Dayu Execution Officer, begins to torture the demon girl's fiancee

Chapter 332 Before the Second Army, Bandit Zhao Takes His Wife

"Your Majesty... Military News outside the city!"

The deposed emperor finally waited for the report on the tower!
"Hurry up! No, let me take a breath first before you speak."

With a pale face, he took several deep breaths one after another. The beating sound under his chest was louder than the drums outside the city. They couldn't afford to lose this battle.

The day before yesterday, the army was lost and the generals were lost. Today, hundreds of thousands of people went out of the city to meet the enemy. If they lose again...

King Qin's army will no longer have the power to fight against the puppet dynasty!

At this time, there was another sound of panic from outside the building.

"Qi Zou Emperor! Our army has been defeated by the bandit army, and the remnants retreated across the moat, drowning a lot of people, and a few people are approaching the city gate, we..."

Emperor Yongzhao's pupils dilated in an instant, and he only had one thought in his mind at this moment, it's over!

The main force was almost defeated, and the Huainan Kingdom could not keep it!Where is he going?
Could it be that the sky is going to destroy his Chu family's 400-year foundation?

"Go and pass on my order... open the city gate to welcome the soldiers back."

He gritted his teeth and said that he knew about Lin Anmin burning down the bridge over the moat, and that thief Zhao would definitely not attack the city tonight.

But tomorrow, the bandit army will build a bridge to cross, and Wanghai City may be difficult to defend.

Where is the road?

"The water is too cold..."

Lin Anming crossed the moat downstream under the guard of the pro-military.

He was in a daze, and when he was defeated, he was about to draw his sword and kill himself, but was saved by the guards.

He was full of energy, and then declined again. After he was stopped, he no longer had the courage to repay the king with death.

"The [-] army has lost more than half of it in my hands. How can you face Your Majesty? Bandit Zhao!"

Looking back, Lin Anmin saw that a small number of remnants were scrambling to cross the river, and the number of drowned was unknown.

And the army of the puppet dynasty also ordered the archers to shoot salvos into the water!
However, most of the soldiers knelt down and surrendered...

"Back to the city!"

He closed his eyes in despair.

Going back this time, the emperor won't kill the generals before the battle, but he has no face to live.

die?He knew that after such a great humiliation, it is best to show his loyalty to the emperor with death, but his cold body made him dare not hold the long sword at his waist.

"The general is wise and powerful! This victory will make the rebels no longer able to fight back, and they will be able to break Wanghai City tomorrow."

Wu Chongxing rode to Zhao Cuo with a smile on his face.

Zhao Xiaogong was also smiling at the corner of his mouth at this time.

The big picture is set.

"The order."

Zhao thief said calmly.

"Order the soldiers to camp on the spot, rest overnight, and build a bridge to cross the river tomorrow morning."

Zhao mistakenly knew that after tonight, it was impossible for Emperor Yongzhao to organize an army capable of confronting him head-on in a short time, and the next step was to encroach on Huainan Kingdom.

"Half the battle against the rebellion has been won, and after next summer, I will no longer be threatened with the destruction of my family..."

The little father-in-law closed his eyes and felt his tense heart gradually relax.

He has never been really relieved, if he loses this battle, how many people in the Zhao family will survive?

Everything in his hands will flow away with the defeat of the army, and his unborn child cannot come to this world in peace.

"I regained the Seven Kingdoms, and the court doesn't have to be coerced by the monster race. From now on, leaning on the red and nestling in the green will be my life."

Zhao thief felt relieved for a while.

The surge in national luck brought about by the big victory has also been fed back to him.

He only felt the heat surge in his body, and the pure love Gu in Fate Palace also radiated pink flames, and finally broke through after many months.

"General, the tents of the Chinese army have been set up, please rest quickly."

Wu Chongxing went to deliver his order and came back.

He got up on the back of his gallant saddle.

Uncle Zhao smiled and did not refuse.

"My An Le went back to her natal family to visit her relatives. She should be in Wanghai City. You will pick her up with me tomorrow."

He unabashedly mentioned Empress Xiao Chen to General Wu, and the latter lifted his spirits and spoke more respectfully for a while.

"Don't worry, the general, the army will attack the city tomorrow, and we will welcome Madam back."

Wu Chongxing just cooperated with him.

Who in the world does not know that An Le is the one who raises the fire?
Come and go but in her mind.

'After I took Wanghai City, I went back to the palace. When the devil saw that I brought the little witch back, she wouldn't do it, would she? '

Zhao Cuo also had scruples in his heart. These two women also fought in Chu State before, and An Le was injured at the hands of the bad woman that time.

This time the enemy meets and sees, don't argue again, he doesn't want to be divided into two.

The abandoned emperor did not have such beautiful troubles as Zhao thief.

"at this point……"

Emperor Yongzhao stood on the tower with a calm expression.

"General Lin, there is no need to apologize. I also support you to go out of the city to fight. I can only blame God for helping that thief Zhao."

He has already calmed down, this battle has been lost, no matter how sad he is, he can't change the result, he might as well find the way again, and ask the world again.

"Your Majesty! The old minister has no face to stand in the army again, please let go of my post as chief general."

Lin Anmin choked up.

"Mr. Lin, don't do this."

The young emperor forced him up with a forced smile.

"Victory or defeat is a common matter in military strategists. They are famous generals in ancient times. There is no one who is victorious in every battle."

He really wanted to eat Lin Anmin alive, but right now he didn't have anyone who could provoke him, so he had the power to use it.

"Your Majesty is magnanimous, and I have the courage to offer you another strategy. Let's retreat to Chenguan overnight."

Lin Anmin said with tears.

"What I want now is a winning strategy."

Emperor Fei said resolutely, he will never admit defeat, the Seven Kingdoms are not yet dead!
"Now we can only stick to Huainan, prevent the Zhao bandits from annexing one country, and then gather troops from the other six countries!"

Lin Anmin had already had an idea in his heart. Although they lost this battle, the basic situation was still there. Winter was about to begin, and the court couldn't swallow the seven vassal states in one go.

"Mr. Lin's words are old-fashioned seeking for the country. Let's wait until the beginning of winter, and then fight Zhao thief to the death after the beginning of spring!"

Emperor Yongzhao also had countermeasures.

He will use the entire Huainan country to survive until winter.

In winter, when the people were hungry and cold, it would be easier for him to recruit troops and horses, and reunite the army to regain the world next spring.

"Wanghai City can't be abandoned lightly, but His Majesty can't stay on the front line anymore. Let's retreat to Chenguan. Food and grass can't be hoarded there, move back."

Lin Anmin said again, the young emperor didn't refute any more, just nodded his head lightly.

"Your Majesty, don't be depressed."

The defeated general hesitated for a while and said again.

"Emperor Taizu Gao raised an army in the south 400 years ago. He has risen and fallen several times. Now he has more than [-] soldiers, and tomorrow he has nothing. In the end, he opened Dayu?"

What he said went to the heart of Emperor Fei. Every time he lost at the hands of thief Zhao, he used this to tell himself that better days were yet to come.

"I keep the words of Duke Lin in my heart, let's encourage each other."

Emperor Yongzhao said seriously.

His biggest driving force now is the hatred in his heart.

One day, he will definitely take away everything Zhao thief has, and crush him to death under his feet!
"The matter should be sooner rather than later! General Huanlin organizes troops to escort us back to Chenguan."

The young emperor said without hesitation.

"As ordered!"

Lin Anmin retreated after saluting.

The abolished emperor asked someone to let Huainan Wang's family clean up.

The moon and the stars were sparse, and he was escorted by a small group of people to the south gate of Wanghai City, where he met the queen who only had her own enemy in her heart.

"An Le, you have only been reunited with your family for one day, are you going back to see that person?"

Huainan Wang questioned his daughter with a sullen face.

He wasn't very afraid of An Le.

Is there any son in the world who rebels against his father?

"Not that person."

The little witch said slowly and quietly.

"Being a father means that you don't want to leave! Did you hear me mention thief Zhao? Zhao is wrong."

Did King Huainan change his name to General Zhao in the end? What to do if his daughter ran away with someone again, but now he still has to speak softly.

He thinks that he has done his father's kindness to An Le, and he has held her in his hands since he was a child, but he has something to do to her.

Ruthless Gu is his only guilt, and this evil cause also bears the fruit of this time, making the little witch lawless.

"I was wrong."

Empress Xiao Chen looked at her father and brother in front of her calmly.

"Sister, you can see Zhao Wujiu at any time, it's only three or four days apart."

Prince Huainan's son also tried to persuade her. He also understood the character of his own sister, so he knew what to say was useful.

"General Zhao is busy with military affairs, so he doesn't have time to see you, so why don't you stay for another day?"

An Le listened to his words.

She really didn't want to bother doing the wrong thing.

Just waiting for another day, she is still acceptable, after all, the fact that she can meet at any time makes her no longer urgent.

"It's settled, don't run away anymore, we are now retreating to Chenguan together with His Majesty."

Huainan Wang said with a sigh of relief.

His mood at this time is also extremely complicated.

Today's big defeat, I don't know how long it will take to regain momentum, Zhao thief really uses his troops like a god?

"I waited for the wrong person to pick me up?"

The little witch said.


The prince of Huainan was left speechless.

'I'll pick you up tomorrow, are you saying that Wanghai City can't even last a day?The daughter really belonged to someone else's family. '

Emperor Yongzhao who was walking along pretended not to hear anything, endured the pain in his heart, and calmly beckoned everyone to retreat to Chenguan.

They left overnight and arrived in Guancheng, where there was plenty of food and grass. At this time, the sky was dimly lit.

Emperor Fei felt that Wanghai City could still be guarded for a few more days, so he slept peacefully.

"It's not good to report... big things."

"Your Majesty hasn't woken up yet. Tell me what's the matter. I'll see if you want to wake up the Holy Spirit."

Emperor Yongzhao was startled suddenly while he was half asleep and half awake, sat up suddenly from the bed, and said repeatedly to the outside of the room.

"What's the news from the front line? Tell me quickly, come in and tell me!"

"Your Majesty!"

The pro-army outside the room hurriedly opened the door and entered.

"The remaining generals in Wanghai City couldn't withstand the enemy's artillery fire, and now the city surrendered! The puppet army has already come towards Chenguan."

The young emperor suddenly felt dark in front of his eyes!
"Meet Your Majesty!"

Lin Anmin came in a hurry.

"The rebel army is approaching, and I have ordered 5000 people to wait below and escort them to the rear."

"Food! How much grain has been sent away from Chen Guanzhong! Tell me!"

The waste emperor was completely panicked!

This is a place where military rations are hoarded!
Although there are only [-] to [-] troops left in the army, they still need a lot of food and grass, and Chen Guan cannot afford to lose it.

"After entering the city last night, we started transporting grain, and now only one-tenth of it has been transferred, and now we can only stick to Chenguan to be happy."

Lin Anmin said with an ugly face.

Emperor Yongzhao shook his head violently?

"How many more months will it last? Now mobilize all the transportation capacity and transfer the food to the rear."

His face was ugly, he got up and put on his robe, in such a situation, can he survive the winter?But now we can only hope to send more food out.

"The king is the most important thing, your majesty should go quickly, I'm afraid if you stay in this city..."

Lin Anmin hesitated to speak.

"I won't go."

The young emperor said without hesitation.

"If I am in Wanghai City this morning, and don't let the Zhao bandits take the city in one day, I will stay with the soldiers and wait until Chen Guan can't hold it, and then I will break out."

"How can Your Majesty use the dragon body to take risks?"

Lin Anmin wanted to persuade him.

"You don't need to say too much, go and supervise the transportation of grain yourself! Be sure to transfer [-]% of the grain and grass in the city to the rear."

The Emperor Fei said with a wave of his hand that he had hoarded the grain of the Seven Kingdoms in Chenguan, and even if he kept [-]%, it would be enough to feed a [-] army for two months.

"Report! The enemy army has already arrived outside the Guancheng! The food team was robbed, and most of the supplies were taken away, and the Zhao thief is showing off his power outside the city!"

A soldier rushed to the door to report.

"Hasn't all the food and grass been taken away?"

Emperor Yongzhao's face turned pale at first, and then he asked anxiously, with doubts in his eyes.

They only transferred a tenth of the food and grass in one shipment, and being robbed once was not a big deal. What made him anxious was that the city was about to be besieged.

What else is grabbing more than half of the food?This is clearly enough to rob them all. He doesn't believe that the food transport team can stop Zhao's army.

"The enemy army seems to have deliberately released a small amount of food and grass."

The pawn who delivered the report said again.


He suddenly understood everything!
"It's a plan to steal food. It's telling us that if we want to keep our food and grass, we have to pay him the toll, this robber!"

The abandoned emperor's eyes widened with anger, but he really couldn't bear to burn all the food with a fire when he broke the city.

Although there is still food and grass in the rear, which can last until the autumn harvest, it is also very difficult.

He seemed to have no choice but to accept this conspiracy.

"If Wanghai City can guard for a few more days..."

Emperor Yongzhao gritted his teeth!
"Your Majesty! Thieves Zhao are shouting outside the Guancheng, insulting you..."

Suddenly another pawn came in fear, knelt outside the house, and carefully passed on the news.

"It's too deceiving! I'm going to see this thief, but I want to see how righteous he is in front of the two armies!"

The deposed emperor got up in a rage.

Regardless of persuasion, he walked out of the room and came to the top of the tower.

Looking down, the endless army made his hands and feet cold, but he won't lose if he loses.

"Zhao thief! How dare you, a traitor to the master, come before me? The Chu family has treated your Zhao family well for 400 years."

Emperor Yongzhao stared at the young man in silver scale armor and scolded angrily.

Zhao Cuo looked at him with a smile on his face.

The little father-in-law is personable.

"My wife went back to her mother's house to visit relatives. This time I came to pick her up. Please don't blame her."

Bandit Zhao bowed his hands to the deposed emperor, and there was a burst of laughter from the southern army. They had heard that General Zhao was good at taking other people's wives.

"You brazen bastard!"

The Deposed Emperor was furious!

"An Le!"

Zhao Cuo shouted loudly without changing his smile.

"It's time for us to go back! Now I don't need to be on the battlefield in person, and all the soldiers of the three armies can be on their own."

He was going to take the little witch and go back to the royal city. As the general of the army, he could do micromanagement later.

A beautiful figure appeared on the city wall.

Heaven and earth are silent.

"Shut up……"

Nanjun immediately stopped laughing.

It's okay for them to mock Emperor Yongzhao, but the general's woman can't speak out against each other, she will die.

Besides, everyone in the world knew that Empress Chen and Yan Nianhua had ascended to the Holy Realm. In the eyes of ordinary people, the person who raised the fire was not far behind the emperor, and killing people was not illegal.

"Worthy of being a great general's woman..."

"It's really a peerless beauty."

"How beautiful the Seven Kingdoms are!"

A few brave young generals in the army whispered.

The girl standing in the sky is like a banished fairy.

Her emerald hair is light, and her beautiful blue eyes are as bright as precious jade, and the presence of a saint makes her as bright as the sun.

"Zhao thief dare to insult me ​​like this!"

Emperor Yongzhao's heart was cut like a knife.

He watched helplessly as the queen fell into the arms of the thief.

The two hugged each other, their matching looks seemed to be a match made in heaven, and he was the buffoon in the play...

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, the Zhao family is thin! A certain family will leave first."

Zhao Cuo held Anle and bowed to the abandoned emperor.

He calmly waved his horsewhip and left.

The beauty in her arms is offering her red lips willfully.

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