From the Void King to the Ghost Swordsman of the Light of the Beginning

Chapter 392 The battle between the ice wheel pills

Chapter 392 The battle between the ice wheel pills
Soujiro Kusakaba comes from a dimension parallel to the main world of Death, which is considered a parallel universe.

In this dimension, he and Toshirō Hitsugaya are close friends, but because they both hold Hirinmaru, Room 46 requires only one Zanpakutō, so the two of them must win burden.

The winner survives and holds the Hirinwan, while the loser has nothing, even their life.

But before the battle between the two, Room 46 had already selected Toshirō Hitsugaya as the holder of Hirinmaru, because compared to drafting Kansojiro, Toshirō Hitsugaya was undoubtedly more talented, and he was the most talented in the history of the Soul World One of the top talents is not comparable to Soujiro Kusakaba.

So the battle came to an end, but when Cao Guan was about to be executed in room 46, the treasure "Wang Yin" that only existed in the theater version saved him.

In the parallel dimension, Wang Yin is the treasure of the royal family. It has the power not to be restricted by time and space. It can transfer things to other places, and it can also transfer the fatal damage you have received. It also has powerful spiritual power inside. .

He borrowed Wang Yin's power to avenge Goutei [-], but was finally beheaded by Toshirō Hitsugaya.

However, a little accident happened at the end of the story, and this time the grass crown failed to die.

The first time it was Wang Yin who saved him, and the second time it was Kahn who saved him.

More directly, it is a black nightmare.

Kahn now has the power of the Dimensional Gate, which means that he can go to any world at any time. Although opening the Dimensional Gate and maintaining the Dimensional Gate requires strength, but with the black nightmare, transferring a person is not a big problem .

So, he transferred Soujiro Kusakaguan and Wang Yin before his death to this world, and blessed them with black nightmares.

Kusakaguan Soujiro himself is nothing special, he is only a captain if he is exhausted, but he is integrated with Wang Yin, but he can fight against the entire Goutei [-] team by himself.

Yamamoto Motoyasa Hajime couldn't suppress him even when he broke out with all his strength. All the captains of Goutei [-] team dispatched and cooperated with Yoruichi and Ichigo who came from the world to successfully defeat him. The Eucharist is even more powerful.

However, the theatrical version is a theatrical version after all, and the parallel world is just a parallel world after all, and the issue of combat power is not rigorous. In the theatrical version and the original animation, Captain Yamamoto is the one who is deflated...

To sum up, the current Grass Crown was transferred by the Black Nightmare after merging the king seal, but the strength is not so exaggerated, and the current Hitsugaya Toshiro...

Actually pretty much the same.

It can't be said to be weak, because Toshiro Hitsugaya can be regarded as the god of death who can keep up with the times. Toshiro who has absorbed so much cold air includes the captain-level Matsushima Masaaki, and the captain-level corpse thief Bone Prison Breath He is outstanding among the captains.

Especially after awakening the true swastika, at least in that state he is comparable to the top captain, and in terms of the strength of his ability, he is capable of fighting even against the transcendent.

Soujiro Kusakaguan was able to fight him, that is, thanks to the power of the king's seal, it is also a treasure of a parallel world. It is not surprising that there is such a function, and there is only one copy. Say even rarer.

This is also...

The sacrifice Kahn specially sent to Toshirō Hitsugaya allowed him to truly reach the level of the god of death, so that he could fight Skasa, use this battle to break through the limit, and become a transcendent.

Toshirō Hitsugaya does have this potential, Genichi will not misunderstand the person, at least he can grow to the present level within a period of time, he is one of the best in the history of the soul world, from the time Genichi taught him to the present Not more than a few decades.

It is really remarkable to grow to this point in such a short time, after all, not everyone has to compare with Kurosaki Ichigo, a pervert.

The value of a transcendent is worth Kahn making so many arrangements for him.

At this moment, on top of the iceberg, Soujiro Kusakaguan looked at Hitsugaya who was still climbing up step by step. A substantive cold air formed on his body, freezing his whole body, and the ice extended on his body and changed his shape, making him The whole person seems to have turned into an ice dragon!
This is the change that occurred after he absorbed the power of Wang Yin. Generally speaking, the god of death explores the inner world to resonate with the Zanpakuto, and develops the Zanpakuto to exert its power, but he spreads the inner world outside the body and spreads his own Integrate with ice wheel pills.

In this way, he will be able to unleash the true power of Hirinwan!
With a bang, he soared in the sky. The huge ice dragon was heaving in the clouds and mist blown by the wind and snow. He took a deep breath, and immediately there was endless cold air, which quickly turned into The ice crystals pressed down like an iceberg.

Hitsugaya, who was climbing, felt the sudden heavy pressure from above. He frowned, and the Zanpakuto was unsheathed again. This time it was not an attack like the one he had dealt with the ice spider before, but a real slash. .

An ice dragon spat out from the Zanpakutō, and entered the clouds in the blink of an eye. The next moment, there was a booming collision sound, and then a large number of ice cubes fell from the sky. Hitsugaya frowned, Although the body was a little stiff due to the cold air, there was no problem in avoiding these ice cubes.

Is there someone up there?

Hitsugaya was thinking about speeding up, but suddenly saw a huge black shadow appearing from the ice fog. The black shadow looked like a giant dragon sprinting downward, and Hitsugaya was startled.

In Charlie's inner memory, he also saw an ice dragon. At that time, Charlie climbed to the top of a snow mountain, and then the ice dragon he saw cast a spell on him, turning him into a ghoul Bone prison breath.

Is it...

Is it the ice dragon in front of you?
Dong Shilang became excited all of a sudden, the excitement even eased the coldness of his body a lot. Seeing this ice dragon, does it mean that he is about to meet his teacher?
source one...

What is your purpose?
This is a problem that has troubled Hitsugaya's heart for decades. He once said that when he tried to meet him, he might understand everything, so...

Will it be now?
"Swastika Sit upright in the frosty sky, Dahonglian Binglunwan!"

Hitsugaya knew that it would be impossible to deal with the big ice dragon without using the swastika. It was one of the three dragons transferred from the Sky Tower by Sherlock at the beginning. Although one of them was defeated by In the hands of Captain Yamamoto, but it cannot deny their strength.

Millennium Ice Prison!

The power of Hirinmaru is to control the moisture in the atmosphere, so the more he fights, the stronger he becomes, but the water and cold air here are not generally strong, so he can also directly exert the full power of Hirinmaru .

Although it didn't reach the level of true swastika, the power it erupted was still astonishing.

Countless icicles were formed and flew towards the sky. The icicles were so hard that they seemed to be shot. The cold air was torn apart, and the clouds and mist dispersed. Under this force, this misty world seemed to have regained some clarity, and This also allowed Hitsugaya to see Soujiro Kusakaguan above.

Kusakaba Soujiro transformed into a dragon!
Ice Wheel Pills? !

Hitsugaya frowned, for some reason, he felt that the giant dragon in the sky was somewhat similar to his own Hirinmaru, and the countless icicles he shot hit his body without causing any ripples.

It's as if a small stone hit the city wall without causing any damage to it.

There were still countless ice cubes falling from the sky, and Hitsugaya jumped up with his feet hard, and the air under his feet quickly condensed into ice, which spread downwards until it reached the snow-capped mountain.

Moreover, the ice is still spreading, and Hitsugani used spiritual pressure to create an ice island!
This ice island is connected with the snow mountain, he stepped on it, looked at the ice dragon that was close at hand, and frowned.

"You are not Scassa at all, who are you?"

Of course it's not Scassa, because the power emanating from this ice dragon is clearly the Reiatsu of the God of Death. Although it's a bit weird and strange, it is undoubtedly the Reiatsu of the God of Death.

Skasa is not a god of death, nor is it a void, nor is it a species of the Three Realms. How could there be such a spiritual pressure?
"Scasa, it's that huge ice dragon."

Although Kusakaguan Soujiro was transferred here not long ago by the black nightmare, he has seen the giant dragon, and even...

He felt that he was transferred here by the ice dragon, because the power that entered his body was somewhat similar to that of the ice dragon.

That is the power of the apostles. Although it is not the power of the same apostle, the power of the apostles is not very different, so it is easy to feel the familiarity.

Skasa is the heir created by the real Bakal, and it can also be said to be a clone, and the black nightmare is a kind of power created by Luke, which contains the power of the apostle, so Kusakazu Soujiro thinks that Skasa saved himself .

He turned into an ice dragon, but his body exudes black spiritual pressure. Toshirō Hitsugaya was taken aback. He saw the black nightmare power on the other party. He had also been affected by this kind of power before. What's going on? ?

The giant dragon that looks like Hirinmaru has a black nightmare, could it be...

Hitsugaya's pupils shrank, and the black nightmare was no longer a mysterious power in the Three Realms. Kuchiki Rukia and Kurosaki Ichigo had both been implanted by the black nightmare, and it triggered a power that traveled through dimensions.

Kuchiki Rukia from another dimension has come to the Three Realms, and Kurosaki Ichigo from that dimension also appeared on Kurosaki Ichigo in this world and defeated Rotes, and now...

Is it...

Could this guy be himself from that dimension? !

Hitsugaya was only reasoning logically, but when he thought of this possibility, it quickly spread in his heart like a prairie fire.

I had a black nightmare, so I was implicated in another dimension of myself, he was dominated by the black nightmare?
Otherwise, why are there ice balls?

There had never been two identical Zanpakuto in the history of Soul World, and the more he fought this ice dragon, the more he felt that it was Hirinmaru.

There was another burst of figures, and a layer of ice appeared on Hitsugaya's shoulders. He glanced at the shoulders and forcibly pushed the ice away with his hands.

Immediately afterwards, the giant dragon had already launched an attack.

"What's your name?" He gritted his teeth and shouted while coping with Caocrown's attack.

"It's... really infuriating." Caoguan didn't know that there was no self in this world, and he just felt a surge of anger after hearing Hitsugaya Toshirō's voice.

The huge ice dragon opened its mouth and made a heavy sound towards Hitsugaya.

"You don't even know me."

He shouted loudly, "Then go to hell!"

Caoguan's answer made Hitsugaya believe in his own judgment, "I don't even know me", isn't it saying that he doesn't even know "himself" or even "Hirinmaru"?
Looks sane...

Hitsugaya frowned, if the place is the 'self' of another dimension, then why did he attack himself?

He obviously still has his own consciousness!

"Southern Cross Shield!"

His blade drew a cross, and then a large amount of ice gathered around this cross, forming a huge shield.

Immediately, endless cold air blasted over, and it was also a confrontation of ice. The cold air of the grass crown enveloped the entire shield, and spread from other directions in the blink of an eye, and wrapped Hitsugaya Toshiro again almost in the blink of an eye. .

The cold air condensed and formed a huge ice ball.

The ice puck is solid, and he is trying to kill Toshirō Hitsugaya completely, just like what Toshirō Hitsugaya did in the 'previous life'!

There can only be one ice ball!
Devour Devour Devour Fusion Fusion Fusion!

But just when he was about to smash the ice puck, there was a sudden strong longing in his heart. The black nightmare seed beating in the depths of his soul was beating crazily, stirring his heart. Emotions, seducing his soul, fueling his desires.

Although the black nightmare is powerful, it is difficult to directly control the captain-level character. At most, it is to provoke the darkness in his heart to make him more violent. Once he really falls into the trap of the black nightmare and sinks into it, he will completely sink for its puppet.

And now, this desire has arisen in Soujiro Kusakaba's heart.

Swallow another handful of ice wheel pills and strengthen his own ice wheel pills. In this way, he will be able to kill all those who oppose him, and no one will be his opponent!

"I don't care who you are..."

However, when the Reiatsu on his body became darker and darker, the ice ball shattered suddenly, Hitsugaya still maintained the posture of swinging the knife, and countless ice cubes fell beside him, His expression was cold, and the spiritual pressure also broke out.

"If you stop me, then..."

He pointed the knife at the Ice Dragon Grass Crown, and said softly
"Frozen and Hundred Flowers Burial!"

(End of this chapter)

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