Chapter 534

Before a scout came to the army, he dismounted and knelt down on one knee in front of Zhao Cuo.

"Report to the general! The enemy has begun to retreat on a large scale, and even the garrison in Donghe Town is gradually retreating. Only a few small teams are still circling around the pass, unable to feign an attack."

"Investigate again and report again!" Prince Zhao calmly turned to look at the generals beside him, "Liu Yi, the general of the Northern Army, obeys orders."

"Pass down the general's military order, the cavalry immediately go out of the city to pursue the enemy, and the infantry follow."

The fierce and turbulent sound of horseshoes exploded in Dingbei Pass, and the four gates of the pass opened with a bang, and the army rushed out like a tide.

"I am not prepared to attack the enemy this time, and it will not be a problem to disperse most of the [-]-odd army of the Demon Court. After that, it will depend on what Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess wants to do."

General Zhao also went out of the city with the army. Of course, he could not charge forward, but led an army to supervise the battle behind the main force.

He looked around, and what he saw was the blue sky and the gray-green grassland, which were endless.

The densely packed soldiers are as insignificant as worker ants swarming out of the boundless land.

"What will Ban Xia be doing at this time?"

The little father-in-law whispered to himself.

He knew that the eldest princess would not wait any longer.

If there is no accident, she will attack the demon emperor within a few days.


"General Taicha!" The Wu clan general who was leading the retreat of the army glared at the spies who rushed forward, "Come quickly if you have anything to do."

"Yu Ting's army has come out in full force! It is currently engaged in battle with our army's rear, and the rear army was caught off guard and almost defeated!"

"What?" Tai Cha was stunned. It was hard for him to imagine that the Northern Army of Dayu dared to take the initiative to attack after retreating for several months. The sheep were going to eat the wolves? "impossible……"

His hand holding the rein trembled slightly, his eyes were full of suffocation, and he gritted his teeth and murmured.

"That Liu Yi is so decisive?"

It's not that Taicha didn't think about being attacked by the enemy when it was withdrawing.

He retreated suddenly this time, the day before he was attacking the city aggressively, but today the whole army retreated.

If the enemy retreats for no reason, no experienced general will rush forward, lest he fall into the enemy's trick to lure the enemy.Dayu dared to attack so resolutely, there was only one answer.

"Ah! There is a secret operation in our demon court. Dayu must have known about the rebellion in the Jinyue Khanate in advance."

General Taicha grinned and gritted his teeth.


A silver-haired middle-aged man rode over.

"Yu's army made a big attack, and the people behind us have almost been scattered. You, the general, give orders to respond to the enemy!"

The person who came was the enemy of the Demon Emperor, Prince Zuo of the Demon Court who had been placed in the hands of Zhao Cuo. He was only a warlord at this time because he had suffered a defeat.

"It's too late! The enemy army came suddenly, and we can't fight the enemy with the whole army now."

Taicha said with an uncertain face.
The Yu army had already seized the opportunity, but the army of the demon court was already tired from the siege for several days, and their morale was low due to the retreat.

He knew that this time it was over, and all he could do now was to reserve a part of his troops to face the enemy and cover the retreat of the main force. It was impossible to fight back, so he could only try his best to preserve his strength.

"Go and send my military order to General Butu, let him lead his soldiers to turn around and face the enemy, and stop Yu Bing."

He made a quick judgment.

"It's all over..."

After hearing this, Prince Zuo also read in a daze.

"Brother, I'm afraid it's hard to say whether Khan's position can be secured this time."

Soldiers are a major event for the country. A foreign war waged with the power of the whole country ended in failure, and there are rebellions in the rear. This will shake the foundation of the country.

The demon court is not a one-word hall of their Boluan family. There are demon saints in all major tribes, and they also have a considerable right to speak.

This time, I am afraid that the world will be turned upside down.



It's getting late.

With a ruddy complexion, Liu Yi rode his horse to Zhao Cuo.

His face was full of joy that broke out after months of suffering.

"The army of the demon court has scattered and fled in all directions, without a trace. The exact number of enemies killed and captured today is still being counted."

Lord Zhao nodded, his face was also full of enthusiasm at this time, and this big victory that could decide the outcome of the battle also lifted his spirits.

This experience of the demon court must have severely damaged its vitality, and it is impossible to cause wars in a short period of time, and Dayu may really be at peace.

What he cares most about right now is Boluan Banxia's thoughts, if it weren't for her, he would probably go straight to the city of Lianchan now.

"Without Pinellia, I wouldn't have won today, why hasn't she come to see me?"

General Zhao frowned after a short period of joy.

He now desperately wants to know the next step.

What does the eldest princess want to do?


Liu Yi rode his horse and followed behind him.

"Our army has almost disabled the main force of the demon court. It is impossible for them to recover in a short time. The demon royal court is not far away..."

His eyes were full of enthusiasm, and he planted the battle flag on the city of Chan Chan, which was a supreme honor for any general of Dayu, enough to be famous and sung through the ages.

"General Liu, it is a matter of great importance to the military, and we should guard against arrogance and impetuosity."

The little father-in-law is gentle and authentic.

"I don't know how many generals throughout the ages have suffered from underestimating the enemy."

Liu Zongbing was startled for a moment, then lowered his head, and said respectfully.

"The general's lesson is that the victory of this battle is due to you alone."

The demon court retreated because Zhao mistakenly united with the Wu clan, and the northern and southern armies were able to attack in time, relying on the news of Prince Zhao.

"I don't dare to take the credit, it's all thanks to the soldiers who charged forward. Send the order to set up camp fifty miles forward, this general will make his own decision."

He was waiting for the news from the demon girl. The war between the two countries had reached the most critical moment, and the demon court was in a state of life and death.

"Ban Xia..."


"What are you talking about, nearly half of the army was killed or injured? Why didn't Taicha die!"

In the City of Cicada, the Demon Emperor looked at the messenger kneeling in the hall, and questioned with incredible anger.

"What the hell is going on! Let me tell you in detail, where did the southward army retreat to at this time?"

There were bloodshot eyes in his eyes, and a feeling of rain was about to engulf him. The responsibility for the failure of the war should be attributed to him, the initiator.

"To the Great Khan, General Taicha is stationing his army in the pastoral area of ​​the Yuanluo tribe at this time. He wants to ask the Great Khan whether he should lead the troops to the Golden Moon Khanate to suppress the rebellion at this time. ..."

Yaoting Dahan sat back on his seat with a blank expression on his face. He instantly understood how serious the situation was at the moment, and the overthrow of the Yaoting was imminent.

'Did Gu lose his bet by choosing to go south? '

He clenched his fists.

He knew what to do at this time, the witch clan's rebellion must be suppressed, otherwise the demon court would be under the enemy's back.

If the 20 troops in Taicha's hands were safe, he could calmly deal with that Kuang Yi, and even fantasized about going south again. However, what he has to consider now is how to hold the City of Cicada while pacifying the Jinyue Khanate.

"A single letter, you send it to Taicha and Prince Zuo immediately, and let them obey orders."

Boluan made a decision within a moment of panting.

He wanted Taicha to lead an army of more than [-] people who had not been dispersed to the aid of the Jinyue Khanate, and ordered Prince Zuo to collect the fleeing soldiers and return to defend the city of Cicada.

According to him, with the 7 guards in the city and the remnants of the defeated generals, it would not be a problem to get together [-] to [-] troops, and then order all the ministries to send troops, and the internal and external forces should be able to repel the Yu army.

"Is this lonely life going to be wasted?" The demon emperor closed his eyes unwillingly, "If so, there is no need to sit in this seat..."

He ascended to the throne in order to establish immortality.

With the situation at this stage, he may no longer be able to convince the crowd in the clan, and his unification of the world has become a dream.

Thinking of this, he suddenly felt disheartened, suddenly lost his way forward, and lived a life of mediocrity, which was not what he wanted.

"Ban Xia, did you betray Gu? What exactly did you think of..."


"Why don't you come to see me?"

Zhao Cuo, wearing only inner armor, was gnawing steamed buns in the military tent.

He frowned, and for a moment he felt that the pickles on the table were tasteless in his mouth, and wanted someone to show him the way forward.

According to his calculation, the eldest princess should come to see him tonight to discuss the way forward, but she didn't come, where is she?

"If she doesn't come tonight, I will order an army to march towards the city of Chan Chan tomorrow. The demon court will no longer have the ability to fight head-on with the northern and southern armies in a short time."

The little father-in-law made up his mind, he always had a feeling that something was wrong, everything went too smoothly.The outcome of the war is already in his hands, but it is Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess of the Demon Court who really promotes all this.

He trusts Boluan Banxia, ​​because she has given the initiative to him, and at this moment he is invincible no matter what...

How will the witch achieve her goal?

"Prince Yu?"

After receiving the demon emperor's edict, Prince Zuo immediately led a remnant army to gather up the scattered troops. He was also stunned when he saw the silver-haired boy approaching suddenly.

"Didn't you always sit in Jinyue Khanate with the eldest princess? When did you come back? The Great Khan sent a letter. He didn't say that he would send you over, but is there any urgent news?"

He is the younger brother of Yaoting Great Khan, and Prince Yu is the brother of the late emperor, the most respected saint in the royal family.


Prince Yu, who looked like a boy, called him by his name kindly.

"You lead troops away all the year round, but Uncle Wang is less close to you. Now you call me a title when you see me?"

"Uh..." Prince Zuo suddenly looked embarrassed, and suddenly showed vigilance, he squeezed the rein tightly and said, "Uncle Wang is here to catch up with me?"

He instinctively felt that something was wrong, when did this happen, the royal court's downfall was imminent.

"you have grown up."

Prince Yu sighed lightly.

"What's the matter with you? The Golden Moon Khanate is in chaos. Uncle Wang probably didn't come back without permission!"

Prince Zuo's tone also became more impolite. He still knew the severity of the moment when the country was about to perish.

"Sulfur, you should also understand that after our family has gone through this catastrophe, the position of the Great Khan is no longer stable, right?"

The young prince wants to see him poorly.


After being stunned for a moment, Prince Zuo looked at him in disbelief.

"Uncle Wang, aren't you! You still want to fight for that position when you're old?"

Prince Yu's smile didn't change, he floated in mid-air like a banished immortal, and spoke calmly.

"This king has no intention of assuming the throne, but the sweat has no children, and that position cannot be given to others."

"You mean..."

Prince Zuo was immediately moved.

"Nephew, can you try?"

The silver-haired boy immediately sneered.

"I am ordered by His Royal Highness the Eldest Princess to ask Prince Zuo to lead troops to serve the king and protect the royal court!"

"Sister?" Prince Zuo opened his mouth wide in astonishment, he didn't know what to say for a while, and then said with a serious face, "What if I don't follow?"

"What will Ban Xia do with her?"

He narrowed his eyes.

The eyes of the uncle and nephew met.

Prince Yu clapped his hands and smiled lightly.

"You are just one of King Qin's army. If you don't follow, the nearest Yuanluo tribe leader will kill the courtier on behalf of the eldest princess."

Prince Zuo's expression suddenly changed, he realized that his sister was not interested in that position temporarily, but had planned it for a long time.

The demon court is composed of major tribes and small tribes, the Yuanluo tribe is a big tribe, and her loyalists are probably far more than this one tribe.

However, if you want that position, you don't have to have soldiers, you need the support of the great saints in the clan.

"Uncle Wang is not alone, is he?"

He said after a moment of silence.

"The eldest princess is what everyone expects."

Prince Yu said without hesitation.

"Okay, this king obeys orders, and His Royal Highness the Eldest Princess ordered troops to serve the king."

Prince Zuo nodded without hesitation and said, he and Ban Xia are also brothers and sisters, so it is not difficult to make this decision.

After all, the Demon Emperor really couldn't sit firmly in that position this time, and it would be good for him if the eldest princess ascended the throne.

In this way, the big position is still in their hands, and the fat and water will not flow into the fields of outsiders.



Passed away without a sound overnight.

The morning sun once again lit up the City of Cicadas.

Boluan, who had been sitting on the throne for a day, opened his eyes panting.

"Come here." He whispered, "Is there a military report?"

"Report to the profuse sweat."

A respectful voice sounded after a while.

"It's still early, and the scouts haven't returned yet. Your edict from last night has already been sent out."

"Hmm..." The Demon Emperor replied calmly and closed his eyes again, "If there is a military report, please send it to me as soon as possible."

In just one night, exhaustion was already written on his rough and heroic face, which should not be the way a saint should behave.

"As ordered!"

Yaoting Khan sat quietly in the hall.

He suddenly felt that the flow of time slowed down on him, every moment was so clear, and the days seemed like years.

While he deliberately let go of his thoughts, a day or two passed. He thought that Taicha had already led his troops to the Golden Moon Khanate, and Prince Zuo was coming back. Everything was not too bad.

"This time, I should retire, right? Is this position for Quan Xia or Liu Zhi?"

Boluan gasped and whispered silently.

He has never felt that living is so boring. If he can't rule the world, he doesn't want to waste his life on the throne.

If there is still a chance to go south in his lifetime, he will take the position of Khan no matter what, but unfortunately he will not, the new dynasty of the human race will be established, and he will not live to the end of the next dynasty.

"Report! Prince Zuo and the princes of other ministries have come with troops, and will soon arrive at the Holy City..."

The demon emperor widened his tiger eyes, no!The major tribes have also sent troops?
"Who caused the disturbance?"

(End of this chapter)

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