Dayu Execution Officer, begins to torture the demon girl's fiancee

Chapter 294 Enjoyment: Don't Tell About Tonight

Chapter 294 Enjoyment: Don't Tell About Tonight

"unintended mistake……"

Zhao Cuo had an apologetic look on his face.

But he didn't turn his head back.

After soaking in water, the exaggerated silhouette of the attractive clothes looms, making people dazzled.

"I think you did it on purpose! Still don't take your eyes away? When do you want to see it?"

Zhao Shangxin put a pair of jade hands in front of his body.

She glared at the young man with a pretty face flushed.

This villain is not false.

"Do you think I will stare at my elder sister with disrespectful eyes?"

He said with a serious face, he picked up the bath towel at the side, and carefully put it on Miss Zhao's body.

"Well... it's my sister's fault."

I immediately believed it.

Her cheeks were reddish and she tightened the bath towel around her body.

For a while, she even felt ashamed that she "measured the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain".

"Go and prepare another bathtub, and then push the screen over to serve the eldest lady to take a bath and change clothes."

Zhao Cuo suddenly said directly to the maid who was waiting with her head bowed.

"What does that mean?"

Zhao Shangxin's expression became unnatural.

"Didn't you not take a bath yet? Your clothes are all wet, so why don't you just go straight together."

The little father-in-law said as usual.


Miss Zhao immediately blushed.

Annoyed, she reached out and tapped the little thief on the shoulder.

How dare you talk about bathing together? It's unreasonable, disciple!

"That's not what I mean."

Zhao Cuoke is flickering.

"Didn't you hear me clearly? You didn't let my sister and I be in the same bucket, and..."

Before he could finish his words, he was blocked by Xinxin. At this moment, even the roots of her ears were red. This man actually wanted to take a bath with her?
"Don't say any more, even through the screen. I'm going back to the house."

As Zhao Shangxin said, he was about to walk to the clothes rack beside him.

Her dress is still hanging there.

It shouldn't have been undone just now.

"I can't trust you like that?"

The little father-in-law stretched out his hand in dissatisfaction and pulled her back.

He felt guilty when he spoke.

This time it was really bad luck.

"Come on! You bastard, if I stay, you will make more progress, right?"

Miss Zhao turned her head, a pair of charming and affectionate peach blossom eyes turned across, and angrily raised her hand to hit her.

"My parents are still in the house, how dare I be presumptuous? You are overthinking."

Zhao Da wickedly spoke bluntly.

"You're teasing me again."

Enjoyment didn't shake off his hand that I held up for a while.

"There is something wrong with your words. If there are only you and me in the family, are you going to run amok now?"

Her beautiful eyes stared shyly and angrily at the stinky brother who was bad from head to toe.

"You all go down."

Zhao Cuo suddenly waved and said.

The maids in Tang Mu Pavilion hurriedly retreated.

Zhao Shangxin was not disturbed by being alone.

"Wrong, do you have something to tell me? No need to beat around the bush. "

She realized it belatedly, and looked at the young man with doubts in his eyes. He usually wouldn't be too noisy.

"I'm telling the truth...can you not hit me?"

Officer Zhao said in a low voice.

He heard the elder sister's question and started plan B.

Siblings are too familiar with each other, and he can't hide a lot of his thoughts, so he has already prepared excuses.

"You don't mean to do bad things on purpose. I won't be angry. I'm only going to be angry if you still cover up between us."

Miss Zhao gently rubbed his hair, but her tone was stern, and she will definitely be a strict mother in the future.

"I actually have a guess about why the Dragon Clan is following you."

Zhao Cuo also said seriously.

"You said."

Appreciate nodded his head lightly.

"This is also the queen mother's conjecture."

The little father-in-law said in order to make his words appear credible.

"The empress said that you may have a special physique, which is beneficial to blood inheritance, so you are coveted."

His rhetoric is quite credible. After all, it is strange enough that the dragon clan envoys came to Beijing to ask for a talented woman from the Zhao family. You can explain it in any way you want.

"Are you really kidding me?"

Zhao Shangxin's dignified face flushed.

Why is it so strange for her to hear Zhao thief's words.

Beneficial to the reproduction of offspring?Isn't this just saying that she is easy to give birth to, and she doesn't want her figure to be like this...

"How could I bully my elder sister?"

Zhao made a comforting sentence.

"Forget it, what do you want to do now, I just listen to you."

Miss Zhao shook her head lightly, it's not a big deal, she won't marry into the Dragon Clan anyway.

"I need to check your body carefully."

The little father-in-law wants to see him poorly.

"I understand why you want me to take a bath together."

Enjoyment sighed softly, although she looked calm and composed at this moment, even her white and tender jade neck was dyed red.

"I don't want to be frivolous to you."

Zhao thief said seriously.

"Of course I believe you."

Zhao Shangxin unconsciously bit her lower lip.

"Come here whatever you want, don't waste time, it won't be good if your parents come to ask questions later."

Although she is the adopted daughter of the Zhao family, Mrs. Guo even wanted her to marry the wrong son this morning, but she just refused, so how could she have a private relationship with him?

"As the saying goes, there is no defense in front of a doctor, so you treat me as a doctor, don't think too much."

Zhao mistakenly vaccinated her.

"I see."

She maintains her eldest daughter demeanor.

"My main investigation is..."

The little father-in-law lowered his voice again and said a few words.

Miss Zhao was stunned for a moment and then couldn't hold back anymore.

She took a half step back with her hands folded in front of her.

"I'm just checking for you!"

Zhao Daguan was also ashamed to see her shameful and angry appearance.

"You think I don't want to be innocent? No matter what, men and women are different, I..."

Xin Xin took another deep breath as she spoke, but still managed to stabilize the majesty of the eldest sister, forced herself to close her eyes in embarrassment and stepped forward.

"It's up to you, but I'll say it first! If you mess up, I won't let you go lightly."

She put down her hands that were in front of her and said.

"Can I start?"

Zhao Cuo forced himself to calm down.

This move is also to prove her identity.

However, he understood "except Wushan is not a cloud" inappropriately at this time.

"You don't have to be nervous, and I won't blame you for anything, after all, this is business."

Zhao Shangxin calmed down at this moment, and he wasn't being bullied by outsiders, so it doesn't matter if it's a mistake.

The little father-in-law stopped talking and started his errands.

Will the golden scales exist?


Miss Zhao blushed and dared not open her eyes.

She could feel the tenderness of this villain.

But even if she was treated with affection, she was still ashamed.

"Let me make sure again."

Zhao took a wrong breath.

He couldn't ignore the scene in front of him.

But the imprint he was looking for didn't seem to exist.

"Just tell me if you can..."

I want to let my mind go.

She knew that her heartbeat was being controlled by the bad guys.

If she is full of enthusiasm, her gaffe cannot be covered up, which is unacceptable.

'There will be no problem with my conjecture with the empress dowager, right? '

The little father-in-law could only give up after a while.

He took the bath towel and gently put it on Zhao Shangxin's body.

This moment is different from just now, there is no material that can be wetted, and he is almost out of control.

"Are you alright? What's the result? I'm fine."

Miss Zhao seemed to speak calmly.

Her flurry of words was an attempt to hide her bewilderment.

In fact, she didn't even dare to open her eyes now.

"I have to go into the palace tomorrow and ask the empress dowager to know how."

Senior official Zhao spoke ambiguous words.

"It's not as good as getting nothing."

She opened her beautiful eyes tentatively.

Her face was redder now than before.

People always know the seriousness of things after they are over.

"The relationship between me and my partner is getting more and more embarrassing..."

Zhao Shangxin sighed in his heart.

She will not dare to say that she is still chaste when she gets married.

Although she never thought of marrying someone else.

"We are family members, this matter is nothing, just don't indulge him in the future."

Ms. Zhao spoke silently, but she didn't feel unhappy, but more ashamed.

"I offended you."

Seeing her in a daze, Zhao wrongly bowed his head and apologized.

"Didn't I say it? I won't blame you or anything. Just don't tell what happened tonight."

She raised her hand and stroked his head gently.

"I... didn't make you feel bad just now, did I?"

Only then did the little grandfather heave a sigh of relief.

"You still said?"

She immediately raised her eyebrows coldly.

"I'm going back to take a bath. After you take a bath, you should rest early, and forget everything you saw just now!"

After Zhao Shangxin finished speaking, he was about to turn around and leave, but suddenly noticed the little garment named after Wu Jiu in his hand, and with a blushing face, he stretched out his hand and snatched it back.

She eagerly put on her clothes and left Tang Mu Pavilion.

Someone is longing for her fragrance.

"I didn't see the scale pattern that Sister Lan said..."

Zhao wrongly called a maid to help him take a bath.He has just checked carefully, and there is indeed no mark on her.

"However, it cannot be denied that Sister Xiangxin is related to the Dragon Clan."

The little father-in-law quickly adjusted his mentality again.

The dragon still has horns, and Miss Zhao doesn't have any on her head, so all of the above can be covered up.

This matter can't be rushed, we have to wait for the news from the secret guard sent by the bad woman to investigate in the south, but he has to work hard.

"Go and interrogate that Dragon Fourth Prince tomorrow."

Zhao thief returned to the room after changing clothes.

He didn't think much about the Dragon Clan for the time being.

But when you close your eyes, you will see the scene of Han Mei standing proudly in the snow.

"When I get up early in the morning, I still have to go to say hello to my elder sister... She shouldn't be angry, right?"

Zhao Cuo meditated quietly in the dormitory all night, but the beauty was not in his arms, so he couldn't sleep.

After dawn, he washed up unhurriedly, and then went out of the room.

Appreciation must have already started at Maoshi.


The little father-in-law gently knocked on the door of Miss Zhao's room.

"Is it wrong? You can just push the door and come in. I'm already awake."

Zhao Shangxin's gentle voice came out as usual.

She acts as if nothing happened yesterday.

However, the sibling relationship has been greatly challenged.

"Good morning."

Zhao thief put on his usual expression.

He also opened the delightful door as if nothing had happened.

A dignified and generous woman was sitting in front of the dressing table, her profile was like jade, and her plump figure was more beautiful than a woman's.

"What's the matter with you coming here early in the morning?"

The pleasing eyes looked at him softly.

"Eldest sister is like a mother, shouldn't I come to say good morning to you? Right."

Zhao Cuo blinked and said, but unexpectedly, she blushed instantly, and gave him a gouged look with a sullen look on her face.

This bad guy just bullied her like that yesterday, and now he's showing his loyalty and filial piety.

Are you trying to make her feel shameless?

Seeing her getting angry, the little father-in-law thought it was just last night.

"Didn't I let you forget? Why do you still mention it! If you say it again, I will beat you."

Zhao Shangxin opened her eyes wide, she didn't want to recall the feeling that her heart was being pinched, in fact, she fell asleep thinking about it last night.

"I've forgotten all about it... so you won't believe it?"

Evil Zhao said something in a low voice.

"I think you just need to clean up!"

Miss Zhao approached him with the prestige of her elder sister.

"Let's go and say hello to our parents."

Zhao took her slender hand by mistake.

"Are you going to do errands today?"

After Xin Xin slapped her, she also changed the subject.

Her face was still red, and her heart felt hot for a while. Such a feeling made her flustered.

It was so warm, she held the little father-in-law's hand calmly, and it was the same temperature when it fell into his hand yesterday.

"I'm going to interrogate the envoys of the Dragon Clan. It's not the same thing if they keep them in Beijing. There must be a solution as soon as possible."

General Zhao felt uneasy when he mentioned this matter.

The summer vacation will be over in half a month.

This matter should be dealt with before the war.

"Don't be too tired."

Zhao Shangxin raised his hand to straighten his collar.

"I used it at home and left early. I shouldn't be back at night. Don't worry about it."

Zhao Cuo looked at her soft face from a close distance

Miss Zhao was also extremely beautiful.

A handsome face.

"Pay attention to rest."

Appreciation suddenly said softly.

"If you don't play tricks, I can wash your hair often in the future. It's a trivial matter."

"I'm notoriously good boy."

The little father-in-law said subconsciously.

However, his gaze unconsciously looked down.

Zhao Shangxin was immediately ashamed and angry, and raised his hand to support his chin, preventing him from looking down.

"You are a bad thing!"

"How can..."

Thief Zhao and his family went out after having breakfast.

"Sister Xiangxin has nothing to do with the Dragon Clan, so it's best, but it doesn't matter if she has one, they can't take it away."

Zhao Cuo came to the Execution Department calmly. He still decided to interrogate the envoys of the Dragon Clan first, but he didn't need to punish him first.

The Empress Dowager did not allow him to torture him to extract a confession yesterday.

We have to wait for the secret guard in the south to send back a message.

"Please Zhao Shuaian!"

"General Zhao Wanan."

"Congratulations, Lord Commander."

As soon as the young man entered the yamen, he was greeted with various greetings.

"You wait for someone to take me to see Prince Long."

He said kindly with a smile.

"Director Zhao, please follow the humble position."

Zhao Cuo followed a young executioner to a wing room.

He pushed the door open without saying hello.

Prince Long Si was sitting on the hard couch.

"...Meet Zhao Shaoqing."

With a slight change in his face, he stood up and saluted.

"The nasty behavior of the dragon clan! My lord has already found out! Even if my sister is a member of your clan, you don't want to take it back!"

When Mr. Zhao Xiaogong went up, he was overwhelmed.

This statement is of course defrauding the Fourth Dragon Prince.

Zhao thief stared at his face intently.

(End of this chapter)

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