nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 50 He is my medicine

Chapter 50 He is my medicine

After hanging up the phone, Lin Yuner sat there blankly for a long time as if she had lost something in her heart and lost her soul.

Jing Hao was washing fruit just now, and vaguely heard his mobile phone ringing, but the sound of the faucet made him hear nothing.

At this time, Jing Hao, who came back from washing the fruits, saw Lin Yuner's blank look at this time, and his heart tightened.

"What happened?"

Jing Hao spoke to Lin Yun'er with an expression of deep concern.

Lin Yun'er didn't say anything, just sat there, her eyes were still staring blankly at the front, and she shook her head without a trace of expression in her eyes.

Seeing her appearance, Jing Hao felt as if he was being pulled in his heart, so he leaned forward and held Lin Yuner's hands with both hands. Feeling the slightly cold warmth of her hands at this moment, he held Lin Yuner's hands together and approached her. Under his own lips, he carefully blows hot air on Lin Yun'er's hand.

Lin Yuner stayed alone like this for a long time, and when she felt her warm palm, she turned around belatedly.

When she saw Jing Hao warming her palms, Lin Yun'er's heart warmed up, and even the feeling of loss and discomfort in her heart just now was slightly dispelled.

She kept looking at Jing Hao, smiling at him without saying a word.

Jing Hao didn't say anything, he just stretched out his palm silently, and patted her body gently and gently.

Lin Yuner lay in his arms, enjoying the care of her sweetheart.

After a long pause, Jing Hao finally asked, "Just now, what happened? Why did you do that?"

Lin Yun'er didn't know what was wrong with her, she leaned her head against Jing Hao's arms, leaned back slightly, and pressed the back of her head against his chest, her pair of beautiful big eyes also looked up, looking at Jing Hao full of It's a gentle look.

Feeling the powerful heartbeat in the chest behind her head, Lin Yuner finally opened her mouth to him.

"I do not know either,"

"I don't know what's wrong with me..."

Swaying in his arms a few times, finding a comfortable position, Lin Yuner continued:

"Just now, someone called you."

"Oh?" Jing Hao's eyes were a little surprised.

Could it be that this phone call happened?Jing Hao secretly speculated in his heart.

"I don't know why. I answered your call after the other end of the phone called."

"But on the other side, he didn't say a word, he just kept silent there."


"so what?"

Lin Yun'er moved her eyes a little.

"I don't know what's wrong. After I hung up the phone. My heart became very uncomfortable."

"Like, like I've lost someone important or something..."

Speaking of this, Lin Yun'er's voice has become the size of a whisper.However, Jing Hao, who had been paying close attention to him, still noticed this sentence.

Jing Hao originally thought that some prank call made his girlfriend suddenly feel bad, but he didn't expect Lin Yuner to answer like this, which really made him a little confused.

Lin Yun'er's white and slender palms were pressed against Jing Hao's cheeks, her eyes were full of affection as she stared at him, and her palms gently rubbed against his cheeks.

"The moment the phone hangs up,"

"I just feel that the whole world seems to be quiet and quiet, without a single sound."

"My heart shrank into a ball restlessly. I don't know why, my whole body and emotions fell to the bottom for no reason."

"I do not know why either."

Lin Yuner paused for about five seconds, then said softly: "I have only experienced this kind of emotion, this uncomfortable feeling twice."

Lin Yuner smiled softly, looked at Jing Hao and continued:

"The first time, when I was very young, when I knew my mother had quietly left us."

Jing Hao hugged Lin Yun'er's arm tightly.

"That was the first time, the first time in my life, that I had such uncomfortable emotions."

Lin Yun'er stared at Jing Hao with her eyes, and unconsciously bit her tender lower lip with her jade teeth.

"I'll never forget that day."

"The second time is when we first experienced the 'Black Sea'."

"I just feel that my life is full of darkness."

"But look at my sisters comforting me firmly in front of me, but when no one is around, hugging their knees and crying sadly."

"I became stronger for the team and became a strong woman in everyone's eyes, as if nothing could defeat me."

"Just now, for some reason, I felt that emotion again."

Lin Yuner looked at Jing Hao, her slightly moist eyes were full of affection.

"But this time, it's different, I have you."

Lin Yun'er continued to gently caress his cheek, and said softly:

"At the very beginning, I was really panicked, uneasy, hesitant, and lost."

"But when I feel you by my side."

"My restless heart suddenly calmed down. It even calmed down my insecure emotions."

Jing Hao looked at Lin Yun'er at this moment, and seemed to be in a trance as if in reminiscence.

"When I first met your eyes."

"What kind of eyes are those?"

"The long eyelashes are embellishments, and the big black and white eyes are pure and reflect light. The distance is so far away that I can even see the reflection inside."

Lin Yun'er pulled Jing Hao's hand over and stuck it on her face.

"When I was at my lowest point just now, I saw your eyes again."

"My world seems to have lost all the colors, but only one is shining."

Jing Hao bit his lip, staring blankly at Lin Yuner's face.

"When I'm near you, you just stand beside me quietly."

"The fragrance left by the shampoo on your hair, every blink of your eye, every concern you look at me. It makes me drag my heart back when I am indulging in my restless heart. .”

"I seem to be inseparable from you."

No matter how strong a woman is, she will also have troubles. When she is sad, Lin Yuner has also been sad and cried for the unfair "black sea" that her group suffered in the dead of night.I also cried sadly like a tearful person when I knew my mother had left.

At this moment, Lin Yun'er seemed to have finally found her good medicine, as long as she was by his side, it would be like just now.

No matter how depressed I am, when I see him and feel his presence, I will slowly calm down.

This kind of feeling really made her sink into it slowly, enjoying it so much.

 The overall idea is almost perfect, but there are still some small details that need to be thought about carefully.

  After a while, I will link up with the protagonists in other friends' books. I want to think about a better plot, preferably one that can promote my follow-up plot.

  And because I still edit videos, some friends who follow my book and watch my videos prefer my soundtrack, so let me recommend a playlist.

  Then, by the way, I will share with you the songs I often listen to, and I will give you one in every update.

  Sharing today: right now——Gaho
  (ps: For this song, I have recently played the single many times, and I still listen to it a lot.)

(End of this chapter)

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