Chapter 69

'Are you apologetic? '

Feeling the delicate touch and temperature of the warm little hands in sight, Zhao Cuo's annoyance gradually calmed down, knowing that it was unprecedented for this woman to say such words.

"How dare I get angry with your empress..."

Zhao Xiaogong lowered his head and spoke in a lukewarm tone.


The Empress Dowager Zhao let out a displeased snort.

"Aren't you satisfied after talking to you like this?"

While she was speaking, she suddenly raised Zhao Cuo's cheek with both hands.

"What are you doing with your head down all the time? Will I still eat you? At least not yet."

"My lady..."

Zhao Cuo looked at the picturesque face in the steaming hot fog, like the green water and green mountains under the misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River. At this moment, he felt that the arrogant and hateful smile on the corner of her mouth was so beautiful.

"So cute."

The Empress Dowager laughed softly, seeing the nervous but still calm look in the boy's eyes, she couldn't help but put her white and tender forehead close to his forehead.

"Now you look down at this palace and don't ask about your crimes."

She gently teased Zhao Cuo, who had very regular eyes.

"Don't dare to offend the empress."

Zhao Cuo felt the temperature from her forehead.

The dispirited young man's body is already persuading him to admit defeat.

But not being confused by this woman's beauty was the last stubbornness he could not compromise.

"What a proud child." The Empress Dowager Zhao looked at him with a smile on her face, her pale golden phoenix eyes blinked, "I'm almost done bathing, can you help me get dressed?"

' And then gouging out my eyes, huh? '

Knowing her femme fatale, Zhao Cuo turned his head and kept silent.

"Just kidding."

The empress dowager stretched out her hand to caress his hair with a smile like a flower.

"I said before that when you grow up a bit, I will just endure it for a while longer. You come in, Feiwu."

Zhao Cuo couldn't figure out what she was thinking.

Consciously turn your back and walk a few steps away.

The sound of water and the slight movement of the cloth touching the delicate skin came to his ears.

"Let's go."

Before Young Master Zhao could react, he felt his hand being held up by a catkin with a temperature he was familiar with, and the female devil had walked to his side at some point.

"Where are you going?"

Zhao Cuo subconsciously turned his head to look, and the empress dowager, who had already put on the iconic black chest-length skirt, appeared in his eyes. Her skin flushed from the steam made her look like a lotus.

The girlish shapely, well-proportioned and beautiful figure is touching.

It's just that the arrogance on her steamy face makes people unable to have a good impression.

"Of course it's Chaotian Palace."

According to the cool opening on the back.

Zhao wrongly opened his mouth and wanted to ask what happened to let Manchao Wenwu enter the palace at this time.

But seeing that the woman was in a bad mood, he still shut his mouth wisely.

'Are you taking me to court like this to declare to the world that I am your lover? '

Zhao Cuo followed her out of the East Palace a little uncomfortable. Fortunately, before they were seen by outsiders, they sat on the phoenix chariot and walked towards the Chaotian Palace built by Emperor Taizu Dayu when he founded the country.

After coming to this court meeting place, he once again realized the power of the current empress dowager.

This woman directly occupied the dragon chair and listened to the government behind the curtain!

"You sit here."

After the queen mother took him into the curtain, she sat down in the big seat lightly, and then pointed to the cushion under the side and said to Zhao Cuo.


Zhao Xiaogong, who felt a little strange, sat down as he said.

"Xuanbai officials go to the palace."

The empress dowager said coldly with no expression on her face.

"Go up!"

The eunuch's energetic singing sounded outside the bead curtain.

The sound of dense footsteps instantly echoed in the hall.

Zhao Cuo vaguely saw the darkness through the hazy curtain. The respectful gestures of this group of people made his position awe-inspiring and inviolable. The majesty of the Tian family reached its peak when they saluted together.

"I will pay my respects to the Empress Dowager!"

The Empress Dowager Dayu sat on the dragon chair without saying a word, all the civil and military officials of her highness lowered their brows and bowed their backs in silence, the air froze for a while.

"Come on."

After a while, she spoke calmly.

"Picked off the official uniform of Cui Jing, Minister of the Household Department, for this palace."

"The guilty minister must die!"

An old voice choked with sobs came from below, and a figure knelt down straight, allowing the imperial guards with swords to take off the purple robe.

'Directly attack the Minister of Finance? '

Zhao Cuo's eyelids twitched.

How big of a deal is it that Shangshu is about to lose his black hat?

He glanced at the Ming Palace and found that the Dragon Vein Worm was lying sickly on the ground.

'God help me too! '

Grandpa Zhao was a little surprised for a moment, he turned his head and glanced at the empress dowager, the cold look in his eyes made him understand that Xiang Jing was about to change this time.

"Since the first emperor became seriously ill in Anhe 35, the palace has coordinated with various parties to stabilize the overall situation, reformed the administration of officials and restored people's livelihood. During this period, many local governments owed taxes and money. For this reason, the palace has repeatedly reduced taxes."

The Queen Mother spoke slowly.

"Four years ago, when He Qing Haiyan first came to an end, the palace sent officials to the various government offices to recover the money owed over the years. Although there were many obstacles, the national treasury was gradually enriched until the late emperor passed away a year later."

Her tone gradually became harsher.

"Two unfaithful and unfilial people successively ascended to the throne of God, and the water in the capital was turbid for a while! Unexpectedly, two years later, it is still a miasma."

The Empress Dowager Dayu stood up with a sneer, the turbulent pressure pervaded her body like the waves rolled up by the sea when it was angry, so that no one in His Highness looked up.

"In the past three years, there have been local taxpayers who have not paid taxes and have been transported to Beijing, and they are hunting near the frozen river. The household department actually said that the treasury is empty, and where did the money go! It seems that this palace just healed the limbs and hurt the heart and lungs!"

Hearing the empress dowager scolding the ministers angrily, Zhao Cuo roughly understood what was going on. If nothing else, it would be a huge corruption case!

The Empress Dowager Zhao abolished two emperors in a row, which made her rule unstable in the past two years.

The decline of her control over Xiang Jing caused the rapid corruption of the power center of Dayu State, which was already about to collapse.

'But did this female devil really only discover the problem now?Is it because her power has reached its peak again in the past two years, so she wants to take this opportunity to carry out a big cleansing? '

"You guys are smart."

A booklet appeared in Bai Nen's small hand of the empress dowager.

"Cui Jing, Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, borrowed 5000 taels of silver from the imperial court in May of the first year of Yongzhao, but he did not ask for his own approval; Shi Wencong, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, has borrowed 48 taels of silver from the treasury since Anhe 2 years ago; Jing Zhaoyin Yang Jing..."

After reading it, she directly smashed the memorial in her hand to the outside of the bead curtain!
"You ministers are still using borrowed names. How many small officials below are greedy for Mo's money openly and secretly? You are forcing me to kill people!"

(End of this chapter)

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