nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 2 The Doctor of China

Chapter 2 The Doctor of China

Jing Hao is a doctor from Huaguo. After finishing his graduate studies, he was recommended by his tutor to come to South Peninsula. He followed Professor Li to study for a doctorate at Yonsei University School of Medicine. Because of his solid professional knowledge, he worked as a doctor at the request of Professor Li. Teaching assistants help tutors teach.

And because of his outstanding image, he has become the "Prince Charming" of many fans in school. It is just because of his relatively reserved personality that he is not willing to contact strangers, but he is very patient when answering students' medical questions. Kindly" is called "Bing Charcoal".

An intern was about to enter the doctor's office after changing the patient's medicine, when he heard a ringing sound, went in and looked around, and found the source of the sound on Jing Hao's desk, "Didn't Teacher Jing bring a mobile phone? ", then picked up the phone.

Just as he was about to go out with the phone, he suddenly remembered that Jing Hao was not allowed to be disturbed by foreign affairs during his rounds, so he thought, "Let me answer it first and tell Mr. Jing when he comes back."So he looked at the phone, and when he was about to connect, he found that the caller's note was "Director Li", his eyes became surprised, and he connected.

"Why don't you say, is it Dr. Jing?"

"Ah, yes, you have, Mr. Jing is making rounds, why don't you wait a little bit, and I can talk to Mr. Jing when he comes back."

"That's right. When he comes back, tell him not to forget what happened this afternoon. I'm afraid he's too busy to forget. Call me to remind him."

"Okay, okay, I will tell Teacher Jing when he comes back."

"Kangsang Hamida, then you should do your work first."

"Ok ok, got it"

After the intern hung up the phone, he immediately turned on his mobile phone with a gossip face, and opened the class group, "(⊙o⊙) Wow, did you know that a person named Director Li called "Bing Tan" just now!"




"Really?! Teacher Jing is going to film a movie!"

"I don't know, I'll ask you guys after "Bing Tan" comes back."

At this moment, there was a sound of unhurried footsteps, and a tall and straight man opened the door of the office, and scanned the office, "Li Yanxi, have the results of the 34-bed cardiac ultrasound come out?"

The intern immediately put down his phone and handed over a report, "Teacher nim, the results are out."

Jing Hao took the report and took a closer look, "The left atrium is 45...the interventricular septum is 12...the left ventricle is indeed enlarged..." Then he saw the intern holding his own phone, "Did someone call me just now?" "

"That's right, I just wanted to tell you. Just now a person who noted Director Li called and told you not to forget what happened this afternoon."

"Oh, then I see." He glanced at the intern's gossipy expression, and asked, "Is there anything else you can do?" The intern couldn't wait to ask, "Mr. Jing, you, this is for filming Is it? I knew you were so handsome, it would be a waste not to film hehe#^_^#"

Jing Hao glanced at the intern in disgust, and said helplessly, "Okay, stop gossiping, and go write the medical history. I'm just going to be a technical director, not an actor."

The intern originally looked excited, but after listening to Jing Hao's words, his expression became a little normal, but he asked excitedly after a second: "Mr. Jing Hao, do you know who is the actor in the crew? Will there be an actor I like, if there is, teacher, can you help me get an autograph?"

After hearing this, Jing Hao said helplessly: "I don't know yet, and even if people tell me, I don't know each other, and you know that I don't care about this kind of stuff, but if there is an artist you like, it's fine, but You have to make sure you study hard and work hard when you are in the department, did you hear me?"

The intern nodded wildly: "Okay, okay teacher, thank you in advance." Then the man ignored him, walked to the side of the medical record shelf, took a medical record and slowly walked to his desk, Pulled out the chair and sat down. , casually opened the medical record and looked at it for a while, shook his head, and continued to read it again.

At the same time, the intern also calmed down and brainstormed for a while, "I don't know what kind of crew Jing Hao is like, and what kind of actors will he meet? I'm really curious."

In the blink of an eye, in the afternoon, in a coffee shop, a male lead was sitting alone and flipping through a book. The afternoon sun was very warm, shining in through the glass window, shaking the man's face. With sharp edges and corners, the man's eyes are as clear as crystals immersed in water, the corners of his mouth are restrained, the pure pupils and the slightly straight bridge of the nose look just right.

Although the man is sitting on the seat, his height is at least 1.8 meters or more by visual inspection. He is wearing a slightly tight-fitting brown top that reveals his perfect figure. Staring at the book in his hand, although he was very attentive, the empty seat next to him seemed to be waiting for someone.

At this time, although there were not many people in the coffee shop, there were already several scattered tables. There was a girl in a pink shirt on the seat in the man's aisle who seemed to be her best friend next to her. She grabbed the girl beside her excitedly. The girl whispered, "Wow, have you seen the man across the way? He is so handsome and charming. I like him so much. What do you think of him? Do you want to go over and ask for a call later..."

There happened to be a girl sitting on the seat three rows behind the man, who was picking up her mobile phone with a nympho face, and snapped at the man. This is a girl about eighteen or nineteen years old. She just entered the coffee shop When I saw that man, I kept staring at him, the love and excitement in my eyes seemed to turn into light, and I kept snapping excitedly.

Perhaps it was because the flashing light was not turned off. The man seemed to feel something. Looking back, he saw the girl's eyes were staring at him, with a little shyness in her joyful expression, as if she was confessing to the person she loves, "Excuse me, can you send me yours?" Give me a call?"

The man shook his head, turned his head back slowly, and continued to stare at his book. After a while, he put down the book, glanced at the watch on his left hand, looked at the time, shook his head, and continued to pick up the book to read go down.

At the same time, a middle-aged man was rushing towards the coffee shop, opened the door, looked around, walked quickly to Jing Hao's table, pulled out the chair, and sat down.Before he recovered his breathing, he said out of breath, "I'm sorry, Doctor Jing, I'm late, please wait a long time."

Jing Hao raised his head, turned his eyes, and looked at his watch, "It's nothing, I came early, Director Li, you came just in time."

The middle-aged man grinned and asked the waiter for an iced Americano. Before the coffee came, he said, "In that case, let's start."

(End of this chapter)

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