chapter 29

Zhao Shangxin blinked her innocent peach blossom eyes, and looked curiously at the paper with the first seven-character poem on the desk. Although she felt that it was not good to casually browse through her brother's things, she couldn't help but pick it up.

As a practitioner of Confucianism and Taoism, she has no resistance to poetry and the like.

In particular, this poem may have been written by my dearest mistake.

"Now I can compose poems. It seems that Cuo'er has learned some knowledge in the Liangtai Academy. Let my sister see how she writes..."

The elder sister was muttering, and cast her eyes on the rice paper in her hand with great interest. Of course, she didn't have any idea that her younger brother could write so well.

"This poem is written like bamboo... Do you insist that Qingshan will not relax?"

This opening sentence made Miss Xiangxin nod her head involuntarily.

The line of sight continued to look down.

After chanting the phrase "the root is originally in the broken rock", Zhao Shangxin's eyes were filled with admiration and joy, and he felt the tenacious image of the bamboo rooted in the cracks of the rock vividly before his eyes.

"I didn't expect Cuo'er to have some poetic talent..."

Her words got stuck in Bai Nen's throat before she could finish her words, a pair of beautiful eyes that were far more moist and bright than most women's eyes widened unconsciously, and her pink and tender cherry mouth also opened.

"Thousands of blows are still strong...Let Er wind from east to west?"

Zhao Shangxin seemed to have really seen a bamboo growing tenaciously on the cliff. It grabbed the green hill and firmly planted its roots in the crevices of the rocks. No matter it was a strong wind or a shower, it would not waver.

"It turns out that what Cuo'er said in the carriage last night was not a joke..."

Appreciate murmured.

His eyes gradually became gratified.

On the way home from the clan mansion, her younger brother expressed that she had no intention of loving her children. She didn't believe that it was just Zhao Cuo who was talking poorly, but this seven-character quatrain made her see the young man's ambition.

"The catastrophe this time made Cuo'er grow up. He has such ambition at a young age, and the future can be expected."

Zhao Shangxin wrinkled his handsome nose again as he spoke.

"But it's okay if you're not close to women..."


Zhao Cuo walked into the Execution Department's Yamen, and immediately received the attention of many colleagues. Their eyes were quite different from yesterday.

How to describe it?The young man even saw a young yamen servant staring at him with a longing expression like faith, but fortunately this was only an isolated case.

Most normal people just show surprise and admiration.

"Morning, my lord."

"Good morning."

"Master Zhao is indeed my hope for the future of Dayu!"

Zhao Cuo's third-class Shangya was as if he was inspected by the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment. He smiled and returned greetings to many executioners who greeted him, and came to the classroom enjoying the much-anticipated treatment.

"Boss Cheng Yi."

He politely greeted the first-class executioner sitting in the owner's seat of the office.

"The little prince is here."

Cheng Yi, with a calm temperament, raised his head from the file, gave him a thumbs up with a smile, and praised him:
"He made great achievements on the first day of taking office. He is worthy of being the son of the Duke of the Kingdom. He is indeed a tiger father without dogs!"

"Happy luck."

Zhao Cuo smiled and cupped his hands. He had already figured out what happened last night, and there was nothing to be sad about. Today's Dayu Dynasty has accumulated evils, and it cannot be saved by cracking a cigarette trafficking case.

It should be known that dragon vein worms will only emerge at the end of the dynasty.

And all he has to do is fuel the flames!
"How is the investigation going?"

Zhao Cuo asked.

"Should I check it out?"

Cheng Yi shook his head with embarrassment.

"Last night, according to Chief Yan Yang's order, we brought everyone in the Yinbi Painting Boat back to the Execution Department. We went to Yutianjian overnight and invited several Taoist priests. After a blood test, we confirmed that those who had taken drugs Only those men who were caught by you on the spot."

He picked up a volume of filing materials on the table.

"After confirming the general situation, the chief ordered the release of the guests, and interrogated the madam, the girls and the thugs in the drinking boat separately."

Cheng Yiyi gave Zhao Xiaogong a "guess what" look.

"The old bustard is responsible for the story of Yinbi Huafang. She should be the main culprit in this case, right? She opened a smokehouse secretly without telling the owner."

Zhao guessed wrongly.

"Generally speaking, that's true."

Cheng Yi nodded and shook his head.

"Mrs. Yan has a lot of money, so there is no need to touch such a terrible thing as drugs, but when the prostitute surnamed Chen was interrogated, she even said that she was completely unaware of the existence of a smokehouse in the Yinbi Painting Boat. The hall is the private house of a nobleman named Ziyi."

"Purple clothes?"

Zhao Cuo was a little confused.

"I know this girl. Zhang Yintang and the others have mentioned that she is the new headliner of Yinbi Painting Boat, and her singing is quite elegant. Is she not in the case?"


Cheng Yi said with a gloomy face.

"According to the madam, Ziyi is a disciple of Mrs. Yan, and it is necessary for her practice to come to drink and sing on the blue painting boat."


Zhao Cuo was a little curious about the exercises that needed to be practiced in the brothel, but he also understood that the point was not here, but that this case really involved Mrs. Yan!
"Has Madam Yan been summoned for questioning?"

"The former emperor's concubine! She is also the beloved disciple of the master of the state. Who would dare to arrest a person of this status without the order of the empress dowager?"

Cheng Yi said with a wry smile.

"What did the boss say?"

Zhao Cuo thought about it and asked.

"Naturally, the only option is to ask Your Majesty to make a decision."

Cheng Yiyi looks simple and honest, but in fact he is as careful as a hair. He mentioned that the two in the palace know who to put first.


Zhao Cuo mourned for comrades in his heart, Mrs. Yan has a grudge against that female devil!Surely the Empress Dowager will take this opportunity to kill her, right?
However, this matter has nothing to do with him. After this drinking and painting case, several chief executives will join hands to decide the case. He, a third-class executioner, can no longer intervene.

Today is another day of fishing.

"Good morning, my lord."

A voice with obvious distress sounded behind him.

"There is also Cheng Yi."

When Zhao Cuo looked back, Zhang Yintang, who came yawning, added another sentence. He looked at Mr. Zhao with a bit of resentment in his eyes.

"After all, someone is too innocent."

Zhang Yintang let out a long sigh.

"Last night, I was still worried about what would happen to the young master if he was taken to the clan's mansion, but when he got home when the rooster crowed, he suddenly realized that he had paid by mistake."

"Thank you for thinking about it."

Zhao made a dry cough and pretended not to understand what he said.

"The official went home and fell asleep for a quarter of an hour before coming to the Yamen again."

Wu Zhiyi's haggard voice came from behind.

"Stop pretending, you two!"

Cheng Yi didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"A martial artist in the second realm will never get tired even if he doesn't sleep. There was a big case last year, but I didn't have a rest for more than a month. The two of you persevere, and take a rest tomorrow."

'Pitiful. '

Zhao's wrong eyes showed pity.But what kind of genius thought that practitioners can work around the clock without sleeping?
Squeeze out the surplus value, right?
So scary so scary.

(End of this chapter)

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