nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 29 The First Acquaintance with Kim Taeyeon

Chapter 29 The First Acquaintance with Kim Taeyeon

Kim Taeyeon and Lin Yuner had a quarrel for a long time before slowly separating.At this time, Taeyeon also noticed Jing Hao, her big eyes were full of doubts, but she didn't know how to speak, so she secretly elbowed Lin Yuner beside her.

Lin Yuner also reacted at this time, so she turned her head, took Kim Taeyeon's hand and introduced it to Jing Hao.

"Then, this one is my dearest and dearest sister, Kim Taeyeon Yi Mi Da."

Saying that, he sent Kim Taeyeon's hand forward and handed it to Jing Hao.

"And then Ernie, this one is my medical consultant in the crew. Responsible for some details of my role."

When Taeyeon heard the words "medical consultant", she suddenly realized something, and asked Jing Hao a polite question mark.

"Aniha Saiyu, Girls' Generation Kim Taeyeon Emida."

"Aniha Saiyu, Jinghao Yimida."

Then, the two hands, one big and one small, held each other harmoniously.

Seeing that the two of them had finished introducing themselves, the manager on one side hurried forward two steps, and continued to introduce to the two of them:

"Jing Haoxi, this is the captain of the team I lead, that is, the captain of Girls' Generation, Kim Taeyeon."

Then he turned his head and faced Kim Taeyeon:
"Taeyeon, Jing Haoxi, but our teacher at Yonsei University School of Medicine! And he is also a very good doctor in the hospital."

When Taeyeon heard the words "Yonsei University School of Medicine", her eyes suddenly lit up, and then she quickly covered it up.But no one noticed her appearance at this time.

Kim Taeyeon also regained her composure at this time, as quiet as a cute girl next door, and her polite appearance in front of Jing Hao was like two people compared to just now.

Kim Taeyeon bowed slightly to Jing Hao, and Jing Hao hurriedly returned the bow. When Kim Taeyeon lifted her body, her eyes were full of seriousness.

"Jing Haoxi, our Yun'er, although she is a bit stupid, she will definitely work hard. If she fails to do well in any details, please don't take it to heart."

"No, Taeyeon xi and Yoona xi are still working hard."

Several people chatted together for a while, and the agent took Kim Taeyeon to meet director Lee Eung-bok.

After the two left, only Jing Hao and Lin Yun'er were left standing in the same place. They looked at each other slightly, and then they both looked away from each other, pretending nothing happened and slowly separated.

As soon as Jing Hao returned to his usual place, he found that there was a carefully prepared breakfast on the seat he always stayed at.

After looking at it carefully, a line of words was carefully written on a pink post-it note on the bento.

"Jing Hao, I noticed when you were in the hospital that you don't usually like to eat breakfast. This is the breakfast I made myself. Eat a little bit to cope with the work in the morning. PS: Zhiyuan."

When Jing Hao saw the post-it note, he also drew a few funny and warm expressions on it with emoji, the corners of his mouth turned up slightly, and he smiled silently.

Opening the bento, I saw a sandwich inside. The toast on the outside was lightly fried. Inside the sandwich, there were a few slices of tomato and lettuce, as well as a perfectly fried egg.

Next to the sandwich, there is a small box of yogurt.

Jing Hao picked up the sandwich, brought it to his mouth, and took a bite. After chewing a few times, he found that the taste was not bad.

At this time, Jin Zhiyuan also saw Jing Hao who had just returned and was eating a sandwich.So, he moved his lotus steps lightly and moved in front of Jing Hao.

Looking at Jing Hao, he smiled slightly.

"How is it? Is the taste acceptable?"

Jing Hao's mouth was full, and while chewing the sandwich in his mouth, he stretched out the thumb of the other free hand, and nodded his thumb fiercely in front of Jin Zhiyuan.

Seeing Jing Hao eating, Jin Zhiyuan couldn't help laughing, and suddenly, it was as bright as a snow mountain that had just melted.

At this time, Kim Taeyeon also found director Lee Eung-bok. After Lee Eung-bok learned that Kim Taeyeon was supporting Yoona, he chatted with Kim Taeyeon enthusiastically.

After leading Kim Taeyeon to meet with the crew and several main creators, the crew officially started today's filming.

Jing Hao, Kim Tae-yeon and other "idlers" were quietly watching the filming of the crew and actors.

Seeing Jing Hao sitting alone, Taeyeon ran over and sat in front of him, chatting with Jing Hao with a gossiping face.

"Jing Haoxi, where are you from?"

"My words are from the country of Hua."

"Huaguo? That's really an amazing country! A large part of our fans are from Huaguo!"

Jing Hao also nodded, and echoed Kim Taeyeon:

"It's true. Although I don't pay much attention to these things, I have heard the name 'Girls' Generation' before I came to the peninsula."

Seeing Jing Hao's support, Kim Taeyeon's eyes lit up a lot, and said to Jing Hao with a silly smile:

"Jing Haoxi, you know, have I been to Huaguo alone?"

Jing Hao said suspiciously: "You guys probably don't have much time to go around after you debut, right?"

Kim Taeyeon's eyes were shining brightly, while looking at Lin Yuner who was concentrating on filming in the field, she said:
"That was before my debut! I came to Huaguo by myself and played for several days."

Jing Hao said "Oh", then nodded: "So that's the case."

Kim Taeyeon seemed to remember something, turned her head to him,
"Actually, if you think about it carefully, our group and Huaguo are still very destined!"

"Do you know that we, Xiaoyuan, used to study in your country of Hua!"

Jing Hao didn't show much before, but he couldn't help being surprised when he heard about "studied in China", and asked in surprise:

"Have you ever studied in China? That's really a fate."

The two of them are like this, you talk to each other, and the short ones in the parents start chatting.

Then, Taeyeon suddenly noticed that whenever Lin Yuner was mentioned, the "Doctor Jing Hao" beside her always seemed extraordinarily weird.

When he first talked about Lin Yuner, although this doctor Jing Hao seemed very unwilling to talk about this person, but whenever he talked about something about Lin Yuner, he would find that this doctor Jing Hao seemed to listen very well. Concentration, his attentive attention to listening to the lecture, is very much like a certain buddy teammate named "Li Chunkui" who is a little shorter than himself, who is staring at the screen with full attention when playing games.

The two chatted so passionately that they didn't notice the two pairs of eyes staring at them all the time on the set.

(End of this chapter)

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