Chapter 116 On the Phoenix Bed

The queen mother was obviously taken aback.

"On the same day as my coronation ceremony and wedding ceremony."

Zhao Cuo looked at her pair of majestic and endless phoenix eyes expressionlessly.

"You sent someone to give me a letter that day, but when I received the order, I was stunned on the spot. That's when you hid the hall of the Ministry of Justice in my body?"

"It turns out that your Zhao family can really use that thing."

The empress dowager nodded thoughtfully, as if acknowledging his words.

"I just wonder how you, the female devil, can see clearly what happened today..."

Zhao Cuo sneered.

"You monitor my words and deeds through the torture hall, so the demon court's plan is in your grasp, and you get the news from me to play with everyone."

"You really underestimated Ben Gong too much."

The Empress Dowager said with a slight frown.

"The punishment hall of the previous dynasty was my wedding gift to you. I got this thing by accident, and I rewarded you because I couldn't find a way to open it. Why did I spend all my energy listening to you, a dude? But I can indeed Use it to sense your position."

"Then why did you give me this kind of treasure?"

Zhao Cuoqiang supported his body that might fall at any time.

"Because the ancestor of your Zhao family was an official of the Prison Division of Daxuan in the previous dynasty, and the main palace of the punishment hall is useless, so is there a problem with rewarding you casually?"

"So you deduced that this time I would go back and forth between Xisha Kingdom and Xiang Jing day and night, and only the King of the Demon Court had such super speed, so you deduced that the frozen river hunting demon clan would take action?"


Zhao mistakenly believed her words.If the villain was really spying on him, the dragon vein worm would definitely not be able to hide it, and once she knew that she was harboring a vicious venom, she would never be able to arrange various important cases for him.

"I see……"

A relieved smile appeared on Zhao Xiaogong's face.As a rare treasure of this world, the Hall of the Ministry of Justice should hide deeper secrets, right?It's a pity that he didn't have the opportunity to dig.

"Do you have to ask about such insignificant matters at this juncture?"

Empress Dowager Zhao showed a gentle smile that didn't fit her personality and walked up to him, raised her hand to gently caress the boy's cold cheek, and said with a light smile:

"Do you know why Bengong still uses you even though he knows that you have hooked up with the demon court?"

"I should leave."

Zhao Cuo stared blankly at his body that was gradually losing temperature, and vaguely saw what happened in the past four months played back in front of his eyes.He froze in place unable to move.

"Because I know that even if you betray the imperial court with your pride, it is impossible to stand against the human race."

The Empress Dowager asked and answered herself, but Zhao Cuozhi couldn't keep standing after her words fell. He fell towards the dark eyes, but fell into a gentle embrace, with a pair of jade hands embracing his waist.

"Go to sleep..."

A soft voice rang in my ears.

"I'll settle today's account with you after you wake up."

Can you still wake up?

Such a question appeared in Zhao Cuo's mind.

But before he could get an answer, his consciousness sank into the darkness.

'Am I drowning? '

Zhao Xiaogong didn't know how long it took before he entered a state of confusion again, feeling that he was in a dark and deep sea, sinking continuously but still unable to reach Haiti.

However, he soon felt that he was not in some kind of icy sea water, but a scalding hot spring. As he kept falling, he could feel his body getting hotter and hotter.

The hazy consciousness became a little clearer.

"Where is this place?"

Zhao Cuo opened his eyes in a daze, and found that he was in a dark hall, and there was a word "punishment" on the upper wall.

"It turned out that the empress dowager gave me the torture hall..."

He murmured, his head was still a mess that was not enough to support more thinking, and he cast his eyes on the golden dragon curling up lazily under the table.

"It's really hard for you this time."

Zhao Cuo squatted down and reached out to the little guy with the dragon's head and the snake's body, and successfully touched its warm head. What responded to him was a pair of big red eyes.


Vicious Gu grinned at him!Then he twisted his body and hid aside, flicking his tail angrily and slapping the ground.Zhao Xiaogong, who found it interesting, leaned up and rubbed its head again. This time, the little guy opened his mouth and bit his finger.

"What am I here for?"

The slightest pain made Zhao Cuo's misty eyes appear clear, but the next second he lost consciousness again and sank into the dark pool water.

Afterwards, he entered the lobby of the Ministry of Justice again, and after touching the dragon vein worm a few times each time, he became dazed again, unable to regain his ability to think.

Whether the cycle was repeated ten or a hundred times he could not count.

"Touch your head."

When Zhao Cuo reached out to stroke the dragon vein worm again, it bounced off the ground.Opened his mouth and snarled violently at him!Before the boy could react, the fierce Gu slammed into the ground again and disappeared!

Young Master Zhao suddenly opened his eyes from his sleep!What he saw was the beautiful sunshine in the morning pouring into the warm bedroom, lighting up his world that had been dark for too long.

"Am I not dead..."

After a brief absence, he immediately realized what this place was, and he was extremely familiar with the mint-like breath pouring into his nostrils.This is the bedroom of the empress dowager, and the warm and soft couch he lay on was the phoenix bed.

"This bad woman actually saved me."

Zhao Cuo's face suddenly became complicated after feeling the current physical condition. Although his body was still weak and even paralyzed and sore in some areas, his vitality had recovered a large part.


A coquettish whisper suddenly sounded behind him, Zhao Cuo hugged a soft and tender body before he recovered, and the body temperature was very familiar to him.

"Do you want to die by waking me up early in the morning?"

The empress dowager's voice was as soft as her body at this time, like a half-dream raving, Zhao Cuo's body froze for a moment.


The woman holding him from behind suddenly woke up.

"Zhao Cuo, are you awake?" She said with a smile in her lazy voice, "I am very satisfied with your performance last night."

Young Master Zhao's pupils quaked when he heard this!But the body is still in a state of numbness, and he doesn't know what's going on. Could it be that the female devil is using the old-fashioned devotion technique in the novel to renew his life?
"Just kidding."

The empress dowager, who was in a good mood early in the morning, couldn't help laughing when she saw him stunned.

"The chief steward of the cleansing room used a special method to pull you out of the gate of hell. Now you are clean with six sense organs, and you can serve by my side forever."


Zhao Cuo was anxious and angry at once!Struggling to get up, but the body that is still in a state of exhaustion can't resist at all.

"So reluctant?"

The Empress Dowager suddenly moved close to his ear and blew softly.

"Don't worry, I said that I will eat you when you grow up, so let's keep it for now."

(End of this chapter)

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