nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 15 The first confrontation between Jiang Muyan and Liu Shizhen

Chapter 15 The first confrontation between Jiang Muyan and Liu Shizhen
"Thanks a lot."

"Did it help Dr. Jiang's study?"

"Nai, it helped a lot."

In the corridor on the third floor connecting the medical technology building and the inpatient department, Jiang Muyan was talking with an old doctor with short silver hair and wearing the same white coat.

"Well, the form is neatly organized."

"For the appointment of the professor this time, the only thing left is the final interview."

Jiang Muyan showed a happy smile from the heart, "Guai, I will prepare well."

While talking with the dean, Jiang Muyan glanced casually at the window behind the dean, her whole body trembled slightly, and her smile slowly disappeared.

I saw a cervical spine fixation device on the neck outside, and a scarred little yellow hair was limping on the sidewalk downstairs directly opposite the window, limping and walking out in a panic.

Jiang Muyan tiptoed lightly, stretched her head involuntarily towards the head behind the dean and replied: "I will prepare well,"

Following her gaze, the dean turned slightly backwards, turned his hips, put his hands behind his back, and looked out frowning.

"Ah! Qiaosong, Mida, the patient is running away!"

"Is it a patient who ran away without paying after receiving treatment?"

"He ran away without receiving treatment!"

"If you're done,"

"Okay, hurry up and arrest people! You have to be cured. Compared with medical skills, benevolence is the right thing to do."

Jiang Muyan hurriedly smiled at the dean, and said anxiously: "Then I'll go first!" Then he bent down, bowed quickly to the dean, and quickly walked outside.

"Nurse Cui!"

As soon as the camera turned, in the ward, a short-haired little nurse walked into the ward, and quickly walked towards another nurse who was standing beside the bed where the thief had been lying before, and was looking dazed.

"Where did this patient go?"

"Huh? It was still there just now!"

"Ah! I really have to go!" As the voice came, the two turned their heads quickly and in unison, and saw with their faces confused (∑(Д)) that they were pushing a wheelchair towards this side Jiang Muyan.

It was the patient who had just escaped in the wheelchair.

The patient was paralyzed on the wheelchair, and said with a look of lovelessness: "I'm lying here, and the whole hospital will be turned upside down!"

"Did he escape?"

"And didn't you see it?" The older nurse looked at the shocked little nurse with capital letters all over her face speechlessly, and asked helplessly.

"Qiaosong, Mida..."

"I ran to the parking lot and saw that his ankle was swollen a lot."

"Ah! It's really suffocating!"

"If the big brothers find out, I won't continue to lie in this emergency room, but I will have to lie in a small box!"

"What right does your hospital have to detain me! Shouldn't it be voluntary for the client to leave or not!"

Jiang Muyan put her left hand on the patient's right shoulder, lowered her head and said to him, "It's not that you have rights, but that you have obligations, patient."

"If you want to leave, you must first fill out the agreement to refuse treatment, and then go to the hospital affairs department to pay the treatment fee before leaving."


When the patient heard this, he stood up excitedly from the wheelchair: "Why should I pay? I didn't do anything well when I came here!"

"You have received the doctor's treatment, and you must pay the medical fee."

"What if I don't pay?"

"Then you can only call the police"

"(⊙o⊙) Wow, these people are really! Ah! I know, I know! Anyway, my friend is coming! Before he comes, I can just lie here!"

"Your bed is over there, patient."

"Ah! I'm going to the bathroom! The bathroom!"

"Do you think I'll believe it?"

"I'm not short of your medical expenses." Then he took out the mobile phone and stuffed it into Jiang Muyan's hand, "Can I entrust you with the mobile phone! It's a hospital that doesn't care! Let me go!"

Shaking off the nurse's hand, he walked out of the ward.

Jiang Muyan had this expression at this time (╰(‵ ′)╯), her small chest was about to shrink back in anger, and she said to the two nurses angrily, "Wow! That little one is really Yes!" At this moment, the mobile phone that had just been stuffed into her hand rang.

"Jingle bell~!"

Jiang Muyan glanced at the phone, and found the words "Big Boss" written on the screen, and frowned.

"Boss? How funny!" Looking at the phone, he sneered, "These guys have to be sent to the army to wake up!"

Immediately hung up the phone, put the phone in the pocket of the white coat, "Go to work!"


"This kid has never answered the phone!"

"So, are you looking for the location of the funeral home?"

"What a persistent person."

"The emergency room is here!"

"I'm leaving!"

"If you get caught by me, you will die!"

Liu Shizhen and Xu Daying got out of the car and walked towards the hospital.The moment the two walked away, a miserable-looking man limped over from the front of the car with his ear on his phone.

"Well, I'm out, where are you?"

"Are you OK."

As soon as the camera turned, Xu Daying and Liu Shizhen had already arrived at the ward of the emergency room. Liu Shizhen took out his mobile phone and scanned back and forth in the ward while dialing.

"It will hurt a little."

Following the ringing of the mobile phone, they saw a female doctor sitting beside a patient's bed, who was about to debride the wound on the patient on the bed, cut along the lens of the ringing sound, a mobile phone was in the pocket of her white coat on the right side, " "jingle bell" vibrated.

"I'm going to suture and prepare anesthesia."


The female doctor nodded slightly to the patient on the bed, smiled slightly, "Excuse me." Then she took out the ringing mobile phone from her pocket, looked at the screen, and connected the call.

"Is it dazzling?"

At this moment, the two people who were on the phone looked at each other in surprise, question marks were printed on their faces.

Jiang Muyan put down the phone from her ear, put it in front of her and looked at the screen, it was the "big boss".

She stood up and stared at "Big Boss" with righteous eyes, "Mr. Big Boss?"

"Ah, yes."

"But why is this phone in the hands of the doctor?"

"The patient gave it to me. Are you his protector?"

"Not the protector of the patient, but the protector of the owner of the mobile phone in your hand."

Jiang Muyan ignored him, and asked the patient on the bed: "Don't you feel it? I'm going to start sewing!"

Just after finishing speaking, Jiang Muyan seemed to remember something, and turned her head to look at the bed of the escaped patient, "Where did the motorcycle patient go?"

"Huh? Why is it missing?"

"Are you going to take an X-ray?"

Liu Shizhen gently pushed the little nurse away, smiled and stood behind Jiang Muyan, leaning forward slightly, "Who are you talking to now?"

Jiang Muyan turned around: "Could it be? Are you the big brothers who want to send him to the small box?"

"You mean a small box?" Liu Shizhen and Xu Daying on the side looked at each other, "You seem to have misunderstood something."

"Nurse Cui! Let these big brothers wait outside!"

"Contact the security team to watch these people, don't let them make trouble!"

"hurry up!"

"You can't stay here anymore. Go over there and wait!"

Liu Shizhen and Xu Daying were pushed aside by the little nurse, and just before the curtain of the patient to be stitched was drawn, Liu Shizhen and Jiang Muyan's eyes met in the air.

"Cut! One pass! Wahahahahaha!"

With the resounding sound of "cut", there was a burst of warm cheers and applause from the crew.

"The first day went so smoothly, it's really a good sign, hahahaha!"

 Those of you who haven't joined the group, join the group
  Then, for the sake of today's two updates, can you generously smash the recommendation tickets and monthly tickets in your hands?
  Use your tickets to smash me to death~~~~~"

(End of this chapter)

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