Chapter 232 "I Really Spoiled You"

"Master Zhao and my concubine come here."

Zhao Cuo was taken to the East Palace by the inner palace's pro-army, and Feiwu had already greeted him personally, and took him to the empress dowager's bedroom.

His face was calm, he didn't say a word, he just walked quietly.

In fact, he was uneasy.

'Your Majesty suddenly called me into the palace to ask about my crimes, right? '

Zhao Cuo pursed his lower lip and looked down at his raised and lowered feet.

The Empress Dowager Dayu is now no different from the monarch, he checked what the empress did not want to say, and it is dead for ordinary officials.

He didn't think that a bad woman would kill him, but if she really annoyed her this time, it might cause a gap in their relationship.

"You don't tell me that I want to help you too..."

Young Master Zhao was talking to himself silently.

In fact, he didn't complain about the empress dowager hiding the murder of the king from him.

But since he learned about this through Xingtang, he would like to do his part for the bad woman, even though she might not need it.

"The Empress Dowager is waiting for Mr. Zhao in the palace."

Feiwu turned sideways and said, "Please."


Zhao Cuo nodded lightly.

He walked into the empress dowager's bedroom where he stayed many times with quiet steps.

This time he was not rude, he stopped outside the screen politely, and bowed to greet him.

"Chen Zhao mistakenly sees the Empress Dowager."

"Get out of here!"

The majestic and sullen voice of the female devil came out.

Hearing her tone, Zhao Cuo was inexplicably relieved for a moment, but still walked past the screen with some trepidation.

I saw a red-haired girl wearing a black chest-length skirt standing by the bed, staring at him with a pair of pale golden noble phoenix eyes. Her slightly cold face made people fascinated and awed.

"My lady..."

Young Master Zhao felt that he would definitely be punished.

He lowered his head peacefully and stood a few steps away without stepping forward.

The Empress Dowager Dayu is not easy to get along with. Since she took power, countless Beijing officials have missed the benevolent emperor.

"Zhao Cuo, what do you want to do?"

The queen mother squinted her beautiful eyes and approached the boy.

Before Zhao Cuo could speak, the devil raised her hands to cup his face, her eyes met.

Mr. Zhao Xiaogong looked directly at her precious golden eyes, and he was not afraid in his heart. The bad woman's current attitude should also scold him.

"I just want to share my worries for my mother."

He said in a calm tone.

"What I'm asking is what is your intention of going to Xizhimen alone?"

The Empress Dowager asked with her eyebrows tightly locked.

"Do you want to die?"

She scowled.

"You dare to go to the place where the two armies are facing each other by yourself. You just want to go, won't you ask me for military power first?"

Zhao Cuo could only blink blankly when he heard her unexpected words.

How could this situation be completely opposite to what he had imagined?

Tell him to come here not to blame but to care?

"What do you mean by not talking?"

The way of bad women is not kind.

Zhao squashed his lower lip, and suddenly raised his hand to hug the waist of the queen's grasp, and lowered his head to her delicate collarbone.

The Empress Dowager Dayu was obviously taken aback for a moment, and when she realized it, she messed up his long hair angrily, and when she was done venting her anger, she began to gently stroke the boy's back.

"I just said a few words about you and you acted like a baby and an idiot. I really spoiled you. What should I do in the future?"

She stuck to Zhao Cuo's ear and exhaled like blue, speaking love words.

"Your Majesty is responsible."

Zhao wrongly stuck in her arms and enjoyed the unexpected warmth.

"For making you become as bold and reckless as you are now, I really have to take responsibility, you bad thing."

The Empress Dowager Zhao bit his earlobe forcefully with her moist thin lips.

"Sister Lan has to hug me."

Zhao made a big mistake.


Zhao Qinglan seemed displeased, but she still raised her arms and hugged him around his waist.

Zhao Cuo closed his eyes to experience this moment with peace of mind.

After a long while, the Empress Dowager spoke again.

"I won't tell you about that..."

She paused and continued.

"Are you unhappy?"


Zhao mistakenly found that he still underestimated the bad woman's love for him.

He went after Prince Guang without authorization, and instead of blaming him, she cared about his feelings.

Is it necessary for the Empress Dowager Dayu to explain everything to him clearly?With her domineering temperament, she would not care about anyone's thoughts, but now she cares about whether his thoughts are clear.

"Not what is that?"

The Queen Mother raised her hand and stroked the back of his head and asked.

"Your Majesty has a reason for not telling me, but I know this, how can I not help you?"

Zhao Cuo said seriously.

He will not take the favor of a bad woman for granted.

He will try his best to handle all the affairs of the empress dowager.

"I didn't hurt you in vain."

She first grinned, and then her face sank, and she lowered her jade hand to lightly pinch Zhao Cuo's waist.

"There is one more thing I haven't asked you yet. How did you know what I want to do? And since you want to investigate, why don't you just ask me?"

"I don't ask about things my mother doesn't want to tell me."

Zhao Cuo still put his head on her heart and was unwilling to lift it up.

"Do you think that if you ask, you will make me angry? I dote on you so much and you still think I will hurt you?"

The queen mother snorted coldly and asked geologically.

"It's my fault..."

Zhao Cuo is unwilling to lie to her.

"When I was brought to the East Palace by the inner palace troops sent by the empress, I thought you were angry because I investigated the matter of Prince Guang, and asked me to come and question the crime."

"Still thinking that I will ask you about your sin?"

The empress dowager pulled his hair as if laughing angrily.

"If I want to take you under the knife, it's not enough to kill you ten times for what you did to me all day long!"

"Ma'am, don't be angry with me, okay?"

Zhao Cuo said softly.

"What do you say?"

Zhao Qinglan slapped vigorously on the place where he often hits flames.

"Even if you rebelled, I would not be willing to ask about your crimes. At most, I would break your hands and feet and keep you in front of me."

"The empress is a bad woman."

Zhao Cuo chuckled.

He chose to repay him in the same way.

He lowered his hands and kneaded vigorously at the place where she hit him.

"You haven't said how you know what Ben Gong wants to do?"

The Empress Dowager leaned lazily in the boy's arms and let him be frivolous.

"Didn't I tell my empress about the execution hall of the previous court that you gave me?"

Mr. Zhao Xiaogong is unwilling to hide anything from the female devil, as long as he should tell her and what she wants to know, he will be honest.

He used concise sentences to explain the almost prophetic ability of the Hall of the Ministry of Justice.

He will not refuse if the empress wants to return the artifact.

"The thing I gave you when I didn't want it has such supernatural power?"

The empress dowager was startled for a moment, then she smacked his face with a smile and said with satisfaction:

"You are willing to confess everything to Bengong, you are such a good boy, I will reward you well tonight~"

"Is there something more important to talk about now?"

Zhao Cuo did not forget the crisis in the capital.

He still doesn't know much about Prince Guang.

Who opened the lock demon city?Is it Chu Guang who the empress wants to kill?why?

"Demon Lock City was opened by the empress in order to kill Prince Guang with the hands of the demon clan?"

After hesitating for a moment, he simply asked directly.


Empress Zhao suddenly raised her hand with a half-smile and pinched his chin lightly.

"If you had asked me in the first place, I could have told you anything, but now you can look it up yourself."

Zhao Cuo: "..."

He realized that what he said just now still angered the bad woman.

"In the future, if you want to know anything, you can directly ask me. Don't toss it alone. This time, it will be a small punishment for you."

"But why didn't your empress ask me to do this for you at the beginning?"

Young Master Zhao couldn't help asking.

"This is..."

The young queen mother paused and said softly.

"One of the things I am worried about is that you will be unhappy, but you have reassured me now, I will definitely understand my sister, right?"

"The empress will care about my thoughts, I am already satisfied."

Zhao Cuo said sincerely.

What kind of willful and rebellious wayward woman is the female devil?
She who has always been self-centered may only care about the mood of Mr. Zhao Xiaogong alone.

"So nice."

The empress dowager patted his head with a smile.

"Don't worry, you will understand everything after King Ning ascends the throne, and I will not do anything to make you sad."

"I like the Empress Dowager the most."

Zhao Cuo lowered his head and said.

He didn't have a clue about what the female devil said, how could he be sad if the empress wanted to kill the king?Unless what she wants to kill is the first emperor.

Emperor Yu Xuan, who has been dead for three years, is the nominal husband of a bad woman. Murdering one's own husband is a heinous crime in Dayu, and any man will be afraid that the person next to his bed is the one who killed his husband.

"But it's Prince Guang who is rebelling now..."

Mr. Zhao Xiaogong didn't care at all about the fact that the empress wanted to kill the first emperor.

He didn't think that his empress dowager was a married woman, and the bad woman belonged to him alone, and he had monopolized her from body to heart.

If the female devil really wants to kill Emperor Yu Xuan, he will be the first to draw his sword to do it for her, and to achieve all the goals for her is worthy of the current love and trust.


Feiwu suddenly walked in, she looked at the two hugging each other as usual, lowered her eyes and said:

"The commander of the secret guards of the Eastern Palace is seeking an audience outside the palace."

"Let him in."

The queen mother said immediately.

The Secret Guard of the Eastern Palace is not an army but a law enforcement department similar to the Execution Division
They directly obeyed the Queen Mother, and had the privilege of secretly arresting and interrogating officials, and they did all the dirty work.

"Report to the Empress Dowager."

Zhao Cuo and the bad woman held hands and listened to the thick male voice coming from outside the screen.

"The rebel army at Xizhimen seems to be just a feint attack. The closed Dongzi gate was blown open, and the imperial city guards fought fiercely with the rebels there."

"Have you ever seen that rebellious son of this palace?"

The empress dowager said lightly.

"The deposed prince Chu Guang did not show up."


After pondering for a while, the queen mother looked at Zhao Cuo.

"How can the champion of the palace do it without military power?"

Zhao Cuo was stunned when he heard her words.

"You careless!"

She suddenly cursed again.

"Just now I wanted to go to the battlefield alone on a horse. I might as well lead you troops, so I can rest assured."

"Your Majesty wants me to suppress the rebellion?"

Zhao Cuo's eyes lit up.

"For the time being, you should act as the commander of the Eight Gates of the Imperial City Division."

The empress dowager said quickly without thinking.

Grandpa Zhao was startled for a moment.

Commander of the eight sects?

'Am I the Deputy Minister of Public Security, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Commander of the Capital Military Region all in one? '

Although the commander of the eight sects of the Imperial City Department is only the position of the third rank, he will not change it even if he is given a minister!This position is too dangerous.

Xiang Jingcheng has a total of eight city gates, all of which are under the control of the Imperial City Secretary, and the commander of the eight gates is an important position in charge of the eight city gates.

Although he can't directly mobilize the [-] forbidden troops of the Imperial City Division in the capital, he does have command power at critical moments, which is military power.

"Now you immediately take the order from the palace to lead the army to suppress the rebellion."

"You should do your best!"

Zhao Cuo took a bite of the bad woman and ran out of the East Palace.

He knew that he had to win Prince Guang today.

Otherwise, I am afraid that there will be endless troubles.

"The prince raised his arms for 30 years, but I don't know how many royalists will follow him to the death..."

The Forbidden Army of the Imperial City, which had always been directly managed by the Empress Dowager, was extremely efficient. He quickly grasped the detailed situation under the report of the adjutant who came to hand it over, and was able to make an appropriate decision under the condition of complete information.

"Commander Zhao, the rebel army at Xizhimen has been disbanded, and the forbidden army is fighting hand-to-hand with the rebels at Dongzimen."

"Immediately transfer half of the troops from the second north gate to support the east purple gate."

Zhao gave orders by mistake.

The empress dowager had already anticipated the current situation, so she stationed soldiers and horses in Bamen.

It is difficult to determine the current goal of Prince Guang. He may break through from any gate, so he cannot relax the defense of any gate.

"Commander Zhao, what if the real target of the rebels is the second gate in the north? We can't divide the troops at this time..."

The adjutant said hesitantly.

In fact, he didn't take Zhao Cuo too seriously.

This Young Master Zhao is only acting as the head of the Imperial City Department.

"The Shenwu Camp is in the northern suburbs of the capital. The Empress Dowager has already sent people to dispatch troops and generals. Don't worry, the general will."

Zhao Cuo just knew the news earlier, so he was not a genius to make a correct judgment.

"The humble post will pass on the order."

With the assistance of the adjutant sent by the empress, he issued a series of reasonable military orders, and then personally led a team to Dongzimen.

Mr. Zhao Xiaogong knew that it was easy to wipe out the rebel army with no more than 3000 or 2 people, but he had [-] people, so he just took credit for it.

But suppressing the rebellion is not the point at all, the point is to catch Prince Guang, and letting him escape would mean losing everything.

"Order all the executioners to search around the eight gates, don't let go of any doubts, and avoid confrontation with the rebels."

After Zhao Cuo arrived on the battlefield, the mobilized reinforcements had also arrived, and the battle situation became one-sided.

How could it be possible to defeat the Imperial Army in the capital with two or 3000 people!

So he mobilized the executioner to start a search.

"Commander Zhao! Our army has already defeated the rebels, but we haven't found the person your mother wants."

Zhao Xiaogong didn't hear from Prince Guang until the end of the counter-insurgency war.

It is not enough for him to defeat the rebels with an absolute advantage.

Getting people to run is the big deal.

"Search the whole city!"

He fell into thought again after giving the order.

I am afraid that the destruction of Demon Lock City is far from over.

Crown Prince Guang may have escaped, the Yaozu Mission still doesn't know what to do, and the day of King Ning's enthronement is just around the corner.

(End of this chapter)

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