nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 57 Teammate's Attack

Chapter 57 Teammate's Attack

The two of them drove to the set every morning as usual, filmed for a whole day, and then drove home together in the evening.

After a few days like this, the paparazzi didn't notice any clues, and kept guarding outside the crew for several days.

It's already August now, and in the first few days when they were together, Lin Yun'er still wanted to follow Jing Hao more.

But in the past few days, Lin Yuner had to spare time to go to the company and practice with her sisters.

Because they are coming back!Returning to the stage with their new album "lion heart".

This evening, after Lin Yuner finished filming in the afternoon, she had to go to the practice room to practice, so starting from these few days, she had to commute to get off work in her own nanny car at night.

And at night, when Lin Yuner's nanny car appeared in the crew and picked up Lin Yuner, the paparazzi outside the crew suddenly went "climbing".

After guarding for several days, I finally caught Lin Yun'er's whereabouts!
The nanny car was driving ahead with Lin Yuner, and the paparazzi hurriedly got into their car and followed behind, wanting to find out where Lin Yuner was going.

Until the nanny car finally drove into the gate of SM company.

Lin Yun'er slowly came to the door of the practice room, looking at the familiar door, she felt a little sad for a while.

The door of this practice room has witnessed their journey from trainees, to debut, to underestimation, and soaring all the way to the top.

In the same way, it also witnessed the past of several people from the peak to the lack of one person.

But now, I have found someone I like, standing in front of this door, but it feels like time has come here from that year in the blink of an eye, and it is fleeting.

Lin Yun'er shook her head, drove away those thoughts, knocked on the door, and walked in.

In the practice room, a few sisters were sitting around chatting together. When they saw Lin Yuner who just came in, they were like wolves who had been hungry for a long time and just saw meat. Everyone's eyes turned green, even the usual The youngest who seems to be "the most stable" has big eyes full of gossip, and his lips are turned up a little, with a faint smile.

"Yun'er! Have you confessed???"

The ten-year-old sister, who is usually quick and straightforward, can't wait to ask the questions that everyone cares about most.

It's no wonder that the big guys are so concerned. After communicating in the dormitory that night, several days later, none of them received any news from Lin Yuner and her sweetheart. It was like scratching one's ear and scratching one's cheek.

At this time, starting from Jin Shisui's question, Lin Yuner's relationship problem has become the most concerned issue for everyone.

Even more concerned about their comeback in a few days!

Lin Yuner couldn't help but feel amused when she looked at the eyes of Erni and Xiaoxian's sister.I was about to tell them the truth, but after thinking about it, I decided to tease a few people.

So, she started acting with the "exquisite acting skills" that director Li Yingfu praised many times in the crew!
I saw that she didn't speak a word, but her two eyebrows were pulled together. At this moment, her beautiful face seemed to be covered with sorrow clouds, and her eyes became sad, like a sad person who lost the one she loved. .He didn't say anything, just choked his throat, and shook his head at several people.

Seeing her appearance at this time, everyone's hearts were about to break, so they quickly stood up from the ground, and ran to Lin Yun'er's side one after another.Pani was the first to bear the brunt and opened her arms to Lin Yun'er, and embraced her second youngest little sister forcefully into her arms.

Several other people either stroked Lin Yun'er's head, trying to make her feel better, or looked over at her with concerned eyes.

At this time, Jin Shisui, who had the hottest personality, and Cui Youdu, who had always had the worst expression management, immediately condemned Jing Hao directly in order to make Lin Yuner happier.

"Yixi, this king, eight, egg!"

"Our Yuner confessed to him and he dared to refuse! Do you think our Yuner is not good enough for him!"

"Don't be sad Yoona, you're ten years old, Ernie, I'm going to borrow a baseball bat from you, and I'm going to beat that son of a bitch tomorrow!"

"Yi Yixi, **** this ****!"

Seeing that several people were deceived by her superb acting skills, Lin Yuner felt moved by the sisters' concern for her, but also felt happy for the progress of her acting skills.

And just when she was secretly happy in her heart, she only heard her sister Xiaoxian suddenly say:
"Oni, don't be sad! Although your chest may be flatter now, it's his regret that he missed a girl as good as you!"

Lin Yuner:? ? ? ? ?

When Lin Yuner's acting skills heard this "heart-piercing" words, she finally couldn't hold back, and she couldn't continue acting immediately.

"Ah! Xiaoxian you!"

Seeing that Lin Yun'er's mood had become much more normal, the few people finally sank the breath they raised in their hearts, wanting to hear what happened to their sister.

Lin Yun'er saw that she couldn't continue acting, so she pinched her waist and looked at everyone with pride.

"who am I?"

"I'm Lin Yuner!"

"It's only for others to pursue me! If I go out on my own, how can there be a man who can't win?"

The few people looked at Lin Yun'er who quickly changed another face, and they all realized that they were played by this ghostly girl.So everyone looked at each other, rushed up tacitly, and pressed Lin Yun'er to the ground.

Several people tacitly "tortured" this arrogant smelly sister, two people pressed her body, and others put their hands on her body to scratch her itchy flesh.

After arguing for a long time and listening to Lin Yuner begging for mercy for a long time, they finally let this stinky sister go.

Lin Yuner's hairstyle at this time was as messy as a bird's nest, her bangs were scattered everywhere, and her whole body seemed to have been severely "destroyed".

"Hurry up!" Kim Taeyeon pinched her waist and looked at Lin Yuner with wide eyes.

Lin Yun'er curled her lips, tidied her hair wordlessly, and explained to several people.

"Anyway, I told him directly that my 'love' was fake."

"You'll believe him once you tell him?"

"Ani, I showed him the company's announcement."

"and then?"

"Then we were together."

A few people asked again curiously.At this time, the most "changing" sunny O'Neil in the group looked at Lin Yuner with malicious eyes, and asked her with a wicked smile:
"You guys, where are you now? Hehehe~~~, (☆▽☆)"

Lin Yuner replied with a "shy face":

"We, we slept together on the first day...(*/ω\*)"


Everyone fell into shock immediately, and several of them acted like ┌(.Д.)┐.

"Actually, the two of us were too involved in chatting, and fell asleep on the sofa together on the first day..."

After hearing Lin Yun'er's explanation, several people immediately felt that this was the right thing to do.

This is you, ╮(╯_╰)╭

 Heartbeat song of the day: Hmph! ——WJSN Chocome (Squad of Cosmic Girls)
  Ask for another ticket~~~
(End of this chapter)

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