Chapter 312 The Collapsed Soul Realm
Compared with the real world, the world of corpses and souls is now even more terrifying. On the streets, countless houses are dissipating!

It's not a shock, but a direct dissipation!
From existence to non-existence, the house built by spirit particles dissipated little by little at this moment, turning into pure spirit particles and drifting away into the distance.

It's not just limited to Jinglingting, but the entire Soul Soul World is facing such a situation!

stones, wood, rivers...

Everything is dissipating, turning into nothingness...

"The tower of delusion... the tower of delusion is also dissipating!"

In the center of Jinglingting, the tower of confusion that had lost its brilliance after the battle between Shaqin and Liangyue suddenly became unreal.

Because Shaqin is dead, there is no such power of life and death on the tower, so people can step into the original restricted area.

But after that, the Thirteenth Guarding Team searched for a long time, and they did not find the legendary God of Death in the Tower of Delusion, and the God of Life and Death no longer existed. It seemed that the secrets of the entire Tower of Delusion followed Shaqin. died and sank to the bottom of the sea.

However, the Jingling Court has never given up its plan to pursue the secrets of the Tower of Misleading and the God of Death, so the Tower of Misleading has been kept under good watch after that battle. It is a pity...

All these years have passed with little success.

Room 46 simply regarded the Tower of Delusion as a scenic spot, especially the ultimate battle between the two Four Sword Masters as a bluff, which attracted many people to visit. Over time, many gods of death even regarded it as a holy place.

But now, this giant tower full of miracles and holy relics has also begun to dissipate at this moment, just like those ordinary buildings.

In front of the power of the apostles, even...

Are the relics of gods also helpless?

Panic spread rapidly in people's hearts. The gods of death watched helplessly the items that had accompanied them for a long time, and the houses dissipated bit by bit, but the fear kept growing!


They are also made of spirits!

It's just that as living spirits, they have the 'reiatsu' of instinctive consciousness, combining their own spirits like elemental structures to form a self-centered pressure, which firmly binds the spirits in the next to myself.

This prevents the spiritual particles in their bodies from dissipating like a house, but...

Who can tell what happened next? !

Sure enough, the most terrifying thing happened.

Looking at the giant tower that was becoming more and more illusory, the gods of death who were in a hurry were getting more and more depressed, and at this moment, a person let out a low growl.

I saw an inexplicable brilliance emanating from his whole body, and all the spiritual seeds all over his body seemed to be integrated into the radiance at this moment, and then...

It started to dissipate little by little!

"No... I don't want to..."

The god of death was terrified, his face twisted, and he roared in pain, "I don't want to disappear!"

Under this fear of the unknown and death, he even shed tears!

And this kind of situation also spread quickly in Jinglingting, like a chain reaction, at first there was only one, then two or three, but in the blink of an eye, there were hundreds or thousands, and this number was still It is starting to skyrocket at a geometric growth rate!


The screams are endless, the lower the spiritual power, the more so, the whole world of corpses and souls seems to have become a purgatory?
And just when they were all desperate, someone stood up.

"...Lie, listen..."

Under the dissipating Tower of Despair, Liang Yue looked at the scene where the whole world seemed to perish. He silently drew out his sword, and then said softly to Uo no Hanaretsu next to him

"Now... I will hand over the identities of the chairman and chief justice of Room 46 to you. When I can't are me!"

" you want it?" Hearing Liang Yue's words, Uzhihua's pupils shrank suddenly. It was hard to imagine that Uzhihuali, who had always been indifferent, would make such an expression.

However, having known Liang Yue for thousands of years, she knew what Liang Yue was going to do...

But this way...

"Now, this is the only way."

Liang Yue said like a martyr, he slowly inserted the drawn sword into the ground, and then a special force began to spread from the sword, spreading in all directions.

"I shall……"

"Use my spiritual pressure to support the entire soul world! This is something that only I... can do..."

Liang Yue didn't look at Mao Zhihua, but just lowered her head and sat on the ground, holding the sword in her hands with both hands, supporting the Three Realms like a protective umbrella!
"During this period of time, you... must find Sherlock!"

He suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood!

But the blood was not red, instead it was the same as a thick darkness emanating from his body, it was ink-like juice!

The right arm of the Spirit King, the power of stagnation!

Of course Maozhihua knows this kind of power. In the past thousand years, Liang Yue used the right arm of Lingwang to support the world several times, but now...

He saved the world again...

Uozhihualie looked at the resolute Liang Yue and stopped procrastinating. She is not a sentimental person. She knows that the only thing that can comfort Liang Yue now is not praise and worry, but...

Solve this incident as he said!

"I certainly will!"

She nodded heavily, and then the figure disappeared in an instant, and she went to...

Division [-]!

And after she left, with Liang Yue's sword on the ground as the center, the thick darkness began to spread outward, and the spreading speed was extremely fast, like a pot of ink was directly splashed on a picture scroll, a large area The darkness began to infiltrate outward continuously from the ground.

First, the Jinglingting, the field soaked by darkness suddenly changed from shaking to calm, and the people whose spirit particles were disappearing also realized that they had returned to normal, and the power that seemed to destroy them disappeared without a trace. no trace.

They didn't know what happened, they could only look at the source of the darkness, and then they discovered...

Excalibur Liangyue!

At this moment, Liang Yue spit out a mouthful of black blood again. Now he can only hold the sword with both hands, his whole body is on the verge of falling, and he can only use this method to keep himself from falling down.

Seeing this scene, the gods of death's eyes turned red, they knew...

The legendary hero of the soul world, the great sword master, and the sword Liang Yue saved the world of souls again!
Although there are as many legends about Liang Yue as there are stars in the sky, most of them are beyond their personal experience. Now, they have personally felt Liang Yue's power.


Can't help but be touched by it...

First Jinglingting, then Liuhun Street, and then...

The entire soul world!
Support the whole world with the power of one person? !

And the departed Unokana rushed to the twelfth division with a heavy heart.

"Have you found the source of the earthquake?" Unokanaretsu said anxiously the moment he entered the Technology Development Bureau
Because the speed of Uo no Hana Lie is faster than the spread of darkness, Liang Yue's power has not yet covered the [-]th Division at this time, and the buildings here are still dissipating.

Team [-], all the captains gathered here, the Technology Development Bureau seems to be able to maintain normal operation under Usir's special device, and the disappearance of the spirit is not serious, but...

As time goes by, the instrument is finally absorbed, because there is no substance in the world of souls that is not made of spirit particles!
Usir didn't reply immediately, she just kept beating her hands like phantoms in front of an instrument, Icarus was waiting by the side, a strange power emanated from her body, it was that strange power Only then did the Technology Development Bureau be protected.


bit by bit...

Sweat drops appeared on the foreheads of the captains, because in their perception, the world of corpses and souls is becoming more and more unstable. If this continues...

Maybe this world will completely disappear!

And it's not just the world of corpses and souls, because once the balance between the utensils and the spirits is out of balance, the three worlds will also collapse!
It can be said that this is the closest time to the destruction of the Three Realms!

They didn't dare to take a breath at the moment, for fear of disturbing Ushir again, every delay of time would make the demise of the Three Realms a step further...


And just when Icarus couldn't hold on, the darkness came quietly.

Liang Yue's spiritual pressure descended quietly, and then enveloped the entire [-]th Division within his domain. After realizing this, people fell silent again.

just now……

It can be said that Liang Yue is buying time for them with his life!
"Find out!"

They became more and more anxious, and just when they were about to be unable to sit still, Usir suddenly pushed the instrument, and she immediately slid back a few meters while sitting on the chair. It's sweat, and it seems that he doesn't know how much pressure he has endured.

But now, her face was relieved, and her words were like a shot in the arm that shocked the captains!

Yamamoto Shigekuni was no longer indifferent, he even showed his anxiety and anger on his face!
Even among the apostles in the past, Ozma, who caused the most damage to the Soul Realm, has never caused such a major loss to the Three Realms like today!

Usir looked at the data on the instrument, her expression suddenly became condensed, and she frowned...

"The epicenter shows... two locations..."

"Where?" Uzhihualie asked

"The Moaning Cave of the Corpse Soul Realm and..."

This location is not beyond their expectations. Sherlock died in the Moaning Cave back then, and now she may appear there if she is reborn...

But the other place that Ushir said made them stunned...

"In the imaginary circle..."

virtual circle...

No matter what everyone thought, they never expected to be in the virtual circle!
At that time, there was a battle in the Crying Cavern, but no Xu participated in it, did he get to the Xu circle?
"No matter what, since you already know the location, you can no longer sit still."

Uzhi Hualie has now replaced Liang Yue, and is no longer just the captain of the fourth team, but the person with the highest status among everyone, she was the first to say

"Notify the present world, let Kurosaki Ichigo enter the virtual circle, while the Masked Legion and Urahara Kisuke keep Karzacho alone, and always beware of Aizen's attack!"

"At the same time..." She looked at the captains here again, and ordered, "Captain of the sixth division Byakuya Kuchiki, captain of the eleventh division Kenpachi Saraki, and captain of the twelfth division Ushir for technical support. The three of them led their vice-captain into the virtual circle with Kurosaki Ichigo!"

"It is necessary to solve the source of the virtual circle!"

Everyone saw the potential of Kurosaki Ichigo through the battle of the Sky Veil Behemoth. In this trip to the virtual circle, it can be said that Kurosaki Ichigo is the absolute protagonist, and even a person like Saragi Kenpachi The level of combat power is nothing more than support this time.

Unokanaretsu is very clear that she has a mission on her shoulders at this moment, otherwise she would go to the virtual circle with Saraki Kenpachi anyway, but she can't do that now!
Because she still has Liang Yue's trust in her. Since Liang Yue has entrusted her with the affairs, she cannot arbitrarily transfer personnel for her own selfishness.

"other people……"

Kuchiki Byakuya, Saraki Kenpachi and Usir naturally had no objections, the three of them led the order out, and at this time Yachiryu suddenly proposed to let Rukia and her go to the virtual circle together. Zhi Hualie also agreed.

Xuquan and his party do need a doctor, and Yaqianliu has learned the Tao for a long time over the years.

As for Rukia, to put it bluntly, with her strength, no matter which side she is on, it will not affect the battle situation. Since she is familiar with Kurosaki Ichigo, let her also go to the virtual circle.

"The others will go with me..."

"Cave of Sorrow!"

The moment the voice fell, the captains who performed their duties had already been dispatched, some went to the present world and the Kurosaki Ichigo Association, and some went to the Sorrow Cave, preparing...

Goodbye Sherlock!

" as we expected."

In the empty circle, in a palace, Aizen sat gracefully on the first seat, and below were the six of the seven prophets of the violent search and arrest group except Yin.

Theon, Sunsun, Ulquiorra, Roja, Nelliel, and Esla, among the six, even Sunsun, who is the weakest, ranks at the forefront of the Ten Blades...

"The main force of the corpse soul world is restrained by the mourning cave, so..."

Aizan looked at these six powerful broken faces, and the corner of his mouth slightly raised, "As long as Kurosaki Ichigo and his party who came to the virtual circle are wiped out, there will be no obstacles to Hero's recovery."

"Ichigo Kurosaki..."

Hearing this name, Ulquiola, who was sitting in the seat, seemed to have some emotions, which made everyone around him very strange.

"What's wrong?" Sean asked beside him.
"It's nothing, it's just that if Kurosaki Ichigo comes, I'll take care of him." Ulquior said without changing his expression

"I've never seen you have such emotions towards humans."

Theon responded lightly, "Kurosaki Ichigo is not simple. Although I haven't seen it with my own eyes, I watched it from a few times..."

"He can show the ability far beyond his own limitations at the time, so don't die too fast."

"..." Ulquiorra didn't speak, just...

Quietly waiting for Kurosaki Ichigo's arrival!

(End of this chapter)

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