Dayu Execution Officer, begins to torture the demon girl's fiancee

Chapter 220 I Will Give Him Whatever He Wants

Chapter 220 I Will Give Him Whatever He Wants

"Zhao Cuo, do you have any objections?"

The empress dowager raised her small face and looked at the boy who was hugging her.

"I have indeed dealt with the royal family of the demon court several times, and there should be no mistakes in dealing with the demon missionary group. I am willing to share the worries and solve the problems for the empress."

Zhao Cuo thought of foreign ministers standing outside, so he used a respectful tone.

In fact, he was a little baffled by this mission of the empress.

What is there to entertain the envoy sent by the monster clan?

"It is impossible for the imperial court to go to war with the demon court and the anti-king at the same time, so it is necessary to maintain a temporary peace with the demon clan. Since it is decided to negotiate a peace, there is nothing to play with the upcoming princess. '

The doubts in his heart were quickly resolved by what the empress said next.

"That's good."

The queen mother said in a satisfied tone.

"Wang Zhengshi will draw up an order, so that Zhao Cuo, the deputy director of the Execution Department, will act as Honglu Temple and take the place of Shaoqing."

Mr. Zhao Xiaogong immediately understood that she was changing ways to give herself a powerful official position.

The Shaoqing of Honglu Temple is an official of the fourth rank.

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs!

'Grandpa is now the Deputy Minister of Public Security and Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs? '

It took a while for Zhao Cuo to realize how powerful he is now.

Of course, official positions are all false. Old bureaucrats know that grace is the most important thing, and the relationship with the monarch represents how high you can stand.

Champion Hou now has friendship with the empress dowager. It is no exaggeration to say that he can do whatever he wants in Dayu. After all, as long as it is what he wants to do, bad women will basically follow him.

"The minister will submit this appointment to the Ministry of Officials for filing."

After Wang Shu stopped writing, he said respectfully.

He is the pen of the empress dowager.

Most of the orders of the Eastern Palace are written by him.

"Very good."

The empress dowager caressed the boy's cheek.

"Regarding the entry of the demon court mission to Beijing, Wang Zheng asked you to help Champion Hou more. He is still young and not as experienced as you."

"I will do my best to deal with this matter."

Wang Shu naturally knows what to do now that he has reached the position of more than [-] people.

'The last time I left Beijing for Ningguo, the Privy Councilor Wang personally sent me outside the city and said something that seemed to be intended for Conglong. '

Zhao Cuo was also deeply impressed by the envoy of the Privy Council outside the screen.

This person probably has the same goal as him.

Assist the empress dowager to become emperor.

"Go down and rest."

The Empress Dowager Zhao was more polite to her confidant ministers.

After the ministers left, Mr. Zhao sat up consciously, waiting for his wife to change clothes.

He washed the dirty woman's delicate lotus feet in snow water turned from ice cubes, then wiped them off with a towel, and then put on new black silk for her.

"Wrong, if that demon girl comes looking for you again, do you know what to do?"

The bad woman asked casually.


Zhao Cuo keenly heard the danger from her words.

"I have a national fortune body protector, the demon saint princess dare not attack me in the capital, don't worry, empress."

There is only one way for Xia Yaonv to take his life now, as long as he is forced to use the dragon vein worm, but the price is that she will stay in Xiang Jing forever.

The Bauhinia Star, Dayu's artifact of the country, hangs above his head.

He can kill anyone if he wants to.

"I feel a little bit reconciled when I think that she was married to you once."

With a smile, she raised her hand to tidy up Zhao Cuo's messy long hair.

"You can't tell her the song behind my back."

"Your Majesty is worrying too much."

Zhao Cuo carefully held up the gentle face of the female devil.

"When I want that princess, it must be Dayu's soldiers coming to the Holy City of Demon Court. Then I will snatch her back as a trophy."

"Good boy."

The empress dowager smacked his face with a smile.

The little father-in-law knew that the empress was not really tolerant enough to allow him to provoke any woman.

The scope of whether it can be touched is whether it makes the bad woman with a strong desire to control feel that everything is still under control.

"You can handle the memorial with Ben Gong in the morning, and after we have lunch, you can go to accompany your precious sister."

"I also want to take a nap with my mother."

Zhao made a mistake to add conditions.

"Are you a rebellious minister trying to make me lazy?"

"It's okay, the weather is so hot, if the mother doesn't rest, she will be sleepy in the afternoon."

With his glib tongue, Mr. Zhao successfully took a lunch break with his empress for an hour after the meal, and then he was going to call his sister home.

He is not in a hurry about the errands of Honglu Temple.

The demon court mission did not enter Beijing so quickly.


Zhao Shangxin walked towards Young Master Zhao under the umbrella of the maid.

"Thank you sister, I let you go out in hot weather. Are you getting along well with the princess?"

Zhao Cuo took out a handkerchief and wiped the sweat from her temples.

"I chatted with Sister Chen very well."

Miss Zhao nodded with a smile.

He knew the situation when he heard his elder sister address Princess Ning.

The concubine was originally a gentle and kind lady, so it was not surprising that she could chat with Xiangxin, that's why he brought his sister into the palace.


Zhao Shangxin suddenly hesitated to speak.

"My lord concubine asked my sister to send me a message?"

Zhao Cuo blinked his eyes and asked.

"I can't hide anything from you."

She pursed her lower lip.

"Sister Chen said she wanted to see you."

Miss Zhao frowned unconsciously.

She was also amazed when she saw the princess who was famous for her beauty just now.

Such a beautiful woman wants to meet her younger brother alone, and the wrong son is very fond of other people's wives, what should I do?
"The princess said she wanted to see me?"

Zhao Cuo still cared more about the poor woman who was brought into the deep palace by him.

"In that case, I'll go see her. Sister, go home and take a cold bath first. I'll go back soon."

"Wrong, you must not be rude to the princess."

She exhorted pretending to be calm.

"I know."

Zhao wrongly knew what her sister was worried about.

"I'm a little first-class marquis, but I don't dare to cholera palace, sister, don't worry."

He just got up from the empress dowager's phoenix bed, and he opened his eyes and spoke nonsense.

"Xiang Jing can do nothing wrong now, and you dare not do anything."

Zhao Shangxin said with mixed joy and sorrow.

How could she fail to see how powerful her younger brother, who was now so favored, was in control.

Even when Zheng Guogong was in the capital, he didn't have the power of the champion Hou at all, and the empress dowager's preference was everything.

"I don't have the skills your sister said."

Zhao Cuo coaxed his elder sister to get on the carriage back home.

After watching Xin Xin leave, he turned and walked towards the inner palace. Behind the high wall is the residence of the emperor and concubines.

The empress dowager's east palace is not in the harem, so this is the first time he went to the real deep palace, and it turned out to be unimpeded.

"See... see Lord Hou."

An older court lady who was stopped by Zhao wrongly saluted with a pretty face.

"You don't need to be too polite. Can my aunt know where Princess Ning lives? If it's convenient, take me there."

Zhao Cuo said politely.

The so-called aunt is a respectful title for older women.

The most qualified to be called aunt in the palace is naturally Feiwu.

"Your Majesty, this way please."

The older court lady gave Zhao Cuo a few more glances, and obediently walked ahead to lead the way. Apparently, the empress had issued an order to allow him to enter and leave the palace gate freely.

'How do you make it look like I'm the emperor? '

Zhao Cuo is a little funny.

He can control the women in the deep palace at will now, right?
Of course, if he sows seeds recklessly, he will definitely anger the Queen Mother, and he will be the one in the private seat in the clean room.

"How is His Highness Prince Ning doing now?"

He asked the maid.

"His Royal Highness lives in the Changqing Palace, and the empress ordered him to study behind closed doors, and he is not allowed to move around unless there is a will."

The maid who led the way had no respect for the quasi-emperor.


Zhao wrongly nodded.

He didn't care what happened to King Ning.

What he cares about is whether the princess is comfortable.

"The Kunde Hall where the princess lives is here."

The maid took him to a magnificent palace.

"Please trouble Auntie."

Zhao mistakenly took out an ingot of silver and stuffed it into her hand, then walked into the palace exclusively for the queen, and was greeted by a maid.

"The princess is waiting for your lord in the hall."

He followed suit.

After walking slowly through the long corridor, a lady in a familiar red dress came into view. Her face was more beautiful than the most beautiful coleus in summer.

Princess Ning seemed to have been standing in front of the palace waiting for the arrival of the young master. She watched the young man's slender figure gradually approaching, and her fragrant shoulders immediately relaxed.

"Pour Champion Hou a cup of herbal tea to relieve the heat."

She whispered to the maid who was waiting on the side.

"I heard from my sister that the princess has something to look for me, so it shouldn't be rude to come here now, right? Please forgive me if I'm rude."

Zhao Cuo said to Princess Ning with a gentle smile.

"Your Excellency is too polite."

Princess Ning still had a melancholy smile on her face.

She took the tea brought by the maid.

Pass it to Zhao Cuo personally.

"Thank you."

The little father-in-law took a sip of the cold tea.

"I don't know why the queen concubine asked me to come here?"

"I want to thank you for your care."

With lotus steps, she led Zhao Cuo to the hall and sat down.

"I was the one who brought the princess back to Xiang Jing. I promised you to be pampered and well-off. You don't need to thank me."

Zhao Cuo chuckled and said something that was not close.

He didn't quite believe that Princess Ning called him over just to thank her.

There must be other reasons. Could it be that there are still people in the palace who dare to bully her, so do you want to ask him to come forward?

"Is the princess still used to living in the palace?"

Young Master Zhao asked proactively.

"It's not good or bad."

Princess Ning shook her head lightly.

"Being honored by your lord, the empress dowager treats me well, and the palace people also respect me."

"That's good."

Zhao wrongly dispelled the doubts in his heart.

After talking patiently with Princess Ning for a long time, he was about to leave.

After all, it is inevitable for a foreign minister to stay in the emperor's harem for a long time to spread gossip.

"The scorching heat is unbearable, and the princess should also pay attention to avoiding the heat in the palace. I will stay soon."

Zhao Xiaogong stood up after speaking.

However, what he didn't expect was that the princess reached out and grabbed his sleeve.

He looked away in surprise, only to see the glamorous lady with her head lowered, her face hidden among the falling strands of blue hair.

"Is there anything else the princess wants to say to the official?"

Zhao Cuo thought about it and asked.

"My concubine's invitation to come here is not just to thank you..."

Her words made the young man say "Sure enough", but what the princess said next made him stunned.

"The concubine is actually a little scared."

The princess forced her calm tone with a hint of sadness.

"I asked the palace lady to take me around the palace this morning, and I saw many Youyuan palace people. Maybe it won't be long before my concubine is like them."

"Will not."

Zhao Cuo can understand her depression.

I don't know how many women's lives have been trapped by the towering palace walls of the imperial city.

If the queen of a puppet emperor has no support, she may never have the chance to walk out of the palace.

"Everything is up to me, why worry about the princess, can you bear it for a few more days with peace of mind?"

He knew that the princess was anxious at this time because she had nothing to rely on.

That's why he asked his sister to come and talk to her.

But it will take some time to be effective.

"I said I'd keep you safe."

Zhao Cuo comforted softly.

"That's why I asked Miss Xiangxin to call the adults over..."

The princess suddenly pinched his sleeves even tighter.

"The concubine can only feel at ease when she sees an adult."

Her voice was very soft, and she spit out words like love words easily, conveying weakness and helplessness.

Zhao Cuo could feel the dependence of the helpless princess on him.

It was unimaginable for her with a conservative personality to say such a thing.

"The princess just called me here to see me?"

He suddenly asked such a sentence.

Concubine Ning's hand holding the corner of his clothes froze for a moment and then sank down.

Infected by her lonely temperament, looking for the little father-in-law to hold her warm jade hand by mistake

"grown ups……"

The princess froze for a moment and tentatively broke free from his hand.

Zhao's wrong feeling is that as long as she holds her tighter, she will choose to obey.

However, as a modest gentleman, he would not make such an abrupt move. Concubine Ning just wanted to rely on him.

"It's still early, may I take the princess for a walk outside the palace? Xiang Jing is the most bustling place in the world."

The young man hesitated and said, no one would dare to stop him taking the princess out, but it would be troublesome if the empress was angry.

"Can I leave the palace?"

Princess Ning raised her face and looked at him expectantly.

"I can take you out now. After the emperor's ceremony is over, I will find a way to make the princess more free."

"Your Excellency won't cause trouble if you take me out?"

She held back her expectation.


Zhao mistakenly knew that if Sister Lan got jealous, something would happen to him.

"Thank you, my lord. I'm going to change my clothes. You can sit here for a while."

"Princess, don't worry, just change your clothes with peace of mind. It's only noon now."

After a long time, a simple and unpretentious carriage pulled by two horses left the imperial city unhurriedly and headed towards the downtown area.

"The Empress Dowager."

In the East Palace, Feiwu walked slowly into the bedroom, and stood with her head bowed in front of the Empress Dowager Dayu who was reviewing the memorial.

"Champion Hou took Princess Ning out of the palace."


The Empress Dowager Zhao frowned, then calmly raised her jade hand to stroke the bright red hair draped over her shoulders, and lazily said:

"In the future, there is no need to report this kind of matter to Bengong. I will give him whatever he wants."


(End of this chapter)

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