Chapter 137 Chu... National Teacher?
"Stop driving?"

Zhao Cuo was stunned when he heard the words of the secret guard of the East Palace who lowered his head and dared not look at them. According to the laws of Dayu, it is a capital offense to stop the imperial car.

"Who is it?"

The Queen Mother Zhao, whose good mood was ruined, asked with a cold face.

"It's a few ordinary people in ragged clothes, kneeling in front of the royal road. I have ordered the team to stop and did not dare to act rashly."

The secret guard of the Eastern Palace replied.

"Ma'am, shall I deal with it?"

Zhao mistakenly smelled a conspiracy.

"This matter is entirely up to you."

After the empress dowager nodded her head, she got up and jumped onto the phoenix chariot.

"Please come with me, my lord."

The secret guard of the East Palace who reported the news said respectfully to Zhao Cuo.

"Don't dare."

After Zhao Xiaogong politely returned the salute, he followed him to the front of the patrol team and saw two scantily clad men kowtowing in the middle of the road.

"The grassroots have a grievance to sue! I have brought a letter from Mr. Wang Wei, the former governor of Guangping Mansion, and we want to see the Queen Mother!"

"How dare the unruly people stop you!"

Just when Zhao Cuo was about to step forward with a few guards, the sound of horseshoes came suddenly, and several arresters in official uniforms rushed towards him. To kill the kneeling civilians.

"Who dares to commit murder in front of the phoenix?"

Zhao Cuo grabbed a fire whip and whipped it over, immediately overturning several yamen servants who came from nowhere to the ground, and then the secret guards of the Eastern Palace came forward to control the situation.

"The next official is the inspector of the post station in Xima County. He was ordered to inspect the imperial road because the empress dowager was traveling. Let these two unscrupulous people stop in front of the imperial driver. I hope you will forgive me for dereliction of duty!"

The burly official said to Zhao Cuo in fear.

"Come on!"

Zhao Cuo said calmly.

"Put these people in the prison car separately, and the officer will interrogate them in person. Your driver will move on!"

These post officials seem to have nothing to do with the two thieves who sued the imperial court, but since they have encountered such a thing, they must arrest all the people involved, interrogate them clearly and then tell the empress dowager.

"You said you came from Quang Binh Mansion?"

Zhao Cuo sat in front of the table in the prison car and looked at the shackled man in front of him and asked, while the other was interrogated by Su Chengji. This was done to avoid the two colluding confessions.

"Caomin is from Hanoi County, Quang Binh Prefecture! The Bajiang River flooded a few years ago, and the governor of the river did not do enough to control the water! There are more than [-] people in our county, and none of them survives, and the surrounding counties have also been reduced to flooding countries! "

The skinny young man cried with tears like rain.

"Is there such a thing?"

Zhao Cuo looked at the man suspiciously.It has been four hours since the Empress Dowager Luanjia walked from dawn to now, and only then did she enter the boundary of Yannan Mansion, which is still far away from Guangping Mansion. This is so miserable, how did she come across such a long distance to sue the imperial court? of?
"The small family is also a well-known gentry in Hanoi County, but now I am the only one left in the flood, and I want to ask the empress to be the master!"

"You were going to go to Beijing to sue the imperial court, but you heard about the Queen Mother's tour to the south, so you stopped here?"

Zhao Cuo asked, because the purpose of this southern tour was to frighten the kings, so he deliberately spread the news to the world.

"I have exhausted all my entanglements along the way, so I have to do this. If the imperial court can immediately send officials to Guangping Mansion for disaster relief, the grassroots are willing to obey the law and offer their heads."

He cried and took out a letter from his arms and handed it over.

"This is a letter from Mr. Wang Wei, the former governor of Guangping Mansion. Please send it to the Queen Mother. The counties in Hanoi are miserable!"

Zhao Cuo also realized the seriousness of the problem at this time.Several counties were flooded and the court didn't know about it. Doesn't this mean that the officials of Quang Binh Prefecture concealed the news?
"It's good to take care of this person."

He called an accompanying official to give instructions, and then found Su Chengji. After some comparison, he found that there was no difference in what the two victims who were interrogated separately said.


Zhao walked quickly to the side of the phoenix chariot, jumped on it, walked into the carriage, and said to the Queen Mother who was having lunch.

"The two people who blocked the drive have already been interrogated."

"What else can happen?"

The young queen mother looked at him suspiciously.

"This letter was brought by them. It is said that it was written by Wang Wei, the former governor of Guangping Mansion, and it was written to the empress."

"Wang Wei?"

She nodded her little head lightly.

"There is such a person who was dismissed by the palace two years ago, how dare he be stopped by someone to deliver the letter?"

"According to what the two common people said, the Bajiang River flooded several counties, among which Hanoi County has suffered countless casualties."

Zhao Cuo said in a low voice, the queen mother's complexion suddenly changed!He snatched the envelope from his hand and opened it.

"His heart can be punished!"

Empress Dowager Dayu's face gradually froze.

"The authenticity of this news has yet to be verified. It may not be true. Your empress should send someone to Guangping Mansion to investigate."

Zhao Xiaogong, who didn't want to sleep at night at all, took the initiative to ask for his life.

"The minister is willing to go."

"You are not allowed to go anywhere."

The Empress Dowager said without hesitation.

"If such a big thing is true, it means that the officials in Guangping Mansion are rotten. I have to think carefully. Send those post officials back to the capital for questioning."


After a wrong salute, Zhao got out of the phoenix chariot, and ordered the post station officials who just didn't protect the imperial road to be sent back to Xiangjing. Regardless of whether these people participated in the affairs of Guangping Mansion, they would be fined and convicted.

After finishing the matter, he did not return to the imperial chariot, but drove towards the end of the southern tour team.

As the adjutant on this tour, he could easily ask someone's location if he wanted to know.

'Can the female devil give Yan'er this treatment? '

Zhao Cuo came all the way to the end of the nearly ten-mile-long line, and the last one was a four-driver luxury carriage. According to the etiquette system, only the first-class princes were eligible to ride.

"But it's too much to let people break up?"

Zhao Cuo muttered something, and then got up unceremoniously and broke into the carriage. Before he could see the scene clearly, a cold sword lay across his neck.

"What are you doing..."

Mr. Zhao Xiaogong looked suspiciously at the pretty widow who was staring at him with a frosty face, then sighed as if he had realized something, and said softly in embarrassment:
"The empress dowager suddenly dragged you to the southern tour probably because I entrusted you with the Taoist sect. It is indeed my fault for you to be bullied by her. I apologize."

There was a trace of doubt on the face of "Mrs. Yan"'s Hu Meier.


Zhao Cuo's face suddenly became unfriendly, he raised his hand and pinched the sword face of the long sword on his neck and pushed it away, and while she was in a daze, he slapped the thick lake green Taoist robe.


A crisp sound echoed in the compartment.

"You can't turn your sword against me just because of this kind of thing..."

Zhao Cuo's words stopped abruptly, and he looked at the beautiful woman he knew in front of him in disbelief, instantly covered in white mist, and the turbulent power that fell from the sky suppressed him in place and made it difficult to move!
He is familiar with this coercion.

Chu... National teacher?
(End of this chapter)

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