nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 211 No matter what happens, you have me

Chapter 211 No matter what happens, you have me
Jing Hao took out his mobile phone and showed Lin Yuner the call record on the screen of the mobile phone, and sure enough there was a call from his father.

"Yun'er, my dad called today..."

Lin Yun'er hastily interrupted him with her hand, she bit her silver teeth on her lower lip with a little bit of force, looking very conflicted: "Give me some time first, I'm not ready yet."

"I'll give you an answer tomorrow."

When Jing Hao saw this, he could understand Lin Yuner to some extent.

He only hesitated for a moment, then he relaxed for her in a calm tone: "Actually, I don't think you need to be so nervous."

Lin Yun'er raised her head, her big eyes stared closely at Jing Hao's eyes, her expression was very nervous, but she was listening to him very seriously.

"Think about it, what will happen when I go to see your father?"

"Look, I'm not as nervous as you are."

Lin Yuner listened to the scene where Jing Hao used herself as an example, and quickly went through the scene in her mind.

This is if my father meets Jing Hao. . .

"Pfft." Lin Yun'er really couldn't help laughing.

It's hard to imagine that scene!

Lin Yuner knows her father, whether it is her sister or herself, her father is more important than his life. If you use Huaguo's words to describe your father, it must be a "daughter slave" "Are.

Although it would not be possible to directly take out a watermelon knife to chop Jing Hao when they met, but it would definitely not give him any good looks.

Thinking of this, Lin Yun'er was not so nervous anymore.

She puffed up her cheeks, and tapped Jing Hao's hand on the back of her shoulder with her fingers.

"Then tell me...uncle and aunt...would you like me?"

As soon as Jing Hao heard her words, he knew there was something going on, so he hurriedly acted.

He frowned tightly, looked at Lin Yun'er with an expression as if he was jealous, and said in a slightly "resentful" tone: "You don't know what my dad said on the phone today!"

"How do you say it?" Lin Yuner was curious.

Jing Hao let out a sigh of relief, and said half helplessly and half aggrieved: "I don't have to go back, but their daughter-in-law has to go back."

"What!" When Lin Yun'er heard the word "daughter-in-law", she was as frightened as if she had encountered Grandma Wolf's little red jacket. Like an overripe apple.

"What... daughter-in-law..."

"The horoscope hasn't been written yet..."

Lin Yuner lowered her head, and she looked like a "steam princess". Jing Hao could vaguely see a little bit of mist floating up from her ears.

Seeing her shy look, Jing Hao couldn't help feeling a little more funny in his heart, and he teased her with a slightly teasing tone.

"What's the matter? Don't you want to be my parents' daughter-in-law? Then I'll go back and talk to my mother. "

After speaking, Jing Hao made a gesture to stand up, as if he was going to call his mother.

Lin Yuner was also dizzy at this time, and when she first heard Jing Hao say that his parents named her "daughter-in-law", her little heart kept beating, and her heart was half filled with joy. , half anxious.

At this time, when Jing Hao said that she wanted to tell her mother that she didn't want to be a daughter-in-law, Lin Yuner also panicked, and hurriedly got up and grabbed Jing Hao's sleeve, her two big eyes were full of stubbornness. look.

She didn't speak, but just looked at him stubbornly, with the feeling that she was saying "Dare you?" in her whole body.

Jing Hao was suddenly happy. Looking at her like that, why didn't he know what she was thinking?

At this moment, he no longer had the idea of ​​teasing her.

There is only love for her left.

Perhaps only when she likes herself to a certain extent can Lin Yuner show such a cute look.

Lin Yuner, who is obviously very intelligent, is full of emotional intelligence no matter in the eyes of anyone, once she encounters something related to herself, she will lose her former intelligence like this.

Jing Hao saw it in his eyes, but it was sweet in his heart.

Meeting you is really my greatest luck.

Jing Hao took her hand tenderly, hugged her tightly in his arms, put his palm on top of her head, and stroked her passionately.

"Little fool, do you think my parents love me?"

Lin Yuner thought for a while: "Although I only met your mother Ou in the video, I can still tell from her tone of voice and the way she looks at you that your parents love you."

Jing Hao nodded, and asked her the next question: "Then do you think, I love you?"

Lin Yun'er blushed when she heard this question, and then Xiao Niao Yiren buried her little head in Jing Hao's heart: "Whether you love me or not, anyway, I have depended on you for the rest of my life. "

After saying this, Lin Yuner's hands on Jing Hao's waist increased a little more strength, as if she wanted to rub her whole body into his body.

Seeing her appearance, Jing Hao smiled and said, "Looking at your appearance, you should also know how much I love you."

"Then," Jing Hao suddenly lowered his head and stared into her eyes very seriously.

"Do you think my parents don't like the person I like?"

Lin Yuner was at a loss for words.

After serious thinking for a few seconds, Lin Yuner shook her head: "I understand."

In fact, it's not that she doesn't understand this truth, it's just that after suddenly facing Jing Hao's parents, she wanted to see her.

Lin Yuner inevitably felt a little worried.

In the peninsula, in the eyes of the public, it is still difficult for parents to accept a woman who is an artist as their daughter-in-law.

Even though she has become the most shining C in the best girl group, this thing still bothers her a lot.

When two people are in love, she may not think so much, she just needs to deal with the things between the two of them.

But once she goes a step further, she will still be a little worried.

What's more, even ordinary couples, when faced with the matter of meeting each other's parents, most of them will be a little panicked, fearing that they will not be recognized by the other's parents.

"Actually, I understand the truth, but I'm really, really afraid of losing you."

Lin Yun'er looked at Jing Hao and spoke emotionally.

"Before I met you, maybe I would never care about such things."

"I really like you, Jing Hao."

"me too."

Jing Hao squeezed her hand tightly: "No matter what happens, you have me, you know?"


 Post a chapter first, there will be more tonight, don’t worry~~~
(End of this chapter)

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