nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 45 The location of the first date

Chapter 45 The location of the first date
Jing Hao didn't think much, and quickly connected to the phone.

"Is it okay? Director Li?"

The calm voice of Li Yingfu on the other end of the phone came over:

"Guess, Jing Haoxi. I'm calling to let you know."

"what happened?"

"Today's crew will have a day off. I'm going to meet with the investor today."

"Okay, I see, director." "Then I won't bother you, Jing Haoxi."

"Goodbye, director."


Not long after hanging up the phone, Lin Yun'er also called.

"Have you packed up there yet? If it's done, let's go to the set together."

Just as Jing Hao was about to speak, he glanced at the computer and saw the phrase "Express your masculinity in a timely manner", so he involuntarily puffed up his chest, imitating the bel canto singer on TV, using his own The deepest voice answered:
"Ani, you don't need to go to the production team today. Director Li will talk about investors today, and today's shooting will be delayed by one day."

Lin Yun'er listened to the voice from the opposite phone, her big eyes were full of puzzlement, she suspected that she had made a wrong call, she put the phone down from her ear, and carefully looked at the call interface, it was indeed Jing Hao.

"What's wrong with you again?"

Lin Yuner slapped her back mercilessly, seriously doubting the IQ of her new boyfriend.

"Don't you think my voice is very masculine? Isn't this voice nice?"

"Ah! Jing Hao! Talk to me carefully!"


Jing Hao coughed twice unnaturally, recovered his normal voice and continued talking.

"Today, the crew doesn't have to go."

Lin Yuner thought about it, if she didn't go to the film crew today, she didn't seem to have any arrangements, but she didn't know what to do, so she asked sullenly:

"Then I seem to have nothing to do today..."

A sentence came from the other end of the phone:

"Or, let's go out on a date today!"

"it is good!"

Jing Hao put down the phone in his hand, and looked at the sentence on the computer in bewilderment, "Show your masculinity in a timely manner", feeling that this so-called master is not reliable at all.

"I still have to rely on my own performance." Jing Hao thought confidently. Just now, after listening to the advice of the great god, Lin Yuner was so excited that he felt like he was about to rush over and beat him up hard. Fortunately, he was in time Turn the tide.

It seems that I am also a one-in-a-million "love expert".

Putting down the phone, both of them walked out of their own gates, looking at their sweetheart who was facing each other, feeling a little embarrassed.

In the end, it was Jing Hao who decided to break the slightly awkward atmosphere, so he leaned forward nervously, and tried with the most sensual love words he could think of.

"Are you saying that my immune system is broken?"

Lin Yun'er was taken aback when she heard this sentence, then stepped forward with concern, and asked eagerly:
"what happened to you?"

"I found out why I have no resistance to you?"

Lin Yun'er's heart was tightly huddled just now, for fear of hearing any bad news from Jing Hao.Hearing these words by accident at this time, Lin Yun'er was almost dodged to the waist by Jing Hao's sudden tease.

Jing Hao racked his brains and tried his best to communicate with all the words:

"A foreign body has entered the vitreous of my eyeball."

Lin Yuner replied coldly:
"Then you should go to the hospital to have a look."

"No, you are so beautiful, you are happy to stay in it for the rest of your life."

Jing Hao thought about the few love words he had said in surprise, and couldn't help being intoxicated by his own whimsy. He was inspired for a while, and all kinds of cheap love words rushed to his face:

"You are my nitroglycerin tablets, every time my heart is cut, only you can heal."

"Every time I see you, my P waves are no longer rhythmic."

Jing Hao cheerfully continued to speak the earth-flavored love words that made people shudder, and did not notice Lin Yun'er's slightly clenched fists at all.

"As soon as I saw you, my sinus knot burst into joy, and the hot blood whizzed and gurgled down my cheeks and ears."

The fist tightened a little more.

"When I think of you, my zygomaticus major and orbicularis oculi muscles are out of control, leaving only pleasant alpha waves and full of endorphins."

The fist is already raised.

"I would like to stay with you until the hill on the electrocardiogram becomes the sea... Oops, don't hit me!..."

Lin Yun'er couldn't bear it anymore and smashed down her raised fist, her teeth were clenched at the corners of her mouth, her eyebrows were drooping down, and she viciously hammered Jing Hao hard.

"I'll give you nitroglycerin tablets!"

"I'll let you have a sinus node!"

"I'll give you endorphins!"

"Why are you so greasy!!!"

After the two had quarreled for a while and separated, Jing Hao frowned and stroked his shoulders, and sighed secretly with his teeth bared:
"Why is this woman so powerful!"

"It hurts like hell when I hit someone. Hiss~~~..."

Lin Yuner finished venting her depression recently, and looked at Jing Hao out of breath:

"Finally let me take revenge! I have wanted to hit you for a long time!"

"Ten years is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge. For a beautiful woman to take revenge, shoot the next day!"

The two looked at each other like a nervous pair, panting heavily, and after a while, they both laughed heartily again.

The scene actually looked a little bit harmonious for Wei Wei?
As soon as the scene changed, the two of them were already sitting in the car, preparing for their first date today, and went to the legendary Dongguk University, which is Lin Yuner's alma mater.

On a small path in Dongguk University, several young college students chased each other and laughed and passed by a man and a woman. Among them, a few of them stopped involuntarily when they saw the two extraordinary temperaments. Looking back at the pair of wall people.

I saw that the man was wearing a set of blue and yellow tops and bottoms, which was simple and unadorned, and the very simple attire was extraordinarily eye-catching.What made it even more difficult to look away was the man's straight figure. At first glance, he looked like a tall man of 1.8 meters, but the muscles on his body could also faintly show the outline.The man smiled cleanly, and his whole body was full of sunshine.

Looking at the female partner next to him again, she was wearing a pure white dress. There was no other color on the whole dress, only a few pieces of lace were decorated on the chest and waist as the finishing touch. The woman's bare skin was white and tender like Like freshly boiled hot milk, with his left hand in the crook of the man's arm, he leaned slightly on the man's shoulder as he walked forward.

Although the woman is wearing a fisherman's hat and sunglasses, she can still see through the part of the woman's face that is faintly exposed, and can definitely tell that the woman's facial features must be extremely beautiful.

The two enjoyed walking on the road, and the pair of walking landscapes stunned many passers-by along the way.

Everyone couldn't help sighing in their hearts:

What a match made in heaven.

What a beautiful couple.

 Ask for a ticket Ask for a ticket

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(End of this chapter)

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