nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 61 Meeting with Jin Zhiyong

Chapter 61 Meeting with Jin Zhiyong

In the evening of August, the air began to turn cold gradually, and the wind blowing on the street made people feel cool on their bodies, and also faintly made people want to yawn.On the road, a few young people who looked like they had traveled here were standing by the zebra crossing, looking at the busy street, everyone was in a hurry.

"Meow - meow - meow -" a faint call came from a discarded cardboard box next to the trash can, and a newborn white kitten called softly. Cold and hungry, it stood up tremblingly, wanting to crawl out.

As soon as the kitten wobbled out, a pair of small eyes met a girl among the young people across the road.

Seeing the girl's eyes, the little cat shook her short whiskers a few times, as if saying hello to her.Seeing the cuteness of the kitten, the girl couldn't help smiling at it.

But her smile stiffened immediately.

"Meow!" Suddenly there was a shrill meow.A hurried man in a gray coat kicked the skinny kitten hard with his hard leather boots.With a scream, the kitten flew three or four meters away, hit the electric pole beside the road, bounced back, and landed on the road again.The man came back to his senses all of a sudden, paused in his footsteps, his face showed a bit of panic, but he paused for a few seconds before leaving.

The poor kitten fell on the road, and he didn't even have the strength to stand up. At this time, the green light of the traffic light at the intersection turned on, and cars sped over.In the blink of an eye, it was only a dozen meters away from the kitten.The young people who passed by signaled the car to stop, but the car that had been fully powered did not intend to stop.

At this critical moment, a young man rushed out from the side of the street as if he was desperate, hugged the kitten with lightning speed, turned around, and turned back.

The car braked quickly, and there was a "squeak" sound, which was extremely ear-piercing on the street.How dangerous!A few seconds later, the kitten was going to see Lord Yan, and the man would be seriously injured if he didn't die. The tourists gasped when they saw this scene.

The owner of the car almost hit someone, spit and cursed bitterly, and drove away in the car.At this time, the passengers who had just witnessed this scene turned their attention to the man, only to find that the people who rescued the kitten looked familiar.

Several people just felt that this person's name was just on their lips, and his name seemed to be ready to come out.But the name to be called is just on the lips, and I can't remember it.

Seeing the man holding the kitten and patting the kitten lovingly, he seemed to be blaming it for its recklessness.

The man picked up the kitten and said to it gently:
"Little cat, you are really pitiful, you were abandoned here at such a young age."

"Don't stare at me with helpless eyes, let me tell you."

"My sister has a dog! Let me tell you! If I take you back, there will be a fight."

"So you'd better find a good person to follow. I'm going to look at the store in Aberji."

The man wiped the kitten casually, stroked its head affectionately, and interacted intimately with the kitten for a while.

At this time, one of the several passengers heard what the man and the kitten were saying, and suddenly a hint flashed in his mind.Excited to talk to man.

But he didn't seem to hear it, he touched the kitten with his hand, he was reluctant to let go of the kitten and wanted to leave.And the companion next to the passenger seemed to feel that he couldn't accept the rashness of the shouting companion.

The yelling companion didn't have time to talk to the others, and continued to yell at the man who wanted to leave.Seeing that the man heard his shout and turned around and was looking at them suspiciously, several companions immediately covered the mouth of the man who wanted to say something, and awkwardly looked at the man. said:
"Ah, I'm sorry, he may be a little hot today. I'm sorry to disturb you."

Seeing the embarrassment of several people, the man nodded in understanding, turned around with sympathy on his face, continued to walk forward for a while, and then left.

After the man left, several people let go of the man who had been screaming loudly with excitement, and asked him speechlessly:

"Fanfan, what happened to you just now?"

"Didn't you recognize that person just now?"

Several people looked at him suspiciously, not knowing what he had committed.Looking at the bewildered and puzzled eyes of his companions, the guy called "Fanfan" suddenly excitedly said to his companions:
"That person just now is Jin Zhiyong!"

"Jin Zhiyong?...Jin Zhiyong is."

"It's Taeyeon's real brother!"

After hearing "Fanfan"'s answer, several people's minds went blank for a moment, and then they all reacted and shouted at him excitedly:
"Have we met Taeyeon's real brother?"

"what a pity!"

Several people immediately understood why "Fanfan" was so excited just now, and they all felt that if they recognized it just now, they would probably be as excited as him.

After the initial excitement passed, several people gradually calmed down, followed by regrets that filled their hearts.

If you stopped him just now, would you have a chance to ask him about Taeyeon's news? . .

A girl among several people inadvertently saw the little cat beside her at this time, and the little cat also looked at her eagerly at this moment.She hesitated for a moment, then made a decision immediately.

While several people were still immersed in regretful and lost emotions, she had already walked slowly to the side of the kitten and hugged it gently.

Not paying attention to the dirt on it, the young lady took out a pack of wet wipes, gently turned the kitten over and wiped it carefully.

She decided to adopt the kitten.

"Cai Cai, do you want to keep it?"

"Yes, seeing how pitiful it is all alone, I really can't bear to leave it alone."

"Cai Cai" looked at the cute little cat licking on his palm tenderly, and watched it reply to his companions tenderly.

"Also, I always feel that I have a destiny with it. It starts from the first time I see it."

The few people didn't say any more, and after glancing at the little cat, they all agreed with her idea, and the few people continued to walk forward on the street, continuing their wandering.

In a store that has been around for a long time, an old man who looks to be over sixty is sitting comfortably on a rocking chair in the store.

The rocking chair was placed under a window in the center of the store, just where the sun was shining at dusk.

The old man was enjoying the tranquility at dusk, and the shaking fan in his hand was shaking slowly.

Quietly, a cloud floated over, slowly covering the sun, and at the moment when the sun was blocked.

A rocking fan quietly fell from the chair.

Looking up again, I saw the old man's face, which was still enjoying the expression just now, had changed into a ferocious expression at some point.

His hands were already tightly pressed against his chest.

 This chapter can be regarded as a branch of a small main line. This book also wants to solve some things that I regret.

  Just watch it slowly
  And today’s heart-pounding song: All about you——Kim Taeyeon
  (PS: This song is not shared casually. If you understand the ins and outs of this song and Yang’s experience afterwards, you can probably understand why I wrote this chapter. You should always pay more attention to the Empress or Yang I can understand the words of old fans)
(End of this chapter)

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