Chapter 287 Zhao wrong: I can't do it

"Don't you want to see the Empress Dowager?"

Zhao Cuo glanced at the beautiful woman holding his arm with a funny look.

"Yan'er doesn't want to meet the Queen, but you will be bullied by yourself, so I'll go with you."

She raised Hu Meier's face and said confidently.

"Then please protect me."

The little prince led her to the main hall of the palace.

"But there is one thing to say first, you don't take the initiative to provoke the bad woman, she will punish me."

He suddenly added that the female devil will not be hostile to Mrs. Yan, but she does not allow anyone to challenge her authority.

"Yan'er knows that the situation is stronger than people, and we have to hold back now."

The little idiot said seriously.

'We don't have a chance. '

Zhao Cuo complained in his heart.

He knew that Yan'er had a grudge against the female devil.

However, there is no real blood feud between them, so it is not a big problem.

"My minister Zhao Cuo and the late emperor Yi Shuang are meeting with the Empress Dowager."

Zhao Xiaogong met the ceremony outside the hall.

"Can't you just come in directly like last night?"

Zhao thief was ashamed for a while when the empress dowager's playful voice came out, pretending that he didn't understand.

"Dayu is a country governed by rituals, and rituals cannot be abolished. How dare a minister be disrespectful."

he said solemnly.

Several foreign ministers have already been summoned in the hall.

Now is obviously not the time for him to be tender and affectionate with Sister Lan.

"Don't waste time, another incident happened in Chu State, and I still have to ask you for advice."

Empress Dowager Zhao's frivolous tone also became dignified.

"My minister obeys."

Only then did Zhao Cuo lead Yan'er into the hall.

The first-class screen was in front of him, and several important officials of Ningxi Mansion were divided into two teams, and Ji Ming was among them.

Seeing the arrival of the powerful champion Hou, who was surrounded by the late emperor's palace servants, they lowered their heads in unison.

"I'm waiting to pay my respects to General Zhao."

"That's it."

The little grandfather smiled and waved his hands.

How could the officials present dare to be rude to him.

This young dignitary has just made great achievements.

"You wait to tell Champion Hou the news of Chu's return."

Empress Dowager Dayu spoke unhurriedly behind the screen.

"And let the minister explain in detail."

Ji Ming, who was brought to Ningxi Mansion by General Zhao, stepped forward.

"Report to Marshal Zhao, the military report sent back by General Wu's soldiers hastily said an important matter. The officers and soldiers may not be able to defend the regained homeland."

He called the captured Chu territory Dayu's lost land.


Zhao Cuo said in surprise.

"The Chu army should be powerless to fight."

He had already disbanded Chu's only [-] soldiers and horses yesterday.

"It's not the fault of the war, but the people of Chu state think that they are from Chu, and they don't respect the legal system of Dayu."

Jiming bowed to him solemnly.

"Chu people think their country is subjugated?"

Zhao Xiaogong suddenly realized the complexity of the problem.

Chu State is a vassal state at the same age as Dayu. Since Emperor Taizong failed to cut down the feudal vassals 300 years ago, the Seven Kingdoms have been in a state of complete autonomy.

Hundreds of years of management by the kings is enough to make the subjects only know the king but not the emperor. Ninghui was easily taken down because King Ning was the adopted son of Emperor Sejong.

"The people of Chu land were terrified when they saw the king's master. In the dozens of cities that General Zhao captured, there were even incidents of people armed with weapons attacking and wounding soldiers."

Ji Ming arrives with all the news about the former army.

"It's a big deal."

The empress dowager's calm voice sounded.

"If the imperial court wants to quell the rebellion, it must win the hearts of the people of all countries. Zhao Cuo, you may come up with a temporary strategy?"

She also didn't expect the little lover to give a complete solution, the most urgent task is to stabilize the city that was taken before, so as not to cause turmoil to recur.

"I think the simplest method is the most appropriate."

Zhao Cuo paused and said.


According to the empress dowager's indifferent way.

"The people of Chu are also our compatriots. As long as we implement a benevolent government, we will win the hearts of all people, but first of all, we must show the might of the court."

General Zhao said unhurriedly, he is not a naive young man, he knows that most people are afraid of power but not virtuous.

He wanted someone to listen to him, so beating him up first was the best way to suppress others with force.

However, long-term use of high-pressure policies is also a way to kill.

"We can first divide and conquer different cities."

He pondered for a while, recalling what he had seen and heard before coming to this world, and spoke carefully.

"Preferential treatment will be given to counties that are friendly and submit, while those who resist will be punished by deprivation of land and other methods. However, the soldiers must not be allowed to do anything wrong."

After hearing what he said, Ji Ming clapped his hands in admiration.

"The general can use this plan to seek the country."

Several Ningxi government officials who were present also started to tout.

"Zhao Shuai is really a young hero, this strategy can be used as a hundred thousand soldiers, and I will worship you!"

Zhao Cuo was used to flattery, but the bright look in Yan'er's eyes was very helpful to him, so he continued.

"I just said that the people of Chu are also the people of Dayu, so they shouldn't be too harsh. Therefore, the subjects of Chu should also be allowed to participate in the scientific examination after autumn."

His words made the kind-hearted Ji Ming feel that he did not follow the wrong person.

"I think what General Zhao said is true."

"Second by the humble rank."

"Goodbye Zhao Shuai."

The young man's proposal was confirmed on the spot.

"Zhao wrong you to draw up the order, write the specific policies in the order, and send it to General Wu immediately."

After the plan was made, several Ningxi government officials in the hall also retreated, leaving Zhao thief and Yan'er outside the screen.

"Zhao two come and have dinner with me."

The voice of the female devil came with a smile.

'What do you want? '

General Zhao was suddenly not calm.

He felt that if the bad woman wanted to keep him, she should let Yan'er go.

Although this stupid child will be sad for a while, but sitting at a dining table, something worse will happen to the custody.

"It is an honor of the minister."

Zhao said wrongly.

He walked in with a vigilant flame.

Although the palms and backs of the hands are full of flesh, the Queen Mother Zhao is too strong, making him unconsciously want to protect the crying bag.

"Feiwu, ask someone to go to the dining room to remind you. Champion Hou didn't even eat breakfast."

After the little father-in-law entered the inner hall, he saw the queen mother in a black skirt.

She also cast an interesting look at the boy.

There was a faint helplessness in Zhao thief's eyes.

"My lady..."

He was about to say something when he was stopped.

"What's your name, Ben Gong? It's fine if there were foreign ministers here just now, what about now?"

The female devil hummed softly as if no one was around.

"...Sister Lan."

Zhao Cuo just hesitated for a moment and then changed his mind.

He was afraid that even this title would not be enough to satisfy the bad woman.

Yan'er was obviously taken aback, and then gradually opened a pair of bewitching fox eyes, and hugged his hand tightly.

"Sit down, let's eat together first, I have some errands for you in a while."

They "harmoniously" sat at a table.

"Zhao is wrong."

Yan'er took a breath and whispered.

"You have to call Yan'er 'Sister Yan'!"

'What else do you want to fight for? '

Of course he would tolerate Yan'er.

"Good sister."

Zhao made a mistake in voice transmission.

He suddenly felt kicked under the table.

Looking up, the bad woman was looking at him with a smile that was not a smile, and there was joy in her pale golden eyes.

'Are you not chasing Yaner away just to see me embarrassed? '

The little grandfather understood instantly.

The empress dowager is still punishing him.

Apparently, An Le's incident made her very unhappy.

"Sister is sister..."

Yan'er didn't make a fuss.

She bowed her head a little pitifully.

Zhao Cuo couldn't see her sad, so he followed the child's expectation and called his sister.

"This dish of chicken feet is a famous dish in Ningxi Mansion. You should try it by mistake. I know your hobby."

The villain smiled like a flower and brought some food to the young father-in-law, but he didn't quite understand what Sister Lan said, and there was another movement under the table at this time.

'What are you playing? '

Zhao Cuo froze.

The corners of Dayu Demon Queen's mouth raised.

After hearing her words, Xiao Yan'er was seriously serving food for her sweetheart.

"Do you still like what I made for you?"

"I also ask the empress dowager to take pity on..."

"what are you guys saying?"

A luncheon ended with the helplessness of the little father-in-law.

Yan'er was sensible, knowing that he had something to do, she hugged Princess Xia and left, saying "Sister Yan" made her happy for a long time.

Uh-huh, Bandit Zhao lay down on the table with a powerless face after she left, and the culprit, the female devil, was still smiling.

"General Zhao, is the blessing of the people of Qi still beautiful? This palace thinks that your life is worthwhile."

"I almost lose face in front of Yan'er."

Zhao Cuo said in a muffled voice.

"I won't embarrass you."

The empress dowager stood up with a smile on her face and walked to his side.

"Didn't you just torment me? I was very tired yesterday and I can't get up again."

Mr. Zhao Xiaogong accused the bad woman of her evil deeds with a sad face. While speaking, he was still peeking at her face. Of course he was playing tricks.

"Aren't you quite energetic?"

The bad woman smiled softly.

She raised her jade hand and rubbed Zhao Thief's shoulders.

Once the mother of the country served him, he naturally squinted his eyes in satisfaction.

"Your suggestion just now can be a long-term national policy. How can I reward you? You can just say it."

As the Queen Mother said, she lowered her head and bit his ear.

"I want sister Lan to love me forever?"

Zhao Cuo said greedily.

"You already have this."

After the female devil said something, she didn't mention the reward again.

The world is hers, and naturally it is also his. The so-called credit is to make it easier for her to share everything with him.

"Can I punish the empress instead?"

he said with a wink.

"What did you say?"

The empress dowager's eyes became playful.

"What I do is right, so I won't make mistakes. Why are you punishing me?"

"Isn't it wrong for you to bully your husband?"

Zhao made a mistake and leaned back.

The back of his head sank into tenderness.

A jade face with a phoenix appearance came into the eyes.

"Are you saying that the late emperor failed?"

The Queen laughed lightly.

As she spoke, she couldn't help but kissed Zhao thief's forehead again.

This is the benefit of a woman. If you really want to be gentle, there is no such thing as a little girl.

"Why are you mentioning him? Sister Lan's husband is of course me! I'm the only one."

"You are not very young, but your tone is not small. You are really greedy."

The bad girl smiled and rolled her beautiful eyes.

"Am I right?"

It was rare for Grandpa Zhao to be tough in front of her.

"Yes, you are right, this palace belongs to you alone."

She rubbed her cheek against the boy's temples lovingly.

"I'm going back to the Tai Hospital."

General Zhao said suddenly.

"What's wrong with you?"

The female devil didn't understand what he said that spanned too much.

"I work hard every time I'm with Sister Lan, but your stomach hasn't risen yet, is it my problem?"

Zhao Cuo's tone was full of doubts. He had tried countless times to get the empress dowager pregnant, but it still didn't work for such a long time.

"You bastard who always wants to mess with Da Ben Gong's stomach."

She pinched Zhao thief's ear with a sullen expression on her face.

"Don't you like being a mother?"

The little father-in-law snorted.

"You screamed yourself first."

The queen mother smiled again when she thought of the interesting things.

"Anyway, I'll ask the imperial doctor to take a look at my body when I go back. I'm the only one in the Zhao family."

Zhao Cuo insisted with a serious face.

"no need."

The empress dowager stroked his hair.

"I'll tell you, it's your problem. I can get pregnant."

"Can't I do that?"

The little father-in-law was shocked.

He felt that he was not bad.

Sun Dasheng has all the skills to subdue the female goblin.

"Your realm is too low. It is not easy for me to conceive your child, but there is still a chance."

Thief Zhao heaved a sigh of relief after listening to her words.

"You finish your sentence in one breath."

"I don't want you to be a father too early."

The female devil held him in her arms from behind, and the little father-in-law felt her warmth, and couldn't extricate himself for a while.

"You are still a child yourself, how can you set an example for your children? Reflect on it."

She appears to be preaching but is actually flirting.

"I am sister Lan's child."

Zhao mistakenly knew that she wanted to hear what he had to say.

"I don't have a bad boy like you who always bullies the elders."

Empress Dowager Zhao smiled wantonly, her beautiful eyes were full of satisfaction, she loved cosplay the most.

"When can we return to Beijing?"

Zhao Cuo grumbled and talked about the business.

"Wait a few days."

The queen narrowed her phoenix eyes as if remembering something.

"You deal with Chu's affairs first, and you don't have time to rest after that. The south is restless."

"I will do everything for the empress dowager."


Zhao Cuo soon found out that he had been fooled.

The bad woman had no intention of letting him go.

She left the boy in the palace until General Zhao was sent out on business until the next morning.

"It's no problem to hand over the thirteen cities taken back from Chu State to Mr. Wu."

He is running around all day long.

The turbulent situation did not settle down until four or five days later.

There is no big movement in the Seven Kingdoms, but the weather is cooling down with the passage of time, and the summer vacation is coming to an end.

"Your servant will send the Empress Dowager back to Luan respectfully!"

The day to return to Beijing finally arrived.

Zhao Cuo had only been a frontier official for about a month before calling back.

The fighting in Ningxi Mansion has subsided, Wu Chongxing temporarily replaced the general position, everything is calm.

"I've been away from Beijing for more than a month. I don't know how Sister Xiangxin is doing. I'm afraid I won't be able to rest for long when I return to Beijing..."

The little father-in-law sat on the phoenix carriage of the Queen Mother Zhao.

He lowered his head and stroked the lazy cat in his arms.

The capital is just ahead.

(End of this chapter)

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