nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 43 The One Who Left

Chapter 43 The One Who Left
The two kissed ecstatically for a while, just when both of them were a little carried away and were about to proceed to the next step, the clock on the wall just rang, and the bell at eight o'clock disrupted their thoughts.

The two quickly separated, their buttocks sitting on the sofa slid back in a tacit understanding, and their heads also turned back in a tacit understanding.The hands of the two of them were involuntarily pinched at the corners of their clothes, and they chatted awkwardly with each other.

"Well, it's eight o'clock..."

"...Ah, I heard that too..."

"Are you thirsty? Me, I'll get you a drink."

"Ah, no, no need..."

"Orange juice, right? I'll get it for you right now."

After saying this, Lin Yun'er fled to the kitchen.Only Jing Hao was left stunned.

There is such an operation!

Sure enough, it's you!
Lin Yun'er didn't know if she was "lost" in the kitchen, or because there were too many drinks in the refrigerator, she was dazzled for a while.Anyway, it's been a long time since I left.

Jing Hao sat on the sofa and waited for a while, and finally began to appreciate Lin Yuner's home.

Jing Hao first looked at the entrance where he came. On the floor of the entrance, there was a pink blanket, which looked like a little girl. There was no special pattern on the booth, just a piece of pure pink.

On the blanket were the shoes he had left when he came in.

Next to the blanket, there are two shoe cabinets. Although they are not very big, they look very delicate.The shoes in the shoe cabinet are also neatly arranged, and the uppers of each pair of shoes are also very clean.

Looking at the wall again, the wall is covered with wallpaper. The wallpaper is not pink like a blanket, but replaced with a relatively simple grid pattern. It doesn't look very gorgeous, but it also looks very warm.

Looking down again, the sofa under him is a large European-style sofa. The armrests of the sofa are also very beautiful wooden armrests and sofa sides. The sofa is also very soft to sit on, but it does not make people uncomfortable It sinks in all of a sudden, and it feels more comfortable to sit up.

In front of the sofa is a transparent coffee table made of glass. On the coffee table is a plate of washed fruits and a script, which is the script of "Descendants of the Sun". Next to the script is an open notebook.

Jing Hao looked over curiously, and looked carefully for a while, only to find that Lin Yuner's analysis of the characters was slowly written in this notebook, and after flipping through it, it was transcribed Lin Yuner's own writing about "Jiang Muyan" The character biography of this character, as well as the professional background of some characters, and more detailed records such as the background analysis of the characters.

It can be seen that Lin Yuner really put a lot of effort into this role.Moreover, although the words are full, the handwriting is not scribbled at all. Looking at Lin Yuner's human-like handwriting, Jing Hao's old face is a little red.

If Lin Yuner's handwriting is majestic and elegant, then her own handwriting is probably as if it was chewed by a dog. . .

Jing Hao looked at the notes written by Lin Yun'er, and he was fascinated by it without paying attention. He didn't know how long he had been looking at it. He casually looked to the side, and saw that he was holding his face with two palms, and his attention was high. Lin Yun'er looked at her intently.

Jing Hao blushed, and asked unnaturally:
"When did you come back?"

"When you first started reading my notes."

Jing Hao blushed and asked sullenly:
"Why didn't you call me when you came back?"

"Because just looking at you like this makes me very happy. o(*^@^*)o"

Jing Hao put his fist to his mouth in embarrassment, coughed a few times, and said to Lin Yun'er:
"Just now, you can continue talking."

"Oh oh oh, I'll finish telling you now."

Lin Yuner tilted her head cutely, pursed her lips, and one side of her mouth also squeezed towards the corner of her mouth like a baby.

"Let's think about it, where did it go?"

"Speaking of your variety shows, you have paved the way."

Lin Yuner suddenly realized, she stretched out her hand handsomely and snapped her fingers,
"Bingo! Remembered! (o゜▽゜)o☆[BINGO!]"

"After laying the groundwork for our variety show, after a period of time, we slowly began to prepare for our 'scandal'."

"Actually, this scandal is also good for us."

Jing Hao looked at Lin Yun'er incomprehensibly, as if he couldn't figure out why she said that this matter was still good for them.

"If the relationship is exposed, even if it is fake, it should have an impact on you."

"That's the way to say it, but you have to know, we are Girls' Generation."

Lin Yuner followed him seriously and explained:

"In the idol industry, we already have a ceiling. After reaching the top, we will slowly give way."

"You also know that the peninsula's market is actually that big."

Jing Hao nodded,

"We only have a population of 5000 million. Although there are markets overseas, what we value more is the market in our peninsula. Because not every group, not every idol, can be as good as us outside. be so successful.”

Jing Hao understood what she meant at this moment.

"Especially in the field of women's groups, there are many people who hope that we will quickly step aside."

"Although we are Girls' Generation, and although our company is currently the strongest company, we still need to be careful in front of other groups and companies."

"Do you know T-ara?"

"I know this, the group that quarreled fiercely." Lin Yuner followed this example and explained to him:
"This group can also be regarded as our sister group. What I can tell you is that the major companies have really put a lot of effort behind their current plight."

"It's because they keep coming back and grabbing resources so fiercely in this market that they make everyone attack them."

"My 'scandal' is also because I am the first echelon of popularity in our group, if news of 'love' breaks out, it will be a blow to us."

"But with this blow, we can disband not so early."

Speaking of this, Lin Yuner bit her lips tightly again, her eyes also dimmed from the excitement at the beginning.

"But even when we've made it this far, we're, still, incomplete."

Jing Hao pinched her wrist, hugged her distressedly, let her lean on his chest, and patted her shoulder comfortingly.

"My Sikaoni, although she also has some reasons of her own, but it really won't make it to where it is now."

"They forced Teacher Li Xiuman to kick Xiuyan O'Neill out!"

 Ask for a ticket, ask for a ticket, ask for a ticket!
  Kang Sang Mida~~~
(End of this chapter)

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