Dayu Execution Officer, begins to torture the demon girl's fiancee

Chapter 281 Peace and sanctification, the empress dowager arrives!

Chapter 281 Peace and sanctification, the empress dowager arrives!
"In Yuecheng, there are three firemen from the rebel side. They have already set up an enchantment, and now this border city is impenetrable."

Chu Biezhi had already brought Xiao thief Zhao out of Yongzhao Emperor's palace.

"I know."

Zhao Cuo nodded lightly.

The sounds of siege from all directions made him feel at ease.

In this world, the swordsman has the final say. Those who raise fire can block the city, but it is impossible to block the army.

"Have the fire-bearers sent by the Empress Dowager as reinforcements arrived?"

He already knew the answer when he saw Master Chu calm down.

"The great sacrificial wine is right next to the Temple of Heaven in the city."

The national teacher nodded slightly.

"That's good."

Zhao thief nodded lightly and said.

"We acted according to the plan. If you and the high priest directly attack the enemy's saints, their grand ceremony will not continue."

"However, as a border city, Yuecheng is famously easy to defend and difficult to attack, and it is difficult to break through in a short time."

The little master frowned and said.

General Zhao hadn't told her about the army's arrangements in detail before.

He has also fought a few battles big and small, it is purely unwise to forcefully attack a fortified city, after all, the situation is urgent at this time.

"I didn't intend to storm Yuecheng. Emperor Yongzhao must have mobilized the surrounding Chu army to come, and now he wants to intercept their reinforcements."

Zhao Cuo briefly explained his plan of using troops, but the actual operation was much more complicated than what he said. He discussed with Wu Chongxing for a long time before setting off.

"As long as you are sure... don't make any mistakes."

Chu Biezhi carried him back to the mansion.

"Leave it to me."

Zhao Cuo dare not say that he will win, but he is also [-] to [-]% sure.

The Ningxi Prefecture Army is a newly trained army since the recovery of Ningguo. The imperial court sent all the first batch of soldiers produced by Daozong.

Chu State is just a vassal state whose national power is in the middle and lower. When they intercepted and killed him, they couldn't gather enough cavalry, let alone the armor rate.

"Emperor Yongzhao dared to go to Yuecheng to worship the Heavenly Seal, and he must have his back. You must not take it lightly."

Master Guoshi gave another order before turning around to leave.

"I also have a lot of preparations."

Zhao Cuo nodded lightly and said.

"This seat is going to join the Grand Priest, and it is estimated that we will start a battle with the fire-raiser on the opposite side soon. You have to seize the opportunity."

"You have to be careful, as long as Yuecheng is broken, the big deal will be half done."

"Are you going to kill her..."

Chu Biezhi suddenly turned his head and glanced at him.

"Master Guoshi, do you think I can still do it? If it is possible, she will not live until now."

Zhao Xiaozei didn't dare to say that he was going to snatch him back directly.

He had made Xiao Biezhi sad last night.

You should not talk about a third person in front of a woman.

"It's good that you have your senses."

Chu Biezhi turned into a cloud of smoke and disappeared in front of him.

"Wu Zongbing...don't let me down."

Zhao Cuo sat down in the lobby.

He bet his treasure on Wu Chongxing.

As long as this person breaks through a city smoothly, the soldiers will be able to point directly at the Temple of Heaven, and Emperor Yongzhao will have to flee in defeat.

"It's a pity that it's impossible to get rid of Emperor Abandoned. If he dares to come to Chu, he's prepared for a way out, but don't even think about forming an alliance with the Gu clan."

The little father-in-law thought about it in his heart, and suddenly he frowned again, and turned his eyes to Mingming Palace between eyebrows.

"Why did the dragon vein worm go crazy?"

His face became astonished.

I saw the little golden bug in the Fate Palace suddenly thumping excitedly.

This ferocious Gu has never reacted so violently before, it just growled lazily when faced with the Ruthless Gu.

"Did anything happen at the ceremony after offering sacrifices to heaven?"

Zhao thief looked dignified.

He turned his head and looked in the direction of the Temple of Heaven in the city.

The distant place seemed to be calm, and he didn't feel anything strange, and the jihad had not yet broken out.

"Master Guoshi and Dajijiu practice hands, two enemies and three will not be a problem, and the Gu clan has been declining for many years, and it is impossible to shoot Gu God..."

Zhao Cuo couldn't make up his mind, he had to hide now, and it wasn't until the army broke the city that he came out.

Suddenly, a muffled sound exploded in the little father-in-law's ears!

The air became dense in an instant!
"Have you started yet?"

He felt the pressure on the top of his head.

The confrontation between the fire-raisers is too terrifying. If the five saints let go, the city will be sunk!

The opportunity for the army is at this moment, the master of the state will intentionally or unintentionally attack the city wall with the power of a saint, of course it will take a long time to break through the city.

"But what is this little guy excited about?"

Thief Zhao still looked puzzled.

The dragon vein worm has already played wildly in his life palace.

This is really the first time it reacted like this, what happened to the Temple of Heaven, could it be that there is still the Ten Harmful Gu appearing in the world?

"Emperor Yongzhao and other rebels won't want to breed some fierce Gu again?"

Young Master Zhao's pupils suddenly shrank!
The last time he went to Yan Country, he didn't consider that An Le would want to practice the Seven Emotions Gu.

The ten evils have not been born for hundreds of years, and the dragon vein worm on his body is the only one. The Seven Kingdoms deliberately wanted to train one before!
"An Le only has Ruthless Gu, and the opposite of Infatuation Gu is on Empress Chen. She can't become a saint."

Although Zhao Cuo feels that this is absolutely impossible, his scalp is still numb. If it is true...

"Is General Zhao in the hall?"

There was a hurried sound from outside the house.

Bandit Zhao knew it was Su Ping, the secret guard.

The secret guards of the Eastern Palace had long been lurking in Yuecheng.

"Su Miwei, please come in."

Zhao Mi hurriedly said.

A young man in a black robe pushed open the door and entered.

As soon as he saw the young man, he hurriedly bowed and said repeatedly.

"Report to General! The post-celebration ceremony has undergone a shocking change! Empress An Le is suspected to be lighting the holy fire with the luck of the Seven Kingdoms and the Gu clan!"

The roar of thunder suddenly sounded in General Zhao's mind!
Is this the true purpose of Emperor Yongzhao?

Guoyun does have this magical power.

"I practiced Passionate Gu with luck..."

Zhao Cuo calmed down after a brief shock. He really didn't expect the situation to change like this, but when he made his plan, he considered that the enemy might have more than three fire-bearers.

"An Le didn't train the Seven Emotions Gu out of the ten evils and set fire to her. Even if she becomes a saint, she won't be too strong, so it won't hinder my plan. '

Bandit Zhao's face is wonderful!
He really didn't expect that An Le would become holy at this time!
Once she becomes the fire lifter, it's impossible for him to take her back, it's over!

"Does An Le know that the real purpose of offering sacrifices to the Empress Dowager is to sanctify herself...but I can't blame her."

Young Master Zhao's face is cloudy and uncertain. He is still on the opposite side of the little witch. This idiot actually has the same thoughts as him.

He wanted to bring His Royal Highness back to the capital, and she wanted to detain her lover, that's all.

The situation is not optimistic.

"Go and stare at the two city gates to the west."

Zhao Cuo can only pin his hopes on Wu Chongxing to break the city quickly.

"The humble job will send important news at the first moment."

Su Miwei saluted and left in a hurry.


Zhao Cuo sat in the room calmly.

The dragon vein worm in his life palace became more and more manic.

This also told him that An Le was gradually approaching the holy land.

"After the little witch is sanctified, even if I can still break the alliance between the Seven Kingdoms and the Gu clan, how can I be with her?"

Thief Zhao closed his eyes, forced his heart to cool down, and patiently waited for the news.

Wu Chongxing still lived up to his trust.

Su Miwei arrived half an hour later.

"General Zhao! General Wu has broken through the second west gate, please join us quickly!"

Hearing the words, Mr. Zhao Xiaogong stood up abruptly, and walked out of the mansion with him, straddling his horse and heading west.

"The last general Wu Chongxing pays homage to Zhao Shuai! Rescue came too late! Please punish me, my lord!"

"This general will remember your great service!"

Zhao wrongly patted his shoulder hard.

As he spoke, he raised his eyes and looked up again. At this time, the blue sky was full of colorful entanglements, and the majesty of the holy land was overwhelming.

And above the Temple of Heaven in the city, a dark black light was flickering and branching, during which there was a sense of oppression that was not weaker than the confrontation between five fire-bearers.

"Order the whole army! Slay the rebels together with this general! Whoever beheads the head of the bandit will be rewarded with a hundred gold!"

General Zhao ordered without hesitation.

He knew that there must be heavy soldiers deployed around the Temple of Heaven.

But at this time, interrupting the ceremony of offering sacrifices to the heavens and conferring on the Empress Dowager might prevent An Le from becoming a saint?

'I shouldn't spoil Anle's chance...but now I have no choice. '

The little grandfather sighed in his heart.

After An Le raised the fire, it would be fine if he only had the strength of an ordinary holy realm.

But if she reaches the height of the empress dowager, today's plan will be defeated, and he will have to be detained by the little witch.

"Wu Zongbing, all orders from this general will be passed on to you. If I am gone, you will take full control of the army."

Zhao Cuo transmitted voice to Wu Chongxing who was at the side while leading the charge.

"Follow your orders!"

Although he was astonished, he didn't dare to ask more questions.

The Ningxi government army that broke into the city moved forward all the way, and the rebels in the city quickly came to stop them, and there were not many soldiers and horses at all.

Fortunately, the first ones Wu Chongxing brought into the city were all elites, and they fiercely rushed away the enemy troops blocking the front. Anyway, there were still imperial court troops entering the city behind!

"The Deposed Emperor is right in front of the Temple of Heaven! The bandit army is vulnerable, and those who behead more will be rewarded!"

They are pressing towards the destination like a bamboo shoot!
However, as they gradually approached the place where the Empress Jitian was conferred, not only the soldiers felt their hearts tremble, but the war horses also neighed.

Zhao Cuo's mood also became uneasy with the heavy rain of horseshoes. Although he still had a back hand at this time, he was not sure of snatching the little witch.

"Shuai Zhao, the front ranks of our army are already outside the Temple of Heaven, and it is difficult to break through the siege!"

Wu Chong is about to report the news of the herald.

"Strike in!"

Zhao mistakenly knew that time was running out.

The city from Yuecheng to the Temple of Heaven is within a high wall, like a small city, and it takes time to break through.

What made him anxious was the roaring and roaring bugs in the Palace of Fate. Is this talking about the horror of An Le being sanctified?It is impossible for her to practice the Seven Emotions Gu!
"I sent another letter to the capital a few days ago, asking the empress dowager to send another saint. It should be here by now, right?"

General Zhao muttered to himself.

He considers himself fully prepared.

Before entering Chu State, he invited the high priest of Yutianjian, who is now fighting above, to offer wine. A few days ago, he invited another reinforcement.

"Wouldn't it be possible for the three fire-raisers to return in a big defeat?"

Young Master Zhao was in a heavy heart.

"General! The Waste Emperor is standing on top of the wall, as if he wants to talk to you."

At this time, another piece of news came, and Zhao Cuo frowned, but he still rode his horse to the forward army.

At this time, the Ningxi government army was breaking through the outer wall of the Temple of Heaven without fear of death.

A young man in a five-clawed golden dragon suit stands above it.

"Be safe, General Zhao."

Emperor Yongzhao looked down at Bandit Zhao below with a solemn expression.

"You unfaithful and unfilial generation, raise the flag and surrender at this moment, maybe the Empress Dowager can spare your life because of the love between mother and child!"

Zhao Cuo mentioned pointing at the abolished emperor and scolded him. He is the apostate husband of the abolished emperor. Isn't it normal to call him unfilial?
"General Zhao, I would like to ask you, if you are willing to be the queen of the devil, can you be worthy of the Chu family?"

The waste emperor said in a deep voice.

"The empress will hold the holy fire. You bring the Ning Kingdom to join me at this time, and I can let the past go."

Of course he was wasting time, talking nonsense and not asking for money, he knew that thief Zhao had absolutely no possibility of betraying the queen.

"What is a champion? I can make you the crown prince, the crown king!"

Zhao Cuo was about to refute but suddenly his pupils shrank!
He and Emperor Yongzhao looked up at the same time, the black light above his head turned into pure white, and the terrifying coercion roared in it!

There was a throbbing in the hearts of all the people present, and they only felt an inexplicable force calming their emotions, and their joy, anger, sorrow, joy and fear returned to normal.

"Anle lit the holy fire...why hasn't the third saint sent by the Empress Dowager arrived?"

Zhao thief looked up at the sky with complicated emotions.

He tensed up and seemed relieved at the same time.

Nervous is to canonize the little witch, rest assured that he has no time to stop all this, and he should stop her from raising the fire.

"Zhao Thief! Now that my queen is sanctified, what are you going to do to stop me?"

Emperor Yongzhao said to his wife that she was extraordinary and honored.

How did he know that An Le was taken over by thieves?

The heart of the little witch only moves for the little prince!

"Congratulations to Her Majesty the Queen!"

A loud and orderly congratulatory sound came from within the high walls of the Temple of Heaven.

At this moment, a girl in a pink and white skirt appeared from the brilliance, and the holy power soared to the sky!
Everyone below held their breath for a moment!The female saint standing tall in the air, her peerless beauty captured everyone's attention.

'You should still be in peace, right? '

Zhao Cuo sighed in his heart.


The little witch lowered her head as if she heard his voice.

Her eyes fixed on the handsome young man on horseback.

The color of infatuation filled her emerald eyes, and the world was clean for a while, except for each other.

"Queen, those who raise the fire must not attack the common people, and the rules cannot be broken..."

Emperor Yongzhao saw that his wife had gone to Zhao by mistake, so he opened his mouth.

It's just that his words got stuck in his throat before he finished speaking.

His face instantly turned red!
"It's dangerous to run around outside by mistake, but it's okay, I will protect you."

An Le held Thief Zhao's hand with a bewildered expression, and everyone present widened their eyes. Emperor Fei's eyes were dull and he felt that something was broken!
Before Zhao Cuo could speak, the little witch suddenly looked up, only to see that the saints in the sky suddenly stopped fighting.

They looked up to a higher place with solemn faces.


A loud noise echoed between heaven and earth!
The blue sky was torn open into a black abyss stretching thousands of miles!

The soldiers and civilians in Yuecheng were terrified, and saw a woman in a black chest-length skirt stepping out from the sky, a power that made the earth tremble and crushed down!
"Could it be the one from the East Palace?"

Someone exclaimed!

Emperor Yongzhao looked at his aunt with a bloodless face.

While Zhao Cuo was ecstatic, he also felt that the hand held by An Le was hot!

"Your Majesty welcomes the Empress Dowager!"

The Ningxi government army shouted to see!

The woman in the black dress above said nothing!
She landed in front of Zhao Cuo in one step, and took his other hand unhurriedly, and her golden majestic phoenix eyes faced An Le!
(End of this chapter)

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