Chapter 178 Too Much Punishment

"Father really wants to take such a risk?"

When Grandpa Zhao was sleeping with the empress dowager, the Huainan king's palace was a different scene. The Huainan king and his son were sitting solemnly facing each other in a secret study.

"The world will be in chaos, how can we be alone?"

King Huainan sighed softly.

"The empress in the East Palace is known as a strong master of the generation, and the father may have a better chance of winning if he puts the treasure on her."

Shizi said in a low tone.

"It has been 13 years since the Empress Dowager came to court, but she still can't stop the surging world trend. The drastic changes have only happened in the past two years."

King Huainan shook his head.

"How can my son not understand the truth of the cunning rabbit's dead dog cooking? If she is really allowed to wipe out the Seven Kings, will my Huainan King survive?"

"Father thinks who can really fight against the queen mother who has dominated the government for more than ten years?"

Shizi looked skeptical.

"We have no choice. Qi Wangzhi will not let Huainan go when he is in the south of the Yangtze River. Only by serving him as the master can we keep the foundation."

The King of Huainan was categorical.

"But if we do this, the people of Dayu will fall into endless war!"

Chen Shizi said with an uncertain expression.

"Women's kindness!"

King Huainan reprimanded!

"Before you pity the people of the world, you should put your father and your little sister in your heart."

"Father, wouldn't it be wrong to marry An Le to that Zhao? This Zhao is really worthy of the name of a dandy, and he even brought along a highly cultivated female guardian as a housemaid along the way!"

He swore angrily, shaking his sleeves.

"Don't you know about An Le's situation? Only in the coming troubled times can she find a way to survive."

King Huainan sighed again.

"Damn Southern Border gu thieves!"

Shizi gritted his teeth authentically.

"Don't say this in front of Mr. Gu, he is not only An Le's master, but also a high-ranking fire-bearer..."


"That Princess Anle has been watching us all night."

The gray sky brought a little light into the warm room, and the young grandfather Zhao who had just woken up comfortably hugged Wen Ruan in his arms and had no intention of getting up until she spoke.

"She didn't do anything?"

It was not surprising that Zhao Cuo heard her words. It would be a problem if King Huainan didn't send someone to monitor him. Unfortunately, they didn't expect that a junior would have a fire-raiser to protect him.

"It's pretty safe."

The Empress Dowager Zhao spoke lazily, and at the same time she changed into a comfortable position in her arms, like a sleepy kitten.

"What are we doing today?"

He patted her beautiful back skillfully.King Huainan's birthday is tomorrow, so they have nothing to do today.

"You can lie in bed and sleep all day~"

The empress dowager was calm and relaxed, and seemed not to worry about the Huainan king's rebellion at all.

"It's not raining too much, let's go to the street to have a look later, ma'am?"

"If you want to go out to play, Ben Gong can reluctantly accompany you."

"Then let's have breakfast after getting up and washing up."

Her indifference reassured Zhao Cuo a little.

"I'm joking."

The empress raised her white and tender jade hand to cover her small mouth and yawned gracefully.

"As expected, the King of Huainan will send someone to win you over today. It is estimated that the son and Princess Anle will come to the door later."

The Empress Dowager Dayu had expected it right, Young Master Zhao had just washed up and had breakfast, when the servants came to announce the arrival of the prince of Huainan.

Zhao Cuo could only welcome the guests in with a smile on his face. Princess Anle also came with him. King Huainan seemed to wish he could send his daughter to his room tonight.

This kind of test is not worth mentioning to him.

'14 years old is too much...'

Grandpa Zhao slandered, aside from the fact that Princess Anle is a dangerous Gu Master, she is still just a child.

Although the appearance of the little national teacher looks much younger than her.

But Zhizhi's actual age is not young.

"Brother Yu, you are familiar with Taihu City with Wujiu today, right? Although it's not as good as Yuhang, it's still a bustling city."

"Then I would like to thank you, Brother Chen. I also want to bring back some rare Huainan items for the elders in my family, and ask my brother to show me the way."


Zhao Xiaogong wanted to waste a day alone with the bad woman, but he also took this opportunity to get to know Princess Anle better, this is a quiet child.

His Highness's big eyes without any emotional fluctuations looked a little dazed.

But because of her young and delicate face, she looks cute even if she is stupid.

'But I played the wrong card when I wanted to use a little girl to win over a woman who likes women. '

Zhao Cuo spent the day safely with the elder brothers and sisters. He tried to ask the distinguished guest that King Huainan was talking about, but unfortunately he didn't get much.

The next day, Young Master Zhao slept until noon. After he had made all the preparations, he entered the lively palace with the Queen Mother.

He was still treated with great respect.

"Nephew, sit on the right side of the king."

King Huainan laughed and waved to Zhao Cuo.

"The younger generation wishes the king a long and boundless life."

After Zhao made a mistake, he presented the congratulatory gift that Zheng Guogong had prepared before his departure.

"it is good."

King Huainan enthusiastically pulled him to sit down on the lower right side of the main seat, then looked around the guests, and said with a smile:
"Ministers, my family, this king has a wonderful son-in-law at the 50th birthday banquet. You will not return today if you are not drunk."

'The horoscope hasn't been written yet, what are you talking about? '

Zhao Cuo smirked in response to the gazes around him, knowing that King Huainan was buying and selling by force, and he wanted to directly confirm that he was the husband-in-law of Princess Anle.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty!"

When the King of Huainan said this, the Huainan nobles who were present immediately stood up to congratulate.At this time, Young Master Zhao noticed something strange, those young people who followed the elders to the banquet cast all kinds of eyes on him, among them a few teenagers looked at him as if they wanted to cramp and peel him.

'Is this Princess Anle so popular in Huainan? '

Zhao Cuo didn't care about these jealous eyes at first, but when he noticed that the guards in the palace were all showing vague hostility towards him, he realized that things were not simple. The love and affection of these ordinary soldiers is not as simple as a man's possessive desire , They really want Princess Anle.

"Who is the distinguished guest whom the king said two days ago to invite to make decisions about my marriage with His Highness..."

After a round of pushing and changing glasses, Mr. Zhao Xiaogong took the wine glass and walked to Huainan King while everyone present was intoxicated by the singer's singing and dancing.

"Nephew, can't you wait any longer?"

Huainan Wang stroked his beautiful black beard with a smile.

"That honored guest is not suitable to appear in front of people now. After the banquet, I will take you to meet him. He is waiting in the palace right now without blaming you."

Zhao Cuo admitted that his appetite had been whetted, and he became more and more curious about the distinguished guests whom King Huainan admired, and finally waited until the evening birthday banquet ended.

(End of this chapter)

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