nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 27 The Power-Up Chapter in the Late Night

Chapter 27 The phone call in the middle of the night

Lin Yuner lay on the bed at night tossing and turning, thinking of filming tomorrow, she wanted to force herself to fall asleep early, but lying on the bed, she didn't feel like falling asleep at all, and even felt a little excited.

"I clearly felt the stupidest breath of his approaching me. At that moment, did he really want to kiss me?"

Lin Yun'er just couldn't help thinking wildly on the bed, the head of the bed was pressed against the wall, and her head was slightly pressed against the head of the bed. From time to time, she covered her mouth with her palms, curled up the corners of her mouth, and snickered in bed.

That look, very much like a girl in love.

At this moment, on the other side of the wall, in the next room, was a slender man. His hair, which had just been washed and not completely dried, was a little messy on the top of his head, and a few dull hairs were also slightly clinging to the head of the bed.

If someone looks down from the perspective of God, they will find that at this time, two rooms, one wall, two beds, and two young and vigorous bodies are strung together like a straight line.

This scene seems to be incomparably harmonious.

At this time, the man was also lying on his stomach in the nest, lying quietly for a while, the man suddenly turned over and sat up from the bed.

A ray of moonlight poured down through the cracks in the curtains that were not fully covered. Through that ray of moonlight, one could see the man half-sitting on the bed with his chest open. Because of the half-sitting posture of the man's body, the quilt was lifted from the man's shoulders. The top slipped off carefully, and rested quietly on the man's legs, as if afraid of offending the depressed man.

The man's naked chest is covered with well-developed pectoral muscles, not as exaggerated as a bodybuilder's, but if you look closely, it seems to be full of a beautiful feeling of strength.

The man sat on the bed, clutching the back of his head with his right hand depressedly, the slightly messy hair on his head was nestled together, and the man's face was full of remorse at this moment.

"Hey Yixi, I can't sleep anymore, oh Doc oh Doc!"

The man took his hand from the top of his head, shook it angrily, and slapped the quilt on the man's lap.

"If I had known this would happen, I would have kissed..."

"Hey Yixi, that woman obviously already has a boyfriend!"

The man gritted his teeth slightly, clenched his hands into fists, and patted the bed on both sides of him hard a few times.

"Gold price! That woman, why does she still have that expression in my car even though she already has a boyfriend!"

"Idols are amazing! Idols can tease people casually!"

The man shouted loudly in the room, lowering the decibel of his voice word by word as the man got excited, and in the end, it became a whisper.


"I want to stay away from this woman, I can't do this anymore."

At this time, through the wall, the mood of the woman on the opposite bed is not very good at this time.

The woman feels like there are ten thousand little squirrels scratching her itchy pussy, she just can't sleep.

"Hey, let me call the O'Neills and ask!"

After finishing speaking, the woman impatiently took the mobile phone from the bedside table beside her, swiped her finger upwards on the screen, and turned on the screen.Then the woman paused:
"It's probably useless to call those Ernies, right?"

"Their own relationships are messed up..."


Under the bright light of the mobile phone screen, looking at the woman, it was Lin Yun'er.

Seeing that she suddenly thought of something, she snapped her fingers lightly on the side of her head with her left hand, and then quickly found a number in the address book, and dialed it impatiently.

After the ring rang for a while, it was connected, and the voice on the other side of the phone seemed very gentle.

"Why don't you have it? Yun... Yun'er?..."

The owner of the voice on the other side of the phone seemed a little afraid to confirm, and stammered into the phone to confirm the identity of the caller.

At this moment, Lin Yuner's lips had been bitten lightly by a mouthful of white teeth, and her two eyebrows were also tightly connected into a line.

At this time, time seemed to stand still. People on both sides of the phone were silent, and the room that was a little lively just now became very quiet.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the room suddenly became tense, and a needle could be heard quietly.

The owner on the other side of the phone was a little disappointed and was about to hang up the phone.

"N... oh, oh, uni."

The voice on the other side of the phone became flustered at this moment, and even through the phone here, a sniffling sob could be clearly heard.


As soon as the owner on the other side of the phone said these three words, he was too excited to speak. Through the receiver of the phone, he could clearly hear that the person on the other side was tightly covering his mouth with his palm. , while crying.

Lin Yun'er on the phone side also became very depressed at this time, and immediately exhaled into the receiver worriedly:
"Unnie, you, are you okay..."

The suppressed crying on the other side was accompanied by a sniffling sound, and a sentence was sent out immediately:

"Nai, Ernie is fine. Yoona, how are you doing?"

It can be heard that although the mood on the other side has eased a little, at least he has been able to speak, but the voice still has a bit of crying, and there is a little bit of a baby-like voice that the owner of the voice didn't notice.

"I'm fine, Ernie..."

The owner on the other side of the phone paused, and laughed out of tears.
"That's good, that's good, that's good..."

At this moment, neither of them seemed to know what to say. In Lin Yuner's room, only the second hand of the clock on the wall was walking quietly, as if comforting them gently.

After a while, finally, a word from the owner on the other side of the phone broke the silence:

"Everyone, everyone...Everyone, now, are you okay?..."

The corners of Lin Yuner's mouth curled up slightly:

"We're all fine, Ernie."

The two continued to chat on the phone intermittently for a while, and finally both smiled and hung up on each other.

In the end, Lin Yun'er didn't ask any questions that she wanted to ask, but it didn't seem to be important anymore.

The moon quietly took a small step to the side, and secretly shone a beam of moonlight, through the window, to Lin Yuner's unpainted face.

I saw that the face that was a little depressed just now was covered with a bright smile, and the two pure black eyes were also "bling" and "bling" shining outward at this time.

One can see her mood at this time, just like the breathtaking moonlight at this time, so beautiful.

At this time, the woman was lightly holding the mobile phone in her hand and immediately on the screen, the brightness of the mobile phone screen became weaker and weaker, and the screen was about to be automatically locked.

Before the screen was locked, under the last bright light of the phone screen, the names of the recent calls on the phone screen lit up for a moment, and then went dark along with the phone's automatic lock screen.

On the screen of the mobile phone, the four words on the recent call are:

"Xiuyan Unnie".

 There will be more in a while

(End of this chapter)

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