deep voice

"That is not the power of Yuhabach, neither in form nor in nature..."

"It's all very different!"

As a person who has fought Yuhabach head-on, he is the most qualified to say this.

In his perception at this moment, the force coming from the direction of Xiliuhun Street is completely different from Yuhabach...

Not to mention Yuhabach...

Even if it is compared with all the systems of the Three Realms, it is still...

A world apart!

"how come……"

Soon, they came to the source of the vibration, which was No. 80 area of ​​Bixi Liuhun Street and the no-man's land to the west. There used to be a lake and mountains, but now all the mountains have been flattened ...

Only the densely packed, innumerable black pillars remained...

The pillar was still falling from the sky, and then it was planted heavily on the ground...

Boom boom boom...



The most terrible thing happened...

From those pillars, countless...

monster? !
Each of those monsters exudes extremely powerful spiritual pressure...

This is……

what? !

 The account was blocked today... so the update is a bit late, and I have already asked my friends in the group to send it out
(End of this chapter)

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