small business

Chapter 75 Multi-person Trial

Chapter 75 Multi-person Trial
No matter how dull Jin Xiaoxia was, she would definitely be able to see Han Yuxin's true attitude by now.

But she couldn't figure it out, she had spoken so clearly, how could Han Yuxin's attitude be like this?

Don't you say that rich people are more superstitious than anyone else?
How come this one is completely different?

Is there really no taboo against such an unlucky person as Yi Ming?

This is not reasonable.

There must be some reason she hadn't thought of yet!

Fei Yiban looked at Jin Xiaoxia's hesitation to speak, and said to her very politely: "Mrs. Village Chief, if you have any questions, you can find more people. Tomorrow afternoon, the soul of our Yijia Village will See you next."

As Fei Yiban said, he made a very gentlemanly gesture of invitation.

Right hand pointing to the door, left hand behind the back.

A starry smile hung on his face.

Fei Yiban was in such a good mood that he didn't even have the desire to beat Jin Xiaoxia.

"The whole family is crazy." Jin Xiaoxia left cursing.

The angrier she was when she left, the happier Fei Yiban was.

It was really as if he was insane, and he was so excited that he almost danced in the living room.


"Why did Da Fei ask Xiaoxia to ask her out?" Yi Ming asked after Jin Xiaoxia left.

"Let me show you the acting skills of director Fei Da." Fei Yiban only spoke half of the sentence, making it clear that he was starting to play tricks.

"What director? What acting skills?" Han Yuxin became excited one step earlier than Yi Ming, and asked, "Are there any good movies recently?"

"Of course!" Fei Yiban opened his mouth and came.

"Then let's go to the city to see it together?" Han Yuxin continued to be excited.

"Ms. Han, you have only been in Yijia Village for less than 12 hours. Why do you want to enter the city in such a hurry? Are you sure you can live in Yijia Village like this?" Fei Yiban said to Han Yuxin's behavior, questioned.

"Why not? Isn't it boring that I just came here? You don't have anything to do and you need my help with the bills. Then I have too much time. What's so strange if I want to go back and watch a good movie?"

Speaking of this, Han Yuxin patted her hand on her thigh, and suddenly thought of a very interesting and meaningful thing.

"Otherwise, let's record the songs that need to be recorded for the new access control system now."

Han Yuxin's excitement index continued to escalate after she made this proposal.

"Stop it, the song ordering system hasn't been installed yet, and the singing at this big night will definitely be complained about disturbing the people." Every capillary in Fei Yiban's body was frightened.

"I've inquired. There is no such problem in the countryside, and it's just after dinner time, and it's not the middle of the night. How can it be called a nuisance?"

"I don't care, I've just had enough to eat, so I'm too lazy to install the song-ordering system." For the happiness of his ears, Fei Yiban decided to forcefully smash it.

"Where is the song ordering system?" Before Yi Ming finished asking the question, he rolled up his sleeves, and said heroically, "I'll just pretend."

"You know how to decorate the song system?" Fei Yiban fell into deep doubt.

What he doubted was not Yi Ming's ability, but his auditory world that was about to be ravaged.

"Yes, I have worked in an audio store, the installation of the song order system, the wiring of HDMI, and how to install the best effect of 5.1 and 7.1 channels. I have read and studied all of these."


A girlfriend doesn't have to be so capable...

"I just don't want to sing today!" Fei Yiban didn't know what else he could do other than using the exclusive privileges of his own son and new boyfriend to play hooligans.

"No one asked you to sing!" Han Yuxin said with a little disgust: "I will hold a concert with Yi Yi, and you will be the audience next to me."

Fei Yiban looked at Yi Ming.

I hope that my girlfriend, who has already received a high-energy warning ahead, can reach a united front with me.

"With all the guests and audience, it must be a unique concert."

After all, you are too stupid and too young to think you can win.

Fei Yiban changed his strategy, and his feet were on his own legs. Can't he run if he can't win?

"Then you two sing, I'll go upstairs and get something." Fei Yiban said.

Ms. Han waved her hand and said to Fei Yiban without raising her head, "It doesn't matter if you have an audience or not."

Fei Yiban was irritated by Han Yuxin's perfunctory attitude.

Anyway, I gave birth to my only son for 22 years.

When other people's families die, they will have a daughter-in-law and forget their mother.

Fortunately, Ms. Han had a daughter-in-law who forgot her son!

Taipanban's anger index soared instantly.

In order to be able to escape from the scene before the concert started, he had to pretend not to notice the perfunctory tone in Ms. Han's tone.

Deaf ears are pure, as long as he goes upstairs and takes the earplugs, he can still wander in the ocean of constellations under the roof of the starry sky.

Thinking of the roof of the starry sky, such a question suddenly popped up in Fei Yiban's mind.

Did you miss any important information this afternoon?
After thinking about it, I didn't think of anything.

"Dafei, are you really going to let me install this system by myself?"

This is a question from Yi Ming.

The tone is very ordinary.

It's like taking a breath through your nose.

But Fei Yiban inexplicably heard a kind of coquettish meaning.

It was heard that every pore on his body expanded extremely after shrinking.

Every pore feels like taking 1 deep breaths.

A second ago, he was still running up three steps and two steps.

In the next second, he turned around and jumped, and slid down the handrail of the stairs.

At first glance, you can play parkour a lot.

"How can elegant ladies do the rough work of installing the song ordering system?" Fei Yiban rolled up his sleeves and said to Han Yuxin and Yi Ming: "You two wait on the sofa, I will install the song ordering system I'm calling you guys to come and sing again."

What is the highest state of ear happiness?
Is there anything else that has a higher happiness index than a girlfriend using a voice like the sounds of nature, acting like a baby to him and calling him Dafei?

Principles are meant to be broken.

What I said was used to slap my face.

Assuming he can block Ms. Han's voice and only listen to Yi Ming's singing, this night is still worth looking forward to.

Fei Yiban pulled out all the stops and listened to the two songs carefully.

Finally, when the third prelude sounded, he went up to the star room lightly.

This room is the highest point of the water pool villa. In order to create a sense of cosmic tranquility, Fei Yiban also specially installed sound insulation.

Fei Yiban couldn't help but think, if Jin Xiaoxia dared to come again next time, it would be better for him to ask Ms. Han to sing and entertain her than to resist the urge to beat someone up and ask someone out politely and gentlemanly.

Others ask for money for karaoke, but Ms. Han is desperate for karaoke.


Fei Yiban ran to the top floor in such a hurry.

Not only because he can't stand the noise made by Ms. Han, but also because he has more important things to do.

When making the starry sky roof, Fei Yiban bought a lot of decorative spotlights.

Various colors.

There are battery packs and direct charge packs.

All piled up in the storage space in the corner of the star room.

It was a hidden cabinet half the height of a person.

All the lights in the star room were turned on by Fei Yiban.

The whole room suddenly became bright as day.

Fei Yiban took out the easel from the hidden cabinet.

Take one from your sketchbook and start drawing on the drawing board.


Jin Xiaoxia is naturally not the kind of character who is willing to suffer.

After she left the water pool villa, she began to find the auntie and the auntie in black whom Fei Yiban had met at the village committee, and complained about what had happened to her.

What bad thoughts could the wife of the village head have?

She just hoped that the investors who came to the village with great difficulty would not be fooled by Caidie's rags.

Jin Xiaoxia thought about it seriously on the way back.

The attitudes of Fei Yiban and Han Yuxin must be superficial.

If she really had such a high degree of trust, that polite madman wouldn't let her find more people the next afternoon to expose Yi Ming's true face in front of the soul of Yi Family Village.

Jin Xiaoxia came to this conclusion based on many details.

Except what Fei Yiban himself said.

Jin Xiaoxia was fortunate enough to hear the older sister's singing that was even worse than directly chasing people away, which made Yi Ming retreat in spite of the difficulties.

Only bad things with evil intentions can sing along with the chorus under such circumstances.

The more Jin Xiaoxia thought about it, the more she felt that it made sense, and she began to mobilize all her "connections" in Yijia Village with great action, preparing to give Yi Ming a multi-person trial under the sacred tree in the afternoon of the next day.

 Today is short.

  For the first, second and tenth accounts that are making comments, remember to ask the operation officer to receive the exclusive 6.66.

  Good night & good morning.

(End of this chapter)

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