Dayu Execution Officer, begins to torture the demon girl's fiancee

Chapter 521 Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess—Teaching Until Dawn


The king's tent of the demon court flew out of the city of the cicada, headed towards the extreme north, and turned around and went straight to the Dingbei Pass of Dayu after a while.

"There should be some distance from here to the frozen river, but it will take a day or two to travel? It won't delay your trip to the Golden Moon Khanate, right? If so, there's nothing you can do about it."

In the main hall in the tent, the little father-in-law sat on the main seat instead of the guest, and the witch who had been robbed by him could only stand in front of him.

"You're worrying too much."

The eldest princess looked at him calmly.

She easily heard the voice behind the man's words.

General Zhao was worried that he would miss her. He seemed to be thinking that this trip would take a few days so that he could spend a few long nights with her.

"Cicada City is not far from the border between the two countries. We can reach Dingbei Pass tomorrow morning, and you will be there after you wake up from sleep."

Boluan Banxia said calmly.

"That's good."

The big villain nodded.

He seemed to be delighted by the good news from His Royal Highness the Eldest Princess.

But anyone can see that he doesn't think it's a good thing that the distance is simple.

"You have heard what my elder brother said when he came to Yue Palace. The demon court army will launch a big offensive against Gubei Mansion in the next few days. How are you going to deal with it?"

Xia Yaonv asked calmly, she was still standing not far from Zhao thief, and had no intention of sitting down.

"Don't say that."

The little father-in-law reached out to pull her into his arms.

After being held by him, Banxia still resisted a bit, but the will to resist was basically zero.

His Royal Highness took the beauty into his arms, lowered his head habitually and buried his face in her hair, sniffing the fragrance lightly.

"We are going to be separated for a while this time... Will Your Highness miss me?"

He leaned against the princess's crystal clear ear and said.

"I have no experience with this kind of thing."

Boluan Banxia replied unhurriedly.

"It cannot be ruled out that what you said will happen to me."

The villain bit his lips, dissatisfied with her answer, and bit her flawless white neck as punishment.

"Your Highness can be more affectionate to me! You have to embrace me excitedly and kiss my lips affectionately."

Zhao Cuo put forward the request with a serious face, the main thing is that he is unreasonable and difficult to force others.

In fact, he could also realize that Her Royal Highness's attitude towards him has not changed much from before the meeting, and has always been lukewarm.

For them, it should be said that they have been honest with each other, but he can feel that Ban Xia's heart is not really close to him.

"Hmm..." Her sky-blue clear vertical pupils were filled with gentleness and calmness, "Is that what you mean?"

Xia Yaonv raised a pair of flawless jade arms and hugged his waist.

She calmly leaned forward and kissed the young man on the lips.

This superficial comfort obviously couldn't satisfy him.

"No, I didn't feel your enthusiasm, you can still love me more."

General Zhao frowned sternly, and Boluan Banxia looked at him peacefully without responding.

"You want to say no? It doesn't matter, I will teach you."

The villain suddenly held her face gently again.

He sealed the ruddy lips of His Royal Highness the Princess with a serious face.

The blue eyes of the silver-haired demon girl gradually became moist, allowing him to do whatever he wanted seemed to be devoted to it.

"Have you learned it?" Zhao thief raised his head after a while, and met her with gentle eyes, connecting the two of them crystally, "This time it's you~"

Xia Yaonv stared intently at his face, then suddenly raised her arms around his waist and hooked them around his neck.

She obviously put more force on the young man's mouth... Huh?

The corner of Zhao Cuo's mouth unconsciously wanted to turn up but couldn't.

"Not bad!"

He approvingly looked at the beautiful face in front of him, which was once again separated by a palm.

"Your Highness is a quick learner. You may be very talented in this area, a genius!"

Prince Zhao seems to be praising a good student who studies hard, and he is not stingy with compliments, but Ban Xia is not happy about it.

"Are you praising me?" She looked at Mr. Zhao calmly, "I can't bear such a high reputation."

"Why should you take yourself lightly?"

The little father-in-law was serious and authentic.

"I believe that in time, you will be able to achieve something in this way, and then my brother and I will fall into your hands."

The eldest princess stopped talking, and looked at him peacefully, there seemed to be a little bit of dangerous fluctuation in her eyes.

"Let's do it again~"

"This is the main hall for discussion... Let's go to the bedroom."

"No, I just like this place, it's a good place to teach you..."

General Zhao is not only good at being a father, but also good at being a teacher.Boluan Pinellia was eager to learn, so he generously taught until dawn.

With the rapid progress and the red sun hanging in the sky, they finally reached the moment of parting.

The two of them had no intention of being inseparable in the hall.

"Do not move."

Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess opened his raised hand.

She bowed her head as usual, and tied his belt unhurriedly, like a wife sending her husband off to war.

The villain refused to obey, he raised his hand again, this time he smoothly wrapped his arms around her graceful waist.The silver-haired witch raised her face and looked at him without saying a word.

"Go." She said calmly after a while, "I will contact you as soon as there is a situation here."

"it is good."

Zhao Cuo nodded seriously.

He didn't intend to take back the hand he held around her waist.

Xia Yaonv didn't urge him, her beautiful sky blue eyes were still calm, and she didn't move after last night.

"If you want me, of course it doesn't matter if you don't want to. I don't know if you want me or not, so I will pretend that you always think about me."

The little father-in-law looked down at her exquisite face, and he couldn't help laughing as he spoke, as if he thought his words were funny.

Ban Xia didn't respond, she looked at him without blinking her eyes, and she didn't express anything at this moment of parting.

He also stopped talking, and raised his hand with warm eyes, caressing her fair cheek gently and carefully.


There was a sound of soft footsteps outside the hall.

His Royal Highness Guan Wang didn't look up when he heard the voice, he knew who was coming, and the eldest princess didn't make a sound.

He didn't want to be inseparable from this time when he could foresee the day of goodbye, so he finally lowered his head and kissed her on the brow, and then on her lips.

"I'm leaving, you have to take care of yourself, I will give you a medical examination next time we meet."

Prince Zhao smiled and pinched her delicate cheek.

"You also remember what you said now."

Boluan Banxia finally spoke.

"What I want to say has been finished by you."

She is not arrogant, she can openly express what she thinks in her heart, many times she doesn't say it because she thinks it is unnecessary.

"Huh? Your Highness is really a genius. You can learn how to seduce yourself without a teacher."

Zhao Cuo froze for a moment and then nodded in approval.

"I can make your heart pound like a deer just by repeating what you said?"

Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess tilted her head inadvertently. She had rare doubts, but she was not looking for an answer when she asked casually.

"Yes and no, this method is only useful this time, and you will have to change your speech in a while."

The little father-in-law said without changing his face.

Xia Yaonv nodded but did not answer.

General Zhao pinched his hands on her cheeks, and pulled them lightly to the left and right, making a slight smile appear on her usually bland face.

"Okay, I'm leaving. I hope you can tell me the good news that I'm pregnant when we meet next time."

The villain finally kissed her cheek.

He took the golden moon princess who was waiting anxiously outside the hall, got up and left the king's tent, and Dingbei Pass was just below.

Zhao Cuo arrived at his mansion in the city silently under the escort of the saint. At this time, the sky was already bright, and this border city, which is very important to Dayu, was waking up.

"I've been away for nearly a month, but when I come back, let's wait for Wang Cheng to come over first."

The little father-in-law let out a sigh of relief and sat down in the lobby of the mansion.

He closed his eyes a little tiredly, and the nerves that had been tense all this time were completely relaxed at this time, and he felt a little drowsy for a while.

During the night in the king's tent, he and Ban Xia worked day and night, and the sleepiness had accumulated up to this time.He wanted to call Xiao Biezhi out while he was sleepy, but he held back.

"It's only been a few days since I went to Xianchan City. Most of the time I spent in Yue Palace with the eldest princess. It's probably because of this that she hasn't shown up..."

General Zhao knew that Boluan Banxia would block the energy when he was with him.

Chu Guoshi and the others could feel their presence, but they couldn't see exactly what he and His Highness the Princess were doing, but they could guess roughly.

Master Guo Shi is probably still annoyed at him at the moment, she has not come out in the city of Chan Chan for three or four days, presumably there is also a reason for this.Xiao Biezhi didn't want to flirt with him outside, but generally speaking, he wouldn't ignore him for several days in a row.

"Your Highness..." Prince Zhao heard a gentle and mature voice in a half-dream and half-awake state, "May I help you go back to the house to rest?"

This cautious and tense question indicates the insecurity and helplessness of the speaker.

"...I didn't sleep."

Zhao Cuo was stunned for a moment before looking up.

A glamorous lady in a water-colored robe came into his eyes, and his eyes were instantly taken away by the plump and plump pear-shaped figure. The curves of the woman's figure are the most exciting for young people.

She has dark blue soft and beautiful long hair in a shawl, and a mature face that is fairer and more profound than that of a human woman, showing an exotic style. Those amber almond eyes seem to contain a pool of autumn water, charming and moving. The extravagance that cannot be ignored makes her look soft, lovely and dignified.

"Is the general tired? If you don't give up, the concubine can serve in front of the bed."

Youwan lowered his head and whispered under his gaze.

She acted respectfully without losing the dignity of a lady, and what she said was serving by the bed, not on the bed.

General Zhao paused for a moment and then nodded calmly. The performance of the witch princess at this time can indeed be called all-round and exquisite. She knows that her destiny is already in his hands, so she is respectful and smart.

"Your Highness, you don't have to do this. You have contributed to me by donating the gold moon talisman earlier, so I will not make things difficult for you."

The little father-in-law showed kindness to her.

The eldest princess of the Golden Moon Khanate wanted to plot against him before, so she did not hesitate to betray her appearance, but he did not have any ill feeling towards her.

What he was dissatisfied with was Kuang Yi, the general of the witch tribe, who caused him and Banxia to fall into trouble. They wandered in the mountains and forests of the Golden Moon Khanate for half a month, and almost died at the hands of the great sage of the monster tribe. This is a terrible hatred.

"The general's heart is kind. First, he protected my concubine from being insulted by thieves and bandits in the demon court, and now she has the grace to take her in..."

She looked at Zhao Cuo with misty amber eyes.

"This kind concubine must repay this kindness."

Prince Zhao smiled and waved his hands.

"Your Highness is serious."

He said calmly.

"This general is just trying his best."

Listening to what he said, You Wan bowed and saluted again, her soft and beautiful face was flushed when she lowered it, she didn't know what she thought of.

General Zhao could guess what she was thinking. At this moment, he was either scolding him for hypocrisy in his heart, or he was not as bright and upright as he was before he was slandering him.

He can't blame Her Royal Highness, after all, he did eat a lot of meat from her before, and now he can recall the feeling of the upturned body behind her.

"Don't be humble, general. Your kindness to our Golden Moon Khanate is like mountains and seas. My concubine and husband will definitely repay your kindness after the war."

The little father-in-law couldn't help raising his eyebrows when he heard Kuang Yi mentioned.

"is it?"

There was a hint of malice in his tone.

The eldest princess of the Golden Moon Khanate bowed her head quickly after reading out the emotions he showed.

Fate cannot be controlled by others, she was doomed to be dominated by others from the moment her country was ruined and her family was destroyed. Now the person who controls her life has changed from the princess of the demon court to the general of Dayu.

"The general has never lost a single battle in the world. This time, he will surely defeat the demon court. With your brilliance, our witch clan can also restore our country in the extreme north. The concubine's husband will serve the general with all his strength."

You Wan lowered her head and bit her lower lip and said, she is in the same difficult situation as the Wu Clan at this time, and whether the Golden Moon Khanate can be rebuilt after the war depends on Dayu's face.

"Has Your Highness always remembered the kindness towards this general?"

Zhao Cuo suddenly smiled.

He really didn't want to hear Her Royal Highness mentioning Kuang Yi again and again.

Not to mention being annoying, he didn't want his anger to be aroused, and it is a taboo for military strategists to control the army with anger.

"Yes..." Princess Jinyue said with her heart skipping a beat, "The great general's concubine will never be forgotten."

"Your Highness is a sensible person." The young man praised, "It is a virtue to know how to repay kindness."

'You blackmail En Tu Bao? '

Youwan's face suddenly turned pale.

"Your Highness, would you like to simply repay this general first?"

His Royal Highness Guan Wang spoke softly and authentically.

"How dare you not report it?"

The princess of the witch tribe lowered her head even lower.

She is still clear about her own beauty, and if she can keep her innocence in the hands of thieves, I am afraid that even her husband will not agree with her.

It is true to say so, but if she has a choice, she does not want to commit herself to Zhao Cuo. After all, she cannot stay in Dayu, and she will still return to the Jinyue Khanate in the future.

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