Chapter 7 Madam, You Sit

Boluan Banxia gritted his teeth, closed his eyes and tried his best to suppress the poisonous poison in his body, he was both shocked and angry!
What kind of poison did Zhao mistakenly lay down?Even she could barely resist, luckily she only drank a small cup, if the dose was bigger, she might not even be able to maintain her body, and she would show her original shape directly.

Humans will never be allowed to see her appearance...

"Jie Jie Jie!"

Zhao Cuo stared at Xia Yaonv for a long time, seeing that her face was gradually pale, her body was stiff and unable to move, with a weak posture that could be manipulated by others, which made him unable to help but let out a disgusting laugh on purpose.

But after laughing like this a few times, he felt that his identity was humiliated again, so he quickly restrained Yan Yi.

Pros and villains can't be mistaken!

With a smile on the corner of Zhao Cuo's mouth, he walked slowly to the silver-haired witch standing on the table, and unceremoniously raised his hand to pinch her shiny and fair chin.

Xia Yaonv's closed eyes are obviously fighting against the toxins in her body, right?Although this is futile, it is better not to give her a chance to be prudent.

It's always good to be extra careful.

"you wanna die?"

Boluan Banxia reluctantly opened his eyes, already furious in his heart!It was with great difficulty that she suppressed the toxins that had invaded her body. Maintaining her current body had exhausted her full strength, and she was completely unable to fight back.

The light blue eyes that look like Qingyun coming out of Xiuxiu can really speak. She looked at Zhao Cuo with cold eyes, which conveyed the thoughts in her heart very well.

Mr. Zhao Xiaogong read the words "you are dead" from his wife's eyes.

"How dare you speak hard when you are about to die?"

Zhao Cuo frowned. The arrogance of this witch is really inexplicable. By now, she should understand that the only way to go is to die, right?
He didn't know that he was pinching the chin of a great sage of the demon clan, and he chuckled lightly, and slightly raised his hands, causing the demon girl's face to look up.

This is totally teasing!
"Are you putting your life and death at risk, or are you confident? Do you still have a means of escape?"

'Just give me another half an hour to refine the poison in the body... If it doesn't work, use the fierce Gu. '

Boluan Banxia had no expression on his face, ignored his words, and kept telling himself to keep calm in his heart.

In this short period of time, she has already figured out the poison she was poisoned, and it is still within the controllable range for her, but she must not drink a second glass of poisoned wine.

For now, she still has the capital to directly flip the table, but the price to be paid is too heavy, and she doesn't want to make that move until the last moment. Delaying time is the best way.

"not talking?"

Zhao Cuo looked at her star-like eyes with a calm expression. He remembered that the effect of Xianxing Powder was two hours, so don't worry.

There is still more than half of the wine in the jug, just to be on the safe side, you can pour a glass for the witch every half an hour to make sure nothing will go wrong.

Robustness is the basic quality of contemporary travelers!

"First of all, I will not let you go. You should be prepared, right?"

Zhao Cuo continued to look at her, trying to find panic from those pure eyes like mountain streams, but unfortunately he didn't.

But he believed that his eyes must not waver now.

It is impossible to be merciful just because this witch is good-looking.

"You said you didn't want to kill me before, but you just didn't want to do it, right? Just because you married into my Zhao family can kill me. If your purpose is to sneak into Suoyao City, then you want the heads of my whole clan." land."

"It really reassures me that the next generation in power of Zheng Guogong's mansion is someone as naive as you."

Boluan Banxia's vermilion and warm mouth outlined a mocking arc.

"Feel sorry."

Realizing that he had said a lot of nonsense, Zhao nodded wrongly, and gently let go of the demon girl's sharp chin, which felt great in the hand, and the pressure in his heart because he decided to put her to death disappeared.

"Standing is hard, isn't it?"

Zhao wrongly pulled a chair and put it behind her, smiled and raised his hand to press Boluan Banxia's fragrant shoulders, signaling her to relax a little.

"Ma'am, sit down."

"Don't call me that!"

Boluan Banxia frowned slightly, her body was completely unable to exert herself at this time, so she could only sit down under his pressure with a cold face.

"Also, please put away your gentle and polite face now."

She sneered again as she spoke, looked at Zhao Cuo with indifferent eyes, and laughed:
"You should be out of temper in your heart, right? Just show it, don't force yourself to pretend to be elegant and easy-going."

"Angry is punishing yourself with other people's mistakes. You and I have never met in life. Although you want to be unfavorable to my Zhao family, you must be dead tonight. I don't need to be angry with you. Seeing that you have just paid homage and you still For the sake of being so beautiful, I will give you something decent."

Zhao Cuo tried to make her relax her vigilance.


Boluan Banxia was startled when he heard his words, and then retorted shamelessly, his eyes in shallow sea tone were still cold.

"One more thing, what I said just now is only on the basis of you obediently cooperating with me."

Zhao Cuo snorted, turned around and walked into the dark room, and turned back with an iron chain glowing with cold light.

"If you don't want to be decent...I will help you to be decent!"

As he spoke, he began to circle around Boluan Banxia who was sitting on the chair, and the sound of the rings of the chain colliding with each other kept ringing, and after a while, the majestic monster sage was firmly bound on the back of the chair.


Zhao Cuo looked down at the expressionless Xia Yaonv from a high position.

"You can answer whatever I ask. It's okay if you confess honestly. If you dare to cheat, you can be careful!"


Boluan Banxia treated him coldly and didn't say a word, the atmosphere was awkward.

"What's your real name, how did you become Miss Xia's family? Has everyone in the Xia family been killed?"

Boluan Banxia didn't bother to talk to him anymore, he just closed his eyes and worked hard to refine the toxins in his body.

"Do you want me to execute the sentence?"

Zhao wrongly nodded.What he got in the lobby of the Ministry of Criminal Justice was a torture order. What is torture?
Torture and interrogation!

Extort a confession!

"Let me give you a taste first..."

Zhao Cuo turned his head and looked at the various instruments of torture in the dark room. His eyes were eager to try, but after a while, his expression changed to "subway old man's mobile phone".

He didn't take a closer look just now, but now he looks at the flickering things on the wall, and he feels that he has no way to start.

As a law-abiding citizen who used to live in a peaceful age, he can get an excellent score if he can not be moved by beauty just after time travel, right?But for him to torture a girl with a sensational instrument of torture...

(End of this chapter)

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