Dayu Execution Officer, begins to torture the demon girl's fiancee

Chapter 279 What I Didn't Finish On The Wedding Night...

Chapter 279 What I Didn't Finish On The Wedding Night...

"Why don't you move?"

Zhao Cuo and An Le cuddled each other in the palace of Emperor Yongzhao.

In the arms of the thief, His Royal Highness looked at his face with a pair of emerald eyes, and raised his hand to touch it.

He also lowered his eyes, staring at the girl's innocent and lovely face in silence, then suddenly lowered his head and kissed her lightly between the eyebrows.

"Isn't Your Highness tired? Go to sleep for a while, I will always be by your side."

The little father-in-law whispered next to her ear.

How could he be cruel to An Le again.

What a beauty.

"I want to get closer to my mistakes."

The little witch squeezed hard into his arms again.

They were clearly stuck together, and the distance had reached zero, but she still said that they were not close enough.

Zhao thief pretended not to hear her words, and continued to pat her soft back gently, without any further intention.

"My heart is also full of mistakes. Do you want to read the mistakes? I can give you anything."

An Le rubbed Zhao Cuo's chest with half-closed eyes.

"How can I see your heart?"

He said with blinking eyes.

"Mistakes can dig out my heart."

Her Majesty the princess said seriously, she casually opened the skirt, revealing the light red inner lining.

Before Zhao Cuo could react, she pulled her hand and put it on his heart, feeling soft for a while.

A gentle but vigorous beating sensation came from his palm.

"I can give my heart to wrong."

She made mistakes with the little father-in-law Zhao with an attached look.

"You keep it for me for now, I will take it out when I want it."

Zhao mistakenly knew that the little witch was telling the truth.

"I will protect the wrong things."

An Le curled up in his arms like a poor kitten.

Zhao thief saw that she had managed to settle down, so he didn't make a sound for a while, and still patted her on the back with his hand.

The little witch fell asleep, but her sleep was very light, and every time she fell asleep, she would open her eyes and rub against him within half an hour.

'It's time for me to make a decision... Don't blame me for not asking your opinion. '

Zhao Xiaogong looked at the girl in his arms without any entanglement in his eyes.

He didn't kill An Le just now, so he won't either.

The purpose of this trip is to prevent the rebels from colluding with foreigners.

"It's so hot..."

At this moment, An Le opened her beautiful eyes in a daze.

She said something inexplicable, the first thing she did when she woke up was to rub the thief's face, and then she looked satisfied.

Zhao made a mistake to not let her sleep, and lowered his hand to pat the girl's thick body. The idiot thought he was interested and raised it even higher.

"Get up, Your Highness, it's already noon, let's go for a walk in the city."

He hugged the little witch and sat up.

"Is it wrong to be on the street?"

Half asleep, she raised her hand and rubbed her eyes.

"We haven't had lunch yet, let's go out and find a restaurant for something to eat, shall we?"

Mr. Zhao Xiaogong wanted to trick her into his house.

"I asked the emperor to bring you food."

An Le huddled in his arms sleepily.

'Why do you always want your husband to bring food to my lover? '

The corners of Zhao Cuo's eyes twitched. Of course, he didn't feel guilty in his heart, and he didn't need to be soft on the rebels.

He and Emperor Yongzhao had a hatred of killing his father before, and tomorrow he has a hatred of taking his wife away, they cannot share the sky!
That's right...

"I'll just take An Le back!"

Bandit Zhao felt ruthless, since An Le was willing to die for him, he didn't have to worry about it anymore.

He didn't intend to ask the little witch about this decision.

Or she has already expressed her attitude.

"I'm going out to eat."

He hugged An Le and sat beside the bed talking to himself.

Of course, His Royal Highness will not refute him again.

The girl was intoxicated in his arms.

"Don't move around."

Zhao was bullied again when she put on shoes for her by mistake.

This little witch is always immersed in her own world.

When she saw that her beloved didn't hug her, she held his face and gnawed it, like this to feel at ease.

"Is there anything you want to eat, Your Highness?"

"It's fine if I eat wrong."

"anything else?"

Thief Zhao tidied her messy dress.

"Wrong lips, and wrong hands, I want the wrong one the most..."

"Let's go eat the famous whole lamb stew in Chu State."

The little father-in-law didn't let her continue talking.

He dragged An Le out of Emperor Yongzhao's palace blatantly.

The two wandered around Yuecheng, and finally entered a fairly famous tavern, and the small border town was like this.

"Can your Highness come to my house tonight?"

Zhao Cuo said to the girl on his body.

An Le even wants to eat in his arms.

They are even using the same bowl and chopsticks.

"The wrong hand is so beautiful, the fingers are thin and long, so powerful."

The little witch didn't need to hold the bowls and chopsticks, so she held his hand and fiddled with it, not listening to anyone's words at all.

"I'm going to take His Royal Highness back home today."

Thief Zhao bit her earrings.

"It's a mistake."

An Le obviously didn't care about such things.

She held Zhao Cuo's hand and opened her mouth to take a bite.

The little witch looked at the mark she had left on his hand, and there was a trace of satisfaction in the emerald eyes, and then took another bite.

"I have nothing to eat, but you eat meat, open your mouth."

The little father-in-law stuffed a piece of mutton into her mouth.

A messy lunch lasted for an hour before it ended.

He was not in a hurry to take An Le back, but went on a tour of Yuecheng, and didn't return home until sunset.

" did you bring people back."

Chubiezhi looked behind him in astonishment.

A pure girl was staring at the boy's side face in a daze.

Zhao Cuo knew that it was not easy for Master Guoshi, so he glanced back at the quasi-queen of the enemy country and said softly.

"An Le, you go to my bedroom first, wait for me for a while, be obedient."

"Should I take a shower first?"

His Royal Highness said as if he had realized something.

"It's not easy for me to prepare hot water here, so don't bother, just wait for me."

Zhao mistakenly looked at her with the gentleness in the morning.

"Make mistakes faster."

The little witch looked at him reluctantly before turning around.

Chu Guoshi didn't make a sound, but her face sank, and her heart fell to the bottom.

She actually has a feeling that she is an outsider, are men so fickle?Only yesterday he was determined to get rid of An Le...

"You should be able to give me a reasonable explanation, right?"

The little master looked at him calmly.

Of course she believed the little thief.

But now she can't accept it.


Zhao wrongly looked at her.

"I want to trust her once."

He admitted his defeat softly.

"You're not impulsive, so what's the reason? How did she win you over."

Chu Biezhi tried not to show his displeasure.

"How should I put it..."

Zhao wrongly closed his eyes.

He played back the scene in the palace again in his mind.

An Le didn't want him to leave, so she handed over the sword, willing to die in his arms.

"I went to Emperor Yongzhao's palace in the morning, and I was determined to make a break with An Le, but!"

Bandit Zhao first emphasized his tone, then lowered his voice, and told the whole story to the national teacher.

"She can actually do it for you..."

Chu Biezhi's tender face also showed shock.

Master Guoshi's surprise turned around and disappeared, and a sense of loss suddenly appeared in his heart, and he clenched his fist unconsciously.

Why did it become like this?Tomorrow, the imperial court's army will suppress the land and snatch Princess Anle back, and the goal will be achieved, and the little thief will not have to kill the girl in pain...

'It would be a good thing that the disturbance ended in this way. '

Her gaze swept to the bedroom behind.

Zhao made the man go inside by mistake.


"Are you going to be with An Le tonight?"

Chu Guoshi looked at Zhao Xiaogong calmly and said.

"The master of the country told me that Yuecheng has been blocked by the enemy's firemen. We can't leave, and we can't leave."

Zhao Cuo sighed softly in his heart, he knew that Xiao Biezhi might feel uncomfortable, but there was nothing he could do.

"I'm going to watch her tonight."

It's not enough for him to just take Princess Anle away.

The imperial court must exert pressure on the Gu clan with the front of the army.

There will be a fierce battle tomorrow, as long as they win, Emperor Yongzhao's plan of colluding with other races will be in vain.

"Since you trust her, I won't say much, so go."

When Chubiezhi opened his mouth, he took half a step back.

She distanced herself from Grandpa Zhao with her usual expression.

Bandit Zhao was taken aback for a moment, then lowered his gaze as if he understood something, and said softly.

"Master National Teacher, please rest assured, I will not do anything ridiculous at this juncture, and I ask you to watch us."

"It doesn't matter if you do it, she has a deep affection for you, don't let her down."

"I did not fail her... How dare I fail you?"

Zhao Cuo looked at the little national teacher sincerely.

She was startled when she heard the words, and then she didn't become angry, but turned her head away.

The moonlight was shining like practice, and they stood quietly under the silent night for a long time, and a soft voice sounded again.

"You seem to be sentimental, but you are a heartless person."

Chubiezhi whispered to him.

"how you said that?"

Young Master Zhao looked at her puzzled.

"Think about it for yourself. I don't want to talk to you too much. State affairs are the most important thing."

She took a deep breath and disappeared.

"National Division……"

Zhao thief pursed his lips as if he understood something.

He stood there, turned around and walked towards the bedroom after a long time, raised his hand and pushed the door and walked in.

In the dim candlelight, a beautiful and refined girl was sitting quietly beside the bed, drawing a pen in mid-air of a young man in troubled times.

"Does Your Highness only think about me in his spare time?"

Zhao wrongly looked at her and his eyes became soft.


The ink in front of An Le spilled on the ground.

Her emerald eyes were misty because of his appearance.

The two stared at each other silently, and the girl suddenly raised her hand and grabbed the belt, as if she was about to pull it away.

"We'll just sleep together."

Zhao wrongly stepped forward.

However, he forgot that An Le is not a good boy.

The lavender jade belt fell to the ground without obeying his order.

"You can wear a small coat."

Zhao thief didn't want to be too strict with her.

"hug me."

An Le opened his hand to her with a dazed expression.

At this time, she was only wearing a light red lining, her fragrant shoulders were white and round, and her collarbone was delicate and delicate.

Seeing that she was going to pounce on her wrongly, Zhao subconsciously walked up to her quickly, and then her arms were filled with warmth, fragrance and soft jade.

"I haven't finished my business on the day of my wedding."

The two fell together.

"You are married to Emperor Yongzhao, let's talk about it later, shall we?"

Zhao Cuo hugged her in his arms to comfort her, but the little witch was unexpectedly easy to coax, and Anshun embraced him and was swallowed by sleepiness.

The little father-in-law somehow felt something was wrong, he didn't want to fall asleep tonight, why was he suddenly tired?

In a daze, he vaguely realized that he was no longer in the original room!
"It's too far away from me..."

"is this okay?"


(End of this chapter)

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