Chapter 335 The Arrival of Kazan
Ulquiorra dissipated, his body became blurred, and even the hand that was desperately pressing on Ichigo's heart began to become weak. At this time, everything that happened before flooded into the black like a tide. Saki Ichigo's mind.

"This... did I do this?! I was dominated by that force again..."

Kurosaki Ichigo had a splitting headache, and felt more pain. Yes, he did kill Ulquiorra, taking an important step for this virtual circle mission.

However, this is not the victory he wanted!
Just like the Sky Veil giant beast back then, he was once again dominated by the dark apostle's power, and then relied on the power that erupted in that state to successfully defeat the enemy.

Such a victory cannot satisfy him.

Back then when he was on the Skyveil Giant Beast, he caused too much damage in this state, and this damage included his friends...

If it wasn't for Yun Mi's arrival, Ye Yi might have been killed by him, and in the follow-up, he was dominated by darkness and put one of Rotes' hearts back into his body, which made Rotes explode with amazing strength in the follow-up.


resulted in casualties.

If it wasn't for him, none of this would have happened!

Ichigo has never wanted to step into this state, and he didn't even want to use Xu's power, which would make his heart restless, but at the end of the battle, could he still be unable to resist the apostle's power?

In the end, the hand also slowly dissipated. Kurosaki Ichigo watched this scene happen with mixed feelings in his heart, and he didn't know what to say.

Then, he saw that Ulquiorra, who had dissipated originally, gathered a strange light in the rising flow of spiritual power.

That ball of light echoed the colorful definition of black, and finally condensed into the shape of a bat. After the black bat was formed, it seemed that there was some other power in its body. Ichigo could tell at a glance that it was something in his body. Apostle's power.

The two forces flew towards the most central light cluster in a wrapped relationship, and for a moment, it seemed that something was about to wake up...


The ground in the virtual circle began to tremble violently. With the sound of clicking, the earth became torn apart. Oil was buried underground in the earth. No one knew what was in the underground of the soul world and the virtual circle, but it is still in the virtual circle. These people finally saw...

That is……

The pure darkness, the incomparable darkness, makes people feel creepy at a glance. The darkness seems to be still wriggling. Maybe all the void spirits that have died for millions of years have fallen to the bottom of the world. It is impossible to say that it is hell. Not too much!

The power spreading from the central sphere of light seems to make the whole world uneasy, and the vibration that was getting less and less before suddenly intensified at this moment, as if the demon from the abyss opened his eyes and came out. Extended his tentacles into reality.

"It's... the power of the apostles again!"

In each battlefield, people who are still conscious can't help but look at the center. There is more than just the center of the seven-pointed star formation, and the stars in the sky are revolving around it. A huge force wave after wave The slow flow of waves.

Then, a series of cracks appeared!
"Seven prophets, more than half of them died, plus the part of the apostle's power that was taken from you, finally revived Sirock."

Suddenly, in this shattered world, a blood-red figure stepped out. He walked towards Kurosaki Ichigo while talking, and said softly, "The world is so confusing, no one can see clearly the next step. , even the omniscient and omnipotent god.”

"I'm afraid that even Sherlock himself didn't expect that before she died, she was seriously injured because of the fusion of the apostle's power mixed in the collapsed jade, and after she died, she actually resonated with the power of other apostles, allowing her to be in the seven prophets and three Resurrected while alive."

"What did you say...?" Kurosaki Ichigo looked at the figure walking over. He had blond hair, but he had blood on his body, a huge spiritual pressure, no, it wasn't just a spiritual pressure , but what kind of other things naturally distort the space around the body.

And his body exudes an indescribably terrifying aura, like the incarnation of war, the manifestation of disaster, and all kinds of ominous things in the world come from him. He releases an infinitely twisted and extremely evil aura, Every step I take makes this breath more intense!
"Originally all the seven prophets had to die before Shirok would be resurrected and usher in a new life in death, but the power of the apostle in your body surpassed the imagination of any apostle, and the power of the apostle can be perfectly mixed together. It’s the first time among them.”

"Even as an apostle, Sherlock's reckless accommodation of the power of other apostles would cause division in his body, and it was precisely because of this that he died at the beginning."

More than 200 years ago, during the Battle of the Crying Cavern, Aizen threw Bengyu into Sherlock's body, causing her body to shatter.

"But maybe it was because of this that she died, and the fate in the dark made her live because of it, and then today, the mixed apostle power in your body entered Sherlock's body through Ulquiorra's body, Thus prompting her to be completely revived!"

The man suddenly made a ferocious smile, and then said something that broke Kurosaki Ichigo
"That's right, all of this is because of you! Because of your existence, Hirok will be resurrected. After Rotes, you once again revived the apostles! The Three Realms will also be destroyed because of you, and everyone will die. Like this crumbling world right now..."


Kurosaki Ichigo stared blankly at the man in front of him, his hands were trembling uncontrollably, as if his brain had crashed, after a while his pupils suddenly dilated, and then he cried out in pain!


And as he roared, the black gas erupted from his body again, and his pupils were also stained black, but in an instant!

The man pressed Kurosaki Ichigo's head with one hand, he rushed forward suddenly, and there was a burst of air directly behind him, forward with a bang, and then forward again, and then pressed Kurosaki Ichigo heavily to the ground!
"Now, you should be more awake, right?"

The severe pain woke him up suddenly, and he was lying on the sand in a daze, while the lower part was still vibrating violently...

"All of this is because you are too weak..."

Seeing that Ichigo's pupils gradually became clear, the man also slowly squatted down, and then said softly, "If there is no strength, then no one can protect it."

"There is no right or wrong in power, only human beings can do it. As long as one masters the power of evil, then human beings can turn this evil into justice..."

As the man was talking, suddenly Ichigo lying on the ground felt empty below, and the ground below was split open by the power released by Sherlock, and the crack went straight to the bottomless abyss as before. It fell down without notice.

If it is a human being, such a high fall is enough to leave a person without bones. One can imagine the degree of exaggeration of someone jumping directly from the surface of the earth to the center of the earth, but the gods of death have magical powers. They can float and even fly in the air. This level can't help them at all.

However, instead of going up, Ichigo let his body fall.

At this time, he was actually enjoying the silence when he fell, the feeling of being swallowed by darkness, at this moment, quietly...

Fall, fall again.

Fortunately, the crack is very deep, even if it falls freely for a long time, it will not reach the deepest bottom, which also allows Ichigo to think for a longer time.

He even began to enjoy this moment of tranquility, even though the wind was whistling in his ears and the darkness in front of his eyes was getting deeper and deeper, but his heart was getting more and more peaceful.

Soon, his figure was completely swallowed by the darkness, and his figure could no longer be seen standing on the top of the crack, and then passed by for an unknown amount of time...

The darkness suddenly began to expand, and then a huge spiritual pressure erupted, and the spiritual pressure rumbled, agitating at the bottom of the abyss.

Afterwards, the darkness was like a cage, and the blackness in all directions flowed towards the expanding point, but the person wrapped in the darkness suddenly burst out with a transcendent spiritual pressure, directly breaking through the shackles of the darkness, from there Break through from the abyss!
"Although you are false, I still want to thank you..."

Kurosaki Ichigo has entered the apostolic state again, but it is not the previous dark state, but a simple dragon apostle.

The reason why he was helpless in front of Ulquiorra who was under the third stage of returning to the blade before was because he only used the part of the power that belonged to the god of death under the apostle, and now he will not be confused, so Only then can such a terrifying spiritual pressure erupt, this is his true apostolic transformation.

In this state, he is enough to confront Ulquiola head-on, and this is also the opponent Ulquiola wants to face.

It is a pity that the inflow of the black nightmare changed the apostle power in Kurosaki Ichigo's body from one to two, and each additional apostle power would increase his strength exponentially.

The fusion of Luke's apostle's power and Bacal's apostle's power directly caused him to surpass Ulquiorra who used the apostle's power after returning to the blade three times in an instant, tearing it to pieces.

Now he no longer uses the power of the black nightmare, but only uses Bacal's apostle power, which is a single apostle, but he is not as timid as he was at the beginning, and can only use the power of death to meet the enemy.

"Can you tell me your name?"

Ichigo asked, although the opponent's body exudes an ominous Reiatsu, and the aura is quite evil, but Kurosaki Ichigo does not think that Xu must be bad, especially the ten blades who broke the mask, they are also Fighting against his own original sin, hoping to get rid of the shackles of imaginary.

"You can just call me Kazan." The man said lightly, he squinted his eyes slightly as he watched Kurosaki Ichigo's erupting Reiatsu.

"Sirock is resurrected, you should think about the next thing." Kazan said again, he turned his head and looked at the central area. Locke's look.

"The breath of the devil world is already so close."

After recovering, Xilock did not attack the god of death in the virtual circle, but suddenly exuded a huge force, which soared into the sky, breaking through the boundary of the virtual circle, and suddenly a river...

No, it was the sea that appeared in the sky of the virtual circle!

"That's..." Seeing this scene, Kurosaki Ichigo couldn't help shrinking his pupils. He seemed to have heard of this ocean floating in the sky.

"Sea of ​​Sky, the base that Bakal created back then led to the Demon Realm, and that passage was at the top of the Tower of Sky in the middle of the sea. Now Sirock wants to open the passage leading to the Sea of ​​Sky from the virtual circle, and then enter the In the Sky Tower."

Seeing Kurosaki Ichigo's confused look, Kazan slowly said, "Don't think that Shirok's return to the Demon Realm is a good thing. Once the gate of the Demon Realm is opened, there will be no distance between the Demon Realm and the Three Realms. Monsters in the Demon Realm, The apostles can appear in the third world without any obstacles."

"Let me just say it..."

Looking at the shocked Ichigo, Kazan said coldly, "Once the gate of the Demon Realm is opened, the Three Realms will be destroyed, and there is no doubt that they will be destroyed. Even if the Three Realms work together, they will not be able to resist any one of them." Apostle in its heyday."


The moment Kazan's words fell, Kurosaki Ichigo rushed directly to the central area, his whole body erupted with Reiatsu, and there were also three streamers moving forward from other places. It seems that after finishing the opponent, they are now To face the apostles again.

However, Ichigo was trying to stop Shirok, but Kazan followed closely, and a blood-red long knife appeared in his hand. With a swing of the knife, the violent Reiatsu became more bloody, even in the presence of an apostle. In the transformed state, Ichigo didn't dare to resist the blow head-on, so he hurriedly dodged!

"What are you thinking about?"

Seeing his shocked expression, Kazan couldn't help but mocked, "I'm a hypocrite. I'm the enemy you came to defeat this time. You actually shamelessly left after getting the information. You really understand what you are doing!" what?"

The aura that seemed to gather all the horrors in the world suddenly appeared on his body again, which made even Ichigo feel a huge pressure.

"Fight, fight! It's a pity that you are so strong and have been dragged down by the name of guardian!"

Kazan made a cold smile, and then slashed at him.

"Although there is a guy who is more suitable for appetite, but unfortunately, he has been seriously injured by Theon. You guy, let me be satisfied first!"

Kurosaki Ichigo's pupils shrank, he has grown up after experiencing so much.

He won't say 'why' again, but looks at Kazan with firm eyes.

"Okay, let me explain in advance, even if you tell me the information, in a battle of this level, I will not show mercy!"

(End of this chapter)

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