Chapter 146
"The demon dragon causing chaos in the Bajiang River has been beheaded by the National Teacher. Everyone, please organize your fellow villagers to strengthen the dam immediately, and follow Liu Shilang's arrangements for all matters."

After Zhao Cuo returned to Guangping Fucheng, he immediately stabilized the overall situation, and then he carried Chu Biezhi to the imperial envoy's mansion that had been prepared long before his arrival. At this time, he was already half frozen It's numb, if there is no Passionate Love Gu, he will definitely not be able to survive now.

"Master Chu..."

He put the girl wrapped in his coat on the soft bed. This Dayu Guoshi, who had just killed a saint, shrank into a ball like a little girl caught in the cold at night, with an innocent face on her face. The delicate willow eyebrows were tightly frowned.

"Master National Teacher?"

Zhao Cuo gently pushed her delicate fragrant shoulders, and the dress he touched was also cold and hard, and every inch of her skin was even colder and biting.

"It's so cold... so sleepy."

The girl murmured unconsciously with her eyes closed.

"Is there anything else I can do to help?"

Zhao Cuo asked softly, but unfortunately Chu Biezhi, who was confused, couldn't answer him, and his pink lips moved unconsciously.

"Then I'm going out."

He straightened up and hesitated to leave.Master Chu said before that he wanted to be alone in the room for seven days, so he probably can't help much now.

"Don't just die like this."

Although Zhao Xiaogong was hungry, he still didn't leave for a while. He moved the stool in front of the desk and sat down beside the bed, looking at her pure and tender face quietly.


The little national teacher was trembling on the bed, making helpless voices from time to time, like a little milk dog, cute and pitiful.

"Do you want to use the Love Gu to warm her up?"

Zhao Cuo took this idea for granted. It is necessary to keep warm when it is cold. This is the truth that children know.


So he reached out and touched the jade hand of the girl curled up on the bed.

"Can't you just concentrate the heat on your hands?"

He raised the temperature of his hands until his skin glowed red, but he still couldn't warm Chu Biezhi's little hands, instead he was terribly frozen.

"How about using an open flame directly?"

After Mr. Zhao hesitated for a moment, a pink flame of love suddenly ignited in the hand that was holding the girl, burning quietly in their hands.


Chu Biezhi let out a soft moan as if frightened for an instant, and in a semi-conscious state, she began to instinctively seek warmth, and raised her slender white lotus root arms to embrace his hand.

"Does it work?"

Zhao Cuo was overjoyed!Without hesitation, his arms that were held by the girl lit up with pink flames, and the result of doing so was immediate.

The dress on her body, which had been frozen hard, began to melt.

In this regard, Zhao Xiaogong didn't take his eyes off her body.

"Should I do this to increase her chances of surviving?"

Zhao Cuo looked at her stretched brows, got up without thinking much, lay down on the soft couch carefully, and embraced the girl's small and exquisite body in his arms.The extreme cold on her body numb the boy's body, and then a bright flame completely enveloped their bodies.

"It's warming up..."

He put his hand on Chu Biezhi's snowy and delicate back neatly, feeling the chill that was gradually being suppressed on her body, Zhao Cuo's heart was finally relieved.

But the current situation of the two of them is actually very bad.

The wooden bed was burned through by the flames, not to mention the vulnerable barrier between them.

'I'm a fan! '

Zhao Cuo kept emphasizing this point in his heart, like the vicious Xia Yaonv, he was not interested at all.And compared to the ups and downs of the Yaozu princess, the current Chu Guoshi is almost nothing, so he should be unmoved.


He is not actually obsessed with one aspect but appreciates all things beautiful.


Chu Biezhi seemed to have fallen into a sweet dream in the warmth at this time, coquettishly rubbing his small face on his chest tenderly, whispering softly:

"Call my name..."

"You're both national teachers and you still miss your mother?"

Zhao Cuo was a little embarrassed for a while, but he still patted her beautiful back gently, and said close to her crystal clear ears:
"Don't stick?"

This is obviously a wrong answer, because the girl in his arms let out a dissatisfied snort, and whimpered a little aggrieved.


Zhao Cuo's second guess was still wrong. The girl in the dream seemed to feel something was wrong, and even opened her pink mouth to bite him.


There was a new tiny tooth mark on his body.


Zhao Cuo, who felt that this aunt was too difficult to serve, made the last attempt. Fortunately, after hearing this name, Chu Guoshi began to rub his face affectionately on him, giving people the impression that he loves to act like a baby.

"Go to sleep quickly."

He kept calling Chubiezhi by this pet name, and when he read No.30 three times, the girl finally calmed down, breathing smoothly and falling asleep peacefully.

"I hope that after regaining consciousness, I won't subconsciously stab me to death with a sword."

Zhao Cuo sighed, and then sank his mind to want to fall asleep with him. In this case, he was really afraid that he would do something if he didn't sleep.It's unacceptable for him not to have the chance to practice all night, but it's also considered practice if you use the Love Gu to release flames non-stop, right?
The raging flames lit up the house all night.

The first ray of sunlight in the morning shines in through the paper window.

"So warm..."

Chu Biezhi struggled to open her eyes in a daze, and the first thing she saw was a gentle pink flame, and then her eyes became dull.

Why does she feel as if she is being held in the arms of a man?
Although her body was still stiff and numb, she was sure that her perception was correct.

"Wrong Zhao?"

Mr. Zhao Xiaogong had already woken up when the girl opened his eyes. He was always in a light sleep state because he wanted to glow and heat all the time.

"Zhizhi, are you alright?"

He also just woke up from his sleep, so his thoughts were still a little confused. As soon as he uttered these words, the room was so quiet that a needle could be heard.The two embracing each other lost their voices and movements for a moment.

Then the first person to react was Chu Guoshi with a flushed face. She seemed to have guessed what was going on, so she didn't yell and resist.

She raised her lotus arms with difficulty, trying to push the boy in front of her away.

"What do you call this messy stick?"

"If you are in a hurry, please don't blame the national teacher..."

He was about to explain when he was interrupted.

"I let me go first."


Only then did Zhao Cuo release his hand cautiously as if he was afraid of breaking the girl in his arms, but he didn't let her go, and the other hand was still dragging on the warm back.Judging from Chu Biezhi's powerless performance, he knew that the problem had not been resolved, but the danger to his life should have been resolved.

At this moment, Chu Guoshi was able to lift his little head from his arms.

The eyes of the two met together.

(End of this chapter)

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