Chapter 121
"Thank you sister."

Zhao wrongly knew that he could not show rebellion at this time, and the correct way was to convey the meaning of enjoyment, so that his sister would not take this as punishment for him.

"It seems that I will go on a boat trip with my colleagues more often in the future."

While speaking, he rubbed against his elder sister's arms a few times. The beautiful touch made him feel that the joke just now could actually be serious. What blinded his eyes?

"Are you just asking for a fight?"

Zhao Shangxin pinched his ears reproachfully.

"Sister, if you don't let go of your hand, I'm going to bite someone?"

Zhao Xiaogong, who felt that his sister was particularly difficult this time, decided to use special means.


Miss Zhao blushed and quickly pushed him away.

"My sister still has a little fever, drink the medicine first, and she should be cured after sleeping again later."

Zhao mistakenly touched the white forehead of his elder sister. Judging from his experience of playing with fire for several months, it should be around 37 degrees, which is not serious.


It was only at this time that Zhao Shangxin had time to feel ashamed, and pulled the quilt calmly in front of him.The rosy little face is very delicious in the eyes of Mr. Zhao.

"Let me feed my sister."

Zhao mistakenly picked up the medicine soup bowl and tested the temperature.

"I can do it myself."

She stretched out her slender white arms with some embarrassment, trying to take the bowl from her younger brother.

"I'll leave if you don't let me feed it?"

As soon as Mr. Zhao Xiaogong said this, he pinched his sister.

"If you are in good health, stay by my sister's side obediently and don't go out to fool around."

Zhao Shangxin whispered while grabbing the corner of his clothes.

"Today I can stay with my sister, but tomorrow I have something to do, and the Empress Dowager arranged an errand for me."

Zhao Cuo picked up a spoonful of medicinal soup and blew it gently for a while before delivering it to his sister's mouth.

"You've been in a coma for half a month and you're still not fully recovered?"

She frowned all of a sudden.

"It's all right."

Zhao Cuo said and asked back.

"Sister is the one. Why did you catch the cold? Don't you know how to pay attention when menstruation comes?"

"Who... who told you?"

Zhao Shangxin blushed immediately.

"I know my sister's body well, do I need to ask others? I asked them to prepare the biggest bellyband in Lengxiang Pavilion."

Of course, the righteous Mr. Zhao would not betray the little maid who reported the news to him.

"Aren't you so outspoken when you talk to elder sister?"

Zhao Shangxin couldn't help but punched him with his little pink fist.

"My sister hasn't discussed with me why she caught a cold."

Zhao's face did not change and he changed the subject.

"It's not because I'm worried about you, a heartless person."

Miss Zhao snorted softly.

"In half a month, it will be the New Year's Eve. I will definitely accompany my sister well. How about we go to the outskirts of the city to watch the fireworks?"

Zhao mistakenly felt that he should still be with his family during the Chinese New Year.When the corruption case is over, no matter what job the female devil gives him, he will definitely skip work, and at worst, he will recruit a professional team. He is experienced as a shopkeeper.


Zhao Shangxin was overjoyed immediately.

"Can I still lie to my sister?"

"Don't say that again."

She couldn't help rolling her charming eyes when she heard Mr. Zhao's words.

"Also, we don't need to go to the outskirts of the city to watch the fireworks. There will be a dinner party on the night of the New Year's Eve. The palace will let us in to listen to the show. There should be fireworks you want to watch. If you want to accompany my sister, you can Just don't run around at that time."

"I'm afraid it's a bit difficult." Zhao Cuo looked embarrassed, "If I'm in the palace, the Empress Dowager will ask me to come and serve you."


When Miss Zhao heard this, she immediately became vigilant, looked at her younger brother sitting next to her with suspicious eyes, and said hesitantly:
"Isn't your empress doting on you too much? During the time you were injured, you were allowed to recuperate in the East Palace. How is it proper for a noble son to live in the empress dowager's palace for half a month?"

When she said this, her eyelids twitched wildly!Bad conjectures kept popping up in his mind, and his face turned paler for a while.Throughout the dynasties, there have been scandals about the emperor's mother raising noodle heads in captivity. Could it be that her brother was stolen and eaten?

"Sister, don't think too much." Zhao Cuo knew that his sister would have doubts in this regard. "Your Majesty sees me as a nephew, so naturally she won't shy away so much."

What he said was not made out of nothing, that bad woman said so herself, so he didn't deceive my lord sister.

"It's a good thing that the Empress Dowager thinks highly of you."

Zhao Shangxin nodded his head with a sigh of relief.

'Your brother was almost eaten by a bad woman when I just woke up. '

Grandpa Zhao said silently that he did not dare to talk to his sister about this kind of painful experience, so he could only swallow tears in his stomach.He spent the first day of regaining his life with his sick sister, and the next morning he came to the Yamen of the Ministry of Punishment to start working.

The corruption case of Beijing officials has actually been solved without any doubt. Here he feels it is necessary to mention the cruelty of the Queen Mother!At the beginning of the case, this woman dispatched more than [-] alternate officials from all over the world to cooperate with the investigation. After killing a corrupt official, she immediately arranged for these people to take office. !
However, although the case has come to light, the trial is still a big project because it involves too much.Zhao Cuo directly recruited officials from the Execution Department and Dali Temple. He took out the capitalist style and made people work around the clock to ensure that the case was closed before the New Year.


"It's really a bit old-fashioned."

Mr. Zhao Xiaogong sat on the carriage to the imperial city and opened the curtain to look at the street scene. Every house was decorated with lights and festoons, and the royal road leading to the inner palace was even covered with red silk.

"Young master is only eighteen years old, how can you say such late words?"

Ji Ming who was sitting opposite laughed.

"Isn't it because my parents are far away in the south of the Yangtze River?"

Zhao made a foolish sentence and then changed the subject.

"Brother Ji has worked hard these past few months. It's great to be able to end this case before the end of the year. After today, we can relax for the New Year."

Last night, he and Ji Ming completed the preparations for the court report overnight at the Yamen.The son of a dignified prince actually stayed up late to work, from this aspect, Dayu seems to be saved?
"It's thanks to Superintendent Zhao that this case can be handled so properly."

There was also a relieved smile on Ji Ming's face.

"According to the estimates of the officials below, more than 800 officials have been killed this time, and more than [-] people have been implicated. The little father-in-law's rescuing those innocent people is of great merit."

"It's all thanks to Brother Ji."

Zhao Cuo nodded slightly.At this time, he still has a sense of accomplishment in his heart, even though he is not a hero who can sacrifice himself for others.

(End of this chapter)

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