Chapter 510
They are temporarily separated.

Ichigo and the others took the long but unobstructed road to Central Park, which took about two days.

Stark, on the other hand, chose to go to Central Park by a shorter but fraught road. Even with the strength of Ichigo, it may take four or five days, and Stark...

How long will it take?

In order not to waste time, Stark directly used the ring to leave here, and rushed towards the direction that called him.

He'd already noted the way to Central Park, all that was left to do was find the thing.

The first moment Stark came to the Demon Realm, he felt something calling him, and as time went by, that calling became stronger and stronger, even as if a voice appeared in his heart.

Come on come on come on!

Come and meet me!

Even the current Stark can hardly resist that instinct. He knows that he must go, because if he doesn't see that thing, he may not even be able to fight, which will undoubtedly affect the subsequent decisive battle.

Whether it is fighting Kahn or fighting Herder, it must not be an easy battle...

Although they said that Herder was a weak apostle, no one should really think that Herder is weak.

Just kidding, one-handed control of the situation until now, step by step to promote the Genesis prophecy, the first apostle, the remnant of Terra, the only person who was strong with Kahn and survived with him, how could anyone think her strength is weak?
At most, it's just that her strength is not strong, but who can know her real strength?

Over the years, who has seen Herder go all out?
The so-called weakness has always been the impression Herder himself gave to others!

Ichigo never believed that Herder was a weak person, nor did Stark believe that Herder was a weak person, because he had seen people like Herder, and they were all strong without exception.

Aizen Soyousuke, Genichi, Jiger, to some extent they are very similar to Herder, and they all faced enemies that were almost impossible to win at the time!
Herder's weakness is at most relative to Kahn.

Kahn's strength is unquestionable. They have never met Kahn, but all the information they have obtained and all the strong people they have met, without exception, think that Kahn's strength is rare in the world, and no one underestimates it. Kahn.

His strength is even so strong that he has formed a huge gravitational force, attracting the same essence of other dimensions to him, allowing the dark power of the beginning that should return to the parallel body to slowly gather towards him.

If it reaches the end, he might be able to contain all the dark power of the beginning...

No matter what kind of person he is, he is weak compared to Kahn, and Herder is no exception.

But compared to others, is Herder necessarily weak?

It's not necessarily...

So even if they might break the prophecy by fighting Herder, they still didn't relax their vigilance.

Stark did not allow himself any accidents in the battle at that time, so he had to clean up all hidden dangers.


He also wanted to see what was calling him.

He has never been to the devil world, how could something be staring at him?

Stark moved forward in confusion, and then he came to a path.

This road is a bit gloomy, and if you look ahead, you can see a winding road with no end in sight.

Stark's strength is also top-notch in the Demon Realm. After all, he has broken through the limit in the battle with Luke. In the Demon Realm, his strength is enough to be called an apostle.

However, even now he feels a certain uneasiness when he sees this road.

"No wonder Schaller said that there are many places in the Demon World where even the apostles can't stay for long, and even Ichigo will encounter trouble."

Stark stepped into this road step by step, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion.
"I don't know... what's ahead?"

This ancient road seems to have been abandoned a million years ago, and only some people who couldn't survive in the outside world entered it, and those who walked inside never appeared in the outside world.

The entrance of this road is within the sphere of influence of the Kaxiu faction, but Xia Le doesn't know what's inside. He once sent people into it, and they also have methods made by Xia Le to ensure that he can see inside. But when they entered the depths of the ancient road, they disappeared.

This is a weird place formed spontaneously by the fragments of Terra in the Demon Realm. It is very likely that it was formed by the remnants of the power generated when the light of the beginning fought with God Terra.

Fighting at their level, even though many years had passed, was enough to give the apostles a headache.

However, Stark had no other choice.

He stepped into the road without much hesitation, and kept walking forward.

On the way, I saw only bones and the remains of some oversized creatures. It was like stepping into the road of the dead.


Stark felt more and more cold, and he couldn't help speeding up.

After walking for a while, Stark suddenly noticed a huge energy approaching him when he was about to take the next step.


Stark's head was slightly deflected, and the next moment he saw a beam of light brushing his cheek.

His pupils dilated for a moment, and he quickly used the ring to turn forward, but he didn't see anything.

Theoretically, it should be the place where the ray of light shot out just now, but there is nothing there, which is very unreasonable.

Looking at the barren world around him, Stark felt a burst of doubt.

In fact, he wasn't wondering who was sneaking up on him, but was wondering about the flash of light just now.


It's clearly a false flash!

But how is it possible?

How could someone use false flash in the devil world?

This is not a virtual circle!
Moreover, the spiritual power contained in the false flash just now is extremely strong, I am afraid that it is not inferior to his current false flash at all, which is also very unbelievable.

Now Stark has reached the level of the void that eats the world in the true sense. Even in the Three Realms, it is an unprecedented void. Even in the world a million years ago, such a void was never born, because this is their final form.

Xuzai, who was a million years ago, was eliminated by the Spirit King during his evolution to his current form, but Stark has surpassed them after returning to his ancestors, and has truly reached the current level.

However, he just saw a false flash that is completely comparable to himself. This is...

what happened?

Stark frowned, he seemed to vaguely understand why this place attracted him.


Possess some kind of imaginary power?


Stark suddenly seemed to see a woman, but the next moment the woman disappeared.

What a great speed!

Stark thought that his speed was definitely the fastest among his peers, but that woman's speed was much faster than him.

He chased after him in an instant, and he was also a bold man with a high level of art. He respected this ancient road, but he also believed that nothing would happen to him with his own strength.

And no matter how dangerous it is, you still have to go if you have to go, and you can't shrink back.

After walking for an unknown distance, Stark saw a dilapidated village.

There was a purple mist floating in the village, as thick as poisonous gas, and Stark endured the discomfort and walked in.

There is no one in the village, just like the previous road.

But if there is a void in it, no one will be able to understand it.

Xu is a life that devours each other greedily, and in the constant devouring, only one survivor will be left in the end.

That is...

that woman?

Stark thought of the woman just now. She had long golden hair and was wearing a white dress. She looked like an aristocratic girl. Although it was just a glimpse, she left a deep impression on Stark.

Stark wandered around the village casually, and finally found a book, or a diary, in a warehouse.

This diary is actually a fragmented volume, with only a little content left, but it can still be vaguely seen that the author is a person named Claulinde.

Master of the Revenant Crowlinde...

It should be in front of... title?
Lord of the dead?It sounds like it has something to do with Xu, after all Xu is actually some kind of dead soul.

He turned the pages of the book, looked at the text inside, and read slowly.

"Those who wish to learn necromancy, I admire your bravery and despise your ignorance.

I don't know what you are burdened with, but the path you have chosen is definitely a dead end.

It's as ridiculous as breaking a pillar to repair a roof. As long as you have a shred of sanity, give it up immediately.

And those who greedily explore necromancy, congratulations, you will have a tragic end.

Poor man!

Never awaken a soul beyond its own power!
Necromancy is a spell that summons the energy left in the world and uses the power of the caster to visualize the energy, rather than a forbidden spell that calls the dead back to this world.

Some stupid people put the appearance of evil spirits into the category of necromancy, but how can they command a powerful soul that retains the will of life?
Don't break taboos because of your stupidity.

If you don't want to be enslaved, let yourself be tortured to the point of pain, not in human form...

If you don't want to be clutched more and more tightly by death's claws because you want to escape death, you'd better give up that ridiculous greed.

If any lucky fellow shows up, come find me, I'd like to see what it looks like to ignore my sincere advice.

Of course, the premise is that my sanity can be maintained until then. "

There are some interesting things recorded on it, especially necromancy...

Is this a note left by a master who has reached a very high level of necromancy, or is it a fragment of a certain book?

In short, a kind of power called necromancy is mentioned above, and it can be seen that this is actually a practice method of extracting a certain energy from the world and turning it into a spell, which should be similar to spiritual practice.

However, someone put this necromancy on the body of the dead, summoned the evil spirit with its own will, and possessed it to gain powerful power.

This Claulinde is warning the necromancers behind that there is a huge risk in doing so, if you don't want to be devoured by evil spirits, don't do it.

However, judging from the last sentence, this Claulinde has actually chosen this path.

Turning the tome to the end, Stark discovered an intricate Dark Arts emblem.

Gently put away the book, he thought of the woman just now.

that woman...

Will it be Claulinde?
This Lord of Souls is indeed very similar to Xu, except that Xu is devouring it directly, while Lord of Souls possesses evil spirits on himself, which are essentially fallen souls superimposed together, so it seems that there is a virtual flash here. Not surprisingly?

But Stark felt that it might not be that simple.

He walked out of the warehouse and looked at the decaying village. He didn't know how long it had been without people.

There should have been people on this ancient road for a long time, and there was even such a village, but for some reason it is empty now.

Stark could only keep going, because the thing that attracted him was still ahead.

He has a faint feeling that this place is actually a place where he can be reborn...

The further we went, the thicker the fog became. The village was still purple, but now it has turned black.

It seems to be the color of death, just looking at it makes people feel shuddering, what a horrible breath it is, it is eroding everything, and there is a strange sound released in the black mist, like thousands of children whispering. Ming.

Stark walked among them, and he could only say that he was lucky to have the power of light bestowed by Luke at the last moment.

The honor of Hebron's holy light blessed Stark, and at the same time the creation power of the white hole spontaneously circulated in his body, allowing Stark to obtain a powerful power of light, blocking the black mist outside his body.

Suddenly, Stark stopped.

He raised his hands, and the next moment two pistols, a black and a white, appeared in his hands.

He named his two pistols ebony and white ivory. Ebony symbolizes the annihilation of black holes, and white ivory symbolizes the creation of white holes, which are also Stark's two main powers now.

He aimed at the black mist in front of him with ebony wood, and said coldly, "If it doesn't come out, I will shoot."

What's ahead?
Stark didn't know, but he could feel a kind of malice and madness emanating from the black fog.

"Interesting, you were able to come here."

A woman's voice came out from the black mist, and the woman who had appeared for a moment just now came out.

She was still the same, with long pale blonde hair and a white gown, like a princess.

And her appearance is as exquisite as a doll princess, but the eye shadow on her eyes is black, and her lips are also dark, which makes people feel a strange beauty.


She looked at Stark and made a wicked smile.

"You are the sacrifice that can interfere with the balance of horror in the beginning!"

(End of this chapter)

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