Chapter 105 Testimonials on the shelves!

Straight to the point!
This book will be on the shelves on March [-]st, which is tomorrow night at twelve o'clock in the morning!This is the moment that decides Zhao Cuo's fate!I implore everyone to come to Qidian to read and subscribe for support!

I think it is necessary to emphasize the importance of the first order, which is related to the allocation of resources for the follow-up promotion of this book!It directly affects the author's writing mentality!
So if you are interested, you also feel that this book is worth spending money on. Please go to the main website Qidian Chinese Network to support it. How far you can go depends on your subscription.

Thank you, Little Green!
(You must watch the update at [-] o'clock in the morning on March [-]st!)

(End of this chapter)

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